Where does wealth hatred come from?

My idea about Hollywood?

Your idea? No. Someone else's idea that you stole and claimed as your own.

Hollywood generated $30B in global box office last year.

What have you done? Nothing.

Hollywood is degenerate as gowna.

We could probably make even more money, if we made more balanced, and interesting films, by micromanaging a private Hollywood through Fascist councils to stop the elite Liberals from destroying the country.
My idea about Hollywood?

Your idea? No. Someone else's idea that you stole and claimed as your own.

Hollywood generated $30B in global box office last year.

What have you done? Nothing.
. There needs to be a swamp draining in Hollyweird, and elsewhere in this nation. For to long now, we have had some bad people gaining high access to areas of influence in this nation (not deserving of), when their influence has been detrimental to the generations for over several decades now.
I think I proved myself here as being aware of the brainwashing of our society by the elite.

The only thing you proved about yourself is that you don't think for yourself.

You can go there, and prove to me otherwise, huh?U.S.A the most brainwashed in history?

Your Russia is showing.

Your Globalist scum is showing.


"If you want Conservative values, you purge Liberal views with an Iron fist"

Pay attention to what you type son. Again, YOU won't have anything to do with purging anything with an "iron fist" because people like you are all talk.

Capitalism sells out to Liberal values, if you don't grasp that supporting do nothing Liberty won't combat the issues, I'm so sorry you're not paying attention.

Don't be sorry, be better educated. How are YOU going to purge "Liberal" ideas with an "iron fist"? The key word here is " YOU".

I am educated, and not brainwashed.

If I was otherwise I would be dumb, and support dumb, and dumber (Republicans, and Democrats)

My solution.

- Fascist control over the media.

- Fascist control over Hollywood.

- Fascist control over Roe vs Wade.

- Fascist control over Affirmative Action.

- Fascist control over businesses hiring Illegals.

- Fascist control over businesses outsourcing jobs.

- Fascist control over businesses automating jobs.

What's your solution?

Do nothing, and Liberty will solve all? Hahaha good joke.

You are dodging and deflecting again.

How will YOU accomplish YOUR stated goals? Just answer the question son.

By supporting Republicans to get more assertive, and Fascist.


But, it's a pretty rough fight.... But Fascism is growing.

No it isn't, that's just your "wish". The only "ism" headed for the World is Totalitarianism, and that will be imposed with the barrel of gun.
Hollywood is degenerate as gowna.

The world seems to disagree. They can't get enough of Hollywood. $30B international box office in 2017. Four movies (Beauty and the Beast, Last Jedi, Fate of the Furious, and Despicable Me 3) each generated more than $1B in box office. Spider-Man: Homecoming made $880M globally. And that's before digital rentals and sales, TV licensing, streaming licensing, merchandising, etc.

We could probably make even more money, if we made more balanced, and interesting films, by micromanaging a private Hollywood through Fascist councils to stop the elite Liberals from destroying the country.

Hollywood doesn't need your shit advice or help. You should probably take some notes on success from them.
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

Ray, what is the point of this post? Your claiming Liberals hate wealth as a stereotype by using an old tired republic cannard about class envy?

People may hate don trump simply because he is a racist. You hate Liberals because they make you feel less compassionate and greedy.

Your problems shithole, not anyone else's.
Really ? So you accuse people of being drunks as a debate strategy ? LOL

It's an accusation that is supported by evidence and research.

You're just a bunch of lousy, good for nothing, entitled, desperate drunks and addicts.
. That's where the Demon-crats wanted us to be, but they are losing their grip on the masses, and thank God for it. Still much work to be done, and the repubs won't escape justice either, so they best take heed.
My idea about Hollywood?

Your idea? No. Someone else's idea that you stole and claimed as your own.

Hollywood generated $30B in global box office last year.

What have you done? Nothing.
. There needs to be a swamp draining in Hollyweird, and elsewhere in this nation. For to long now, we have had some bad people gaining high access to areas of influence in this nation (not deserving of), when their influence has been detrimental to the generations for over several decades now.

The Hollywood swamp is draining. The #MeToo movement is working there.
Some of the hatred for the wealthy is justified , much of it is jealousy, plain and simple.
Really ? So you accuse people of being drunks as a debate strategy ? LOL

It's an accusation that is supported by evidence and research.

You're just a bunch of lousy, good for nothing, entitled, desperate drunks and addicts.
. That's where the Demon-crats wanted us to be, but they are losing their grip on the masses, and thank God for it. Still much work to be done, and the repubs won't escape justice either, so they best take heed.

Is you head so far up yer ass (shithole) that you missed the election results in Virginia, Maine and Alabama?

Democratic pols are losing the masses?
Capitalism sells out to Liberal values, if you don't grasp that supporting do nothing Liberty won't combat the issues, I'm so sorry you're not paying attention.

Don't be sorry, be better educated. How are YOU going to purge "Liberal" ideas with an "iron fist"? The key word here is " YOU".

I am educated, and not brainwashed.

If I was otherwise I would be dumb, and support dumb, and dumber (Republicans, and Democrats)

My solution.

- Fascist control over the media.

- Fascist control over Hollywood.

- Fascist control over Roe vs Wade.

- Fascist control over Affirmative Action.

- Fascist control over businesses hiring Illegals.

- Fascist control over businesses outsourcing jobs.

- Fascist control over businesses automating jobs.

What's your solution?

Do nothing, and Liberty will solve all? Hahaha good joke.

You are dodging and deflecting again.

How will YOU accomplish YOUR stated goals? Just answer the question son.

By supporting Republicans to get more assertive, and Fascist.


But, it's a pretty rough fight.... But Fascism is growing.

No it isn't, that's just your "wish". The only "ism" headed for the World is Totalitarianism, and that will be imposed with the barrel of gun.

Totalitarianism is here, and it's Left wing, it's our job to make sure the Totalitarian Right STOMPS out the Leftists.

You're too blind to realize you don't fight those who attack you, by doing nothing.
Really ? So you accuse people of being drunks as a debate strategy ? LOL

It's an accusation that is supported by evidence and research.

You're just a bunch of lousy, good for nothing, entitled, desperate drunks and addicts.
. That's where the Demon-crats wanted us to be, but they are losing their grip on the masses, and thank God for it. Still much work to be done, and the repubs won't escape justice either, so they best take heed.

What's the most pathetic thing about you is that even when handed all the institutional advantages that no one else other than white Christians can get, you still underachieve.

The deck is stacked in your favor and you still fail.

No wonder y'all turn to the bottle and the needle.
My idea about Hollywood?

Your idea? No. Someone else's idea that you stole and claimed as your own.

Hollywood generated $30B in global box office last year.

What have you done? Nothing.
. There needs to be a swamp draining in Hollyweird, and elsewhere in this nation. For to long now, we have had some bad people gaining high access to areas of influence in this nation (not deserving of), when their influence has been detrimental to the generations for over several decades now.

The Hollywood swamp is draining. The #MeToo movement is working there.

Hollywood will only drain, when we micro-manage it by government, to stop the elite dirt-bags from brainwashing idiots.
Really ? So you accuse people of being drunks as a debate strategy ? LOL

It's an accusation that is supported by evidence and research.

You're just a bunch of lousy, good for nothing, entitled, desperate drunks and addicts.
. That's where the Demon-crats wanted us to be, but they are losing their grip on the masses, and thank God for it. Still much work to be done, and the repubs won't escape justice either, so they best take heed.

Is you head so far up yer ass (shithole) that you missed the election results in Virginia, Maine and Alabama?

Democratic pols are losing the masses?
Matters not, because as the idiots are given a chance again to correct their moonbat idiocy from the past, the nation will be evaluating them again. If they continue down the idiot trails they followed before, then they will seal the fate of their party for ever.
Don't be sorry, be better educated. How are YOU going to purge "Liberal" ideas with an "iron fist"? The key word here is " YOU".

I am educated, and not brainwashed.

If I was otherwise I would be dumb, and support dumb, and dumber (Republicans, and Democrats)

My solution.

- Fascist control over the media.

- Fascist control over Hollywood.

- Fascist control over Roe vs Wade.

- Fascist control over Affirmative Action.

- Fascist control over businesses hiring Illegals.

- Fascist control over businesses outsourcing jobs.

- Fascist control over businesses automating jobs.

What's your solution?

Do nothing, and Liberty will solve all? Hahaha good joke.

You are dodging and deflecting again.

How will YOU accomplish YOUR stated goals? Just answer the question son.

By supporting Republicans to get more assertive, and Fascist.


But, it's a pretty rough fight.... But Fascism is growing.

No it isn't, that's just your "wish". The only "ism" headed for the World is Totalitarianism, and that will be imposed with the barrel of gun.

Totalitarianism is here, and it's Left wing, it's our job to make sure the Totalitarian Right STOMPS out the Leftists.

You're too blind to realize you don't fight those who attack you, by doing nothing.

LOL, you keep telling yourself that if it makes you sleep better. If you want an education I can suggest some things for you, I will not show them to you, it makes it more meaningful .

There are no real choices available, the Bankers will get their way, they always do. We lost the Nation in 1913 and we lost the Constitution in 2001. The economy is a smoke and mirror illusion, the Fed will soon change that and allow it to fall. The moment they raise interest rates everything will fold.
Really ? So you accuse people of being drunks as a debate strategy ? LOL

It's an accusation that is supported by evidence and research.

You're just a bunch of lousy, good for nothing, entitled, desperate drunks and addicts.
. That's where the Demon-crats wanted us to be, but they are losing their grip on the masses, and thank God for it. Still much work to be done, and the repubs won't escape justice either, so they best take heed.

What's the most pathetic thing about you is that even when handed all the institutional advantages that no one else other than white Christians can get, you still underachieve.

The deck is stacked in your favor and you still fail.

No wonder y'all turn to the bottle and the needle.
. You see folks, right here is the long term affects that people like the Dunce uh Derp had desired as a result of giving up power to the liberals over time. He longed for the day he could get back at one of the most powerful generations the world had ever known. So here he is boldly talking smack to the world war two generation in which he celebrates their destruction in. Now the nation realizes that this was the result people like the Derp desired, and the rejection of his desires is finally here. Go Trump.
I am educated, and not brainwashed.

If I was otherwise I would be dumb, and support dumb, and dumber (Republicans, and Democrats)

My solution.

- Fascist control over the media.

- Fascist control over Hollywood.

- Fascist control over Roe vs Wade.

- Fascist control over Affirmative Action.

- Fascist control over businesses hiring Illegals.

- Fascist control over businesses outsourcing jobs.

- Fascist control over businesses automating jobs.

What's your solution?

Do nothing, and Liberty will solve all? Hahaha good joke.

You are dodging and deflecting again.

How will YOU accomplish YOUR stated goals? Just answer the question son.

By supporting Republicans to get more assertive, and Fascist.


But, it's a pretty rough fight.... But Fascism is growing.

No it isn't, that's just your "wish". The only "ism" headed for the World is Totalitarianism, and that will be imposed with the barrel of gun.

Totalitarianism is here, and it's Left wing, it's our job to make sure the Totalitarian Right STOMPS out the Leftists.

You're too blind to realize you don't fight those who attack you, by doing nothing.

LOL, you keep telling yourself that if it makes you sleep better. If you want an education I can suggest some things for you, I will not show them to you, it makes it more meaningful .

There are no real choices available, the Bankers will get their way, they always do. We lost the Nation in 1913 and we lost the Constitution in 2001. The economy is a smoke and mirror illusion, the Fed will soon change that and allow it to fall. The moment they raise interest rates everything will fold.

We lost our country to the Left, and the Republicans DID NOTHING.... The Republican plan is still to DO NOTHING.

No, we must battle the Leftist toltalitarians with checks, and balance, because doing nothing has done just that NOTHING.. but surrender to Leftists.

You savages in this country, are the ones who need education, not I.

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