Where does wealth hatred come from?

Where does wealth hatred come from?

Democratic party leaders, they have to blame someone for failing the poor over the past 50 years.

Agreed, but is that the only reason? I didn't have time to go through all the posts yet, but so far, JoeB is the only one to admitting his hatred comes from personal experiences where "he felt" they Fd him over.

Democratic party leaders and the liberal media have convinced millions that the 'rich' have stolen something that is rightfully theirs, that the poor and middle class are ENTITLED to the 'rich' wealth. The 'rich' use loopholes and are greedy and take more than their 'fair share' the propaganda is off the charts.

The World "Left" hates THIS Nation because they claim that the US has disproportionately used the resources of other Countries. Hell, Obama believed that. There is a reason he titled his book "Dreams FROM My Father".

Every superpower in history going back thousands of years did the exact same thing. Fortunately for the rest of the world we have refrained from nuking anyone off the face of the earth.
This is a guy who says he doesn't know what you're talking about to avoid talking about it. He won't even look stuff up. Then when told, he'll say he still doesn't know what it is a few months later because he couldn't be arsed to even read the fucking thing you wrote. He'll be shown he's wrong time and time and time again, and he'll be back with the same crap in a week's time.

Why do you keep trying to change his mind, then? You don't let anyone change your mind, after all.

No one is interested in somebody supposedly showing "he's wrong time and time and time again," because it's not about right and wrong, true and false.

It's about whose side you're on. You're on the left, he's on the right, and we're all going to stay on the side we're comfortable with. So quit trying to change people's minds.

Well that's probably the problem. On this forum it isn't about people trying to make their country a better place. It's about them trying to "win". I don't get it.

But then again every empire has fallen, and every empire has fallen in part because the people became too arrogant to be able to deal with their problems.

America loves winning and winners.
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

This here folks, is a guy who thinks that the govt should be going around throwing money at rich people so they can be rich.

"Hey, this guy's good, he's a billionaire, and he got all of his money by bribing the govt. That guy over there is scum, he lost his job in a recession caused by the rich, and can't get another one, he shouldn't be given any money at all"

Don't expect much logic from someone so brainwashed by partisan Republican politics, it seeps out of his pores.
. I do disagree with Ray's defense of the rich as if they can do no wrong, but on alot of issues he can be spot on. Not sure why he defends the wealthy in the ways that he does, unless there is some sort of incentive in doing so. I call it like I see it on all issues, and if the rich aren't favored on an issue, then oh well.

I find that Ray's only chance of being "spot on" is the same that if you get enough monkeys on type writers, one of them is going to end up writing something truthful.

He defends the rich because he's a Republican sock puppet. They tell him to say something, he says something.

This is a guy who says he doesn't know what you're talking about to avoid talking about it. He won't even look stuff up. Then when told, he'll say he still doesn't know what it is a few months later because he couldn't be arsed to even read the fucking thing you wrote. He'll be shown he's wrong time and time and time again, and he'll be back with the same crap in a week's time.

Still losing sleep over that one?

Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

This here folks, is a guy who thinks that the govt should be going around throwing money at rich people so they can be rich.

"Hey, this guy's good, he's a billionaire, and he got all of his money by bribing the govt. That guy over there is scum, he lost his job in a recession caused by the rich, and can't get another one, he shouldn't be given any money at all"

Don't expect much logic from someone so brainwashed by partisan Republican politics, it seeps out of his pores.
. I do disagree with Ray's defense of the rich as if they can do no wrong, but on alot of issues he can be spot on. Not sure why he defends the wealthy in the ways that he does, unless there is some sort of incentive in doing so. I call it like I see it on all issues, and if the rich aren't favored on an issue, then oh well.

I find that Ray's only chance of being "spot on" is the same that if you get enough monkeys on type writers, one of them is going to end up writing something truthful.

He defends the rich because he's a Republican sock puppet. They tell him to say something, he says something.

This is a guy who says he doesn't know what you're talking about to avoid talking about it. He won't even look stuff up. Then when told, he'll say he still doesn't know what it is a few months later because he couldn't be arsed to even read the fucking thing you wrote. He'll be shown he's wrong time and time and time again, and he'll be back with the same crap in a week's time.

Still losing sleep over that one?

View attachment 171369

Not losing sleep Ray, just showing people what you're made of.
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

This here folks, is a guy who thinks that the govt should be going around throwing money at rich people so they can be rich.

"Hey, this guy's good, he's a billionaire, and he got all of his money by bribing the govt. That guy over there is scum, he lost his job in a recession caused by the rich, and can't get another one, he shouldn't be given any money at all"

Don't expect much logic from someone so brainwashed by partisan Republican politics, it seeps out of his pores.
. I do disagree with Ray's defense of the rich as if they can do no wrong, but on alot of issues he can be spot on. Not sure why he defends the wealthy in the ways that he does, unless there is some sort of incentive in doing so. I call it like I see it on all issues, and if the rich aren't favored on an issue, then oh well.

Wherever did I state the rich can do no wrong?
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

This here folks, is a guy who thinks that the govt should be going around throwing money at rich people so they can be rich.

"Hey, this guy's good, he's a billionaire, and he got all of his money by bribing the govt. That guy over there is scum, he lost his job in a recession caused by the rich, and can't get another one, he shouldn't be given any money at all"

Don't expect much logic from someone so brainwashed by partisan Republican politics, it seeps out of his pores.

Thanks for proving my point and being part of the group that gave me the idea to create this topic.
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

This here folks, is a guy who thinks that the govt should be going around throwing money at rich people so they can be rich.

"Hey, this guy's good, he's a billionaire, and he got all of his money by bribing the govt. That guy over there is scum, he lost his job in a recession caused by the rich, and can't get another one, he shouldn't be given any money at all"

Don't expect much logic from someone so brainwashed by partisan Republican politics, it seeps out of his pores.
. I do disagree with Ray's defense of the rich as if they can do no wrong, but on alot of issues he can be spot on. Not sure why he defends the wealthy in the ways that he does, unless there is some sort of incentive in doing so. I call it like I see it on all issues, and if the rich aren't favored on an issue, then oh well.

Wherever did I state the rich can do no wrong?

"defense of the rich"

"the rich can do no wrong"

How did you manage to twist this so much? No one said you said "the rich can do no wrong". No one.
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

This here folks, is a guy who thinks that the govt should be going around throwing money at rich people so they can be rich.

"Hey, this guy's good, he's a billionaire, and he got all of his money by bribing the govt. That guy over there is scum, he lost his job in a recession caused by the rich, and can't get another one, he shouldn't be given any money at all"

Don't expect much logic from someone so brainwashed by partisan Republican politics, it seeps out of his pores.

Thanks for proving my point and being part of the group that gave me the idea to create this topic.

Ray, you didn't get the idea to create this topic. Is seeped through your mind from your handlers.

You compartmentalize things. You can use one argument for one part of a topic, then use a completely contradictory argument for another part. Whatever fits the argument you're trying to make goes, no matter what you said 5 minutes before.

The funny thing here is Ray, we've had this discussion on many occasions, talking about the impact of this, that and the other on society, and you didn't get it the first, second, third time, or any time after that. You'll just ignore what isn't convenient for your argument.
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

Why hate the rich instead of the poor...... well, for one, offshoring factories to foreign countries for profit. This ruined a lot of our big cities which were manufacturing centers. This didn't help the job situation for the poor, and especially blacks. Not to worry, the wealthy folks like the Kochs (who also invest in republican politicians who will work in the Koch's best interests, not the public's) now invest in private prisons for profit, which have guaranteed prisoners courtesy of the local jurisdictions. Link below
Anyway, I refuse to adore and defend and lick the boots of the wealthy and powerful like so many on the right seem to do on these forums.

Report Finds Two-Thirds of Private Prison Contracts Include “Lockup Quotas” | Prison Legal News

Offshoring is done to create lower priced products. Why do we need lower priced products? Because that's the demand of the American consumer.

One of our clients is a crate company. They make crates the size of suitcases to the size of tractor-trailers. I delivered those crates to companies that were packing up to move out of state or out of the country. Whenever possible, I tried to strike up a conversation about the move while getting unloaded with the supervisors or owners themselves.

You'd be surprised at how many moved because they had no choice. Overseas competition was killing them and their American clients were buying their products instead of the American made ones. Other times it was the same thing, except unions were causing them to lose customers and forcing them to move.
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.
I will never understand envy/wealth redistribution, I guess I grew up where I just did not want anything that anyone else had. I wanted to earn everything and pay for my own shit.
reducing people to stats in politics is a moral error of breathtaking proportions.

that's where the hatred comes from.
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

Why hate the rich instead of the poor...... well, for one, offshoring factories to foreign countries for profit. This ruined a lot of our big cities which were manufacturing centers. This didn't help the job situation for the poor, and especially blacks. Not to worry, the wealthy folks like the Kochs (who also invest in republican politicians who will work in the Koch's best interests, not the public's) now invest in private prisons for profit, which have guaranteed prisoners courtesy of the local jurisdictions. Link below
Anyway, I refuse to adore and defend and lick the boots of the wealthy and powerful like so many on the right seem to do on these forums.

Report Finds Two-Thirds of Private Prison Contracts Include “Lockup Quotas” | Prison Legal News

Offshoring is done to create lower priced products. Why do we need lower priced products? Because that's the demand of the American consumer.

One of our clients is a crate company. They make crates the size of suitcases to the size of tractor-trailers. I delivered those crates to companies that were packing up to move out of state or out of the country. Whenever possible, I tried to strike up a conversation about the move while getting unloaded with the supervisors or owners themselves.

You'd be surprised at how many moved because they had no choice. Overseas competition was killing them and their American clients were buying their products instead of the American made ones. Other times it was the same thing, except unions were causing them to lose customers and forcing them to move.

And the question here is, at what point does your world around you become more important than money?
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

Why hate the rich instead of the poor...... well, for one, offshoring factories to foreign countries for profit. This ruined a lot of our big cities which were manufacturing centers. This didn't help the job situation for the poor, and especially blacks. Not to worry, the wealthy folks like the Kochs (who also invest in republican politicians who will work in the Koch's best interests, not the public's) now invest in private prisons for profit, which have guaranteed prisoners courtesy of the local jurisdictions. Link below
Anyway, I refuse to adore and defend and lick the boots of the wealthy and powerful like so many on the right seem to do on these forums.

Report Finds Two-Thirds of Private Prison Contracts Include “Lockup Quotas” | Prison Legal News

Offshoring is done to create lower priced products. Why do we need lower priced products? Because that's the demand of the American consumer.

One of our clients is a crate company. They make crates the size of suitcases to the size of tractor-trailers. I delivered those crates to companies that were packing up to move out of state or out of the country. Whenever possible, I tried to strike up a conversation about the move while getting unloaded with the supervisors or owners themselves.

You'd be surprised at how many moved because they had no choice. Overseas competition was killing them and their American clients were buying their products instead of the American made ones. Other times it was the same thing, except unions were causing them to lose customers and forcing them to move.

And the question here is, at what point does your world around you become more important than money?

It isn't that simple, money makes the world go round and feeds one's children.
Circe, post: 19044942, member: 42360
I wish you did oppose Trump hate, but it's clear that you hate Trump, so you don't.

We got an example of Trump hate yesterday, when the White House says his "Shit Hole" comment is ok because his hate base is ok with it.

I oppose all Trump hate. His racist hate is un-American. How about you? Are you ok with Trumpo's "Shit Hole" expression?

It's ok to hate Trumpo's racism and Islamaphia, and his bragging about sexual assaulting women because he is a cekebrity.

I do hate all of that.
. Well you hate most Americans then, because most Americans voted for Trump because they were tired of the dam excuses, they were tired of the murdering of Americans by Islamist religious fanatics, they were tired of sending million's upon million's to shite-holes created by super corrupt governments who could care less about their populations in those shite-holes, in which they run while stealing the money that was sent to them by us.

Trump wasn't talking about the people of the shite-holes, but the shite-holes they are trying to escape from. Otherwise he would rather help them in their own country, than to allow them to come here and disrupt the balance and cultural norms in our country. Enough is enough already.
Trump lost the popular vote.
Trumpettes love the "shithole" comment as it fits their white supremacist agenda. You people are poor excuses for Americans & human being.

What the fuck did you do to be a US citizen? NOTHING. You popped out of your mother's vagina on US soil or one of your parents was a US citizen. You did NOTHING. Trump did NOTHING.

But holy fuck, someone born in a third world country is an unworthy POS from a shithoie country.

You people are so far from being Christian.

You people are soooo far from the American spirit.

You are nothing but a pile of racist, bigoted scum.

I wish we could trade your oversized asses for some of those people in one of those shithole countries.

Who said anything about "people" from those countries?
Trump said it.
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.
Where does your worship the wealthy originate? Why do you want to give them money? Why do you want to borrow money to give it to the wealthy?

I don;t hate the wealthy. I hate those that manipulate their purchased Congressmen to pass laws that makes them even ore money at taxpayers expense.& I haste the fucking morons that agree with that practice.

That would be asswipes like you.

And ass wipes like you. Do you really believe your party isn't bought and sold; nobody with an agenda contributes to those thieves?

Why do you suppose when you buy a product, you have to bypass ten pages of warnings? That's right, because trial lawyers are one of the biggest contributors to the Democrat party. That's why it was okay to sue a manufacturer if you plugged in your new toaster and decided to make toast while you were in the shower. Then after the electrocution, you sued the toaster company or your family did.

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