when's the last time you heard a new argument?

No, little lady, it did not. You are just too stupid to realize that I am a true conservative and don't need to go around calling gays names and attacking them to voice my opinion on traditional family values. You are indeed a lousy teaper.
you do not speak for all conservatives. There is no such thing as a true conservative, you arrogant wench.
I am a true conservative...I don't confuse conservative values with race and hate like your ilk. You teapers are disgusting racists.

Again, I'm not a "teaper". I agree with some of they stand for but I lean right and vote Independent
I wouldn't claim it either.

BTW...right and teaper are total opposites. Teapers represent left and hate.

Now you're being stupid. I suggest you stop painting with a wide brush
Sorry, a broad brush isn't needed to descrbe a teaper and their hate politics.
Again, I'm not a "teaper". I agree with some of they stand for but I lean right and vote Independent
I wouldn't claim it either.

BTW...right and teaper are total opposites. Teapers represent left and hate.

Now you're being stupid. I suggest you stop painting with a wide brush
She can't help it. She is Nutz, after all.

It's a she? Well I'll be damned
Well. No offense my fine Irish lady friend, but the way it bitches, I assumed it was a she.;)

Or gay....ahahahahahaha
you do not speak for all conservatives. There is no such thing as a true conservative, you arrogant wench.
I am a true conservative...I don't confuse conservative values with race and hate like your ilk. You teapers are disgusting racists.

Again, I'm not a "teaper". I agree with some of they stand for but I lean right and vote Independent
I wouldn't claim it either.

BTW...right and teaper are total opposites. Teapers represent left and hate.

Now you're being stupid. I suggest you stop painting with a wide brush
Sorry, a broad brush isn't needed to descrbe a teaper and their hate politics.
The only hate here is coming from you. So you must be a teaper.
I wouldn't claim it either.

BTW...right and teaper are total opposites. Teapers represent left and hate.

Now you're being stupid. I suggest you stop painting with a wide brush
She can't help it. She is Nutz, after all.

It's a she? Well I'll be damned
Well. No offense my fine Irish lady friend, but the way it bitches, I assumed it was a she.;)

Or gay....ahahahahahaha
Or a gay bitch? Or should I say butch?
And an incredibly stupid one. Not even in the ballpark.

It is dead on. We have never had a topic about gay marriage where the sex lives of gays is not brought up.

That is really the only reason gay marriages are opposed. The opponents want gays to stop having sex. Some of them even say that quite plainly. God sez it's okay to be gay, just don't have gay sex.

Therefore, the only logically consistent position to take if you are against gay marriage is to also be for the banning of gay sex. Gay sex is the underlying reason given for opposing gay marriage.
Did you know that homosexuals are responsible for the majority of children that are Molested?

Prove it!

I am a true conservative...I don't confuse conservative values with race and hate like your ilk. You teapers are disgusting racists.

Again, I'm not a "teaper". I agree with some of they stand for but I lean right and vote Independent
I wouldn't claim it either.

BTW...right and teaper are total opposites. Teapers represent left and hate.

Now you're being stupid. I suggest you stop painting with a wide brush
Sorry, a broad brush isn't needed to descrbe a teaper and their hate politics.
The only hate here is coming from you. So you must be a teaper.
Yeah...okay. Typical teaper response...why do teapers always try to misdirect when the spotlight is on them.
It seems like people just keep spouting the same arguments, over and over again. I'm starting to feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day...now where did that damn groundhog go! We have a date with a cliff.:)

I remember! I remember!!

July 14, 1986 .... Polly Kennedy refused to have sex with me. When I asked why, she said it was because it would be too good, she would fall hopelessly in love with me, and be ruined for every other man in her life.

It was new - it was original - and I believed her.

I also didn't get laid.
Again, I'm not a "teaper". I agree with some of they stand for but I lean right and vote Independent
I wouldn't claim it either.

BTW...right and teaper are total opposites. Teapers represent left and hate.

Now you're being stupid. I suggest you stop painting with a wide brush
Sorry, a broad brush isn't needed to descrbe a teaper and their hate politics.
The only hate here is coming from you. So you must be a teaper.
Yeah...okay. Typical teaper response...why do teapers always try to misdirect when the spotlight is on them.
You truly are nutz. So sad. You had so much potential.
I never said I hated them. I hate what they are doing.
Which supports my argument the only logically consistent position for those opposed to gay marriage is for them to also be in favor of banning gay sex.
There is nothing new from the left, just the same old GOP war on women, elderly, minorities. The GOP is racist, the GOP is for the rich, the GOP wants to foul the earth with pollution, women have the right to brutally tear human fetuses from their wombs, wealth envy, class division, the US military is evil, and corporations are to be hated. I think that about sums them up from the 1970's. They have become filth.
Nothing new under the sun. But think there is a tinge of awareness. Homosexuality VS Heterosexuality. Not equitable, not the same. But that isn't new, either.
Nothing new under the sun. But think there is a tinge of awareness. Homosexuality VS Heterosexuality. Not equitable, not the same. But that isn't new, either.

So gays are less equal than you? :eek:
There is nothing new from the left, just the same old GOP war on women, elderly, minorities. The GOP is racist, the GOP is for the rich, the GOP wants to foul the earth with pollution, women have the right to brutally tear human fetuses from their wombs, wealth envy, class division, the US military is evil, and corporations are to be hated. I think that about sums them up from the 1970's. They have become filth.

Pretty sure this makes no damn sense whatsoever ... I do like, though, how you managed to mix all your complaints together. Are you SURE you aren't a Democrat?
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There is nothing new from the left, just the same old GOP war on women, elderly, minorities. The GOP is racist, the GOP is for the rich, the GOP wants to foul the earth with pollution, women have the right to brutally tear human fetuses from their wombs, wealth envy, class division, the US military is evil, and corporations are to be hated. I think that about sums them up from the 1970's. They have become filth.

Pretty sure this makes no damn sense whatsoever ... I do like, though, how you managed to mix all your complaints together. Are you SURE you aren't a Democrat?

You just don't like having your nose rubbed in the rotted stench of liberalism that took over the Democratic party.

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