When you replace science with MAGA

Yes, that's what you can expect from your betters. From people who are more educated and informed than you are.

Seems to me that you better get used to it. Since your failure rate is about 100%.
Betters? That sure as hell isn't you, with a lying and failing rate of 100%. Now show where your precious illegals have not brought in these diseases, or crawl back under the rock with your other cult members.
Most Americans are. That's why Trump is going to prison. The economy is humming along. And only the same shit for brains 35% of the country are the ones dying of preventable diseases.

Memo to all MAGAs. You're doing it right. Don't get any vaccinations for any reason.
Conservatives have no issue with vaccinations, they take issue with an improperly tested vaccine being foisted on the populace with threats of job termination if not taken.
YOu get biblical diseases spreading.

Leprosy. The US, particularly Floriduh, is having an outbreak of leprosy.

A wake up call for science denying republicans?

I seriously doubt it.

We are having an influx of diseases that we once thought were eradicated, such as antibiotic resistant tuberculosis, bubonic plague, measles and of course, leprosy. The reason is due to the open border policy. Sick people are coming over the border without being screened.
We are having an influx of diseases that we once thought were eradicated, such as antibiotic resistant tuberculosis, bubonic plague, measles and of course, leprosy. The reason is due to the open border policy. Sick people are coming over the border without being screened.
Don't confuse her with facts.
^^^ WEF/Democrat shill gaslighting Americans

WEF/Democrats are responsible for the open border and all that comes with it. If something like this happens in your community, you community should hold local Democrats responsible.
So tell us again why Republicans wouldn't sign the border control bill that was a bi partisan bill, but Republicans care about the border.
So tell us again why Republicans wouldn't sign the border control bill that was a bi partisan bill, but Republicans care about the border.
Because it allowed 5000 illegals in a day. All Biden has to do is reinstate Trump's border policies. You know, the ones he did away with on day one of his presidency.
So tell us again why Republicans wouldn't sign the border control bill that was a bi partisan bill, but Republicans care about the border.

Because it allowed 5000 illegal immigrants to invade the country per day, you blithering idiot.

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