Where does wealth hatred come from?

Offshoring is done to create lower priced products. Why do we need lower priced products? Because that's the demand of the American consumer.

One of our clients is a crate company. They make crates the size of suitcases to the size of tractor-trailers. I delivered those crates to companies that were packing up to move out of state or out of the country. Whenever possible, I tried to strike up a conversation about the move while getting unloaded with the supervisors or owners themselves.

You'd be surprised at how many moved because they had no choice. Overseas competition was killing them and their American clients were buying their products instead of the American made ones. Other times it was the same thing, except unions were causing them to lose customers and forcing them to move.

And the question here is, at what point does your world around you become more important than money?

It isn't that simple, money makes the world go round and feeds one's children.

Yes, it does. However poor people are willing to take the risks of destroying their world, because they want an okay standard of living. But Americans have enough money that they can choose between money and the environment they live in.

I'll concede that, but there are also a significant amount of folks who simply don't want to work. That is an issue with n solution. The fact is though that my job I my family. I keep canned goods, water, and Ramen in the basement. One never knows. I wouldn't want to be the person who might try to make me share that in an emergency situation. You cannot deny that the "poor" in THIS country are still FAR better off then the poor in others countries. They have phones, most have cars nd many have more than on TV.

Yes, the poor are better off than in other countries. But the issue here is one of whether you choose to make money and destroy the environment around you, or protect it and make less money.

I found something that said in the future, as some point, Americans would be 4.4 times richer than now. However if they did environment stuff, they'd be 3.9 times richer. How much is having a good environment worth to people?
. Ok, so you want less money and more environmental protections eh ? Then start voting for people who want smaller government involvement in social issues, and this would be in order to stop the out of control irresponsible breeding going on amongst an out of control brainwashed Hollyweird brain dead population, who could give a crap less about your environment, your global warming bullcrap, or your agenda's. If you are not a part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.
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Dale Smith, post: 19053294
still boggles the mind.

What should boggle your mind is the fake reality claims you make and not one case gas been prosecuted in the fifteen months since Trumpo undeniably lost the popular vote,

44 states won't give some voter info to panel - CNNPolitics

Like I said - not one prosecution. Many of 45 are Red States. There is no defense for your lie.

LMAO!!!! We have the work of Project Veritas and the words of DNC operatives giving details on how they were going to cheat....hang on, I will find some of them.......don't go away!
Dale Smith, post: 19053294
still boggles the mind.

What should boggle your mind is the fake reality claims you make and not one case gas been prosecuted in the fifteen months since Trumpo undeniably lost the popular vote,

44 states won't give some voter info to panel - CNNPolitics

Like I said - not one prosecution. Many of 45 are Red States. There is no defense for your lie.

Dale Smith, post: 19053294
still boggles the mind.

What should boggle your mind is the fake reality claims you make and not one case gas been prosecuted in the fifteen months since Trumpo undeniably lost the popular vote,

44 states won't give some voter info to panel - CNNPolitics

Like I said - not one prosecution. Many of 45 are Red States. There is no defense for your lie.

Dale Smith, post: 19053294
still boggles the mind.

What should boggle your mind is the fake reality claims you make and not one case gas been prosecuted in the fifteen months since Trumpo undeniably lost the popular vote,

44 states won't give some voter info to panel - CNNPolitics

Like I said - not one prosecution. Many of 45 are Red States. There is no defense for your lie.

I see poor black culture becoming predominate, why is that? White people put a man on the moon, black culture is so hateful so misogynist it puts Wiensein movies to shame. Yo yo nig,.really? Why do we idealize black culture so much?
And the question here is, at what point does your world around you become more important than money?

It isn't that simple, money makes the world go round and feeds one's children.

Yes, it does. However poor people are willing to take the risks of destroying their world, because they want an okay standard of living. But Americans have enough money that they can choose between money and the environment they live in.

I'll concede that, but there are also a significant amount of folks who simply don't want to work. That is an issue with n solution. The fact is though that my job I my family. I keep canned goods, water, and Ramen in the basement. One never knows. I wouldn't want to be the person who might try to make me share that in an emergency situation. You cannot deny that the "poor" in THIS country are still FAR better off then the poor in others countries. They have phones, most have cars nd many have more than on TV.

Yes, the poor are better off than in other countries. But the issue here is one of whether you choose to make money and destroy the environment around you, or protect it and make less money.

I found something that said in the future, as some point, Americans would be 4.4 times richer than now. However if they did environment stuff, they'd be 3.9 times richer. How much is having a good environment worth to people?
. Ok, so you want less money and more environmental protections eh ? Then start voting for people who want smaller government involvement in social issues, and this would be in order to stop the out of control irresponsible breeding going on amongst an out of control brainwashed Hollyweird brain dead population, who could give a crap less about your environment, your global warming bullcrap, or your agenda's. If you are not a part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

The problem is there are only two parties who are ever going to get elected.

For President, if someone votes for a third party, your vote gets swamped, it doesn't mean anything. No third party gets EC votes. In 1996 Perot got 8.6% of the vote, and no EC votes. In 1992 he got 18.9% and got no EC votes. Nearly 20% of voters were completely and utterly ignored because of the system.

So, how on Earth is a vote for any other party ever going to count? Democrat? Fuck no.
I see poor black culture becoming predominate, why is that? White people put a man on the moon, black culture is so hateful so misogynist it puts Wiensein movies to shame. Yo yo nig,.really? Why do we idealize black culture so much?
Because MTV and prime time tv tells our kids it's cool.
I see poor black culture becoming predominate, why is that? White people put a man on the moon, black culture is so hateful so misogynist it puts Wiensein movies to shame. Yo yo nig,.really? Why do we idealize black culture so much?
Because MTV and prime time tv tells our kids it's cool.
What the heck are you two talking about anyway?
Ok, so you want less money and more environmental protections eh ? Then start voting for people who want smaller government involvement in social issues, and this would be in order to stop the out of control irresponsible breeding going on amongst an out of control brainwashed Hollyweird brain dead population, who could give a crap less about your environment, your global warming bullcrap, or your agenda's. If you are not a part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

Global warming is like health insurance. You can save money by not having insurance, and if you're lucky, you won't ever need it, thus saving a fortune. But the down side is that a single medical emergency can completely bankrupt you. So is denying global warming to save a few bucks, worth the gamble.
I'm awed by the amount of time and effort that the OP has put into a question that is based on a faulty premise. It's almost as if I can hear the gears in his head turning.....excruciatingly slow.

What faulty premise? Are you going to tell me you leftists on USMB don't hate the wealthy given your constant remarks?

Leftists? Name them.

Yes. That's what I'm telling you. Liberals here don't hate welathy people. We don't hate business owners. Many of us ARE business owners.


Yeah, that is a funny thing about the left. They constantly tell us how many have too much money, we need more business regulations, we need to take more money from businesses, but they are business people themselves.

That's kind of comparable to somebody with an Obama phone saying Obama phones have too many minutes.

None of that is accurate. That's why you have so much trouble getting by. You're a dummy.
Dale Smith, post: 19053294
still boggles the mind.

What should boggle your mind is the fake reality claims you make and not one case gas been prosecuted in the fifteen months since Trumpo undeniably lost the popular vote,

44 states won't give some voter info to panel - CNNPolitics

Like I said - not one prosecution. Many of 45 are Red States. There is no defense for your lie.

All your web searches find absolutely no prosecutions in any state or charges filed against a non-citizen who voted illegally during the 2016 Presidential ekection yet you repeat the lie that there were over three million cases of that Federal Crime which means Trumpo won the popular vote.

Have you no decency, integrity or honesty left in your being. What happens to Trumpo supporters that they depart so permanently from the real world of facts, logic and reason in order to dwell in the fake reality world that Trumpo created and maintains for them

Trumpo tells the 'illegal for Clinton voter lie' and the suckers born every minute are permanently mesmerized by the Trumpo Lying Circus.
Ok, so you want less money and more environmental protections eh ? Then start voting for people who want smaller government involvement in social issues, and this would be in order to stop the out of control irresponsible breeding going on amongst an out of control brainwashed Hollyweird brain dead population, who could give a crap less about your environment, your global warming bullcrap, or your agenda's. If you are not a part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

Global warming is like health insurance. You can save money by not having insurance, and if you're lucky, you won't ever need it, thus saving a fortune. But the down side is that a single medical emergency can completely bankrupt you. So is denying global warming to save a few bucks, worth the gamble.
. Yep it's worth the gamble, because global warming is bunk. Look, what's gonna happen to this Earth is absolutely out of man's control. The scars on this Earth dating back thousands of years are proof of it. We've had glaciers reshaping the Earth's surface, meteor hits creating huge depressions in the earth, volcano's destroying civilizations etc. Whole species going extinct due to world event's etc. Just get your life right with the Lord, and enjoy what's left of your ride.
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Wealth hatred?

We just slashed their taxes.......doesn't that show how much we love them?
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19043616
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians.

Reality Check for you Ray. Is your personal hatred of Democrats fueled in any way by your false assessnent that Democrats hate wealthy people?

You expose your hate by what you write, but your assessment that Democrats hate wealthy people is based on nothing substantive in this reduculous fake reality thread. It is based on a hate based assessment and is false.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19043616
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians.

Reality Check for you Ray. Is your personal hatred of Democrats fueled in any way by your false assessnent that Democrats hate wealthy people?

You expose your hate by what you write, but your assessment that Democrats hate wealthy people is based on nothing substantive in this reduculous fake reality thread. It is based on a hate based assessment and is false.

I don't think the politicians hate them as much as the sheep. After all, most of those Democrats are wealthy themselves.

But they do promote it, that's something you can't dispute. If you do, I will simply go to Youtube and find some videos.

Democrat followers are like mind numb robots. They are told what to think and what to repeat.

Ok, so you want less money and more environmental protections eh ? Then start voting for people who want smaller government involvement in social issues, and this would be in order to stop the out of control irresponsible breeding going on amongst an out of control brainwashed Hollyweird brain dead population, who could give a crap less about your environment, your global warming bullcrap, or your agenda's. If you are not a part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

Global warming is like health insurance. You can save money by not having insurance, and if you're lucky, you won't ever need it, thus saving a fortune. But the down side is that a single medical emergency can completely bankrupt you. So is denying global warming to save a few bucks, worth the gamble.
. Yep it's worth the gamble, because global warming is bunk. Look, what's gonna happen to this Earth is absolutely out of man's control. The scars on this Earth dating back thousands of years are proof of it. We've had glaciers reshaping the Earth's surface, meteor hits creating huge depressions in the earth, volcano's destroying civilizations etc. Whole species going extinct due to world event's etc. Just get your life right with the Lord, and enjoy what's left of your ride.


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