Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

PROVE IT, LINK IT or it didn't happen and it once again is just ANOTHER made up, cry wolf, LIE from the right wing....

This refugee immigration crisis, nor the money it takes to process them, nor the publicity, does not help Obama, who is running for nothing in the future, nor does it help Democrats....they already have the support of Hispanics that are legal citizens and can vote, and NONE of these refugees would be eligible for the Dream act, because they would need to have lived here for a minimum of 5 years BEFORE the bill passes congress, and would have needed to already have been here before the age of 15, would have already have attended school or colleges here etc etc etc.........

THESE REFUGEES, were never eligible for the dream act, never.....
so, logic says, no way Jose on it being this woman you are now trying to point the finger at....

and according to La Raza, it does NOT MEAN the RACE....they would know better than you....it means the people, or the cosmic people if you use its full name

That is a bold statement to make yourself - "they (the dems) already have the support of Hispanics that are legal citizens and can vote" ?? Link it, Prove it and etc. :D

:D happy to oblige!

To bribe people, and to get them to drink of the dem cool aid is but a wondrous thing isn't it ? LOL

The Dems seem to be great at that these days, even more so than the good old boy's were in the olden days.
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

Mexico is a Christian nation and they show no compassion for the Honduran CHIIIIILLLLDRENNNNN!

So, one MIGHT conclude that it is not the religious composition of the people of the nations that is at issue.

And it isn't.

And we all know, of course, that Chief Shitting Bull is aware of this fact.

Accordingly, we see that Chief Shitting Bull posts based on deliberate misrepresentations. It's what liars like that scum bag do.

Okay, I see your point - Christians can't be trusted. I already know that fact.

YOU don't see ANYTHING clearly, and you lie like a rug.

It's you -- and other fucking diseased dishonest pussy lolberals like you -- who cannot be trusted.

But again, for the terminally stupid (i.e., you): It still isn't the religion of the people of a nation that is at issue. It is ENTIRELY the right of any nation to enforce its own immigration laws and protect its own borders and people that is at issue.

Now, you little dishonest scumbag hack bitch, go play in traffic. Go. Run along.
When the housing bubble burst, Spanish-language signs like these should have been posted at every crossable portion of the Mexican border. "Unemployed Latinos, Go Home: We Can't Feed Our Own." There should have been an immediate moratorium on immigration. If American citizens have difficulty finding jobs, adding to the labor pool through immigration is the exact opposite of what we should be doing to repair the economy.

It's over. America is dead. This nation is nothing more than an open-air bazaar for the rich. Brazil with snow. Latinos are cynically sending their children alone across a foreign border because they KNOW we won't fight back, we'll give them freebies and citizenship and green cards for every relative back home. Our government and media openly invite in these Latino kids, call the middle and working classes "racist" for not wanting to give every grifter from the third world a free ride.

This is the new American Dream. The wealthiest civilization in history uses its power and prestige to import millions of low-IQ peasants to fry up pink slime burgers and stuff them down the throats of the welfare class. Nuclear power? Space exploration? The Singularity? None of that is important. The noblest goal America has ever worked towards is paying illiterate Spanish-speaking proles a slave wage to serve McDonald's shitburgers to other fat proles until they get diabetes and die at age 45.

Don't question any part of this arrangement, you filthy, intolerant nativist. Just shut up and eat your pink-slime-and-shit burger and your dirty gym sock-flavored fries, and watch some idiots throw a ball around on your flatscreen. When Thomas Jefferson et al. wrote the Declaration of Independence, it's clear that this was the kind of nation they wanted to create: a continent-wide ghetto where illegal aliens are paid $3 an hour to cook pink slime burgers for single mothers and their screaming brats.

God Bless America.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'
Mexico is a Christian nation and they show no compassion for the Honduran CHIIIIILLLLDRENNNNN!

So, one MIGHT conclude that it is not the religious composition of the people of the nations that is at issue.

And it isn't.

And we all know, of course, that Chief Shitting Bull is aware of this fact.

Accordingly, we see that Chief Shitting Bull posts based on deliberate misrepresentations. It's what liars like that scum bag do.

Okay, I see your point - Christians can't be trusted. I already know that fact.

YOU don't see ANYTHING clearly, and you lie like a rug.

It's you -- and other fucking diseased dishonest pussy lolberals like you -- who cannot be trusted.

But again, for the terminally stupid (i.e., you): It still isn't the religion of the people of a nation that is at issue. It is ENTIRELY the right of any nation to enforce its own immigration laws and protect its own borders and people that is at issue.

Now, you little dishonest scumbag hack bitch, go play in traffic. Go. Run along.

LieBilly, you have no honor; therefore, I view everything you say with total indifference.
WASHINGTON -- Attempting to assuage liberal critics, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said on Monday that unaccompanied minors who have illegally crossed the nation’s southern border won’t be deported if it is determined that doing so would lead to their death.

MORE: White House: Border Kids Won't Be Sent Home To Die

That's good to know. I feel better.
WASHINGTON -- Attempting to assuage liberal critics, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said on Monday that unaccompanied minors who have illegally crossed the nation’s southern border won’t be deported if it is determined that doing so would lead to their death.

MORE: White House: Border Kids Won't Be Sent Home To Die

That's good to know. I feel better.

Yea good to know, otherwise, who will be your coolie labor and vote democrat?
WASHINGTON -- Attempting to assuage liberal critics, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said on Monday that unaccompanied minors who have illegally crossed the nation’s southern border won’t be deported if it is determined that doing so would lead to their death.

MORE: White House: Border Kids Won't Be Sent Home To Die

That's good to know. I feel better.

Yea good to know, otherwise, who will be your coolie labor and vote democrat?

I assume you're not a Christian.
WASHINGTON -- Attempting to assuage liberal critics, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said on Monday that unaccompanied minors who have illegally crossed the nation’s southern border won’t be deported if it is determined that doing so would lead to their death.

MORE: White House: Border Kids Won't Be Sent Home To Die

That's good to know. I feel better.

Yea good to know, otherwise, who will be your coolie labor and vote democrat?

I assume you're not a Christian.
I am not Christian.

Interesting you bring it up though. All the major churches are behind supporting mass immigration, open borders and amnesty. So I guess the Christian to bring in these third world masses with no regard for the well being of our native population or living standard of our future generations? Funny that the "christian" thing to do works out very well for business owners and political bosses.

So you are a Christian then?
WASHINGTON -- Attempting to assuage liberal critics, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said on Monday that unaccompanied minors who have illegally crossed the nation’s southern border won’t be deported if it is determined that doing so would lead to their death.

MORE: White House: Border Kids Won't Be Sent Home To Die

That's good to know. I feel better.

Yea good to know, otherwise, who will be your coolie labor and vote democrat?

I assume you're not a Christian.
Trolling your own thread.....again?
Yea good to know, otherwise, who will be your coolie labor and vote democrat?

I assume you're not a Christian.
I am not Christian.

Interesting you bring it up though. All the major churches are behind supporting mass immigration, open borders and amnesty. So I guess the Christian to bring in these third world masses with no regard for the well being of our native population or living standard of our future generations? Funny that the "christian" thing to do works out very well for business owners and political bosses.

So you are a Christian then?

I'm an Atheist.
I assume you're not a Christian.
I am not Christian.

Interesting you bring it up though. All the major churches are behind supporting mass immigration, open borders and amnesty. So I guess the Christian to bring in these third world masses with no regard for the well being of our native population or living standard of our future generations? Funny that the "christian" thing to do works out very well for business owners and political bosses.

So you are a Christian then?

I'm an Atheist.

A very moral atheist that supports cheap labor and lower living standards for future generations at that...

I mean, what would we do without snarky moralizing liberal atheists like yourself to give the rest of us sarcastic lectures on how flooding our country with masses of third world immigrants is the "christian" thing to do?
I am not Christian.

Interesting you bring it up though. All the major churches are behind supporting mass immigration, open borders and amnesty. So I guess the Christian to bring in these third world masses with no regard for the well being of our native population or living standard of our future generations? Funny that the "christian" thing to do works out very well for business owners and political bosses.

So you are a Christian then?

I'm an Atheist.

A very moral atheist that supports cheap labor and lower living standards for future generations at that...

I mean, what would we do without snarky moralizing liberal atheists like yourself to give the rest of us sarcastic lectures on how flooding our country with masses of third world immigrants is the "christian" thing to do?

I'm also Native American. See if you can connect the dots.

Here's a little more food for thought...


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright
So because you don't like the way the Mexican American War turned out we should give amnesty to primarily Central American children and not limit immigration?

Brilliant logic that is...
So because you don't like the way the Mexican American War turned out we should give amnesty to primarily Central American children and not limit immigration?

Brilliant logic that is...

If you're white, just remember your ancestors stole everything you currently enjoy.

So because you don't like the way the Mexican American War turned out we should give amnesty to primarily Central American children and not limit immigration?

Brilliant logic that is...

If you're white, just remember your ancestors stole everything you currently enjoy.


LOL, and there it is, you view immigration not from the lens of whats good for the country going forward and its native born citizens(of all races), but view it as a way to stick it to "whitey".

Geez talk about having a chip on your shoulder.
So because you don't like the way the Mexican American War turned out we should give amnesty to primarily Central American children and not limit immigration?

Brilliant logic that is...

If you're white, just remember your ancestors stole everything you currently enjoy.


LOL, and there it is, you view immigration not from the lens of whats good for the country going forward and its native born citizens(of all races), but view it as a way to stick it to "whitey".

Geez talk about having a chip on your shoulder.

Not so much wanting to stick it to whitey as to remind whitey that we are a nation of immigrants. These children are a special situation (see my signature below). I admit that many TRUE Christians are providing help - but many FALSE Christians are just in the way - especially the "political" ones.
If you're white, just remember your ancestors stole everything you currently enjoy.


LOL, and there it is, you view immigration not from the lens of whats good for the country going forward and its native born citizens(of all races), but view it as a way to stick it to "whitey".

Geez talk about having a chip on your shoulder.

Not so much wanting to stick it to whitey as to remind whitey that we are a nation of immigrants.

So what?

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