Where does wealth hatred come from?

I don't hate the wealthy

Many seem to be decent people

I just believe they should pay higher tax rates
. Why ?? And that helps you how ??

I saw what this country accomplished when the wealthy paid higher tax rates

We built the Interstate Highway System
We sent men to the moon

Today our highway system is crumbling. We can't afford basic maintenance. We have no money for education, healthcare

But at least our wealthy are paying record low tax rates
. Might be good points, but let's see the coming rebuttals.
They fought the Globalists, you dumb sub-Humans in America on the other hand enjoy being Globalist cucks, and are too dumb to know better.

Well, as long as the Nazis didn't allow their country to be overtaken all is OK. :badgrin:

You know someone has nothing, when they nitpick semantics.

It's not semantics when what you claim is the exact opposite of the truth.

I meant infiltration, you are what's wrong with this World, a person who only has OCD nitpicking, and absolutely no perceptive ability.

You proved to be a retard when you got angry for saying the truth that the Upper, and Lower classes cause more problem.

You have no concept of reality, all you got is OCD nitpicking.

I'm not angry, but you keep pointing out how great fascism is, how come their governments don't last as long?

I think we know WW2 wasn't about saving Poland, it was about stopping Fascism.

How else do you explain no true action by Britain, and France against Nazis for invading Poland, well until Nazis invaded France, that is.

How else do you explain why Britain, and France didn't also declare war on Soviets, for also invading Poland, but instead gave Poland to the Soviets in Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam Conferences?

How else do you explain why Britain, and America killed more than Mussolini, they thought it was more important to destroy Fascist Italy killing 400,000 people than to actually deal with Nazi Germany first?
Weak, immature people pay the "blame" game. They are jealous, covetous and petty. The truth that VERY few people would EVER actually do what it takes to create new wealth, they just want it handed to them
I don't hate the wealthy

Many seem to be decent people

I just believe they should pay higher tax rates
. Why ?? And that helps you how ??

I saw what this country accomplished when the wealthy paid higher tax rates

We built the Interstate Highway System
We sent men to the moon

Today our highway system is crumbling. We can't afford basic maintenance. We have no money for education, healthcare

But at least our wealthy are paying record low tax rates
. But isn't it fact that lower tax rates and breaks spur economic activity ? We saw what the opposite accomplished, and it was a disaster. Time to go in another direction, and so far it's working.. Go Trump.

What we have here is a destruction of power amongst the Demon-crats ranks, because of the system getting better under a Republican power. So the lies and bitterness from the Demon-crats will continue.
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Circe, post: 19044942, member: 42360
I wish you did oppose Trump hate, but it's clear that you hate Trump, so you don't.

We got an example of Trump hate yesterday, when the White House says his "Shit Hole" comment is ok because his hate base is ok with it.

I oppose all Trump hate. His racist hate is un-American. How about you? Are you ok with Trumpo's "Shit Hole" expression?

It's ok to hate Trumpo's racism and Islamaphia, and his bragging about sexual assaulting women because he is a cekebrity.

I do hate all of that.
. Well you hate most Americans then, because most Americans voted for Trump because they were tired of the dam excuses, they were tired of the murdering of Americans by Islamist religious fanatics, they were tired of sending million's upon million's to shite-holes created by super corrupt governments who could care less about their populations in those shite-holes, in which they run while stealing the money that was sent to them by us.

Trump wasn't talking about the people of the shite-holes, but the shite-holes they are trying to escape from. Otherwise he would rather help them in their own country, than to allow them to come here and disrupt the balance and cultural norms in our country. Enough is enough already.
Trump lost the popular vote.
Trumpettes love the "shithole" comment as it fits their white supremacist agenda. You people are poor excuses for Americans & human being.

What the fuck did you do to be a US citizen? NOTHING. You popped out of your mother's vagina on US soil or one of your parents was a US citizen. You did NOTHING. Trump did NOTHING.

But holy fuck, someone born in a third world country is an unworthy POS from a shithoie country.

You people are so far from being Christian.

You people are soooo far from the American spirit.

You are nothing but a pile of racist, bigoted scum.

I wish we could trade your oversized asses for some of those people in one of those shithole countries.
. Hit a nerve eh ?? You are just like you're buddy Obama, trashing America while giving shite-hole run dictator's a pass. Those shite-hole third world dictatorships dependent upon our idiocy to accept their Nationals who end up here (reeking havoc on our systems), are laughing in our face calling us the fools that we have become.
Racism & bigotry hits a nerve. Why doesn't it for you?

Obama did not trash America.

Your shithole buddy Trump trashes America e very time he opens his fat mouth & spews his hate, bigotry & racism.

And you love it. You love it because your ignorance, bigotry & racism is so inbred into your very being.
I don't hate the wealthy

Many seem to be decent people

I just believe they should pay higher tax rates
. Why ?? And that helps you how ??

I saw what this country accomplished when the wealthy paid higher tax rates

We built the Interstate Highway System
We sent men to the moon

Today our highway system is crumbling. We can't afford basic maintenance. We have no money for education, healthcare

But at least our wealthy are paying record low tax rates
. But don't lower tax rates and breaks spur economic activity ? We saw what the opposite accomplished, and it was a disaster. Time to go in another direction, and so far it's working.. Go Trump.

What we have here is a destruction of power amongst the Demon-crats ranks, because of the system getting better under a Republican power. So the lies and bitterness from the Demon-crats will continue.
Handing the wealthy money is a puss poor way to stimulate economy. Especially when you borrow a trillion & a half to do it.
I don't hate the wealthy

Many seem to be decent people

I just believe they should pay higher tax rates
. Why ?? And that helps you how ??

I saw what this country accomplished when the wealthy paid higher tax rates

We built the Interstate Highway System
We sent men to the moon

Today our highway system is crumbling. We can't afford basic maintenance. We have no money for education, healthcare

But at least our wealthy are paying record low tax rates
. But don't lower tax rates and breaks spur economic activity ? We saw what the opposite accomplished, and it was a disaster. Time to go in another direction, and so far it's working.. Go Trump.

What we have here is a destruction of power amongst the Demon-crats ranks, because of the system getting better under a Republican power. So the lies and bitterness from the Demon-crats will continue.
Lousy capital management on the part of the right wing. How is simply lowering taxes going to do anything other than increase our debt? How is it going to pay for infrastructure development.
So does the US military side with the rich or the poor?

The military sides with the right, obviously. I have to tell you this?

What about the typical impoverished left behind white Trumpo gun and ammo hoarder?

white Trumpo gun? This is a completely incoherent sentence. I wish leftists had better grounding in basic English. It's hard to tell what half of them are saying, and the other half write almost wholly in obscenities.
This is a guy who says he doesn't know what you're talking about to avoid talking about it. He won't even look stuff up. Then when told, he'll say he still doesn't know what it is a few months later because he couldn't be arsed to even read the fucking thing you wrote. He'll be shown he's wrong time and time and time again, and he'll be back with the same crap in a week's time.

Why do you keep trying to change his mind, then? You don't let anyone change your mind, after all.

No one is interested in somebody supposedly showing "he's wrong time and time and time again," because it's not about right and wrong, true and false.

It's about whose side you're on. You're on the left, he's on the right, and we're all going to stay on the side we're comfortable with. So quit trying to change people's minds.
Circe, post: 19044942, member: 42360
I wish you did oppose Trump hate, but it's clear that you hate Trump, so you don't.

We got an example of Trump hate yesterday, when the White House says his "Shit Hole" comment is ok because his hate base is ok with it.

I oppose all Trump hate. His racist hate is un-American. How about you? Are you ok with Trumpo's "Shit Hole" expression?

It's ok to hate Trumpo's racism and Islamaphia, and his bragging about sexual assaulting women because he is a cekebrity.

I do hate all of that.
. Well you hate most Americans then, because most Americans voted for Trump because they were tired of the dam excuses, they were tired of the murdering of Americans by Islamist religious fanatics, they were tired of sending million's upon million's to shite-holes created by super corrupt governments who could care less about their populations in those shite-holes, in which they run while stealing the money that was sent to them by us.

Trump wasn't talking about the people of the shite-holes, but the shite-holes they are trying to escape from. Otherwise he would rather help them in their own country, than to allow them to come here and disrupt the balance and cultural norms in our country. Enough is enough already.
Trump lost the popular vote.
Trumpettes love the "shithole" comment as it fits their white supremacist agenda. You people are poor excuses for Americans & human being.

What the fuck did you do to be a US citizen? NOTHING. You popped out of your mother's vagina on US soil or one of your parents was a US citizen. You did NOTHING. Trump did NOTHING.

But holy fuck, someone born in a third world country is an unworthy POS from a shithoie country.

You people are so far from being Christian.

You people are soooo far from the American spirit.

You are nothing but a pile of racist, bigoted scum.

I wish we could trade your oversized asses for some of those people in one of those shithole countries.
. Hit a nerve eh ?? You are just like you're buddy Obama, trashing America while giving shite-hole run dictator's a pass. Those shite-hole third world dictatorships dependent upon our idiocy to accept their Nationals who end up here (reeking havoc on our systems), are laughing in our face calling us the fools that we have become.
Racism & bigotry hits a nerve. Why doesn't it for you?

Obama did not trash America.

Your shithole buddy Trump trashes America e very time he opens his fat mouth & spews his hate, bigotry & racism.

And you love it. You love it because your ignorance, bigotry & racism is so inbred into your very being.

Why don't you go complain about Mexico's bigotry against immigrants?

No wonder why the rich media, and Hollywood brats hate Italians all the time, these rich Globalist scums see them as a threat.

I wish we could trade your oversized asses for some of those people in one of those shithole countries.

You go over there and send any Haitian you like back to replace you.

Even *I* think that would be a good trade for America!
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white Trumpo gun? This is a completely incoherent sentence.

You didn't retype the full sentence. Try that, the adjectives apply to the noun 'hoarder'.

Are you an impoverished left behind white Trumpo gun and ammo hoarder?

Perhaps the statement was too complex for you;

Are you impoverished?

left behind?


a Trumpo?

gun and ammo hoarder?


Circe, post: 19044942, member: 42360 We got an example of Trump hate yesterday, when the White House says his "Shit Hole" comment is ok because his hate base is ok with it.

I oppose all Trump hate. His racist hate is un-American. How about you? Are you ok with Trumpo's "Shit Hole" expression?

It's ok to hate Trumpo's racism and Islamaphia, and his bragging about sexual assaulting women because he is a cekebrity.

I do hate all of that.
. Well you hate most Americans then, because most Americans voted for Trump because they were tired of the dam excuses, they were tired of the murdering of Americans by Islamist religious fanatics, they were tired of sending million's upon million's to shite-holes created by super corrupt governments who could care less about their populations in those shite-holes, in which they run while stealing the money that was sent to them by us.

Trump wasn't talking about the people of the shite-holes, but the shite-holes they are trying to escape from. Otherwise he would rather help them in their own country, than to allow them to come here and disrupt the balance and cultural norms in our country. Enough is enough already.
Trump lost the popular vote.
Trumpettes love the "shithole" comment as it fits their white supremacist agenda. You people are poor excuses for Americans & human being.

What the fuck did you do to be a US citizen? NOTHING. You popped out of your mother's vagina on US soil or one of your parents was a US citizen. You did NOTHING. Trump did NOTHING.

But holy fuck, someone born in a third world country is an unworthy POS from a shithoie country.

You people are so far from being Christian.

You people are soooo far from the American spirit.

You are nothing but a pile of racist, bigoted scum.

I wish we could trade your oversized asses for some of those people in one of those shithole countries.
. Hit a nerve eh ?? You are just like you're buddy Obama, trashing America while giving shite-hole run dictator's a pass. Those shite-hole third world dictatorships dependent upon our idiocy to accept their Nationals who end up here (reeking havoc on our systems), are laughing in our face calling us the fools that we have become.
Racism & bigotry hits a nerve. Why doesn't it for you?

Obama did not trash America.

Your shithole buddy Trump trashes America e very time he opens his fat mouth & spews his hate, bigotry & racism.

And you love it. You love it because your ignorance, bigotry & racism is so inbred into your very being.

Why don't you go complain about Mexico's bigotry against immigrants?

No wonder why the rich media, and Hollywood brats hate Italians all the time, these rich Globalist scums see them as a threat.

they don't have our Statue of Liberty.
Because people like you and the OP are Republicans. I don't want to be associated with all the hate, bigotry and shit for brains trickle down economic policy on the right.

You are swimming in your own hate and bigotry. It's like the fish in water --- they don't even know there is such a thing as water, it's just the ground of existence. The fury and hatred of the left is amazing to all of us on the right, I think. And all of them projecting their murderous hatred onto us.

I guess it's the anger of losing so bad, and nobody on the other side thinking you've got much going for any of your ideas anymore and finally saying so.
Circe, post: 19044942, member: 42360
I wish you did oppose Trump hate, but it's clear that you hate Trump, so you don't.

We got an example of Trump hate yesterday, when the White House says his "Shit Hole" comment is ok because his hate base is ok with it.

I oppose all Trump hate. His racist hate is un-American. How about you? Are you ok with Trumpo's "Shit Hole" expression?

It's ok to hate Trumpo's racism and Islamaphia, and his bragging about sexual assaulting women because he is a cekebrity.

I do hate all of that.
. Well you hate most Americans then, because most Americans voted for Trump because they were tired of the dam excuses, they were tired of the murdering of Americans by Islamist religious fanatics, they were tired of sending million's upon million's to shite-holes created by super corrupt governments who could care less about their populations in those shite-holes, in which they run while stealing the money that was sent to them by us.

Trump wasn't talking about the people of the shite-holes, but the shite-holes they are trying to escape from. Otherwise he would rather help them in their own country, than to allow them to come here and disrupt the balance and cultural norms in our country. Enough is enough already.
Trump lost the popular vote.
Trumpettes love the "shithole" comment as it fits their white supremacist agenda. You people are poor excuses for Americans & human being.

What the fuck did you do to be a US citizen? NOTHING. You popped out of your mother's vagina on US soil or one of your parents was a US citizen. You did NOTHING. Trump did NOTHING.

But holy fuck, someone born in a third world country is an unworthy POS from a shithoie country.

You people are so far from being Christian.

You people are soooo far from the American spirit.

You are nothing but a pile of racist, bigoted scum.

I wish we could trade your oversized asses for some of those people in one of those shithole countries.
. Hit a nerve eh ?? You are just like you're buddy Obama, trashing America while giving shite-hole run dictator's a pass. Those shite-hole third world dictatorships dependent upon our idiocy to accept their Nationals who end up here (reeking havoc on our systems), are laughing in our face calling us the fools that we have become.
Racism & bigotry hits a nerve. Why doesn't it for you?

Obama did not trash America.

Your shithole buddy Trump trashes America e very time he opens his fat mouth & spews his hate, bigotry & racism.

And you love it. You love it because your ignorance, bigotry & racism is so inbred into your very being.
. The nation tried it your ignant way, and your Demon-crats bullcrap is now being found out by all who suffered under your Demon-crats bullcrap.. Good luck holding on.
. Well you hate most Americans then, because most Americans voted for Trump because they were tired of the dam excuses, they were tired of the murdering of Americans by Islamist religious fanatics, they were tired of sending million's upon million's to shite-holes created by super corrupt governments who could care less about their populations in those shite-holes, in which they run while stealing the money that was sent to them by us.

Trump wasn't talking about the people of the shite-holes, but the shite-holes they are trying to escape from. Otherwise he would rather help them in their own country, than to allow them to come here and disrupt the balance and cultural norms in our country. Enough is enough already.
Trump lost the popular vote.
Trumpettes love the "shithole" comment as it fits their white supremacist agenda. You people are poor excuses for Americans & human being.

What the fuck did you do to be a US citizen? NOTHING. You popped out of your mother's vagina on US soil or one of your parents was a US citizen. You did NOTHING. Trump did NOTHING.

But holy fuck, someone born in a third world country is an unworthy POS from a shithoie country.

You people are so far from being Christian.

You people are soooo far from the American spirit.

You are nothing but a pile of racist, bigoted scum.

I wish we could trade your oversized asses for some of those people in one of those shithole countries.
. Hit a nerve eh ?? You are just like you're buddy Obama, trashing America while giving shite-hole run dictator's a pass. Those shite-hole third world dictatorships dependent upon our idiocy to accept their Nationals who end up here (reeking havoc on our systems), are laughing in our face calling us the fools that we have become.
Racism & bigotry hits a nerve. Why doesn't it for you?

Obama did not trash America.

Your shithole buddy Trump trashes America e very time he opens his fat mouth & spews his hate, bigotry & racism.

And you love it. You love it because your ignorance, bigotry & racism is so inbred into your very being.

Why don't you go complain about Mexico's bigotry against immigrants?

No wonder why the rich media, and Hollywood brats hate Italians all the time, these rich Globalist scums see them as a threat.

they don't have our Statue of Liberty.

So in your head because of the Statue we need to throw open the borders, alrighty then.
Well, as long as the Nazis didn't allow their country to be overtaken all is OK. :badgrin:

You know someone has nothing, when they nitpick semantics.

It's not semantics when what you claim is the exact opposite of the truth.

I meant infiltration, you are what's wrong with this World, a person who only has OCD nitpicking, and absolutely no perceptive ability.

You proved to be a retard when you got angry for saying the truth that the Upper, and Lower classes cause more problem.

You have no concept of reality, all you got is OCD nitpicking.

I'm not angry, but you keep pointing out how great fascism is, how come their governments don't last as long?

I think we know WW2 wasn't about saving Poland, it was about stopping Fascism.

How else do you explain no true action by Britain, and France against Nazis for invading Poland, well until Nazis invaded France, that is.

How else do you explain why Britain, and France didn't also declare war on Soviets, for also invading Poland, but instead gave Poland to the Soviets in Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam Conferences?

How else do you explain why Britain, and America killed more than Mussolini, they thought it was more important to destroy Fascist Italy killing 400,000 people than to actually deal with Nazi Germany first?

Right, Germany and Italy are not to blame for any of it. It's all the allies fault for not stopping Germany sooner. Great point. :cuckoo:

Still doesn't address the point that fascist regimes usually don't last too long.
You know someone has nothing, when they nitpick semantics.

It's not semantics when what you claim is the exact opposite of the truth.

I meant infiltration, you are what's wrong with this World, a person who only has OCD nitpicking, and absolutely no perceptive ability.

You proved to be a retard when you got angry for saying the truth that the Upper, and Lower classes cause more problem.

You have no concept of reality, all you got is OCD nitpicking.

I'm not angry, but you keep pointing out how great fascism is, how come their governments don't last as long?

I think we know WW2 wasn't about saving Poland, it was about stopping Fascism.

How else do you explain no true action by Britain, and France against Nazis for invading Poland, well until Nazis invaded France, that is.

How else do you explain why Britain, and France didn't also declare war on Soviets, for also invading Poland, but instead gave Poland to the Soviets in Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam Conferences?

How else do you explain why Britain, and America killed more than Mussolini, they thought it was more important to destroy Fascist Italy killing 400,000 people than to actually deal with Nazi Germany first?

Right, Germany and Italy are not to blame for any of it. It's all the allies fault for not stopping Germany sooner. Great point. :cuckoo:

Still doesn't address the point that fascist regimes usually don't last too long.

Fascist Italy only killed 30,000 civilians in it's Ethiopian campaign.

The Anglo allies probably killed that much civilians, if not more, in a matter of hours in the Dresden Firebombing.

W Bush probably killed more civilians than Mussolini did, and Lyndon Johnson definitely did.

Do you think foreigners would've had the right to invade, bomb, destroy, and dismantle America, mass murdering because of W Bush's, or Lyndon Johnson's actions?
Yeah... It's bad... But not that bad.

The Allies didn't care about brutality, they cared about stomping out Fascism.

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