Where did the left dig this psycho up?

And if all Congress critters were to make decisions on was their territory, it wouldn't be anybody's business. However the Congress makes laws and taxation for the entire country. So keeping people like her out is everybody's concern.

Guess how many votes they get in Idaho for who gets a Congressional seat in Queens.

I gives you a hint. It rhymes with "hero".
Irrelevant. We are not here to take votes. This is a discussion board.

Not the point. That being, the subject is running to represent a district in Queens ---- not in Idaho.
Ergo it's up to the citizens of that district to assess her suitablility; not those in Cleveland.
I know what your point was and it is irrelevant.

Virtually every single subject discussed here is on something that those doing the discussing have no direct control over. You use that excuse to avoid discussion entirely which makes me wonder why you even bothered to post it in the first place.

The (nominal) Democratic nominee for that NY Congressional District is a Socialist.

That is atypical and suspect in its own right, and naturally becomes a topic of discussion nationwide, regardless of jurisdiction.

It might very well be "up to them" ( the people of that District ).

That does not, however, serve as a barrier to a broader discussion about the role of Socialists in American political life.

Those attempting to silence or disparage such broader discussion may be construed to sympathize with said Socialist.

Odd, how Leftists take that tack with their own, yet yammer and foam at the mouth over GOP Congress critters outside their own districts?

It is indeed most amusing how a certain contingent can only deal with an issue after pre-morphing it into something else. A self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist morphs into a "socialist". A single woman who decides to run for office becomes "the left". Summa y'all are just rhetorical wimps.
Nothing like a poster from Idaho wetting his pants about a Congressional candidate from Queens.

What is that --- 2500 miles?

And if all Congress critters were to make decisions on was their territory, it wouldn't be anybody's business. However the Congress makes laws and taxation for the entire country. So keeping people like her out is everybody's concern.

Guess how many votes they get in Idaho for who gets a Congressional seat in Queens.

I gives you a hint. It rhymes with "hero".
Irrelevant. We are not here to take votes. This is a discussion board.

Not the point. That being, the subject is running to represent a district in Queens ---- not in Idaho.
Ergo it's up to the citizens of that district to assess her suitablility; not those in Cleveland.
I know what your point was and it is irrelevant.

Virtually every single subject discussed here is on something that those doing the discussing have no direct control over. You use that excuse to avoid discussion entirely which makes me wonder why you even bothered to post it in the first place.

Because the candidate for in this case a Queens Congressional district has no relationship with a guy in Idaho or a guy in Cleveland. She's not running for their districts, ergo she's not running to represent their interests. She's not running for mine either, so whether I like or hate what she has to say has no utility whatsoever. It would be like coming on here and wailing about who's running for mayor of Oslo, where I've never been and won't be going.

Or to put it another way, these hacks want to judge a local rep in Queens by the standards of Idaho. That simply isn't a valid reasoning. And as I just noted they have to morph the entire scenario in order to do it --- see the thread title. That's not valid reasoning either.

I'm just pointing out fatally flawed logic. It's why they pay me the big bucks.
WATCH: Ocasio-Cortez Caught Misleading About Her Campaign, Political Issues

My goodness
And she’ll probably win in one of those sheep districts

Oh the HORROR Burley Boy -
Maybe if she makes 5-6 false or misleading statements each week over the next 15-20 years she can catch up to Donald Trump!
LoL :)

The Right can laugh at her all it wants.

I don't think they realize how much more of this is on the way.
That is the scary part.

Rather than move to the center where there are easy votes to pick up that the right has shed, they are following suit and running to the extreme.
The Right can laugh at her all it wants.

I don't think they realize how much more of this is on the way.
That is the scary part.

Rather than move to the center where there are easy votes to pick up that the right has shed, they are following suit and running to the extreme.
Well, they've made the same decision that the GOP did when it ran Trump: They're gonna play to their base.

So the rest of the country can go to hell.
The Right can laugh at her all it wants.

I don't think they realize how much more of this is on the way.
That is the scary part.

Rather than move to the center where there are easy votes to pick up that the right has shed, they are following suit and running to the extreme.
Well, they've made the same decision that the GOP did when it ran Trump: They're gonna play to their base.

So the rest of the country can go to hell.
Yes they did and that fact is what makes it scary. The supposed stop gap of having another party no longer applies when they have both lost their minds.

If they were simply going the rout of insanity alone then who would care. Unfortunately, there is little in the way of sanity left anywhere in government.

WATCH: Ocasio-Cortez Caught Misleading About Her Campaign, Political Issues

The new face of the Democratic Party lied about her campaign and showed an extreme lack of knowledge about political issues in an embarrassing interview this week on Comedy Central.

Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez appeared on "The Daily Show" with host Trevor Noah where she claimed that she has not taken money from corporations or political action committees (PACs) and suggested that she has not taken money from private equity firms.

Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claims she is different because she doesn't accept money from corporations and private equity firms.

Ocasio-Cortez has taken $3,399 from JPMorgan Chase & Co (a corporation) and $2,700 from Elevation Partners (a private equity firm).

Some of Ocasio-Cortez's top donors include Justice Democrats, a regular PAC which gave $7,706 to her campaign; J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., a corporation that gave $3,399 to her campaign; and Elevation Partners, a private equity firm that gave $2,700 to her campaign.

Ocasio-Cortez later made three false statements within the span of one-minute about Seattle's minimum wage, wages earned by American citizens, and the size of the U.S. population.

First, Ocasio-Cortez claimed that Seattle's $15 minimum wage was an example of a $15 minimum wage not hurting an economy, despite the fact that studies have actually shown that it has significantly hurt Seattle's economy.

Next, Ocasio-Cortez claimed: "One of the biggest problems that we have is 200 million Americans make less than $20,000 a year. That’s 40 percent of this country."

For starters, MRCTV notes that "if 200 million Americans equates to 40 percent of the country, that’d mean there are a whopping 500 million Americans in total. Except that there aren’t – there are about 328 million, meaning that 200 million would make up about 61 percent of the total national population, not 40."

Her claim that 200 million Americans make less than $20,000 a year is off by tens of millions of people as U.S. Census Bureau statistics show that approximately 28 million American households live on incomes of $25,000 or less and the median household income is over $57,000.

In the most ridiculous part of the interview, Ocasio-Cortez struggled mightily to come up with a rational and coherent explanation of how to pay for her dreams of large government programs.

Axios reporter Jonathan Swan also noted her completely false claims at the end of the segment about the U.S. military:
Well obviously this House seat will be but a stepping stone to bigger and better things for this cute airhead socialist babe. Maybe she’ll be kind enough to put the Hildebeast on the ticket as her VP?
And if all Congress critters were to make decisions on was their territory, it wouldn't be anybody's business. However the Congress makes laws and taxation for the entire country. So keeping people like her out is everybody's concern.

Guess how many votes they get in Idaho for who gets a Congressional seat in Queens.

I gives you a hint. It rhymes with "hero".
Irrelevant. We are not here to take votes. This is a discussion board.

Not the point. That being, the subject is running to represent a district in Queens ---- not in Idaho.
Ergo it's up to the citizens of that district to assess her suitablility; not those in Cleveland.
I know what your point was and it is irrelevant.

Virtually every single subject discussed here is on something that those doing the discussing have no direct control over. You use that excuse to avoid discussion entirely which makes me wonder why you even bothered to post it in the first place.

Because the candidate for in this case a Queens Congressional district has no relationship with a guy in Idaho or a guy in Cleveland. She's not running for their districts, ergo she's not running to represent their interests. She's not running for mine either, so whether I like or hate what she has to say has no utility whatsoever. It would be like coming on here and wailing about who's running for mayor of Oslo, where I've never been and won't be going.

Or to put it another way, these hacks want to judge a local rep in Queens by the standards of Idaho. That simply isn't a valid reasoning. And as I just noted they have to morph the entire scenario in order to do it --- see the thread title. That's not valid reasoning either.

I'm just pointing out fatally flawed logic. It's why they pay me the big bucks.
And not one single statement in the paragraph has anything to do with the fact that this is a discussion board -and in the politics section that exists SO WE CAN CONVERSE AND DO EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE CLAIMING WE SHOULD NOT. What the fuck are you doing on a POLITICS discussion board claiming that we should not be discussing political candidates?

Again, ALL you are trying to do here is stifle actual productive conversation. There is noting wrong with me stating I support or oppose her and her platform no matter where I live. Hell there are several Canadians here and their opinion on US politics is no more or less valid than yours or mine. The only difference in the actions that they can take about it are less than the influence that we have. To stet otherwise is a logical fallacy. If you think that discussing this particular politician is pointless unless you are one of their constituents then, again, why the hell are you in the section of the board devoted to that very concept.

Of course, you felt the need to not only click on the thread but also read through it and respond.
The Right can laugh at her all it wants.

I don't think they realize how much more of this is on the way.
That is the scary part.

Rather than move to the center where there are easy votes to pick up that the right has shed, they are following suit and running to the extreme.
Well, they've made the same decision that the GOP did when it ran Trump: They're gonna play to their base.

So the rest of the country can go to hell.

The last thing Trump is is a far righty.
The Right can laugh at her all it wants.

I don't think they realize how much more of this is on the way.
That is the scary part.

Rather than move to the center where there are easy votes to pick up that the right has shed, they are following suit and running to the extreme.
Well, they've made the same decision that the GOP did when it ran Trump: They're gonna play to their base.

So the rest of the country can go to hell.

The last thing Trump is is a far righty.
I didn't say he was.

But he sure as hell is spending his presidency playing to his base, exclusively.
And if all Congress critters were to make decisions on was their territory, it wouldn't be anybody's business. However the Congress makes laws and taxation for the entire country. So keeping people like her out is everybody's concern.

Guess how many votes they get in Idaho for who gets a Congressional seat in Queens.

I gives you a hint. It rhymes with "hero".
Irrelevant. We are not here to take votes. This is a discussion board.

Not the point. That being, the subject is running to represent a district in Queens ---- not in Idaho.
Ergo it's up to the citizens of that district to assess her suitablility; not those in Cleveland.
I know what your point was and it is irrelevant.

Virtually every single subject discussed here is on something that those doing the discussing have no direct control over. You use that excuse to avoid discussion entirely which makes me wonder why you even bothered to post it in the first place.

Because the candidate for in this case a Queens Congressional district has no relationship with a guy in Idaho or a guy in Cleveland. She's not running for their districts, ergo she's not running to represent their interests. She's not running for mine either, so whether I like or hate what she has to say has no utility whatsoever. It would be like coming on here and wailing about who's running for mayor of Oslo, where I've never been and won't be going.

Or to put it another way, these hacks want to judge a local rep in Queens by the standards of Idaho. That simply isn't a valid reasoning. And as I just noted they have to morph the entire scenario in order to do it --- see the thread title. That's not valid reasoning either.

I'm just pointing out fatally flawed logic. It's why they pay me the big bucks.

So I guess if we go back to the numerous Roy Moore topics, we won't find you or your ilk that chimed in?
The Right can laugh at her all it wants.

I don't think they realize how much more of this is on the way.
That is the scary part.

Rather than move to the center where there are easy votes to pick up that the right has shed, they are following suit and running to the extreme.
Well, they've made the same decision that the GOP did when it ran Trump: They're gonna play to their base.

So the rest of the country can go to hell.

The last thing Trump is is a far righty.
I didn't say he was.

But he sure as hell is spending his presidency playing to his base, exclusively.

Let's see if I have this correct: So what you're saying is she's playing to her base? Well then that's an admission that her base is Socialist. Am I correct?
It seems to me that Hyphen Cortez is an articulate honest spokeswoman for the new socialist based democrat party. What's not to like?
did you know that the reason unemployment is down is because everyone has two jobs? you think she's aces? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

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