Where does wealth hatred come from?

Dale Smith, post: 19053294
still boggles the mind.

What should boggle your mind is the fake reality claims you make and not one case gas been prosecuted in the fifteen months since Trumpo undeniably lost the popular vote,

44 states won't give some voter info to panel - CNNPolitics

Like I said - not one prosecution. Many of 45 are Red States. There is no defense for your lie.

All your web searches find absolutely no prosecutions in any state or charges filed against a non-citizen who voted illegally during the 2016 Presidential ekection yet you repeat the lie that there were over three million cases of that Federal Crime which means Trumpo won the popular vote.

Have you no decency, integrity or honesty left in your being. What happens to Trumpo supporters that they depart so permanently from the real world of facts, logic and reason in order to dwell in the fake reality world that Trumpo created and maintains for them

Trumpo tells the 'illegal for Clinton voter lie' and the suckers born every minute are permanently mesmerized by the Trumpo Lying Circus.

Judicial Watch Sues California and Los Angeles Over Dirty Voter Registration Rolls - Judicial Watch
I'm awed by the amount of time and effort that the OP has put into a question that is based on a faulty premise. It's almost as if I can hear the gears in his head turning.....excruciatingly slow.

What faulty premise? Are you going to tell me you leftists on USMB don't hate the wealthy given your constant remarks?

Leftists? Name them.

Yes. That's what I'm telling you. Liberals here don't hate welathy people. We don't hate business owners. Many of us ARE business owners.


Yeah, that is a funny thing about the left. They constantly tell us how many have too much money, we need more business regulations, we need to take more money from businesses, but they are business people themselves.

That's kind of comparable to somebody with an Obama phone saying Obama phones have too many minutes.

None of that is accurate. That's why you have so much trouble getting by. You're a dummy.

Well.......it's like I always say, you know you beat a liberal in an argument when they resort to personal insults. Like a man in a gun fight who runs out of bullets. He will eventually try to throw the gun at his opponent hoping to hit him.
Ok, so you want less money and more environmental protections eh ? Then start voting for people who want smaller government involvement in social issues, and this would be in order to stop the out of control irresponsible breeding going on amongst an out of control brainwashed Hollyweird brain dead population, who could give a crap less about your environment, your global warming bullcrap, or your agenda's. If you are not a part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

Global warming is like health insurance. You can save money by not having insurance, and if you're lucky, you won't ever need it, thus saving a fortune. But the down side is that a single medical emergency can completely bankrupt you. So is denying global warming to save a few bucks, worth the gamble.

It's less of that than it is there is no amount of money that would ever make environmentalists happy.

We've been improving our environment for what now.........50 years? Trillions of dollars many of them right down the drain because they produced little results. The lefts solution? Keep throwing even more money at it.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19053223
Christians believe that killing babies is murder.

Apparently not all Christians believe what you believe. And you have no clue and no way to know which Christians personally would not have an abortion based on their religion, but don't seek to impose their religion on others. Therefore it is not considered murder.

You see that is what you right wing extremists do. Try to Impose your religion on everybody else.

You claim to not be religious but you write as if you speak for all Christians.

Yet you cannot see what is wrong with that, and the hate that you promote when you promote one religious group and accuse another group of supporting murder.

It's none of your business. Stop the hate.

I didn't say it was my business. I told you what the Christian belief is. Find me a credible link that states abortion is fine with some Christian group. That would be like finding a white supremacist group that has a member who's married to a black woman.

I can't tell you what goes on in the minds of individuals, but I can tell you what the organizations preach and support. In the Catholic religion, people sin all the time. That's why they have Confessions.
Ok, so you want less money and more environmental protections eh ? Then start voting for people who want smaller government involvement in social issues, and this would be in order to stop the out of control irresponsible breeding going on amongst an out of control brainwashed Hollyweird brain dead population, who could give a crap less about your environment, your global warming bullcrap, or your agenda's. If you are not a part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

Global warming is like health insurance. You can save money by not having insurance, and if you're lucky, you won't ever need it, thus saving a fortune. But the down side is that a single medical emergency can completely bankrupt you. So is denying global warming to save a few bucks, worth the gamble.

It's less of that than it is there is no amount of money that would ever make environmentalists happy.

We've been improving our environment for what now.........50 years? Trillions of dollars many of them right down the drain because they produced little results. The lefts solution? Keep throwing even more money at it.
. Well to be fair Ray, who are the polluters, and you say it cost us trillions cleaning up after them ?? You sure that the efforts produced little results ? Was some of those trillions spent to improve upon, and to create new technologies in order to limit the pollution effects in our rivers, streams, and drinking waters ? I have seen huge improvements over the last 50 years Ray, so this might be a battle you won't win on. Nothing wrong with always being mindful of our environment.
Ok, so you want less money and more environmental protections eh ? Then start voting for people who want smaller government involvement in social issues, and this would be in order to stop the out of control irresponsible breeding going on amongst an out of control brainwashed Hollyweird brain dead population, who could give a crap less about your environment, your global warming bullcrap, or your agenda's. If you are not a part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

Global warming is like health insurance. You can save money by not having insurance, and if you're lucky, you won't ever need it, thus saving a fortune. But the down side is that a single medical emergency can completely bankrupt you. So is denying global warming to save a few bucks, worth the gamble.

It's less of that than it is there is no amount of money that would ever make environmentalists happy.

We've been improving our environment for what now.........50 years? Trillions of dollars many of them right down the drain because they produced little results. The lefts solution? Keep throwing even more money at it.
. Well to be fair Ray, who are the polluters, and you say it cost us trillions cleaning up after them ?? You sure that the efforts produced little results ? Was some of those trillions spent to improve upon, and to create new technologies in order to limit the pollution effects in our rivers, streams, and drinking waters ? I have seen huge improvements over the last 50 years Ray, so this might be a battle you won't win on. Nothing wrong with always being mindful of our environment.

Sure there are things wrong with it. It sucks money right out of society.

There are things that needed to be done since 50 years ago. But a lot of stuff is just expensive and produces no results.

Over here the feds made us erect E-check stations. If your car doesn't pass, you can still drive it provided you show them you spent $300.00 towards the repair.

What they did was test our air and said it was too dirty. Ten years after they started E-check, they tested it again and no change in the results. So what was the reaction? They forced us to keep it.

Those millions of dollars we've been pouring into this E--check nonsense could have went to much better things in our state. Instead, we wasted Lord knows how much money to produce nothing.

The real problem with environment is the costs are hidden in the products we buy, and we have no idea how much we are spending on it. Every single thing you buy today has an intrinsic pollution cost to it.
I'm awed by the amount of time and effort that the OP has put into a question that is based on a faulty premise. It's almost as if I can hear the gears in his head turning.....excruciatingly slow.

What faulty premise? Are you going to tell me you leftists on USMB don't hate the wealthy given your constant remarks?

Leftists? Name them.

Yes. That's what I'm telling you. Liberals here don't hate welathy people. We don't hate business owners. Many of us ARE business owners.


Yeah, that is a funny thing about the left. They constantly tell us how many have too much money, we need more business regulations, we need to take more money from businesses, but they are business people themselves.

That's kind of comparable to somebody with an Obama phone saying Obama phones have too many minutes.

None of that is accurate. That's why you have so much trouble getting by. You're a dummy.

Well.......it's like I always say, you know you beat a liberal in an argument when they resort to personal insults. Like a man in a gun fight who runs out of bullets. He will eventually try to throw the gun at his opponent hoping to hit him.

False. You keep repeating false claims. You get called a dummy. It has nothing to do with anyone winning an argument.
What faulty premise? Are you going to tell me you leftists on USMB don't hate the wealthy given your constant remarks?

Leftists? Name them.

Yes. That's what I'm telling you. Liberals here don't hate welathy people. We don't hate business owners. Many of us ARE business owners.


Yeah, that is a funny thing about the left. They constantly tell us how many have too much money, we need more business regulations, we need to take more money from businesses, but they are business people themselves.

That's kind of comparable to somebody with an Obama phone saying Obama phones have too many minutes.

None of that is accurate. That's why you have so much trouble getting by. You're a dummy.

Well.......it's like I always say, you know you beat a liberal in an argument when they resort to personal insults. Like a man in a gun fight who runs out of bullets. He will eventually try to throw the gun at his opponent hoping to hit him.

False. You keep repeating false claims. You get called a dummy. It has nothing to do with anyone winning an argument.

No, you're the idiot because you can't even see what's right in front of your face. Most all liberals here are financially well off according to them. You will be hell pressed to find many blue-collar working liberals on USMB or any discussion board. They all either make six figures or close to it, have their own business, work from home, you name it.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here.
Trump lost the popular vote.
Trumpettes love the "shithole" comment as it fits their white supremacist agenda. You people are poor excuses for Americans & human being.

What the fuck did you do to be a US citizen? NOTHING. You popped out of your mother's vagina on US soil or one of your parents was a US citizen. You did NOTHING. Trump did NOTHING.

But holy fuck, someone born in a third world country is an unworthy POS from a shithoie country.

You people are so far from being Christian.

You people are soooo far from the American spirit.

You are nothing but a pile of racist, bigoted scum.

I wish we could trade your oversized asses for some of those people in one of those shithole countries.
. Hit a nerve eh ?? You are just like you're buddy Obama, trashing America while giving shite-hole run dictator's a pass. Those shite-hole third world dictatorships dependent upon our idiocy to accept their Nationals who end up here (reeking havoc on our systems), are laughing in our face calling us the fools that we have become.
Racism & bigotry hits a nerve. Why doesn't it for you?

Obama did not trash America.

Your shithole buddy Trump trashes America e very time he opens his fat mouth & spews his hate, bigotry & racism.

And you love it. You love it because your ignorance, bigotry & racism is so inbred into your very being.

Why don't you go complain about Mexico's bigotry against immigrants?

No wonder why the rich media, and Hollywood brats hate Italians all the time, these rich Globalist scums see them as a threat.

they don't have our Statue of Liberty.

So in your head because of the Statue we need to throw open the borders, alrighty then.

Should we give our Statue back to the French and declaim, we couldn't handle it?
. Hit a nerve eh ?? You are just like you're buddy Obama, trashing America while giving shite-hole run dictator's a pass. Those shite-hole third world dictatorships dependent upon our idiocy to accept their Nationals who end up here (reeking havoc on our systems), are laughing in our face calling us the fools that we have become.
Racism & bigotry hits a nerve. Why doesn't it for you?

Obama did not trash America.

Your shithole buddy Trump trashes America e very time he opens his fat mouth & spews his hate, bigotry & racism.

And you love it. You love it because your ignorance, bigotry & racism is so inbred into your very being.

Why don't you go complain about Mexico's bigotry against immigrants?

No wonder why the rich media, and Hollywood brats hate Italians all the time, these rich Globalist scums see them as a threat.

they don't have our Statue of Liberty.

So in your head because of the Statue we need to throw open the borders, alrighty then.

Should we give our Statue back to the French and declaim, we couldn't handle it?

LOL, you take them in an feed them. We have laws and we need to enforce them. Answer the question, throw open the borders and let EVERYONE in, is that it?
Racism & bigotry hits a nerve. Why doesn't it for you?

Obama did not trash America.

Your shithole buddy Trump trashes America e very time he opens his fat mouth & spews his hate, bigotry & racism.

And you love it. You love it because your ignorance, bigotry & racism is so inbred into your very being.

Why don't you go complain about Mexico's bigotry against immigrants?

No wonder why the rich media, and Hollywood brats hate Italians all the time, these rich Globalist scums see them as a threat.

they don't have our Statue of Liberty.

So in your head because of the Statue we need to throw open the borders, alrighty then.

Should we give our Statue back to the French and declaim, we couldn't handle it?

LOL, you take them in an feed them. We have laws and we need to enforce them. Answer the question, throw open the borders and let EVERYONE in, is that it?

A market friendly visa could generate revenue from a market of about, six billion and growing.
Why don't you go complain about Mexico's bigotry against immigrants?

No wonder why the rich media, and Hollywood brats hate Italians all the time, these rich Globalist scums see them as a threat.

they don't have our Statue of Liberty.

So in your head because of the Statue we need to throw open the borders, alrighty then.

Should we give our Statue back to the French and declaim, we couldn't handle it?

LOL, you take them in an feed them. We have laws and we need to enforce them. Answer the question, throw open the borders and let EVERYONE in, is that it?

A market friendly visa could generate revenue from a market of about, six billion and growing.

It's funny that none of you wants to answer that question. Your dodge is duly noted.
they don't have our Statue of Liberty.

So in your head because of the Statue we need to throw open the borders, alrighty then.
Should we give our Statue back to the French and declaim, we couldn't handle it?

LOL, you take them in an feed them. We have laws and we need to enforce them. Answer the question, throw open the borders and let EVERYONE in, is that it?
A market friendly visa could generate revenue from a market of about, six billion and growing.

It's funny that none of you wants to answer that question. Your dodge is duly noted.
Don't understand, capital plans only social plans?

A market friendly visa could generate revenue from a market of about, six billion and growing.
Ok, so you want less money and more environmental protections eh ? Then start voting for people who want smaller government involvement in social issues, and this would be in order to stop the out of control irresponsible breeding going on amongst an out of control brainwashed Hollyweird brain dead population, who could give a crap less about your environment, your global warming bullcrap, or your agenda's. If you are not a part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

Global warming is like health insurance. You can save money by not having insurance, and if you're lucky, you won't ever need it, thus saving a fortune. But the down side is that a single medical emergency can completely bankrupt you. So is denying global warming to save a few bucks, worth the gamble.

It's less of that than it is there is no amount of money that would ever make environmentalists happy.

We've been improving our environment for what now.........50 years? Trillions of dollars many of them right down the drain because they produced little results. The lefts solution? Keep throwing even more money at it.
. Well to be fair Ray, who are the polluters, and you say it cost us trillions cleaning up after them ?? You sure that the efforts produced little results ? Was some of those trillions spent to improve upon, and to create new technologies in order to limit the pollution effects in our rivers, streams, and drinking waters ? I have seen huge improvements over the last 50 years Ray, so this might be a battle you won't win on. Nothing wrong with always being mindful of our environment.

Sure there are things wrong with it. It sucks money right out of society.

There are things that needed to be done since 50 years ago. But a lot of stuff is just expensive and produces no results.

Over here the feds made us erect E-check stations. If your car doesn't pass, you can still drive it provided you show them you spent $300.00 towards the repair.

What they did was test our air and said it was too dirty. Ten years after they started E-check, they tested it again and no change in the results. So what was the reaction? They forced us to keep it.

Those millions of dollars we've been pouring into this E--check nonsense could have went to much better things in our state. Instead, we wasted Lord knows how much money to produce nothing.

The real problem with environment is the costs are hidden in the products we buy, and we have no idea how much we are spending on it. Every single thing you buy today has an intrinsic pollution cost to it.
. Just like the idiotic DEF systems now right ?? Yes, here lately the stuff has went way over the top, but they gotta have those cushy jobs or those cushy job's created right Ray ??
Dale Smith, post: 19052461
Project Veritas proved voter fraud and then you have 14 of the 20 states the Hildebeast she won with no voter ID law.

God, you are a sucker for fake reality. Most Americans voted for Clinton. Just a pure indisputable fact.

Not much "blue" on that map..............

View attachment 171382
Could already be blue again you just don’t know. Look at Alabama

We will see......leftards can only be in so many places at one time.
Where does wealth envy come from? You suckers just gave the rich huge tax breaks which ultimately will eat up the peanuts they’re giving you.

My bro makes over $500k a year. He didn’t need a tax break suckers
"Among religious groups, the pro-choice position is nuanced, recognizing that most people believe abortion--as well as bearing children-are matters for individual conscience, not government or religious mandate. Pro-choice denominations don't seek to impose their views on others or to make them law. They recognize that in our pluralistic society, politicians must not be allowed to impose laws about childbearing based on any particular belief about when life begins. The notion that life begins at the moment of conception is a belief held by some, but not all, religious groups.

I didn't say it was my business. I told you what the Christian belief is. Find me a credible link that states abortion is fine with some Christian group.

It's easy to see Your hatreds are fully based upon your inexcusable ignorance of the world you live in.

Easy to find. Here's a link:

Why can't you know this?

Who is pro-choice and religious? Denominations with official and long-standing pro-choice positions include the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Episcopal Church, the United Methodist Church, the United Church of Christ, the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, and Reform and Conservative Judaism. These organizations have a diversity of views about abortion and recognize it as a morally complex decision that must be made by the person most affected--the woman.

Among religious groups, the pro-choice position is nuanced, recognizing that most people believe abortion--as well as bearing children-are matters for individual conscience, not government or religious mandate. Pro-choice denominations don't seek to impose their views on others or to make them law. They recognize that in our pluralistic society, politicians must not be allowed to impose laws about childbearing based on any particular belief about when life begins. The notion that life begins at the moment of conception is a belief held by some, but not all, religious groups.

Read more at The Biblical Basis forbrBeing Pro-Choice

Read it again Ray:

Pro-choice denominations don't seek to impose their views on others or to make them law

So get your freakin hate filled nose out of a woman's birth choice business and quit pretending you know anything about other people's religious and spiritual belief's.
Dear lord, please let conservatism work for the entire country. It works for me now sort of but I don’t think it works for the masses. Please wake poor people up and tell them to vote for fairness. Make America great again which means a strong middle class and able to retire in comfort and not go broke from healthcare costs. Strengthen social security and raise wages and bless my 401k
You will be hell pressed to find many blue-collar working liberals on USMB or any discussion board.

I started off in life blue collar high school grad married with two kids, in construction and worked my way into management of a global too five Construction firm.

Always a Dem since the Vietnam war. And never will forget where I come from and my utmost respect and high priority of concern for blue collar workers. That's why I honestly could never vote for a Republican. GHW Bush was the only Republican President I would have considered. He handled the Gulf War to my satisfaction and chose right to raise taxes.

So give it up Ray. You have no idea what you are talking about.

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