Where did the left dig this psycho up?

Nobody "dug up" Ms. Cortez. She handily defeated a democrat favorite incumbent who was in line for a chairmanship. Like it or not the voters have determined ( at least in that district) that socialism is the future of the democrat party. Who are we to argue?

Nothing has changed other than socialists thinking its safe to come out of the closet now.
Damn......she has really set off Conservatives to the point of five threads a day

She is doing what she is expected to do

Nothing like a poster from Idaho wetting his pants about a Congressional candidate from Queens.

What is that --- 2500 miles?

And if all Congress critters were to make decisions on was their territory, it wouldn't be anybody's business. However the Congress makes laws and taxation for the entire country. So keeping people like her out is everybody's concern.
Damn......she has really set off Conservatives to the point of five threads a day

She is doing what she is expected to do

Well.........when you see a person dancing in the street naked, everybody will look. Oddities are an obsession with the public.
According to her Bernie and her were campaigning to help turn the state red. She was probably correct though she meant blue. She is so clueless it it laughable but then you really have to wonder just how clueless were those that voted for her. Those are the real scary people, if she is clueless how far off your rocker do you have to be to vote for her?
According to her Bernie and her were campaigning to help turn the state red. She was probably correct though she meant blue. She is so clueless it it laughable but then you really have to wonder just how clueless were those that voted for her. Those are the real scary people, if she is clueless how far off your rocker do you have to be to vote for her?
Bernie said red because he was thinking of communist red.
Damn......she has really set off Conservatives to the point of five threads a day

She is doing what she is expected to do

Nothing like a poster from Idaho wetting his pants about a Congressional candidate from Queens.

What is that --- 2500 miles?

And if all Congress critters were to make decisions on was their territory, it wouldn't be anybody's business. However the Congress makes laws and taxation for the entire country. So keeping people like her out is everybody's concern.

Guess how many votes they get in Idaho for who gets a Congressional seat in Queens.

I gives you a hint. It rhymes with "hero".
Her district used to be Irish. The population was replaced eith Puerto Ricans. She is the result of population replacement.

It's good to know the ethically challenged who think it's important, keep up with that kinda stuff.
Everybody needs a hobby.
Don't know anything about her, happy to see younger women & men getting involved, as we all know its not about what they say, its about what they do

What I find most hilarious about this is, here's the same contingent who were all froth-at-the-mouth about "drain the swamp" and "boot out the establishment", then along comes a young woman to boot the old established guy out and the same wags fall all over themselves to come to the establishment's defense. Even in a local race, from completely across the continent.

When hypocrisy goes to fifty bucks a barrel I want drilling rights on USMB.
Don't know anything about her, happy to see younger women & men getting involved, as we all know its not about what they say, its about what they do

What I find most hilarious about this is, here's the same contingent who were all froth-at-the-mouth about "drain the swamp" and "boot out the establishment", then along comes a young woman to boot the old established guy out and the same wags fall all over themselves to come to the establishment's defense. Even in a local race, from completely across the continent.

When hypocrisy goes to fifty bucks a barrel I want drilling rights on USMB.

There is no drain the swamp with this loony. She's cut from the same cloth as all the other liberals.
WATCH: Ocasio-Cortez Caught Misleading About Her Campaign, Political Issues

My goodness
And she’ll probably win in one of those sheep districts
She won when she won the primary................Deep Blue there...............might as well swear the commie in now.

Hide your tips.............she'll steal them..................typical nutbag.........screwed over here own co worker on tips..............She'll fit in with Congress who are there for self gain and not for the people..............She'll join the millionaires club soon after......................Which is why our Gov't is broken..............
Don't know anything about her, happy to see younger women & men getting involved, as we all know its not about what they say, its about what they do

What I find most hilarious about this is, here's the same contingent who were all froth-at-the-mouth about "drain the swamp" and "boot out the establishment", then along comes a young woman to boot the old established guy out and the same wags fall all over themselves to come to the establishment's defense. Even in a local race, from completely across the continent.

When hypocrisy goes to fifty bucks a barrel I want drilling rights on USMB.

There is no drain the swamp with this loony. She's cut from the same cloth as all the other liberals.

Help me with the geography here, Ray from Cleveland ---- what part of Queens is Cleveland in?

Because you know what, I've been to both. And definitely not on the same day.
Or perhaps there's a Cleveland in Long Island.....
Damn......she has really set off Conservatives to the point of five threads a day

She is doing what she is expected to do

Nothing like a poster from Idaho wetting his pants about a Congressional candidate from Queens.

What is that --- 2500 miles?

And if all Congress critters were to make decisions on was their territory, it wouldn't be anybody's business. However the Congress makes laws and taxation for the entire country. So keeping people like her out is everybody's concern.

Guess how many votes they get in Idaho for who gets a Congressional seat in Queens.

I gives you a hint. It rhymes with "hero".
Irrelevant. We are not here to take votes. This is a discussion board.

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