Where does wealth hatred come from?

You didn't retype the full sentence. Try that, the adjectives apply to the noun 'hoarder'.

Are you an impoverished left behind white Trumpo gun and ammo hoarder?

Perhaps the statement was too complex for you

Naaaah, that was just one bad sentence. Really, the Internet is an indictment of the American public education system.

Are you impoverished? Far from it.

left behind? What? Left behind what, my purse? My umbrella?

white? Duh, of course, otherwise I'd be one of these no-good socialists.

a Trumpo? Trumpkin is better. Or Deplorable. There are lots of good nicknames for Trump supporters, and of course I am one, but Trumpo is not a clever creation. I'd give it up if I were you.

gun and ammo hoarder? No, that would be my husband. I can shoot, though, and am rather a dead-eye. Come the Revolution, that may come in handy.

Stupid? Eye of the beholder. You'll think so because I don't agree with anything you say. What I think of you I leave as an exercise for the student.

Illiterate? I make mistakes; not as many as you do, though!
It's not semantics when what you claim is the exact opposite of the truth.

I meant infiltration, you are what's wrong with this World, a person who only has OCD nitpicking, and absolutely no perceptive ability.

You proved to be a retard when you got angry for saying the truth that the Upper, and Lower classes cause more problem.

You have no concept of reality, all you got is OCD nitpicking.

I'm not angry, but you keep pointing out how great fascism is, how come their governments don't last as long?

I think we know WW2 wasn't about saving Poland, it was about stopping Fascism.

How else do you explain no true action by Britain, and France against Nazis for invading Poland, well until Nazis invaded France, that is.

How else do you explain why Britain, and France didn't also declare war on Soviets, for also invading Poland, but instead gave Poland to the Soviets in Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam Conferences?

How else do you explain why Britain, and America killed more than Mussolini, they thought it was more important to destroy Fascist Italy killing 400,000 people than to actually deal with Nazi Germany first?

Right, Germany and Italy are not to blame for any of it. It's all the allies fault for not stopping Germany sooner. Great point. :cuckoo:

Still doesn't address the point that fascist regimes usually don't last too long.

Fascist Italy only killed 30,000 civilians in it's Ethiopian campaign.

The Anglo allies probably killed that much civilians, if not more, in a matter of hours in the Dresden Firebombing.

W Bush probably killed more civilians than Mussolini did, and Lyndon Johnson definitely did.

Do you think foreigners would've had the right to invade, bomb, destroy, and dismantle America, mass murdering because of W Bush's, or Lyndon Johnson's actions?
Yeah... It's bad... But not that bad.

The Allies didn't care about brutality, they cared about stomping out Fascism.

No they were doing as their "bosses" told them to do.
The Allies didn't care about brutality, they cared about stomping out Fascism.

This probably holds some sort of Internet record for thread derailing.

This is one well-fed troll.

Anyone who thinks conversations are stagnant in boxes, probably has a brain that's stagnant and can't think outside of boxes.
Anyone who thinks conversations are stagnant in boxes, probably has a brain that's stagnant and can't think outside of boxes.

And anyone who derails a thread about wealth hatred in the U.S. today to World War II is probably a Russkie troll.

Well, I bought up Fascism as superior for the economy, and going against both the elites, and downtrodden as an "Issue"

The others took it off track, by Chimping out about Fascism, as they've been trained on command to have a Knee JERK reaction about Fascists because elite globalist scums who hate Republicans, told Republicans that they must hate Fascism.
Anyone who thinks conversations are stagnant in boxes, probably has a brain that's stagnant and can't think outside of boxes.

And anyone who derails a thread about wealth hatred in the U.S. today to World War II is probably a Russkie troll.

Well, I bought up Fascism as superior for the economy, and going against both the elites, and downtrodden as an "Issue"

The others took it off track, by Chimping out about Fascism, as they've been trained on command to have a Knee JERK reaction about Fascists because elite globalist scums who hate Republicans, told Republicans that they must hate Fascism.

In other news: Fascism: still not popular, move along.
Anyone who thinks conversations are stagnant in boxes, probably has a brain that's stagnant and can't think outside of boxes.

And anyone who derails a thread about wealth hatred in the U.S. today to World War II is probably a Russkie troll.

Well, I bought up Fascism as superior for the economy, and going against both the elites, and downtrodden as an "Issue"

The others took it off track, by Chimping out about Fascism, as they've been trained on command to have a Knee JERK reaction about Fascists because elite globalist scums who hate Republicans, told Republicans that they must hate Fascism.

In other news: Fascism: still not popular, move along.

It's gaining popularity, and the elite rich Globalist scums hate, and fear Fascism more than anything.... Exactly why every good patriot should be a Fascist.
Anyone who thinks conversations are stagnant in boxes, probably has a brain that's stagnant and can't think outside of boxes.

And anyone who derails a thread about wealth hatred in the U.S. today to World War II is probably a Russkie troll.

Well, I bought up Fascism as superior for the economy, and going against both the elites, and downtrodden as an "Issue"

The others took it off track, by Chimping out about Fascism, as they've been trained on command to have a Knee JERK reaction about Fascists because elite globalist scums who hate Republicans, told Republicans that they must hate Fascism.

In other news: Fascism: still not popular, move along.

It's gaining popularity, and the elite rich Globalist scums hate, and fear Fascism more than anything.... Exactly why every good patriot should be a Fascist.

I guess the guy who started this thread 'Where does wealth hatred come from?' now has his answer, right wing fascists.
Anyone who thinks conversations are stagnant in boxes, probably has a brain that's stagnant and can't think outside of boxes.

And anyone who derails a thread about wealth hatred in the U.S. today to World War II is probably a Russkie troll.

Well, I bought up Fascism as superior for the economy, and going against both the elites, and downtrodden as an "Issue"

The others took it off track, by Chimping out about Fascism, as they've been trained on command to have a Knee JERK reaction about Fascists because elite globalist scums who hate Republicans, told Republicans that they must hate Fascism.

In other news: Fascism: still not popular, move along.

It's gaining popularity, and the elite rich Globalist scums hate, and fear Fascism more than anything.... Exactly why every good patriot should be a Fascist.

I guess the guy who started this thread 'Where does wealth hatred come from?' now has his answer, right wing fascists.

Fascists got it right nearly 100 years ago.... Republicans get it wrong to this day.

If you want Conservative values, you don't suck up to Elites, Rich, Jews, and Capitalists who have already undermined our way of life for too long.

If you want Conservative values, you purge Liberal views with an Iron fist, to prevent such undesirables from the Elite, and the Lower class from tearing up society.
And anyone who derails a thread about wealth hatred in the U.S. today to World War II is probably a Russkie troll.

Well, I bought up Fascism as superior for the economy, and going against both the elites, and downtrodden as an "Issue"

The others took it off track, by Chimping out about Fascism, as they've been trained on command to have a Knee JERK reaction about Fascists because elite globalist scums who hate Republicans, told Republicans that they must hate Fascism.

In other news: Fascism: still not popular, move along.

It's gaining popularity, and the elite rich Globalist scums hate, and fear Fascism more than anything.... Exactly why every good patriot should be a Fascist.

I guess the guy who started this thread 'Where does wealth hatred come from?' now has his answer, right wing fascists.

Fascists got it right nearly 100 years ago.... Republicans get it wrong to this day.

If you want Conservative values, you don't suck up to Elites, Rich, Jews, and Capitalists who have already undermined our way of life for too long.

If you want Conservative values, you purge Liberal views with an Iron fist, to prevent such undesirables from the Elite, and the Lower class from tearing up society.

There we are again with your goldilocks point of view. Those above you on the economic scale are bad and those below you are bad. Surprisingly that only leaves people like you (unless they are jews of course) to bob your heads up and down together in agreement.
And anyone who derails a thread about wealth hatred in the U.S. today to World War II is probably a Russkie troll.

Well, I bought up Fascism as superior for the economy, and going against both the elites, and downtrodden as an "Issue"

The others took it off track, by Chimping out about Fascism, as they've been trained on command to have a Knee JERK reaction about Fascists because elite globalist scums who hate Republicans, told Republicans that they must hate Fascism.

In other news: Fascism: still not popular, move along.

It's gaining popularity, and the elite rich Globalist scums hate, and fear Fascism more than anything.... Exactly why every good patriot should be a Fascist.

I guess the guy who started this thread 'Where does wealth hatred come from?' now has his answer, right wing fascists.

Fascists got it right nearly 100 years ago.... Republicans get it wrong to this day.

If you want Conservative values, you don't suck up to Elites, Rich, Jews, and Capitalists who have already undermined our way of life for too long.

If you want Conservative values, you purge Liberal views with an Iron fist, to prevent such undesirables from the Elite, and the Lower class from tearing up society.

What you meant to say is that you'd hide behind the Military that you HOPE will fire on it's own citizens so you can get your way, not that YOU'D take up arms and do it yourself.
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

No where. There is no such thing as "wealth hatred", it's just what Conservatives tell themselves when confronted with the fact that their economic and fiscal schemes never produce the results they promise. So you try to make them victims of envy instead, and you pretend you're one of those people for no reason than to make you feel better about your own shit life of underachievement and disappointment despite being handed every single institutional advantage that exists.

I'd much rather prefer you drink yourselves to death instead of posturing on the internet. Most of you are doing that anyway. "Deaths of Despair" among Trump voters are a national story. Imagine being such an underachiever that you literally drink yourself to death. LOL!
Well, I bought up Fascism as superior for the economy, and going against both the elites, and downtrodden as an "Issue"

The others took it off track, by Chimping out about Fascism, as they've been trained on command to have a Knee JERK reaction about Fascists because elite globalist scums who hate Republicans, told Republicans that they must hate Fascism.

In other news: Fascism: still not popular, move along.

It's gaining popularity, and the elite rich Globalist scums hate, and fear Fascism more than anything.... Exactly why every good patriot should be a Fascist.

I guess the guy who started this thread 'Where does wealth hatred come from?' now has his answer, right wing fascists.

Fascists got it right nearly 100 years ago.... Republicans get it wrong to this day.

If you want Conservative values, you don't suck up to Elites, Rich, Jews, and Capitalists who have already undermined our way of life for too long.

If you want Conservative values, you purge Liberal views with an Iron fist, to prevent such undesirables from the Elite, and the Lower class from tearing up society.

There we are again with your goldilocks point of view. Those above you on the economic scale are bad and those below you are bad. Surprisingly that only leaves people like you (unless they are jews of course) to bob your heads up and down together in agreement.

Probably 90% of criminals in this country are by the lower classes.

However, probably 90% of actual crime in this country is committed by the upper classes like Madoff the swindler, or W Bush, or Lyndon Johnson wars, or Rockerfeller's financing of Bolsheviks, or Nazis.

If you think all classes are created equal, you're probably not paying attention.
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

see, this is the problem when trumptard scum make things up in their own little "minds" and then castigate others for the thoughts you pretend exist.

no one hates the wealthy. but that doesn't mean normal people think that they should pay less of a percentage in taxes than the rest of us who work.

now let's stop pretending this has anything to do with economic policy. legitimate economists know there is no such thing as trickle down economics and all your orange loon is doing is greening the swamp.

again, normal people should object to that.

perhaps a course in economics would help?
In other news: Fascism: still not popular, move along.

It's gaining popularity, and the elite rich Globalist scums hate, and fear Fascism more than anything.... Exactly why every good patriot should be a Fascist.

I guess the guy who started this thread 'Where does wealth hatred come from?' now has his answer, right wing fascists.

Fascists got it right nearly 100 years ago.... Republicans get it wrong to this day.

If you want Conservative values, you don't suck up to Elites, Rich, Jews, and Capitalists who have already undermined our way of life for too long.

If you want Conservative values, you purge Liberal views with an Iron fist, to prevent such undesirables from the Elite, and the Lower class from tearing up society.

There we are again with your goldilocks point of view. Those above you on the economic scale are bad and those below you are bad. Surprisingly that only leaves people like you (unless they are jews of course) to bob your heads up and down together in agreement.

Probably 90% of criminals in this country are by the lower classes.

However, probably 90% of actual crime in this country is committed by the upper classes like Madoff the swindler, or W Bush, or Lyndon Johnson wars, or Rockerfeller's financing of Bolsheviks, or Nazis.

If you think all classes are created equal, you're probably not paying attention.

Sure bud, just assign guilt by one's tax return.
Well, I bought up Fascism as superior for the economy, and going against both the elites, and downtrodden as an "Issue"

The others took it off track, by Chimping out about Fascism, as they've been trained on command to have a Knee JERK reaction about Fascists because elite globalist scums who hate Republicans, told Republicans that they must hate Fascism.

In other news: Fascism: still not popular, move along.

It's gaining popularity, and the elite rich Globalist scums hate, and fear Fascism more than anything.... Exactly why every good patriot should be a Fascist.

I guess the guy who started this thread 'Where does wealth hatred come from?' now has his answer, right wing fascists.

Fascists got it right nearly 100 years ago.... Republicans get it wrong to this day.

If you want Conservative values, you don't suck up to Elites, Rich, Jews, and Capitalists who have already undermined our way of life for too long.

If you want Conservative values, you purge Liberal views with an Iron fist, to prevent such undesirables from the Elite, and the Lower class from tearing up society.

What you meant to say is that you'd hide behind the Military that you HOPE will fire on it's own citizens so you can get your way, not that YOU'D take up arms and do it yourself.

No ones taking up arms in this country, so WTF?

The damage is done, Republicans chose for the right for Hollywood, and media elite brats to brainwash the masses into a Liberal stupor..... The sick thing is Republicans complain, and at the end of the day, they intend on DOING NOTHING.
I don't hate the wealthy

Many seem to be decent people

I just believe they should pay higher tax rates
. Why ?? And that helps you how ??

I saw what this country accomplished when the wealthy paid higher tax rates

We built the Interstate Highway System
We sent men to the moon

Today our highway system is crumbling. We can't afford basic maintenance. We have no money for education, healthcare

But at least our wealthy are paying record low tax rates
. But isn't it fact that lower tax rates and breaks spur economic activity ? We saw what the opposite accomplished, and it was a disaster. Time to go in another direction, and so far it's working.. Go Trump.

What we have here is a destruction of power amongst the Demon-crats ranks, because of the system getting better under a Republican power. So the lies and bitterness from the Demon-crats will continue.

The days of "All tax cuts pay for themselves" were disproven decades ago

You may see a momentary spike in the stock market but that enthusiasm wears off and we are stuck with insufficient revenue and increasing debt
In other news: Fascism: still not popular, move along.

It's gaining popularity, and the elite rich Globalist scums hate, and fear Fascism more than anything.... Exactly why every good patriot should be a Fascist.

I guess the guy who started this thread 'Where does wealth hatred come from?' now has his answer, right wing fascists.

Fascists got it right nearly 100 years ago.... Republicans get it wrong to this day.

If you want Conservative values, you don't suck up to Elites, Rich, Jews, and Capitalists who have already undermined our way of life for too long.

If you want Conservative values, you purge Liberal views with an Iron fist, to prevent such undesirables from the Elite, and the Lower class from tearing up society.

What you meant to say is that you'd hide behind the Military that you HOPE will fire on it's own citizens so you can get your way, not that YOU'D take up arms and do it yourself.

No ones taking up arms in this country, so WTF?

The damage is done, Republicans chose for the right for Hollywood, and media elite brats to brainwash the masses into a Liberal stupor..... The sick thing is Republicans complain, and at the end of the day, they intend on DOING NOTHING.

"If you want Conservative values, you purge Liberal views with an Iron fist"

Pay attention to what you type son. Again, YOU won't have anything to do with purging anything with an "iron fist" because people like you are all talk.
I don't hate the wealthy

Many seem to be decent people

I just believe they should pay higher tax rates
. Why ?? And that helps you how ??

I saw what this country accomplished when the wealthy paid higher tax rates

We built the Interstate Highway System
We sent men to the moon

Today our highway system is crumbling. We can't afford basic maintenance. We have no money for education, healthcare

But at least our wealthy are paying record low tax rates
. But isn't it fact that lower tax rates and breaks spur economic activity ? We saw what the opposite accomplished, and it was a disaster. Time to go in another direction, and so far it's working.. Go Trump.

What we have here is a destruction of power amongst the Demon-crats ranks, because of the system getting better under a Republican power. So the lies and bitterness from the Demon-crats will continue.

The days of "All tax cuts pay for themselves" were disproven decades ago

You may see a momentary spike in the stock market but that enthusiasm wears off and we are stuck with insufficient revenue and increasing debt

Economic illiterates talk about "tax cuts paying for themselves".

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