Where does wealth hatred come from?

Ray From Cleveland, post: 19052832
Actually, they are hardly Christians either or they wouldn't be supporting a party of baby killers.

So you had to take your hate there. Abortion is legal - Your indictment of the Democratic Party is based on conservative fake reality that abortion is murder.

A lot of hate is oozing out of you again.
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Ray From Cleveland, post: 19052832
True Christians are conservative.

Now non-religious Ray has determined who exactly is a true Christian.

God has chosen an unbeliever to sort us mere mortal sinners out. Who would have guessed that?

That's one of the most contemptible, in my view, tenets of American conservatism, the arrogant holier than thou attitude of right-winger Christians.
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Why hate the rich instead of the poor...... well, for one, offshoring factories to foreign countries for profit. This ruined a lot of our big cities which were manufacturing centers. This didn't help the job situation for the poor, and especially blacks. Not to worry, the wealthy folks like the Kochs (who also invest in republican politicians who will work in the Koch's best interests, not the public's) now invest in private prisons for profit, which have guaranteed prisoners courtesy of the local jurisdictions. Link below
Anyway, I refuse to adore and defend and lick the boots of the wealthy and powerful like so many on the right seem to do on these forums.

Report Finds Two-Thirds of Private Prison Contracts Include “Lockup Quotas” | Prison Legal News

Offshoring is done to create lower priced products. Why do we need lower priced products? Because that's the demand of the American consumer.

One of our clients is a crate company. They make crates the size of suitcases to the size of tractor-trailers. I delivered those crates to companies that were packing up to move out of state or out of the country. Whenever possible, I tried to strike up a conversation about the move while getting unloaded with the supervisors or owners themselves.

You'd be surprised at how many moved because they had no choice. Overseas competition was killing them and their American clients were buying their products instead of the American made ones. Other times it was the same thing, except unions were causing them to lose customers and forcing them to move.

And the question here is, at what point does your world around you become more important than money?

It isn't that simple, money makes the world go round and feeds one's children.

Yes, it does. However poor people are willing to take the risks of destroying their world, because they want an okay standard of living. But Americans have enough money that they can choose between money and the environment they live in.

I'll concede that, but there are also a significant amount of folks who simply don't want to work. That is an issue with n solution. The fact is though that my job I my family. I keep canned goods, water, and Ramen in the basement. One never knows. I wouldn't want to be the person who might try to make me share that in an emergency situation. You cannot deny that the "poor" in THIS country are still FAR better off then the poor in others countries. They have phones, most have cars nd many have more than on TV.

Yes, the poor are better off than in other countries. But the issue here is one of whether you choose to make money and destroy the environment around you, or protect it and make less money.

I found something that said in the future, as some point, Americans would be 4.4 times richer than now. However if they did environment stuff, they'd be 3.9 times richer. How much is having a good environment worth to people?
Why hate the rich instead of the poor...... well, for one, offshoring factories to foreign countries for profit. This ruined a lot of our big cities which were manufacturing centers. This didn't help the job situation for the poor, and especially blacks. Not to worry, the wealthy folks like the Kochs (who also invest in republican politicians who will work in the Koch's best interests, not the public's) now invest in private prisons for profit, which have guaranteed prisoners courtesy of the local jurisdictions. Link below
Anyway, I refuse to adore and defend and lick the boots of the wealthy and powerful like so many on the right seem to do on these forums.

Report Finds Two-Thirds of Private Prison Contracts Include “Lockup Quotas” | Prison Legal News

Offshoring is done to create lower priced products. Why do we need lower priced products? Because that's the demand of the American consumer.

One of our clients is a crate company. They make crates the size of suitcases to the size of tractor-trailers. I delivered those crates to companies that were packing up to move out of state or out of the country. Whenever possible, I tried to strike up a conversation about the move while getting unloaded with the supervisors or owners themselves.

You'd be surprised at how many moved because they had no choice. Overseas competition was killing them and their American clients were buying their products instead of the American made ones. Other times it was the same thing, except unions were causing them to lose customers and forcing them to move.

And the question here is, at what point does your world around you become more important than money?

It isn't my world around me, it's the general American public. I would sooner buy a quality product over a low quality product because I don't need the headache replacing shit or repairing it. When possible, I buy products produced by our American customers no matter what the price.

So you don't care about the world around you?

That's not the issue. Your kids are not my responsibility. That's not to say that if the shit hits the fan I wouldn't invite you in....but you'd NEVER be able to take it. In this Nation, at THIS time nobody is dying of starvation in the streets. In an ER situation NOBODY who needs care is being turned away. At the level THIS economy is going we are basically at full employment.

Again, I'm not sure what you're talking about has anything to do with what I'm talking about.

Do you care about the environment around you or not?

You talk about no one is starving. Okay, then, so you could earn LESS money in order to make the environment BETTER then.
MaryL, post: 19052931
used to be a liberal back in the day. I despise group think, cant say n*gger. Why not? And so it goes...

Glad you went to the group think of extreme rightwing conservatism. You can say the N word all you like. You are right. Liberals evolved.
Dale Smith, post: 19052533
Not much "blue" on that map..............

The lie pointed out was: 'most people voted for Trumpo'

The lie was not: 'most square miles of American soil'. - so why present an absolutely irrelevant map?

Take out the illegal votes and Trump wins the popular vote and a few more electoral votes as well.

BTW, who the fuck are you to claim otheres "be hatin" given the shit that you spew?
I have said Nig*er a rare few times. Nobody "owns" a word, let alone blacks. Absurd. But we can SAY MUCH WORSE. Define DECORUM. Hmm.
Why hate the rich instead of the poor...... well, for one, offshoring factories to foreign countries for profit. This ruined a lot of our big cities which were manufacturing centers. This didn't help the job situation for the poor, and especially blacks. Not to worry, the wealthy folks like the Kochs (who also invest in republican politicians who will work in the Koch's best interests, not the public's) now invest in private prisons for profit, which have guaranteed prisoners courtesy of the local jurisdictions. Link below
Anyway, I refuse to adore and defend and lick the boots of the wealthy and powerful like so many on the right seem to do on these forums.

Report Finds Two-Thirds of Private Prison Contracts Include “Lockup Quotas” | Prison Legal News

Offshoring is done to create lower priced products. Why do we need lower priced products? Because that's the demand of the American consumer.

One of our clients is a crate company. They make crates the size of suitcases to the size of tractor-trailers. I delivered those crates to companies that were packing up to move out of state or out of the country. Whenever possible, I tried to strike up a conversation about the move while getting unloaded with the supervisors or owners themselves.

You'd be surprised at how many moved because they had no choice. Overseas competition was killing them and their American clients were buying their products instead of the American made ones. Other times it was the same thing, except unions were causing them to lose customers and forcing them to move.

And the question here is, at what point does your world around you become more important than money?

It isn't my world around me, it's the general American public. I would sooner buy a quality product over a low quality product because I don't need the headache replacing shit or repairing it. When possible, I buy products produced by our American customers no matter what the price.

So you don't care about the world around you?

Of course I do, that's why I spend so much time here.

But I don't control the world and I don't expect everybody to think like me. I wish we had strong consumer support of American made products, but we don't. All we care about is getting our products cheap and we don't care who it puts out of work--as long as it isn't us.

A few years ago I went to see my doctor. When I approached the desk to check in, all the lights were off. A woman approached me from the side and guided me to their new kiosks. I objected to it to her, and I wrote the Clinic how I objected to it. It's not that I'm lazy, it's just that those things put Americans out of work. I only used self-checkout at my store once because the lines were so long and I was in a hurry. Other than that, I'll wait in line to be checked out by a human being.

But again, I don't expect everybody to think like I do. Many think just the opposite.

It's funny because you're talking about buying American, which I agree with. I think there should be incentives to buy locally made or grown things.

However on the other hand you talk about giving large multi-national corporations massive handouts. This in turn doesn't protect American jobs.

You take an American company like Apple. They sell i-Phones, i-Pads mostly to Americans.

They have production all over.

How and Where iPhone Is Made: A Surprising Report on How Much of Apple's Top Product is US-manufactured - Financesonline.com

Here, seems to be a few years old, you see they have more suppliers in the Far East than in the US by far.

Apple would pay 2% on tax abroad, or potentially 35% at home. Probably much less in reality.

It'd cost then $600 million more in wages in the US because US wages aren't competitive.

Does this mean you shouldn't buy an i-Phone?

What phone manufacturers actually produce everything in the US? Probably none.

Then companies like Walmart. They're more efficient, they save money because they buy stuff from all over the world at the cheapest prices. They use their power to put prices down as much as possible. A smaller local company is far more likely to buy things from the local area.

Yet you support giving a company like Walmart massive tax cuts so it can be far more competitive than the local company. This hurts the whole area.

Instead of the owner or owners being from the area and spending their profits in the area, rather than in Arkansas, or wherever it is the Waltons are spending their money.

Instead of this store sourcing from locally made or produced products which helps the local area, it sources from anywhere and everywhere. It doesn't help the local market at all, in fact it damages it massively.

So I don't understand the contradiction in your views.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19052832
Actually, they are hardly Christians either or they wouldn't be supporting a party of baby killers.

So you had to take your hate there. Abortion is legal - Your indictment of the Democratic Party is based on conservative fake reality that abortion is murder.

A lot of hate is oozing out of you again.

Legality has nothing to do with Christianity. It has nothing to do with what I think, I'm telling you how true Christians think. Christians believe that killing babies is murder.

It's one thing for a person to say they are religious because they go to church on Easter and Christmas, and another for those who go to church every week or several times a week. There are people who only read the Bible on holidays and people that read the Bible every day.

Look at Al Gore. He's the nations top environmentalist spokesperson, yet made tens of millions of dollars off of his global warming farce. He travels around on private planes instead of public, drives around in SUV's, and has owned homes that used about as much of electricity as a standard American side street.
Dale Smith, post: 19053043
Take out the illegal votes and Trump wins the popular vote and a few more electoral votes as well.

BTW, who the fuck are you to claim otheres "be hatin" given the shit that you spew?

I really hate lies such as Trump won the popular vote because over 3 million of Clinton's votes were cast illegally and not valid.

This news has not changed:

California cases of alleged voting by illegal immigrants opened in 2016: Zero

2:52 pm PDT March 13, 2017

California cases of alleged voting by illegal immigrants opened in 2016: Zero

Yes I hate liars. Trumpo is one. Trumpo's lie about illegal's voting should be hated by all.

If there were 3 to 5 million non-citizen votes you!d think Trumpo would have uncovered at least one by now.
Dale Smith, post: 19053043
Take out the illegal votes and Trump wins the popular vote and a few more electoral votes as well.

BTW, who the fuck are you to claim otheres "be hatin" given the shit that you spew?

I really hate lies such as Trump won the popular vote because over 3 million of Clinton's votes were cast illegally and not valid.

This news has not changed:

California cases of alleged voting by illegal immigrants opened in 2016: Zero

2:52 pm PDT March 13, 2017

California cases of alleged voting by illegal immigrants opened in 2016: Zero

Yes I hate liars. Trumpo is one. Trumpo's lie about illegal's voting should be hated by all.

If there were 3 to 5 million non-citizen votes you!d think Trumpo would have uncovered at least one by now.

No voter ID laws......why won't states turn over their voter registration rolls? You think that it's just a coinky dink that the Hildebeast won 14 of her 20 states with no voter ID law? "Vote early and vote often!" the credo of the fabian socialist left.

Hell, I was in Tampa, Florida during the election with a decent commute and I saw nary a "I'm With Her" Hillary Clinton bumper sticker....how in the fuck was the state of Florida ever a "toss up" and that close still boggles the mind.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19053223
Christians believe that killing babies is murder.

Apparently not all Christians believe what you believe. And you have no clue and no way to know which Christians personally would not have an abortion based on their religion, but don't seek to impose their religion on others. Therefore it is not considered murder.

You see that is what you right wing extremists do. Try to Impose your religion on everybody else.

You claim to not be religious but you write as if you speak for all Christians.

Yet you cannot see what is wrong with that, and the hate that you promote when you promote one religious group and accuse another group of supporting murder.

It's none of your business. Stop the hate.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19053223
Christians believe that killing babies is murder.

Apparently not all Christians believe what you believe. And you have no clue and no way to know which Christians personally would not have an abortion based on their religion, but don't seek to impose their religion on others. Therefore it is not considered murder.

You see that is what you right wing extremists do. Try to Impose your religion on everybody else.

You claim to not be religious but you write as if you speak for all Christians.

Yet you cannot see what is wrong with that, and the hate that you promote when you promote one religious group and accuse another group of supporting murder.

It's none of your business. Stop the hate.

There isn't a real Christian that I know that believes that abortion should be the last line of defense for birth control when all else fails...........that much I am sure of.

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