Where did the plane go in Pennsylvania?









less than a small pick up trucks worth of stuff ...it hardly proves there was no bomb ..no shoot down ...In fact it makes it seem all the more likely
If no plane crashed in Pennsylvania where did the physical plane, the Passengers and crew, go? We have records of them taking off. We have no records of them landing anywhere.

Explain how if no plane crashed in Pennsylvania, 95 percent of the aircraft was recovered at the crash site?

Explain how body parts , DNA and such from KNOWN passengers and crew was recovered from the site?

From impact to the arrival of first responders was approximately 90 minutes. How did the debris and bodies get there unseen in under 90 minutes?

They used Houdini's ass

less than a small pick up trucks worth of stuff ...it hardly proves there was no bomb ..no shoot down ...In fact it makes it seem all the more likely


Which was it eots, a bomb or a shoot down? You can't have it both ways.

Although from this post, it looks like you're trying to.

The way you move goalposts, you must have them mounted on the back of your Big Wheel. :lol:
If no plane crashed in Pennsylvania where did the physical plane, the Passengers and crew, go? We have records of them taking off. We have no records of them landing anywhere.

Explain how if no plane crashed in Pennsylvania, 95 percent of the aircraft was recovered at the crash site?

Explain how body parts , DNA and such from KNOWN passengers and crew was recovered from the site?

From impact to the arrival of first responders was approximately 90 minutes. How did the debris and bodies get there unseen in under 90 minutes?

"Where did the plane go in Pennsylvania? "

The Langoliers have it.

less than a small pick up trucks worth of stuff ...it hardly proves there was no bomb ..no shoot down ...In fact it makes it seem all the more likely
So, pictures of debris from the crash are shown and NOW you complain about the amount of debris? You must have learned your debating skills from that idiot Alex Jones.

Actually, this variety of goalpost moving was invented by Bobby (11.6 G's in level flight) Balsamo from Pilots for Twoof regarding the American Flight77 debris at the Pentagon.

less than a small pick up trucks worth of stuff ...it hardly proves there was no bomb ..no shoot down ...In fact it makes it seem all the more likely
So, pictures of debris from the crash are shown and NOW you complain about the amount of debris? You must have learned your debating skills from that idiot Alex Jones.

there no plane parts there bits of scraps where the 95 % of the plane they recovered where's the bodies ?

less than a small pick up trucks worth of stuff ...it hardly proves there was no bomb ..no shoot down ...In fact it makes it seem all the more likely


Which was it eots, a bomb or a shoot down? You can't have it both ways.

Although from this post, it looks like you're trying to.

The way you move goalposts, you must have them mounted on the back of your Big Wheel. :lol:

there was no real investigation so there is no way of knowing if explosives or a shoot down was involved ,,but like all 9/11 events there appears to be an orchestrated cover up of the actual event
less than a small pick up trucks worth of stuff ...it hardly proves there was no bomb ..no shoot down ...In fact it makes it seem all the more likely


Which was it eots, a bomb or a shoot down? You can't have it both ways.

Although from this post, it looks like you're trying to.

The way you move goalposts, you must have them mounted on the back of your Big Wheel. :lol:

there was no real investigation so there is no way of knowing if explosives or a shoot down was involved ,,but like all 9/11 events there appears to be an orchestrated cover up of the actual event

there was the same investigation that any other flight that crashes is given, where would you get that there was no investigation. At first you said there was no plane because there were no plane parts or anything now that you face that evidence you say it must have been shot down or a bomb...you seem to move every which way.

Which was it eots, a bomb or a shoot down? You can't have it both ways.

Although from this post, it looks like you're trying to.

The way you move goalposts, you must have them mounted on the back of your Big Wheel. :lol:

there was no real investigation so there is no way of knowing if explosives or a shoot down was involved ,,but like all 9/11 events there appears to be an orchestrated cover up of the actual event

there was the same investigation that any other flight that crashes is given, where would you get that there was no investigation. At first you said there was no plane because there were no plane parts or anything now that you face that evidence you say it must have been shot down or a bomb...you seem to move every which way.

Those Big Wheels they ride are very agile. :lol:
its not...but if was an engine where the rest of them ?..I think this thing was blown up or shot down
whatever it was
It's an engine. I figger the plane was shot down and a cover story was concocted to cover up the shoot down order.

But I gotta' ask myself; "Why cover up a shoot down order? So you can blame it on the Muslims and get better propaganda value?". :confused:

Provide evidence the plane was shot down. After 10 years someone would have talked about it.

95 percent of the plane was found at or near the crash site. Someone already posted a link and EOTS refused to accept it. The cockpit was found in the woods where it went after it broke off. Near the crash site.

Local, County, State and Federal agencies acknowledged the finding of body parts. Unless EOTS is claiming the Government somehow got all those agencies all those rescue people to lie for them and stay silent for 10 years he is an idiot.

When asked how so many people required to keep this secret makes it nearly impossible EOTS usually claims only a few people were needed.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6Xoxaf1Al0]Rumsfeld says Flight 93 was "shot down." - YouTube[/ame]

Truth, The Bin Laden family had ties to the Bushes, thru the Saudi Royal Family
Truth Osama Bin Laden was supposedly killed unarmed when he could have captured and tried
Pictures of his body were never made public and a body was never produced
Truth either Osama was a genius or he had to have vast knowledge of how things worked to make 9/11 happen.
The conspiracy could have been known by only a few people in CIA or NIS
We invaded Iraq under false pretense, tens of thousands if not hundred of thousands of innocent people lost their lives. The hijackers themselves did not have to be part of this conspiracy Only Bin Laden. Bush was initially elected under false pretenses, people's Civil rights were violated in Florida.
Noone has gone to jail or punished this or for the mass murder in Iraq. They have fat pensions or multimillion dollar jobs in the private sector.
Peoples civil rights are being violated everyday under the pretext of terrorism
A working person is put in jail or loses their job for just saying or using the verb postal.
The Supreme court makes it legal for corporations and other organizations to corrupt the political system. If this the America that our forefathers envisioned? I think not. People need to wake up and see the truth, not jump at every Bs story people invent to keep U from seeing the truth. Then make money off it thru books movies and TV shows, See the reality of our situation, stop accepting that is just the way it is and we can't do nothing about it. 9/11 did happen, no doubt. But I am willing to bet my life that the people responsible have been brought to justice, and it is a possibility that Osama Bin Laden is still alive and laughing at us all
I don't know if there was a 9/11 conspiracy, but I can say the system is broke and needs to be fixed. and people in positions of money and power need to be placed in check

less than a small pick up trucks worth of stuff ...it hardly proves there was no bomb ..no shoot down ...In fact it makes it seem all the more likely


Which was it eots, a bomb or a shoot down? You can't have it both ways.

Although from this post, it looks like you're trying to.

The way you move goalposts, you must have them mounted on the back of your Big Wheel. :lol:
such is the power of delusion..
less than a small pick up trucks worth of stuff ...it hardly proves there was no bomb ..no shoot down ...In fact it makes it seem all the more likely
So, pictures of debris from the crash are shown and NOW you complain about the amount of debris? You must have learned your debating skills from that idiot Alex Jones.

there no plane parts there bits of scraps where the 95 % of the plane they recovered where's the bodies ?
hey Queen of denial if these aren't flight 93 plane parts what are they :must be ancient UFO parts that exploded on re entry and killed the dinosaurs!:cuckoo:

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less than a small pick up trucks worth of stuff ...it hardly proves there was no bomb ..no shoot down ...In fact it makes it seem all the more likely


Which was it eots, a bomb or a shoot down? You can't have it both ways.

Although from this post, it looks like you're trying to.

The way you move goalposts, you must have them mounted on the back of your Big Wheel. :lol:

there was no real investigation so there is no way of knowing if explosives or a shoot down was involved ,,but like all 9/11 events there appears to be an orchestrated cover up of the actual event
prove it.......oh that's right you can't!

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