Where did the left dig this psycho up?

Damn......she has really set off Conservatives to the point of five threads a day

She is doing what she is expected to do

Nothing like a poster from Idaho wetting his pants about a Congressional candidate from Queens.

What is that --- 2500 miles?

And if all Congress critters were to make decisions on was their territory, it wouldn't be anybody's business. However the Congress makes laws and taxation for the entire country. So keeping people like her out is everybody's concern.

Guess how many votes they get in Idaho for who gets a Congressional seat in Queens.

I gives you a hint. It rhymes with "hero".
Irrelevant. We are not here to take votes. This is a discussion board.

Not the point. That being, the subject is running to represent a district in Queens ---- not in Idaho.
Ergo it's up to the citizens of that district to assess her suitablility; not those in Cleveland.
Don't know anything about her, happy to see younger women & men getting involved, as we all know its not about what they say, its about what they do

What I find most hilarious about this is, here's the same contingent who were all froth-at-the-mouth about "drain the swamp" and "boot out the establishment", then along comes a young woman to boot the old established guy out and the same wags fall all over themselves to come to the establishment's defense. Even in a local race, from completely across the continent.

When hypocrisy goes to fifty bucks a barrel I want drilling rights on USMB.

There is no drain the swamp with this loony. She's cut from the same cloth as all the other liberals.

Help me with the geography here, Ray from Cleveland ---- what part of Queens is Cleveland in?

Because you know what, I've been to both. And definitely not on the same day.
Or perhaps there's a Cleveland in Long Island.....

What difference does that make? I'm entitled to an opinion no matter where I live.
Damn......she has really set off Conservatives to the point of five threads a day

She is doing what she is expected to do

Best to kill a viper will still in the eggshell (hammer at such opponents early), rather than waiting until it hatches.

Rather like what Liberals do with unborn human babies.
It seems to me that Hyphen Cortez is an articulate honest spokeswoman for the new socialist based democrat party. What's not to like?
She will be the greatest thing to happen to the Republican Party in New York State in quite some time.

Actually she's running for a Congressional district, not Senate.

If not for this wacko board I woulda never heard of her.
Damn......she has really set off Conservatives to the point of five threads a day

She is doing what she is expected to do

Nothing like a poster from Idaho wetting his pants about a Congressional candidate from Queens.

What is that --- 2500 miles?
Another troll that doesn't understand cause and effect.
She surely has their panties in a bunch.

Whoever she is.
True, but all that takes is putting a “D” after her name.

And if she were to swap that to an "R" they'd be all like... (metallic monotone) "Dear mods ... <beep>.... please... delete.... my... old.... posts....<beep>.... "

and it would be back to "drain the swamp" all over again as if nothing had happened.
It seems to me that Hyphen Cortez is an articulate honest spokeswoman for the new socialist based democrat party. What's not to like?
She will be the greatest thing to happen to the Republican Party in New York State in quite some time.

Actually she's running for a Congressional district, not Senate.

If not for this wacko board I woulda never heard of her.
Given that CNN, MSNBC and FOX have been running her 24x7 for the past several days, you must be spending far too much time here. :21:
It seems to me that Hyphen Cortez is an articulate honest spokeswoman for the new socialist based democrat party. What's not to like?
She will be the greatest thing to happen to the Republican Party in New York State in quite some time.

Actually she's running for a Congressional district, not Senate.

If not for this wacko board I woulda never heard of her.
Given that CNN, MSNBC and FOX have been running her 24x7 for the past several days, you must be spending far too much time here. :21:

What are those --- TV channels?

:lol: TV, I remember that. How quaint.
WATCH: Ocasio-Cortez Caught Misleading About Her Campaign, Political Issues

My goodness
And she’ll probably win in one of those sheep districts

In a recent interview, she doubled-down on the stupid comments and admitted she didn't know anything about some things, like corporate tax.

She is a complete idiot. This is the future of the Dem party according to the DNC chairman.

And from what I heard she's from an upper-class community in NY and she's college educated.
Damn......she has really set off Conservatives to the point of five threads a day

She is doing what she is expected to do

Nothing like a poster from Idaho wetting his pants about a Congressional candidate from Queens.

What is that --- 2500 miles?

And if all Congress critters were to make decisions on was their territory, it wouldn't be anybody's business. However the Congress makes laws and taxation for the entire country. So keeping people like her out is everybody's concern.

Guess how many votes they get in Idaho for who gets a Congressional seat in Queens.

I gives you a hint. It rhymes with "hero".
Irrelevant. We are not here to take votes. This is a discussion board.

Not the point. That being, the subject is running to represent a district in Queens ---- not in Idaho.
Ergo it's up to the citizens of that district to assess her suitablility; not those in Cleveland.
I know what your point was and it is irrelevant.

Virtually every single subject discussed here is on something that those doing the discussing have no direct control over. You use that excuse to avoid discussion entirely which makes me wonder why you even bothered to post it in the first place.
I do not see anything here that comes close to the things that fall out of Trump's mouth and he is the president. She mixed up some of her facts - not really a surprise.
Nothing like a poster from Idaho wetting his pants about a Congressional candidate from Queens.

What is that --- 2500 miles?

And if all Congress critters were to make decisions on was their territory, it wouldn't be anybody's business. However the Congress makes laws and taxation for the entire country. So keeping people like her out is everybody's concern.

Guess how many votes they get in Idaho for who gets a Congressional seat in Queens.

I gives you a hint. It rhymes with "hero".
Irrelevant. We are not here to take votes. This is a discussion board.

Not the point. That being, the subject is running to represent a district in Queens ---- not in Idaho.
Ergo it's up to the citizens of that district to assess her suitablility; not those in Cleveland.
I know what your point was and it is irrelevant.

Virtually every single subject discussed here is on something that those doing the discussing have no direct control over. You use that excuse to avoid discussion entirely which makes me wonder why you even bothered to post it in the first place.

The (nominal) Democratic nominee for that NY Congressional District is a Socialist.

That is atypical and suspect in its own right, and naturally becomes a topic of discussion nationwide, regardless of jurisdiction.

It might very well be "up to them" ( the people of that District ).

That does not, however, serve as a barrier to a broader discussion about the role of Socialists in American political life.

Those attempting to silence or disparage such broader discussion may be construed to sympathize with said Socialist.

Odd, how Leftists take that tack with their own, yet yammer and foam at the mouth over GOP Congress critters outside their own districts?
It seems to me that Hyphen Cortez is an articulate honest spokeswoman for the new socialist based democrat party. What's not to like?

Absolutely nothing.

She wants us all to be equal and end wealth as we know.

Venezuela has the right idea. See, no 1% anywhere to be seen.


She won’t win. All she is is a democrat chick who isn’t old. That’s it. She will lose at election time and be forgotten in about a day after.

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