Where does wealth hatred come from?

Not much "blue" on that map..............

View attachment 171382

Wow. What a picture.

It's stuff like this that helps me understand the mouth-frothing fury that leftists are in these days. They have lost SO BIG ----- it must be hard to imagine they can ever catch up. No one obeys them anymore; there is less and less lip service to their bullying.
I have said Nig*er a rare few times. Nobody "owns" a word, let alone blacks. Absurd. But we can SAY MUCH WORSE. Define DECORUM. Hmm.

I've noticed it's always leftists saying really bad words and then saying, "That's what conservatives say!" But conservatives aren't saying anything and are usually aghast at the bad behavior: the liberal is the only one emitting these obscene noises. I've seen this happen again and again, even in person. Next time it happens, I'm calling the speaker on it. If you want to say it, own it. Don't spew out obscenities and then claim it's somebody ELSE who talks like that!
California cases of alleged voting by illegal immigrants opened in 2016: Zero

Sure, California is hiding the vast mistake they made, giving the vote to anyone they give a drivers license to. If it WAS a mistake: my guess is they did it on purpose, and so of course they aren't going to investigate illegal voting! They LIKE illegal voting.
I see poor black culture becoming predominate, why is that? White people put a man on the moon, black culture is so hateful so misogynist it puts Wiensein movies to shame. Yo yo nig,.really? Why do we idealize black culture so much?

Nobody idealizes it, except maybe the lower-class blacks. We just haven't said much against it, because the leftists ruled language and thought and discussion for so long and calls any objection to the rot racist. That may be changing, however, I hope. Or at least people need to become immune to the namecalling of "racist."
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.
Dems need a permament underclass purely for votes. They have to find ways to be in power and they do that by protesting anything that will gain them the uninformed voters.
Trump win the uneducated white vote you fucking idiot.

You can't get any dumber than a Trump voter.
The lie pointed out was: 'most people voted for Trumpo'
Most CITIZENS of the USA voted for Trump. Some millions of illegals congregated in California where they were registered to vote automatically when they get drivers licenses voted for Hillary, but I'd sure like to see Homeland Security clean that up.

You are a fucking moron.

"You can also register to vote when visiting a Department of Motor Vehicles office to obtain a California driver's license or register your vehicle. ... This official will contact you once your CA voter registration has been approved, or if they need more information from you."

It is NOT automatic you lying POS.

My God you people are soda king stupid, ignorant & such lying fucks.
I see poor black culture becoming predominate, why is that? White people put a man on the moon, black culture is so hateful so misogynist it puts Wiensein movies to shame. Yo yo nig,.really? Why do we idealize black culture so much?

Nobody idealizes it, except maybe the lower-class blacks. We just haven't said much against it, because the leftists ruled language and thought and discussion for so long and calls any objection to the rot racist. That may be changing, however, I hope. Or at least people need to become immune to the namecalling of "racist."
I get it. There are no racist fucks that post on this site. Sure.
Ok, so you want less money and more environmental protections eh ? Then start voting for people who want smaller government involvement in social issues, and this would be in order to stop the out of control irresponsible breeding going on amongst an out of control brainwashed Hollyweird brain dead population, who could give a crap less about your environment, your global warming bullcrap, or your agenda's. If you are not a part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.

Global warming is like health insurance. You can save money by not having insurance, and if you're lucky, you won't ever need it, thus saving a fortune. But the down side is that a single medical emergency can completely bankrupt you. So is denying global warming to save a few bucks, worth the gamble.
. Yep it's worth the gamble, because global warming is bunk. Look, what's gonna happen to this Earth is absolutely out of man's control. The scars on this Earth dating back thousands of years are proof of it. We've had glaciers reshaping the Earth's surface, meteor hits creating huge depressions in the earth, volcano's destroying civilizations etc. Whole species going extinct due to world event's etc. Just get your life right with the Lord, and enjoy what's left of your ride.

Aluminum cans and plastic are not global warming... He died for it became obvious the global warming was a thing he wasn't stupid.
California cases of alleged voting by illegal immigrants opened in 2016: Zero

Sure, California is hiding the vast mistake they made, giving the vote to anyone they give a drivers license to. If it WAS a mistake: my guess is they did it on purpose, and so of course they aren't going to investigate illegal voting! They LIKE illegal voting.
Maybe you should consider how uninformed you are?
Depends how rich we're talking here. But basically, when you have money, you can use it to make more money. If you don't have money, you're stuck working all day just to get by, and even if you save responsibly, you're probably never going to get to the point where you can invest enough to be rich.

Wealth is considered a measuring stick for how much of a person you are, and especially for men. So if you're working your ass off all day just to make ends meet, and Richy Rich is raking in millions a year and spends most of his time on the golf course, yet everyone still thinks Richie Rich is just a higher quality person than you are ... I could see how that would get on peoples' nerves. Esepcially if Richie starts talking down to all the people, "Let them Eat Cake", kind of how the rich often do, since they're wildly out of touch with the idea of working for a living and think everyone just has millions sitting around to invest, but are instead blowing the money on drugs, cars, women, or whatever.

Not to mention that he who controls the money has the power to prevent others from becoming wealthy .... you'll notice that rich families tend to stay rich, and poor families tend to stay poor.
Even rich people who made it on their own hate rich people who inherited their wealth. They are know it alls on a grand scale. Always trying to show how smart they are because they’ve never had to prove it.

I’ll give trump credit for turning a million into a billion but hard to respect Derek trump.
LOL, you take them in an feed them. We have laws and we need to enforce them. Answer the question, throw open the borders and let EVERYONE in, is that it?
A market friendly visa could generate revenue from a market of about, six billion and growing.

It's funny that none of you wants to answer that question. Your dodge is duly noted.
Don't understand, capital plans only social plans?

A market friendly visa could generate revenue from a market of about, six billion and growing.

Another dodge, go figure.
don't understand Commerce; I got, right wingers.

So you are admitting that you are for open borders. Got it.
Now riddle me this: are those shithole countries or are they not???

That's it: no apologies, no explanations. That was Disraeli who said that, but Trump personifies that rule and it really does work. Let's do it.

I had to laugh out loud yesterday. I went to the sub shop to get a tuna sub, and they had CNN on. They were making such a big deal out of this you think Trump sent massive amounts of troops somewhere. I don't know any of their programs or hosts, but the caption of the show was GLOBAL OUTRAGE OF TRUMP COMMENTS.

It's amazing how MSM has these losers by a leash. Years ago viewers would have turned the station off because people's intelligence would have been insulted by such a pathetic display. Today, this how they get people watch their channel.
Depends how rich we're talking here. But basically, when you have money, you can use it to make more money. If you don't have money, you're stuck working all day just to get by, and even if you save responsibly, you're probably never going to get to the point where you can invest enough to be rich.

Wealth is considered a measuring stick for how much of a person you are, and especially for men. So if you're working your ass off all day just to make ends meet, and Richy Rich is raking in millions a year and spends most of his time on the golf course, yet everyone still thinks Richie Rich is just a higher quality person than you are ... I could see how that would get on peoples' nerves. Esepcially if Richie starts talking down to all the people, "Let them Eat Cake", kind of how the rich often do, since they're wildly out of touch with the idea of working for a living and think everyone just has millions sitting around to invest, but are instead blowing the money on drugs, cars, women, or whatever.

Not to mention that he who controls the money has the power to prevent others from becoming wealthy .... you'll notice that rich families tend to stay rich, and poor families tend to stay poor.

I've only met a few wealthy people who actually had that personality. Others you would never know they had anything. They drive around in compact cars and dress in jeans and tee shirts.

No, wealth is not a measure of what kind of person you are. Wealth is a measure of success. Even if you inherit money or win the lottery, you still have to be slick enough to handle your new wealth. Not everybody is capable of doing that. There are books written on lottery winners who's lives were destroyed by the money. Working in industry, I've seen companies close down because the owner passed the business to his kids, but since they were raised rich, they just blew the money like it would always be coming in. They didn't realize work had to be done to keep that money coming in.

I don't hate the rich because they did better than I did. I respect them for their accomplishments. I don't have that jealousy bone in my body I guess.
Depends how rich we're talking here. But basically, when you have money, you can use it to make more money. If you don't have money, you're stuck working all day just to get by, and even if you save responsibly, you're probably never going to get to the point where you can invest enough to be rich.

Wealth is considered a measuring stick for how much of a person you are, and especially for men. So if you're working your ass off all day just to make ends meet, and Richy Rich is raking in millions a year and spends most of his time on the golf course, yet everyone still thinks Richie Rich is just a higher quality person than you are ... I could see how that would get on peoples' nerves. Esepcially if Richie starts talking down to all the people, "Let them Eat Cake", kind of how the rich often do, since they're wildly out of touch with the idea of working for a living and think everyone just has millions sitting around to invest, but are instead blowing the money on drugs, cars, women, or whatever.

Not to mention that he who controls the money has the power to prevent others from becoming wealthy .... you'll notice that rich families tend to stay rich, and poor families tend to stay poor.

I've only met a few wealthy people who actually had that personality. Others you would never know they had anything. They drive around in compact cars and dress in jeans and tee shirts.

No, wealth is not a measure of what kind of person you are. Wealth is a measure of success. Even if you inherit money or win the lottery, you still have to be slick enough to handle your new wealth. Not everybody is capable of doing that. There are books written on lottery winners who's lives were destroyed by the money. Working in industry, I've seen companies close down because the owner passed the business to his kids, but since they were raised rich, they just blew the money like it would always be coming in. They didn't realize work had to be done to keep that money coming in.

I don't hate the rich because they did better than I did. I respect them for their accomplishments. I don't have that jealousy bone in my body I guess.

I don't hate the rich, but you were asking why someone would. I was giving you reasons.
Depends how rich we're talking here. But basically, when you have money, you can use it to make more money. If you don't have money, you're stuck working all day just to get by, and even if you save responsibly, you're probably never going to get to the point where you can invest enough to be rich.

Wealth is considered a measuring stick for how much of a person you are, and especially for men. So if you're working your ass off all day just to make ends meet, and Richy Rich is raking in millions a year and spends most of his time on the golf course, yet everyone still thinks Richie Rich is just a higher quality person than you are ... I could see how that would get on peoples' nerves. Esepcially if Richie starts talking down to all the people, "Let them Eat Cake", kind of how the rich often do, since they're wildly out of touch with the idea of working for a living and think everyone just has millions sitting around to invest, but are instead blowing the money on drugs, cars, women, or whatever.

Not to mention that he who controls the money has the power to prevent others from becoming wealthy .... you'll notice that rich families tend to stay rich, and poor families tend to stay poor.

I've only met a few wealthy people who actually had that personality. Others you would never know they had anything. They drive around in compact cars and dress in jeans and tee shirts.

No, wealth is not a measure of what kind of person you are. Wealth is a measure of success. Even if you inherit money or win the lottery, you still have to be slick enough to handle your new wealth. Not everybody is capable of doing that. There are books written on lottery winners who's lives were destroyed by the money. Working in industry, I've seen companies close down because the owner passed the business to his kids, but since they were raised rich, they just blew the money like it would always be coming in. They didn't realize work had to be done to keep that money coming in.

I don't hate the rich because they did better than I did. I respect them for their accomplishments. I don't have that jealousy bone in my body I guess.

I don't hate the rich, but you were asking why someone would. I was giving you reasons.

And I appreciate that. But I think it goes much deeper. I think it goes to how people were raised as children.

I suspect that if you were raised in an entitlement household, you likely grew up with the entitlement mentality. A person may look at a wealthy person not as a success, but as a person who had the availability to more entitlements than he or she had.

As a child of the 60's and 70's, most parents raised their kids to work for what you want in life. But as always, there were exceptions to the rule. I had a few friends who got money from their parents by simply asking or demanding it. They grew up that way, and the ones I stayed in touch with always had problems keeping jobs or making ends meet after they became an adult. One (I recently learned about) lost a great job because he got caught stealing.
A market friendly visa could generate revenue from a market of about, six billion and growing.

It's funny that none of you wants to answer that question. Your dodge is duly noted.
Don't understand, capital plans only social plans?

A market friendly visa could generate revenue from a market of about, six billion and growing.

Another dodge, go figure.
don't understand Commerce; I got, right wingers.

So you are admitting that you are for open borders. Got it.
Necessary and proper control; Commerce, well regulated.
Circe, post: 19056907
Sure, California is hiding the vast mistake they made, giving the vote to anyone they give a drivers license to.

Do you realize how extremely impossible it would be to hide over three million cases of undocumented non-citizens voting illegally?

You can't cite one single case. Do you realize how absurd your lie actually is?

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