Where does wealth hatred come from?

Americans are so idealistic, and stupid.

Basically we're heading towards Communist idealists, who don't realize Communism fails.

The other half are Republican Idealists, who don't realize if you do nothing to fight Communism, you fail.

Fascism for the win every time.

The elite Globalist scums have brainwashed the masses to be this stupid.

The elite Globalist scums want you to hate Fascism.
Trump lost the popular vote.
Trumpettes love the "shithole" comment as it fits their white supremacist agenda. You people are poor excuses for Americans & human being.

What the fuck did you do to be a US citizen? NOTHING. You popped out of your mother's vagina on US soil or one of your parents was a US citizen. You did NOTHING. Trump did NOTHING.

But holy fuck, someone born in a third world country is an unworthy POS from a shithoie country.

You people are so far from being Christian.

You people are soooo far from the American spirit.

You are nothing but a pile of racist, bigoted scum.

I wish we could trade your oversized asses for some of those people in one of those shithole countries.
. Hit a nerve eh ?? You are just like you're buddy Obama, trashing America while giving shite-hole run dictator's a pass. Those shite-hole third world dictatorships dependent upon our idiocy to accept their Nationals who end up here (reeking havoc on our systems), are laughing in our face calling us the fools that we have become.
Racism & bigotry hits a nerve. Why doesn't it for you?

Obama did not trash America.

Your shithole buddy Trump trashes America e very time he opens his fat mouth & spews his hate, bigotry & racism.

And you love it. You love it because your ignorance, bigotry & racism is so inbred into your very being.

Why don't you go complain about Mexico's bigotry against immigrants?

No wonder why the rich media, and Hollywood brats hate Italians all the time, these rich Globalist scums see them as a threat.

they don't have our Statue of Liberty.

So in your head because of the Statue we need to throw open the borders, alrighty then.

Yep that'a it. If we don't build the stupid wall, our borders are wide open & no one is guarding them.
You are dodging and deflecting again.

How will YOU accomplish YOUR stated goals? Just answer the question son.

By supporting Republicans to get more assertive, and Fascist.


But, it's a pretty rough fight.... But Fascism is growing.

No it isn't, that's just your "wish". The only "ism" headed for the World is Totalitarianism, and that will be imposed with the barrel of gun.

Totalitarianism is here, and it's Left wing, it's our job to make sure the Totalitarian Right STOMPS out the Leftists.

You're too blind to realize you don't fight those who attack you, by doing nothing.

LOL, you keep telling yourself that if it makes you sleep better. If you want an education I can suggest some things for you, I will not show them to you, it makes it more meaningful .

There are no real choices available, the Bankers will get their way, they always do. We lost the Nation in 1913 and we lost the Constitution in 2001. The economy is a smoke and mirror illusion, the Fed will soon change that and allow it to fall. The moment they raise interest rates everything will fold.

We lost our country to the Left, and the Republicans DID NOTHING.... The Republican plan is still to DO NOTHING.

No, we must battle the Leftist toltalitarians with checks, and balance, because doing nothing has done just that NOTHING.. but surrender to Leftists.

You savages in this country, are the ones who need education, not I.

You and Sancho keep going after the Windmills kid. I am a political agnostic who took the Red Pill. You have no idea who your real enemy is, so like Quixote you pick one and pretend it's a real threat. The Left/Right paradigm is a false one that has been foisted on America. It isn't real, it's a tool to keep us divided and distracted. Your enemy is the Banking system son. Not the "Left" or the "Right".
You see folks, right here is the long term affects that people like the Dunce uh Derp had desired as a result of giving up power to the liberals over time. He longed for the day he could get back at one of the most powerful generations the world had ever known. So here he is boldly talking smack to the world war two generation in which he celebrates their destruction in. Now the nation realizes that this was the result people like the Derp desired, and the rejection of his desires is finally here. Go Trump.

You're mistaken.

People aged 55-64 weren't part of the Greatest Generation, they were part of the Boomers.

Don't try to lump your pathetic, selfish, entitled, underachieving generation in with the people who killed Nazis. How stunningly typical of Conservatism; riding the coattails of your predecessors while trying to also take credit for their accomplishments and achievements.
By supporting Republicans to get more assertive, and Fascist.


But, it's a pretty rough fight.... But Fascism is growing.

No it isn't, that's just your "wish". The only "ism" headed for the World is Totalitarianism, and that will be imposed with the barrel of gun.

Totalitarianism is here, and it's Left wing, it's our job to make sure the Totalitarian Right STOMPS out the Leftists.

You're too blind to realize you don't fight those who attack you, by doing nothing.

LOL, you keep telling yourself that if it makes you sleep better. If you want an education I can suggest some things for you, I will not show them to you, it makes it more meaningful .

There are no real choices available, the Bankers will get their way, they always do. We lost the Nation in 1913 and we lost the Constitution in 2001. The economy is a smoke and mirror illusion, the Fed will soon change that and allow it to fall. The moment they raise interest rates everything will fold.

We lost our country to the Left, and the Republicans DID NOTHING.... The Republican plan is still to DO NOTHING.

No, we must battle the Leftist toltalitarians with checks, and balance, because doing nothing has done just that NOTHING.. but surrender to Leftists.

You savages in this country, are the ones who need education, not I.

You and Sancho keep going after the Windmills kid. I am a political agnostic who took the Red Pill. You have no idea who your real enemy is, so like Quixote you pick one and pretend it's a real threat. The Left/Right paradigm is a false one that has been foisted on America. It isn't real, it's a tool to keep us divided and distracted. Your enemy is the Banking system son. Not the "Left" or the "Right".

I know the enemy.... Everything the dirty Liberal media, and Hollywood supports, and everything they hate is what's right in the world.

As a Polish Catholic Fascist White male.... The most hated by them.

You're right.... I'm what's right with the World.
Circe, post: 19044942, member: 42360 We got an example of Trump hate yesterday, when the White House says his "Shit Hole" comment is ok because his hate base is ok with it.

I oppose all Trump hate. His racist hate is un-American. How about you? Are you ok with Trumpo's "Shit Hole" expression?

It's ok to hate Trumpo's racism and Islamaphia, and his bragging about sexual assaulting women because he is a cekebrity.

I do hate all of that.
. Well you hate most Americans then, because most Americans voted for Trump because they were tired of the dam excuses, they were tired of the murdering of Americans by Islamist religious fanatics, they were tired of sending million's upon million's to shite-holes created by super corrupt governments who could care less about their populations in those shite-holes, in which they run while stealing the money that was sent to them by us.

Trump wasn't talking about the people of the shite-holes, but the shite-holes they are trying to escape from. Otherwise he would rather help them in their own country, than to allow them to come here and disrupt the balance and cultural norms in our country. Enough is enough already.
Trump lost the popular vote.
Trumpettes love the "shithole" comment as it fits their white supremacist agenda. You people are poor excuses for Americans & human being.

What the fuck did you do to be a US citizen? NOTHING. You popped out of your mother's vagina on US soil or one of your parents was a US citizen. You did NOTHING. Trump did NOTHING.

But holy fuck, someone born in a third world country is an unworthy POS from a shithoie country.

You people are so far from being Christian.

You people are soooo far from the American spirit.

You are nothing but a pile of racist, bigoted scum.

I wish we could trade your oversized asses for some of those people in one of those shithole countries.
. Hit a nerve eh ?? You are just like you're buddy Obama, trashing America while giving shite-hole run dictator's a pass. Those shite-hole third world dictatorships dependent upon our idiocy to accept their Nationals who end up here (reeking havoc on our systems), are laughing in our face calling us the fools that we have become.
Racism & bigotry hits a nerve. Why doesn't it for you?

Obama did not trash America.

Your shithole buddy Trump trashes America e very time he opens his fat mouth & spews his hate, bigotry & racism.

And you love it. You love it because your ignorance, bigotry & racism is so inbred into your very being.
. The nation tried it your ignant way, and your Demon-crats bullcrap is now being found out by all who suffered under your Demon-crats bullcrap.. Good luck holding on.

This country is based on immigrants.

Democrats - left office with a surplus.

Republicans took over & nearly killed this country.

Democrats brought uis back.

Now Republicans are killing America once ahain by electing a shithole president.
I wish we could trade your oversized asses for some of those people in one of those shithole countries.

You go over there and send any Haitian you like back to replace you.

Even *I* think that would be a good trade for America!
Look fuckbrain, I'm not the one that called those people shitholes. That woulf be the racist fuck you elccted President.

This country does not want or need racists fucks like you & Trumop. Please pack up your hate & leave.
Americans are so idealistic, and stupid.

Basically we're heading towards Communist idealists, who don't realize Communism fails.

The other half are Republican Idealists, who don't realize if you do nothing to fight Communism, you fail.

Fascism for the win every time.

The elite Globalist scums have brainwashed the masses to be this stupid.

The elite Globalist scums want you to hate Fascism.
. Give me some example sentences that would describe to us this fascism you are pushing here. Thanks.
Americans are so idealistic, and stupid.

Basically we're heading towards Communist idealists, who don't realize Communism fails.

The other half are Republican Idealists, who don't realize if you do nothing to fight Communism, you fail.

Fascism for the win every time.

The elite Globalist scums have brainwashed the masses to be this stupid.

The elite Globalist scums want you to hate Fascism.
. Give me some example sentences that would describe to us this fascism you are pushing here. Thanks.

Well, if freedom has only lead to Liberalism, how is doing nothing as Republicans have long done, going to do anything?

No... You don't fight Cultural Marxists in all your institutions by doing nothing, it's their Capitalist elite freedom.

You fight fire, with fire.

You shut them down in return.

Go against media, Hollywood, outsourcing, those who hire illegals etc. etc.

Doing nothing is helping the Globalist scums win.
You see folks, right here is the long term affects that people like the Dunce uh Derp had desired as a result of giving up power to the liberals over time. He longed for the day he could get back at one of the most powerful generations the world had ever known. So here he is boldly talking smack to the world war two generation in which he celebrates their destruction in. Now the nation realizes that this was the result people like the Derp desired, and the rejection of his desires is finally here. Go Trump.

You're mistaken.

People aged 55-64 weren't part of the Greatest Generation, they were part of the Boomers.

Don't try to lump your pathetic, selfish, entitled, underachieving generation in with the people who killed Nazis. How stunningly typical of Conservatism; riding the coattails of your predecessors while trying to also take credit for their accomplishments and achievements.
. I am exactly a part of that generation, as I was raised by my grandfather who taught me everything he knew, and told me why he fought in world war two, and why we should continue the fight against such things to our dying days.

This is why I can't go along with hardly any of the bullcrap I see going on today. It goes against my upbringing.
I wish we could trade your oversized asses for some of those people in one of those shithole countries.

You go over there and send any Haitian you like back to replace you.

Even *I* think that would be a good trade for America!
Look fuckbrain, I'm not the one that called those people shitholes. That woulf be the racist fuck you elccted President.

This country does not want or need racists fucks like you & Trumop. Please pack up your hate & leave.
Called the people shite-holes or called the place where they come from shite-holes ? Major difference.
I am exactly a part of that generation, as I was raised by my grandfather who taught me everything he knew, and told me why he fought in world war two, and why we should continue the fight against such things to our dying days.

The Greatest Generation were the original antifas. They killed more Nazis than anyone.
I am exactly a part of that generation, as I was raised by my grandfather who taught me everything he knew, and told me why he fought in world war two, and why we should continue the fight against such things to our dying days.

The Greatest Generation were the original antifas. They killed more Nazis than anyone.

The Greatest Generation were mostly anti-Semites, anti-Asiatic, and anti-Black etc. in this country.
. Well you hate most Americans then, because most Americans voted for Trump because they were tired of the dam excuses, they were tired of the murdering of Americans by Islamist religious fanatics, they were tired of sending million's upon million's to shite-holes created by super corrupt governments who could care less about their populations in those shite-holes, in which they run while stealing the money that was sent to them by us.

Trump wasn't talking about the people of the shite-holes, but the shite-holes they are trying to escape from. Otherwise he would rather help them in their own country, than to allow them to come here and disrupt the balance and cultural norms in our country. Enough is enough already.
Trump lost the popular vote.
Trumpettes love the "shithole" comment as it fits their white supremacist agenda. You people are poor excuses for Americans & human being.

What the fuck did you do to be a US citizen? NOTHING. You popped out of your mother's vagina on US soil or one of your parents was a US citizen. You did NOTHING. Trump did NOTHING.

But holy fuck, someone born in a third world country is an unworthy POS from a shithoie country.

You people are so far from being Christian.

You people are soooo far from the American spirit.

You are nothing but a pile of racist, bigoted scum.

I wish we could trade your oversized asses for some of those people in one of those shithole countries.
. Hit a nerve eh ?? You are just like you're buddy Obama, trashing America while giving shite-hole run dictator's a pass. Those shite-hole third world dictatorships dependent upon our idiocy to accept their Nationals who end up here (reeking havoc on our systems), are laughing in our face calling us the fools that we have become.
Racism & bigotry hits a nerve. Why doesn't it for you?

Obama did not trash America.

Your shithole buddy Trump trashes America e very time he opens his fat mouth & spews his hate, bigotry & racism.

And you love it. You love it because your ignorance, bigotry & racism is so inbred into your very being.
. The nation tried it your ignant way, and your Demon-crats bullcrap is now being found out by all who suffered under your Demon-crats bullcrap.. Good luck holding on.

This country is based on immigrants.

Democrats - left office with a surplus.

Republicans took over & nearly killed this country.

Democrats brought uis back.

Now Republicans are killing America once ahain by electing a shithole president.
. Talking about Bill Clinton days I suspect ? Ever heard of a false profit ? Not talking about a false prophet, but a false profit. You see anyone can work the voodoo economics to create something that is fragile, and will only last long enough to make a CEO or President look like the king of all earthly kings until it's pay up time.

The collapse or bubble burst then happens years later, and it might fall upon a future administration that then gets the bullcrap blame for it, even though everyone knows what the heck went on.
I am exactly a part of that generation, as I was raised by my grandfather who taught me everything he knew, and told me why he fought in world war two, and why we should continue the fight against such things to our dying days.

The Greatest Generation were the original antifas. They killed more Nazis than anyone.

This guy was very popular with the Greatest Generation.

How did our radio from that, to Jewish Howard Stern making dirty bathroom humor?

I am exactly a part of that generation, as I was raised by my grandfather who taught me everything he knew, and told me why he fought in world war two, and why we should continue the fight against such things to our dying days.

The Greatest Generation were the original antifas. They killed more Nazis than anyone.

The Greatest Generation were mostly anti-Semites, anti-Asiatic, and anti-Black etc. in this country.
. Well that trait if existed in my grandfather, wasn't passed down to me. I judge based upon ones character, and never upon one's skin color or physical disabilities.
The Greatest Generation were mostly anti-Semites, anti-Asiatic, and anti-Black etc. in this country.

So then you're not claiming to be a part of it, then? You keep jumping around on that. Might want to check that out for yourself.

I'm 31 years old.
I'm not the Greatest Generation.

However, I think it's funny that you're touting of the Greatest Generation, considering how so many of them were...
Well that trait if existed in my grandfather, wasn't passed down to me. I judge based upon ones character, and never upon one's skin color or physical disabilities.

White Privilege, there.

Black people don't get to stop being black. Anyone who says they don't see color is a racist; by saying "you don't see color" that means you denote negative characteristics to certain "colors" that you say you look past.

It's inherently a racist thing to say and tell people.

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