Where does the GOP go from here?


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
The last fig leaf is gone. The GOP, defeated and fragmented is now going to have to weave it's broken parts together and limp along, after spending 5 years backing a tin - pot dictator who would rather incite goon squads to riot and kill their own citizens, rather than accept the outcome of an election. When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost their elections, they were angry...but never resorted to violence, choosing instead to make their grievances known in the courts. Republicans can try to spin this horrific event, but it won't work.

So - Where does the GOP go from here? Do they return to their Conservative roots which have been the traditional place for the "angry white man" who's political power is slowly eroding due to changing demographics, or do they continue to back an obese ex President, who faces a mountain of legal and financial problems once he leaves office? Either way; the future of the GOP is not a pretty one. :dunno:
To the shitter, we are entering one party rule.

And it's likely for the better, the republicans are at very best worthless cucks. It's better to have one party that we know is evil than two parties, one of which pretends to be good but in reality, is at best cucks.
The last fig leaf is gone. The GOP, defeated and fragmented is now going to have to weave it's broken parts together and limp along, after spending 5 years backing a tin - pot dictator who would rather incite goon squads to riot and kill their own citizens, rather than accept the outcome of an election. When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost their elections, they were angry...but never resorted to violence, choosing instead to make their grievances known in the courts. Republicans can try to spin this horrific event, but it won't work.

So - Where does the GOP go from here? Do they return to their traditional conservative roots which have been the traditional place for the "angry white man" who's political power is slowly eroding due to changing demographics, or do they continue to back an obese ex President, who faces a mountain of legal and financial problems once he leaves office? Either way the future of the GOP is not a pretty one. :dunno:
Well, it's an interesting question:

As it stands today... for republicans, the litmus test for 2022 is simple. "Do you think Trump won the 2020 election?" or "Do you think Democrats stole the 2020 election?". As it stands now...if you want to win your primary....your answer has to be yes. An answer of "no" will not suffice and you will not be on the ballot in the general election in 2022 because there will be a challenge for your seat from some middle aged white dude who will say, "yes" and that is where blob supporters will migrate. .
So those who want to win an election have to adopt an absurd position that is counter to the facts, truth, and runs counter to our democracy.

2024? I don't think Trump will have the staying power for 2024. I've underestimated the blob before though.
The last fig leaf is gone. The GOP, defeated and fragmented is now going to have to weave it's broken parts together and limp along, after spending 5 years backing a tin - pot dictator who would rather incite goon squads to riot and kill their own citizens, rather than accept the outcome of an election. When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost their elections, they were angry...but never resorted to violence, choosing instead to make their grievances known in the courts. Republicans can try to spin this horrific event, but it won't work.

So - Where does the GOP go from here? Do they return to their traditional conservative roots which have been the traditional place for the "angry white man" who's political power is slowly eroding due to changing demographics, or do they continue to back an obese ex President, who faces a mountain of legal and financial problems once he leaves office? Either way the future of the GOP is not a pretty one. :dunno:
Well, it's an interesting question:

As it stands today... for republicans, the litmus test for 2022 is simple. "Do you think Trump won the 2020 election?" or "Do you think Democrats stole the 2020 election?". As it stands now...if you want to win your primary....your answer has to be yes. An answer of "no" will not suffice and you will not be on the ballot in the general election in 2022 because there will be a challenge for your seat from some middle aged white dude who will say, "yes" and that is where blob supporters will migrate. .
So those who want to win an election have to adopt an absurd position that is counter to the facts, truth, and runs counter to our democracy.

2024? I don't think Trump will have the staying power for 2024. I've underestimated the blob before though.

Everyone already knows that the election was stolen.

But that does not mean there will be any changes, 2024 will likely be similar. That said, it's not a bad message to ride for leaders, no not political leaders running for selection... leaders who are willing to say no.
Not good when you need mass voter fraud to win. The lack of down ballot voting for Dems is a clear indicator of what occurred. Go down the far left agenda at your own peril.
The last fig leaf is gone. The GOP, defeated and fragmented is now going to have to weave it's broken parts together and limp along, after spending 5 years backing a tin - pot dictator who would rather incite goon squads to riot and kill their own citizens, rather than accept the outcome of an election. When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost their elections, they were angry...but never resorted to violence, choosing instead to make their grievances known in the courts. Republicans can try to spin this horrific event, but it won't work.

So - Where does the GOP go from here? Do they return to their traditional conservative roots which have been the traditional place for the "angry white man" who's political power is slowly eroding due to changing demographics, or do they continue to back an obese ex President, who faces a mountain of legal and financial problems once he leaves office? Either way the future of the GOP is not a pretty one. :dunno:
Well, it's an interesting question:

As it stands today... for republicans, the litmus test for 2022 is simple. "Do you think Trump won the 2020 election?" or "Do you think Democrats stole the 2020 election?". As it stands now...if you want to win your primary....your answer has to be yes. An answer of "no" will not suffice and you will not be on the ballot in the general election in 2022 because there will be a challenge for your seat from some middle aged white dude who will say, "yes" and that is where blob supporters will migrate. .
So those who want to win an election have to adopt an absurd position that is counter to the facts, truth, and runs counter to our democracy.

2024? I don't think Trump will have the staying power for 2024. I've underestimated the blob before though.

Everyone already knows that the election was stolen.

But that does not mean there will be any changes, 2024 will likely be similar. That said, it's not a bad message to ride for leaders, no not political leaders running for selection... leaders who are willing to say no.
Where are the arrests if there was all of this malfeasence? Oh, that's right, there wasn't any.
No need to change anything at the state level for 2024 except to make voting by mail the standard instead of the exception since there was so little fraud in 2020.
Going to be a tough road. Trump just doesn't go away after January 20th. While he may spend the rest of his life dodging legal issues and not return to politics, the damage is done. The hyper-partisanship, the belief in conspiracy theories, the devotion to the darkest corners of YouTube and pliant alt-right media, with tons of his Q-Anon believing followers searching desperately for a narrative that they believe in. I've never seen anything like this. Trump has effectively kneecapped the Republican party. Something no Democrat could have ever accomplished.

I think it depends on the next six months or so and whether or not Republicans can demonstrate that they are not just the party of no or of obstruction. Like it or not, now that Democrats control the Senate, you know what's coming. That deficit?..is about to get a boatload bigger in order to bail us out from the morass of incompetence that the Trump administration was. If Republicans just revert to form, it won't go over well.

Longer term, it may depend on if enough Trump supporters aided by extreme right wing Republican politicians decide they've had enough of the GOP and form their own party. That splits the vote. There are a few moderate Republicans like Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, and Ben Sasse that could be party standard bearers in 2024 and beyond. But, there are also the extremists and the bright, shiny new ones like Gov Noem (who's political career should be in ashes right now) who could end up being as bad or worse than Trump.

It'll be a war between the moderates and the Trump supporters for the soul of the party. Who win?. Yet to be determined.
We'll see, but I have no idea how anyone who doesn't bow to the Trumpsters can get anywhere in the party.

And now that they've shit the bed, they'll be more toxic than ever to everyone else.
My life is rather habitual.
Get up. Go Play golf
maybe metal detect the park on the way home
watch old movies on tv.
Politics are never discussed at family outings
Go to church every sunday.

How is that toxic
Screw the GOP. They should have given the people & workers the tax cuts & bailouts. But instead the first thing Trump & Republicans did was give the Elite tax cuts & took away SALT deductions for the people. They also gave the Elite $6+Trillion bailout but held our $2,000 stimulus hostage to get liability protection for the Elite!
The last fig leaf is gone. The GOP, defeated and fragmented is now going to have to weave it's broken parts together and limp along, after spending 5 years backing a tin - pot dictator who would rather incite goon squads to riot and kill their own citizens, rather than accept the outcome of an election. When Al Gore and Hillary Clinton lost their elections, they were angry...but never resorted to violence, choosing instead to make their grievances known in the courts. Republicans can try to spin this horrific event, but it won't work.

So - Where does the GOP go from here? Do they return to their Conservative roots which have been the traditional place for the "angry white man" who's political power is slowly eroding due to changing demographics, or do they continue to back an obese ex President, who faces a mountain of legal and financial problems once he leaves office? Either way; the future of the GOP is not a pretty one. :dunno:
That is same thing I have been hearing since the 90's and the same mistake you guys always make. You think muh demographic is fixed it isn't. Hispanics, although diverse in some aspects, are voting GOP much faster than say Irish, Polish, Italians ever did (and now are majority GOP). The bold is also a clear indication of why you want to flood the country with immigrants. The Dems have always been the party of immigrants and when the USA ran out of Euros to get to come here you needed to open it up to the rest of the Earth. Globally people think the marxist anti family hate your ancestry crap is garbage.
Where does the GOP go from here? To the 2022 mid-terms where we take back the House & Senate.
Then to 2024 where we take back the WH. Simple.
Screw the GOP. They should have given the people & workers the tax cuts & bailouts. But instead the first thing Trump & Republicans did was give the Elite tax cuts & took away SALT deductions for the people. They also gave the Elite $6+Trillion bailout but held our $2,000 stimulus hostage to get liability protection for the Elite!
Congress is majority Democrat and that is where the bills come from. But you are correct in that the elites took care of the elites.
Trump isn't important, and is in fact too much of an unwanted distraction. Many people who are accused of being Trump supporters are in favor of many of the policies initiated during Trump's administration and have no allegiance to Trump. Policies are important. I am one of those people.

Screw the GOP. They should have given the people & workers the tax cuts & bailouts. But instead the first thing Trump & Republicans did was give the Elite tax cuts & took away SALT deductions for the people. They also gave the Elite $6+Trillion bailout but held our $2,000 stimulus hostage to get liability protection for the Elite!
Congress is majority Democrat and that is where the bills come from. But you are correct in that the elites took care of the elites.
No! - Not when the Elite tax cuts & take away of SALT deductions for the people passed & Trump signed it, it was all Republican!!!
trump has trashed the GOP, you thought they were confused before Trump was elected now they have to purge the party to get rid of traitorous Trumpsters.
If you want my vote:

- Tariff ALL imports from EVERY country 9%
- Tax Wallstreet!!!
- Slash Payroll Taxes!!!
trump has trashed the GOP, you thought they were confused before Trump was elected now they have to purge the party to get rid of traitorous Trumpsters.
Populism is alive and well. Trump was a flawed man, but do not think that the GOP is hurting.
We will take back the House and Senate in the 2022 mid-terms, and then kick Kamala's ass in 2024.

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