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Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

Why is it automatically the burden of the American Christian to take on the problems of the entire world? What happened to the Christians in San Salvador, El Salvador, Mexico, Guatemala, etc.? Are there no Christians in those nations? Are they not just as "Christian" as American Christians?

Until you can answer those questions then stop with the false pretense and the self-righteous, sanctimonious blather. Get a grip and put the blame where it truly lies -- on the host nations. I didn't cause this problem and I have enough problems to deal with as it is. Perhaps I'd have more money to give if our Tax and Spend regime would lower taxes and eliminate hidden fees and penalties attached to day to day living.
If you're white, just remember your ancestors stole everything you currently enjoy.


LOL, and there it is, you view immigration not from the lens of whats good for the country going forward and its native born citizens(of all races), but view it as a way to stick it to "whitey".

Geez talk about having a chip on your shoulder.

These children are a special situation (see my signature below).
LOL, you recognize Bush era policy as legally legitimate, but view the US-Mexico border as illegitimate and an act of theft.

That policy is just one in a long list of Bush Era policy boondoggles that need to be axed.
If you're white, just remember your ancestors stole everything you currently enjoy.


LOL, and there it is, you view immigration not from the lens of whats good for the country going forward and its native born citizens(of all races), but view it as a way to stick it to "whitey".

Geez talk about having a chip on your shoulder.

Not so much wanting to stick it to whitey as to remind whitey that we are a nation of immigrants. These children are a special situation (see my signature below). I admit that many TRUE Christians are providing help - but many FALSE Christians are just in the way - especially the "political" ones.

A "nation of immigrants" made great and prosperous by the immigrants from Europe. Sorry but facts are facts. Our system of government, education, culture, art, architecture, military might, etc. are direct results of the immigrants of England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Holland, etc. Let's give credit where credit is due.
LOL, and there it is, you view immigration not from the lens of whats good for the country going forward and its native born citizens(of all races), but view it as a way to stick it to "whitey".

Geez talk about having a chip on your shoulder.

These children are a special situation (see my signature below).
LOL, you recognize Bush era policy as legally legitimate, but view the US-Mexico border as illegitimate and an act of theft.

That policy is just one in a long list of Bush Era policy boondoggles that need to be axed.

TVPRA is the law until Congress changes it. Obama is simply following it.

These children are a special situation (see my signature below).
LOL, you recognize Bush era policy as legally legitimate, but view the US-Mexico border as illegitimate and an act of theft.

That policy is just one in a long list of Bush Era policy boondoggles that need to be axed.

TVPRA is the law until Congress changes it. Obama is simply following it.


So what? Its an absurd law as anyone can see when followed to its logical conclusions. Don't follow it.
WASHINGTON -- Attempting to assuage liberal critics, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said on Monday that unaccompanied minors who have illegally crossed the nation’s southern border won’t be deported if it is determined that doing so would lead to their death.

MORE: White House: Border Kids Won't Be Sent Home To Die

That's good to know. I feel better.

I hate to say it but what kind of people would we be if we did ship em back knowingly to death or whatnot. We need to seal the border so we don't have to deal with such delima's.
lakota is a lying sack. he's not native last i heard he wqs alleg3dly shack8ng up with one and from that dubious connection claimed association.

If he is native, he should be very thankful for Europeans for adding a word to the Native American language.

I'm an Atheist.

A very moral atheist that supports cheap labor and lower living standards for future generations at that...

I mean, what would we do without snarky moralizing liberal atheists like yourself to give the rest of us sarcastic lectures on how flooding our country with masses of third world immigrants is the "christian" thing to do?

I'm also Native American. See if you can connect the dots.

Here's a little more food for thought...


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright

The ironic thing is that prior to the war where we got Texas and other lands, the Mexican authorities encouraged US people to settle there.

But then, after the Mexican governmental system fell into civil war, the people of Texas wanted to become part of the US.

That ticked off the Mexican people. Half wanted to negotiate to sell off the land, and the other half wanted to fight the US. The war hawks won out, and engaged the US in war, and lost. As a result, they lost land.

That's what happens when you pick a fight, and lose. It wasn't stolen. They engaged in war, and lost.
I assume you're not a Christian.
I am not Christian.

Interesting you bring it up though. All the major churches are behind supporting mass immigration, open borders and amnesty. So I guess the Christian to bring in these third world masses with no regard for the well being of our native population or living standard of our future generations? Funny that the "christian" thing to do works out very well for business owners and political bosses.

So you are a Christian then?

I'm an Atheist.

who cares
So because you don't like the way the Mexican American War turned out we should give amnesty to primarily Central American children and not limit immigration?

Brilliant logic that is...

If you're white, just remember your ancestors stole everything you currently enjoy.

That still doesn't make the case that we should just have no laws, and no limits on immigration.

This is typical leftist stupidity...

"200 years ago, someone did something.... therefore we should have bad policies today."

Only an idiot makes that case.

If you want to look at the natural result of that kind of idiotic thinking, look at most of the middle east. Hundreds of groups, all hell bent on something some other group did over a thousand year ago, and so you have non-stop hatred, fighting, dying, and war.

You people on the left, if you have your way, would have us like them.
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So because you don't like the way the Mexican American War turned out we should give amnesty to primarily Central American children and not limit immigration?

Brilliant logic that is...

If you're white, just remember your ancestors stole everything you currently enjoy.


not only was it Americas first welfare case

it was Americas first try at the socialism experiment

as you know it failed miserably
So because you don't like the way the Mexican American War turned out we should give amnesty to primarily Central American children and not limit immigration?

Brilliant logic that is...

If you're white, just remember your ancestors stole everything you currently enjoy.


I thought liberals subscribed to the notion that life is about survival of the fittest.

Oh, are they hypocrites about that too?
I assume you're not a Christian.
I am not Christian.

Interesting you bring it up though. All the major churches are behind supporting mass immigration, open borders and amnesty. So I guess the Christian to bring in these third world masses with no regard for the well being of our native population or living standard of our future generations? Funny that the "christian" thing to do works out very well for business owners and political bosses.

So you are a Christian then?

I'm an Atheist.

Then what makes you think you know what it takes to be a Christian? How do you know? Instead of launching your paltry judgements against us, perhaps you should do some soul searching of your own. You use the words of Christ as weapons, you act as if they hold more weight when you say them... thing is, God's word didn't come from an Atheist. They came from God.

You cite Jesus a lot, yet do nothing that he says. Perhaps you're less of an Atheist than you think. Stop quoting the Bible to us and learn to practice it, if that is what you really want.
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If liberals are suddenly worried about lack of Christians, why don't liberals become missionaries and Christianize Central America and Mexico so these people stop murdering one another? Build those nations up instead of trying to import a massive level of poverty to the USA.
the churches are lining up to help. the feds are begging for and accepting that help. per usual the anti christian bigots lie to hide the fact that they caused the problem in the first place.
I'm an Atheist.

A very moral atheist that supports cheap labor and lower living standards for future generations at that...

I mean, what would we do without snarky moralizing liberal atheists like yourself to give the rest of us sarcastic lectures on how flooding our country with masses of third world immigrants is the "christian" thing to do?

I'm also Native American. See if you can connect the dots.

Here's a little more food for thought...


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright

If my recollection of history is correct, Mexico was an administrative territory created by the Spanish Empire. So what does being a native American have to do with the issue?

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