Where is hip hop thread PT II


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
After trying to post on the "Where is Hip hop thread", I have been somehow stopped from posting there, which makes me question the ethics of the USMB period. I was not off topic, but highly critical of Rap, period. So I reopen this issue to all, those that favor or those that are critical, and I promise, no one will be stopped from posting.
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Is rap really music, because the last few songs I heard were about murder, drive by shootings, misogyny. homophobia, penis size and stuff like that going BOOM BOOM BOOM as a substitute for musical prowess. Really, Beethoven or Bach stooped so low as to that and use auto tune to clean it up for em'?
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I like the The Beatles, Al Hirt, Bach to the Grateful dead. That form known as Rap, not so much. It is so hateful overall, so negative. Why is criticizing RAP a bad thing? Lighten up? Is that why I can't post on the original "where is hip hop" thread ? There isn't anything lighten up to about when your freedom of speech is being taken away by some faceless golem.
Concerning rap....not my fav genre' except a scant few. Some by GT, I enjoy. My FAV rap song of all time is this one. Listen to the lyrics. Not ALL are urging death, rape, etc. Some are calling attention to it to try to get in heads to stop it.

I like the The Beatles, Al Hirt, Bach to the Grateful dead. That form known as Rap, not so much. It is so hateful overall, so negative. Why is criticizing RAP a bad thing? Lighten up? Is that why I can't post on the original "where is hip hop" thread ? There isn't anything lighten up to about when your freedom of speech is being taken away by some faceless golem.
So you understand from another perspective....if you don't like a restaurant because their food sucks, do you continue to go in there and tell them their food sucks? No. You find another restaurant.
A thread for hip hop is for those who LIKE IT. You don't. So why go in and poop all over the hip hop party? Its for hip hop. There is a very populated thread called The Juke Box. Go in that one.
In short....don't go to threads where the subject matter is something you do not like when you KNOW it is full of people who feel the opposite.
Original vid with no lyrcis. LOVE this song.

You can be honest here Nobody will bust your chops and stop U from posting, I promise.

I'm honest in any thread I go in to. I just pick and choose which ones I enter. I don't go in just to cause hard feelings to those enjoying that thread...which is what you did obviously, and were banned from the thread itself. I would have done the same thing.

It has nothing to do with free speech. It has to do with RESPECT.
Is rap really music
Music= Time ordered by sound, ergo, hip hop is music.
the last few songs I heard were about murder, drive by shootings, misogyny. homophobia, penis size and stuff like that going BOOM BOOM BOOM as a substitute for musical prowess
You are basing your opinion of an entire genre of music on an extremely small sampling.
Really, Beethoven or Bach stooped so low as to that and use auto tune to clean it up for em'?
Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, etc all had critics too. They were primarily composers so that isn't a good comparison. You don't think sound engineers "clean" up those old recordings. What makes you think they wouldn't use the technology available to them.
I liked Jump, by KrissKross, long ago. Prolly cuz my kids liked them, lol. Along with Motley Crue, Beastie Boyz, Nirvana, etc. I even listened to Snoop Dog with them now and then. Did I like it? Not really. Until I heard Coolio's song.
If you want I can give you examples of music from the genre that you would probably like. Just need to know what genres you enjoy listening to. That is one of the things I like about hip hop; it can sample from everything from classical to reggae to rock to jazz. Anything and everything. There are a lot of good songs that don't have the things you described in the second post. I felt the same way about jazz until I went back listened to it more.
Is rap really music
Music= Time ordered by sound, ergo, hip hop is music.
the last few songs I heard were about murder, drive by shootings, misogyny. homophobia, penis size and stuff like that going BOOM BOOM BOOM as a substitute for musical prowess
You are basing your opinion of an entire genre of music on an extremely small sampling.
Really, Beethoven or Bach stooped so low as to that and use auto tune to clean it up for em'?
Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, etc all had critics too. They were primarily composers so that isn't a good comparison. You don't think sound engineers "clean" up those old recordings. What makes you think they wouldn't use the technology available to them.
They did use technology. Pianos, violins, but not to falsify but to enhance, Bach was a musical genius, he had talent. Now we get flash in the pan fly by night current flav o flav of the month crap. Are current artist going to hold up as long? You think?
Put it this way....I like anything EXCEPT country western. I LOATHE that shit. And, I wouldn't go in a thread titled Fav Country Western Song just to complain about how much I hate it, either.
Is rap really music
Music= Time ordered by sound, ergo, hip hop is music.
the last few songs I heard were about murder, drive by shootings, misogyny. homophobia, penis size and stuff like that going BOOM BOOM BOOM as a substitute for musical prowess
You are basing your opinion of an entire genre of music on an extremely small sampling.
Really, Beethoven or Bach stooped so low as to that and use auto tune to clean it up for em'?
Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, etc all had critics too. They were primarily composers so that isn't a good comparison. You don't think sound engineers "clean" up those old recordings. What makes you think they wouldn't use the technology available to them.
They did use technology. Pianos, violins, but not to falsify but to enhance, Bach was a musical genius, he had talent. Now we get flash in the pan fly by night current flav o flav of the month crap. Are current artist going to hold up as long? You think?
Hip hop, uses pianos, and violins too. Lots of hip hop artists have been around for decades. Many that don't perform anymore went on to produce. I don't think it is going anywhere.
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This guy is hip hopping...native american style with a touch of classic. Awesome.

Gets going at the 1:00 mark

Put it this way....I like anything EXCEPT country western. I LOATHE that shit. And, I wouldn't go in a thread titled Fav Country Western Song just to complain about how much I hate it, either.
I love country music too. I am just as comfortable posting in the country thread as in the hip hop thread.
I liked Jump, by KrissKross, long ago. Prolly cuz my kids liked them, lol. Along with Motley Crue, Beastie Boyz, Nirvana, etc. I even listened to Snoop Dog with them now and then. Did I like it? Not really. Until I heard Coolio's song.

I liked Jump, by KrissKross, long ago. Prolly cuz my kids liked them, lol. Along with Motley Crue, Beastie Boyz, Nirvana, etc. I even listened to Snoop Dog with them now and then. Did I like it? Not really. Until I heard Coolio's song.

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