Where are all the jobs Americans were promised?

Have you noticed the unemployment rate lately? Even the jobless rate for Blacks is at an all time LOW.
I do wonder how many jobs have been reshored since Trump took office?

The tweaks to NAFTA with Mexico will not bring back any auto jobs that is for sure.
Trump’s failure is the consequence of attempting to ‘bring back’ or ‘retain’ jobs that originated in the 18th and 19th Centuries – jobs that are never ‘coming back,’ rather than investing in education and training programs needed for jobs of the 21st Century.

And of course this failure belongs to conservatives as much as Trump, as Republicans continue to harbor the delusional notion of keeping coal mines and outdated factories open and employing Americans.
Yep, seems trump and his panzees have lied to the populace again.

Trump is failing to bring back American jobs
Well look South, We need welders for the ship yards and a Steel mill. Also noted Mgr for a Local eatery, the Power Co, has openings for lineman, Two Police Depts are looking for three officers, There are open jobs on Cruise Ship. To long of a list but if you are really want to work there are bunch of jobs in the South. Bet you are working now and just threw in a Troll question or statement.
Trump’s failure is the consequence of attempting to ‘bring back’ or ‘retain’ jobs that originated in the 18th and 19th Centuries – jobs that are never ‘coming back,’ rather than investing in education and training programs needed for jobs of the 21st Century.

And of course this failure belongs to conservatives as much as Trump, as Republicans continue to harbor the delusional notion of keeping coal mines and outdated factories open and employing Americans.

Last time I checked it was PRIVATE CORPORATIONS that made these decisions not the government. I don't see Trump, or Republicans opening factories, or coal plants, and I don't see companies making decisions to lose money.

However, Obama did subsidize some industries like Green Energy, and many of them like Solyndra went bankrupt costing the taxpayer multiple millions.
Have you noticed the unemployment rate lately? Even the jobless rate for Blacks is at an all time LOW.
Well only a fool thinks that it is going to happen overnight or come across the border like a Soros demonstration . I would think it would take about a good year for it to be making big changes.
Trump’s failure is the consequence of attempting to ‘bring back’ or ‘retain’ jobs that originated in the 18th and 19th Centuries – jobs that are never ‘coming back,’ rather than investing in education and training programs needed for jobs of the 21st Century.

And of course this failure belongs to conservatives as much as Trump, as Republicans continue to harbor the delusional notion of keeping coal mines and outdated factories open and employing Americans.

Last time I checked it was PRIVATE CORPORATIONS that made these decisions not the government. I don't see Trump, or Republicans opening factories, or coal plants, and I don't see companies making decisions to lose money.

However, Obama did subsidize some industries like Green Energy, and many of them like Solyndra went bankrupt costing the taxpayer multiple millions.

Not to mention his cars for cash program. Basically for people with horrible credit. So you could trade a POS in, get too much money for it, and get into a new car loan that most of the people couldn’t afford. And the cars with salvageable parts got crushed. The only ones that really made out were the dealerships.

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I don't know that I can give much blame or credit to the Presidents or their administrations, but it was under Obama that I lost my last great job, when the Campbell's Soup factory at which I worked shut down, putting me and about seven hundred others out of work. It was about that same time that Hostess went bankrupt, and a Hostess factory in my area shut down as well, putting hundreds more out of work; and a very large local call center also went out of business, dumping hundreds more out of work.

It was under Trump that I got put on a solid path that led me into my present job.
Not to mention his cars for cash program. Basically for people with horrible credit. So you could trade a POS in, get too much money for it, and get into a new car loan that most of the people couldn’t afford. And the cars with salvageable parts got crushed. The only ones that really made out were the dealerships.

The Broken Window fallacy put into large-scale practice, with exactly the result that any sane person would have expected; with the economy as a whole being made poorer by the value of the valuable property that was gratuitously destroyed.
Have you noticed the unemployment rate lately? Even the jobless rate for Blacks is at an all time LOW.
Well only a fool thinks that it is going to happen overnight or come across the border like a Soros demonstration . I would think it would take about a good year for it to be making big changes.

Apparently Debbie lives in a D run disaster zone. Even a good chunk of the homeless population are working regularly here in FL. had a homeless man come by the church last week to stick some money in the plate on the way to one of the non-denominational ministries to wash his clothes and get a shower.
Keystone pipeline was stopped for years, manufacturing jobs were gone and not coming back, auto imports and China's steel dumping were killing industries, millions lost their jobs, and the government did nothing.....until Trump started fighting back...and winning. Its only been 1.5 years, and it takes longer than that to plan, design, permit, construct, and begin to operate any factory. At least Trump is working for the people instead of saying "those jobs are gone"

Obama: manufacturing jobs aren't coming back
Maybe if you got off your lazy ass and read the help wanted pages instead of making excuses to collect an unemployment check you might find work in a different city.
Keystone pipeline was stopped for years, manufacturing jobs were gone and not coming back, auto imports and China's steel dumping were killing industries, millions lost their jobs, and the government did nothing.....until Trump started fighting back...and winning. Its only been 1.5 years, and it takes longer than that to plan, design, permit, construct, and begin to operate any factory. At least Trump is working for the people instead of saying "those jobs are gone"

Obama: manufacturing jobs aren't coming back

Keystone pipeline was stopped for years, manufacturing jobs were gone and not coming back, auto imports and China's steel dumping were killing industries, millions lost their jobs, and the government did nothing.....until Trump started fighting back...and winning. Its only been 1.5 years, and it takes longer than that to plan, design, permit, construct, and begin to operate any factory. At least Trump is working for the people instead of saying "those jobs are gone"

Obama: manufacturing jobs aren't coming back

I can't remember if Ears said why the jobs left in the first place.
I blame labor more for buying into a false utopian hope far more than blaming Trump. From the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Manufacturing added 37,000 jobs in July, with most of the gain in the durable goods component.
Employment rose in transportation equipment (+13,000), machinery (+6,000), and electronic
instruments (+2,000). Over the past 12 months, manufacturing has added 327,000 jobs.
Employment Situation Summary
The report for August is scheduled to come out this coming Friday (9/7) and I see no cause not to be thinking optimistically. Very good numbers for sure but those that created an unrealistic picture based on political promises I'll just say typically we all grow up the hard way and learn from experience.

An opinion.... :113:

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