Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

Yes it should be investigated as to what has changed in these countries over the last decade or more, and then it should be walked back up to the current events in order to see exactly why now ?

Why now do we see all of this attempt at flooding our border in the ways that they are doing it all of a sudden? It has to be all due to the policies or weakness that this President is showing when it comes to upholding the laws of this nation, and this is because of him placing his middle finger up at the laws we have in this nation. The illegals are not the only ones doing this, but many groups are on board the band wagon of breaking the laws while it last for them.

It can be traced and it more than likely involves this woman.

Cecilia Munoz, appointed by the liar in chief.


Cecilia Muñoz (born July 27, 1962) is director of the White House Domestic Policy Council. Prior to that, she served as the White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs. A longtime civil rights advocate, she worked as Senior Vice President for the Office of Research, Advocacy and Legislation at the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), a nonprofit organization established to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans, overseeing advocacy activities that cover issues of importance to immigrants

Ever hear of La Raza (the race?) It is a radical group and the equivalent of any white power group. As we know, the left......oh....never mind.


The words “La Raza” (Spanish for “The Race”) in NCLR's name have long been a source of considerable controversy. Critics claim that the name reflects an organizational commitment to racial separatism and race-based grievance mongering. By NCLR's telling, however, such critics have mistranslated the word “Raza.” “The term 'La Raza,'” says the organization, “has its origins in early 20th century Latin American literature and translates into English most closely as 'the people' or, according to some scholars, 'the Hispanic people of the New World.'” According to NCLR, “the full term,” which was coined by the Mexican scholar José Vasconcelos, is “la raza cósmica,” meaning “the cosmic people.” NCLR describes this as “an inclusive concept” whose purpose is to express the fact that “Hispanics share with all other peoples of the world a common heritage and destiny.”


In this very important election year, the democrats as usual are using their divisive tactics in order to edify all of the minority vote. They have a lock on the black vote for obvious reasons.

This woman, appointed by Obama organized all of this. Her intentions are her intentions. A complete radical, and as we know anyone that is not white and democrat can never have ulterior motives.

No, they systematically sent CHILDREN in order vilify the right. Knowing they would make endless protests in order to uphold the law. Just like every other country would do around the world.

They counted on it, and media being complicate with the destruction of white right wing America and pushing the socialist agenda gladly paints the law abiding citizens as mean. They paint "Christians" as turning their backs on these poor suffering people.

They hardly report the vast Christian groups providing the children with provisions. The feds actually would not allow Christian groups to help out for curious reasons. I think we all know....at least those of us that do not have our heads buried in our asses.

This is an organized move by this fucking pathetic president, whose goal has been to take down the capitalist system he hates, and make the US Constitution irrelevant. It is pretty much a coup that we are seeing. This is just another example.

You think I am being paranoid?
This woman, appointed by Obama organized all of this. Her intentions are her intentions. A complete radical, and as we know anyone that is not white and democrat can never have ulterior motives.

PROVE IT, LINK IT or it didn't happen and it once again is just ANOTHER made up, cry wolf, LIE from the right wing....

This refugee immigration crisis, nor the money it takes to process them, nor the publicity, does not help Obama, who is running for nothing in the future, nor does it help Democrats....they already have the support of Hispanics that are legal citizens and can vote, and NONE of these refugees would be eligible for the Dream act, because they would need to have lived here for a minimum of 5 years BEFORE the bill passes congress, and would have needed to already have been here before the age of 15, would have already have attended school or colleges here etc etc etc.........

THESE REFUGEES, were never eligible for the dream act, never.....
so, logic says, no way Jose on it being this woman you are now trying to point the finger at....

and according to La Raza, it does NOT MEAN the RACE....they would know better than you....it means the people, or the cosmic people if you use its full name

That is a bold statement to make yourself - "they (the dems) already have the support of Hispanics that are legal citizens and can vote" ?? Link it, Prove it and etc. :D
It can be traced and it more than likely involves this woman.

Cecilia Munoz, appointed by the liar in chief.


Cecilia Muñoz (born July 27, 1962) is director of the White House Domestic Policy Council. Prior to that, she served as the White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs. A longtime civil rights advocate, she worked as Senior Vice President for the Office of Research, Advocacy and Legislation at the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), a nonprofit organization established to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans, overseeing advocacy activities that cover issues of importance to immigrants

Ever hear of La Raza (the race?) It is a radical group and the equivalent of any white power group. As we know, the left......oh....never mind.


The words “La Raza” (Spanish for “The Race”) in NCLR's name have long been a source of considerable controversy. Critics claim that the name reflects an organizational commitment to racial separatism and race-based grievance mongering. By NCLR's telling, however, such critics have mistranslated the word “Raza.” “The term 'La Raza,'” says the organization, “has its origins in early 20th century Latin American literature and translates into English most closely as 'the people' or, according to some scholars, 'the Hispanic people of the New World.'” According to NCLR, “the full term,” which was coined by the Mexican scholar José Vasconcelos, is “la raza cósmica,” meaning “the cosmic people.” NCLR describes this as “an inclusive concept” whose purpose is to express the fact that “Hispanics share with all other peoples of the world a common heritage and destiny.”


In this very important election year, the democrats as usual are using their divisive tactics in order to edify all of the minority vote. They have a lock on the black vote for obvious reasons.

This woman, appointed by Obama organized all of this. Her intentions are her intentions. A complete radical, and as we know anyone that is not white and democrat can never have ulterior motives.

No, they systematically sent CHILDREN in order vilify the right. Knowing they would make endless protests in order to uphold the law. Just like every other country would do around the world.

They counted on it, and media being complicate with the destruction of white right wing America and pushing the socialist agenda gladly paints the law abiding citizens as mean. They paint "Christians" as turning their backs on these poor suffering people.

They hardly report the vast Christian groups providing the children with provisions. The feds actually would not allow Christian groups to help out for curious reasons. I think we all know....at least those of us that do not have our heads buried in our asses.

This is an organized move by this fucking pathetic president, whose goal has been to take down the capitalist system he hates, and make the US Constitution irrelevant. It is pretty much a coup that we are seeing. This is just another example.

You think I am being paranoid?
This woman, appointed by Obama organized all of this. Her intentions are her intentions. A complete radical, and as we know anyone that is not white and democrat can never have ulterior motives.
PROVE IT, LINK IT or it didn't happen and it once again is just ANOTHER made up, cry wolf, LIE from the right wing....

This refugee immigration crisis, nor the money it takes to process them, nor the publicity, does not help Obama, who is running for nothing in the future, nor does it help Democrats....they already have the support of Hispanics that are legal citizens and can vote, and NONE of these refugees would be eligible for the Dream act, because they would need to have lived here for a minimum of 5 years BEFORE the bill passes congress, and would have needed to already have been here before the age of 15, would have already have attended school or colleges here etc etc etc.........

THESE REFUGEES, were never eligible for the dream act, never.....
so, logic says, no way Jose on it being this woman you are now trying to point the finger at....

and according to La Raza, it does NOT MEAN the RACE....they would know better than you....it means the people, or the cosmic people if you use its full name

That is a bold statement to make yourself - "they (the dems) already have the support of Hispanics that are legal citizens and can vote" ?? Link it, Prove it and etc. :D

:D happy to oblige!

The William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, passed the House and Senate unanimously and was signed into law by President George W. Bush states that we cannot just send these children back.

Yeah, we all know they use the law that was meant to protect children from one aspect in order to take advantage of this situation. Typical of liberals, and typical of a piece of shit like you. The 2008 law was about "sex trafficking" of children. That's not what is happening today. They are voluntarily coming today because Obama told them they could. The 2008 legislation has nothing to do with the flood coming across our border during this past year. The liberal press/media fails to mention this as they attempt to blame all this on George W. Bush. Sorry....but Obama's been in office for almost 6 years. This has all happened under his watch.

Obama deported 2 millions illegals in 6 years, more than any other president.

The number that matters isn't how many he deported but how many he allowed to stay undeported.

It happens that I support immigration reform. I support amnesty. I have since 2006. But only after we secure the border.

Which begins with completing the fencing along the Mexican frontier. Using 2009 Government Accountability Office estimates, that would have cost up to $6.6 billion. Obama will now spend more than half that sum to accommodate a mass migration that would have been prevented by just such a barrier.

Building the fence, securing the border would have been cheaper than what Obama wants to do now, give all those illegals amnesty and government subsidize.

It is all Obama's fault.
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For Republicans America is a platform for individual fulfillment. But here's the catch: the Individual is defined in the narrowest possible terms. Any notion of the "The Public Good" is seen as "Socialism" (socialism being anything the government does for the non-wealthy). The Free Market will fix New Orleans levees. The Free Market will effectively control the amount of derivative based risk Wall Street will take. The Free Market will get us off imported oil(rather than spending decades making terrorists stronger). The Free Market will keep our rivers clean. The Free Market will make healthcare more efficient. The Free Market won't bribe Washington in order to increase it's profit margin. We don't need to worry about "The Public Good", individual selfishness driven by short term profit is a utopian reflex.

But the world doesn't work that way. Selfishness harms society....tears it apart....destroys the world economy....spills millions of barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico.....tears a hole in the ozone...creates a garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean twice the size of Texas...melts the North Polar ice cap.....creates massive deficits by giving huge tax breaks to the wealthy....

But the Republicans celebrate this selfishness. It is their core value. For them greed is good.

The core value for Democrats is buy votes. The Republicans that seem to be leading are want the children to get healthy and feed them and send them home to reunite them with their parents? How is that selfish?

The levees in New Orleans would have been okay, if a certain Democratic Mayor, Mr. Nagin, who is now in prison, would have used the money correctly, instead of his own selfish interests.

Then Democrats, in Washington, DC, could not be bribed if they weren't selfish. After 1988, both Democrats and Republicans started voting in more tax loopholes for the rich, so to blame one party over another is absolute BS.

Hard for me to believe your rabid BS, when Democrats sit in prisons on corruption charges. It's tough to believe your ideals when Democrats support the Export Import Bank.

Government has failed this country in health care, they have raised the cost of health care. They have shifted the burden of health care on the working middle class. And why? For the selfish motivations of a Democratic President, to make a name for himself.

Why do you think the business side of the health care mandate was delayed until after the fall elections?

Why do you think the Democrats want to wait until December to tackle the idea of raising the fuel tax rate?

It is all selfish, so for you to blame one over the other is either disingenuous or just plain partisan ignorance. Which is it?
Republicans buy votes of the very wealthy, with promises of giving them tax breaks, the wealthy then take their money and create pacs supporting the republicans that are going to give them tax breaks and make them richer....and get their republican followers to support the candidate of THEIR CHOOSING, through internet hype, advertising, and propaganda in general to whip up the masses in to a frenzie, supporting their position.

no difference what so ever.... Papa, imo.
Republicans buy votes of the very wealthy, with promises of giving them tax breaks, the wealthy then take their money and create pacs supporting the republicans that are going to give them tax breaks and make them richer....and get their republican followers to support the candidate of THEIR CHOOSING, through internet hype, advertising, and propaganda in general to whip up the masses in to a frenzie, supporting their position.

no difference what so ever.... Papa, imo.

You really think the very wealthy don't contribute to democrat politicians as well?
Republicans buy votes of the very wealthy, with promises of giving them tax breaks, the wealthy then take their money and create pacs supporting the republicans that are going to give them tax breaks and make them richer....and get their republican followers to support the candidate of THEIR CHOOSING, through internet hype, advertising, and propaganda in general to whip up the masses in to a frenzie, supporting their position.

no difference what so ever.... Papa, imo.

You really think the very wealthy don't contribute to democrat politicians as well?
nope, I didn't say that.
Republicans buy votes of the very wealthy, with promises of giving them tax breaks, the wealthy then take their money and create pacs supporting the republicans that are going to give them tax breaks and make them richer....and get their republican followers to support the candidate of THEIR CHOOSING, through internet hype, advertising, and propaganda in general to whip up the masses in to a frenzie, supporting their position.

no difference what so ever.... Papa, imo.

You just described the unions in this country to a T.
Betcha didn't even realize it tho
Republicans buy votes of the very wealthy, with promises of giving them tax breaks, the wealthy then take their money and create pacs supporting the republicans that are going to give them tax breaks and make them richer....and get their republican followers to support the candidate of THEIR CHOOSING, through internet hype, advertising, and propaganda in general to whip up the masses in to a frenzie, supporting their position.

no difference what so ever.... Papa, imo.

You just described the unions in this country to a T.
Betcha didn't even realize it tho

Not in my state, Florida is "right to work".
Yeah, we all know they use the law that was meant to protect children from one aspect in order to take advantage of this situation. Typical of liberals, and typical of a piece of shit like you. The 2008 law was about "sex trafficking" of children. That's not what is happening today. They are voluntarily coming today because Obama told them they could. The 2008 legislation has nothing to do with the flood coming across our border during this past year. The liberal press/media fails to mention this as they attempt to blame all this on George W. Bush. Sorry....but Obama's been in office for almost 6 years. This has all happened under his watch.

Obama deported 2 millions illegals in 6 years, more than any other president.

The number that matters isn't how many he deported but how many he allowed to stay undeported.

It happens that I support immigration reform. I support amnesty. I have since 2006. But only after we secure the border.

Which begins with completing the fencing along the Mexican frontier. Using 2009 Government Accountability Office estimates, that would have cost up to $6.6 billion. Obama will now spend more than half that sum to accommodate a mass migration that would have been prevented by just such a barrier.
The immigration no-brainer - The Washington Post

Building the fence, securing the border would have been cheaper than what Obama wants to do now, give all those illegals amnesty and government subsidize.

It is all Obama's fault.
Yes, it would have been cheaper if we passed immigration and given amnesty as President Obama and President Bush had wanted.

It's bull that you are now changing the goal post to how many he hasn't deported.

building the fence, and/or border security, and penalizing the employers that hire illegals etc, was PART of the immigration reform proposals, Amnesty was the other half from both republican and democratic presidents....

saying this is all Obama's fault is simply deranged...imo.
Republicans buy votes of the very wealthy, with promises of giving them tax breaks, the wealthy then take their money and create pacs supporting the republicans that are going to give them tax breaks and make them richer....and get their republican followers to support the candidate of THEIR CHOOSING, through internet hype, advertising, and propaganda in general to whip up the masses in to a frenzie, supporting their position.

no difference what so ever.... Papa, imo.

You don't think the Democrats buy votes from the rich? GM, GE and on and on?

The tax breaks are given by both party's in Congress. The Unions also get money from the government and create PACS. These unions don't look out for the worker, they look out for the unions heads. The Democrats support Export Import Bank and it shifts the risk of loss from the corporations right on to the taxpayer, how the hell can anyone with a straight face think either party is not doing the same is a fool.

The poster I was responding to, Chris claims it is just the Republicans that are selfish and that is the lie he is trying to perpetrate.

So please, if you have an issues as to ignorance and being deceptive, it is with Chris. Again he is either dishonest or stupid, which is it?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Republicans buy votes of the very wealthy, with promises of giving them tax breaks, the wealthy then take their money and create pacs supporting the republicans that are going to give them tax breaks and make them richer....and get their republican followers to support the candidate of THEIR CHOOSING, through internet hype, advertising, and propaganda in general to whip up the masses in to a frenzie, supporting their position.

no difference what so ever.... Papa, imo.

You don't think the Democrats buy votes from the rich? GM, GE and on and on?

The tax breaks are given by both party's in Congress. The Unions also get money from the government and create PACS. These unions don't look out for the worker, they look out for the unions heads. The Democrats support Export Import Bank and it shifts the risk of loss from the corporations right on to the taxpayer, how the hell can anyone with a straight face think either party is not doing the same is a fool.

The poster I was responding to, Chris claims it is just the Republicans that are selfish and that is the lie he is trying to perpetrate.

So please, if you have an issues as to ignorance and being deceptive, it is with Chris. Again he is either dishonest or stupid, which is it?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Chris, is a diehard Democrat, surely you see many of those just like Chris, only from the right wing, who finds everything wrong with the "liburals, progressives, socialist, communists, scum of the Earth, Satan worshiper, Obamabots'?

if you don't then it was my mistake to see you as a rational paisono.

I can name at least 20-30 posting in in these forums that constantly take the same position as Chris, only from an opposite view....ALL things wrong with the whole world and Nation, comes from Obama or Democrats.

Yes, there are wealthy on both sides of the aisle.
Obama deported 2 millions illegals in 6 years, more than any other president.

The number that matters isn't how many he deported but how many he allowed to stay undeported.

It happens that I support immigration reform. I support amnesty. I have since 2006. But only after we secure the border.

Which begins with completing the fencing along the Mexican frontier. Using 2009 Government Accountability Office estimates, that would have cost up to $6.6 billion. Obama will now spend more than half that sum to accommodate a mass migration that would have been prevented by just such a barrier.
The immigration no-brainer - The Washington Post

Building the fence, securing the border would have been cheaper than what Obama wants to do now, give all those illegals amnesty and government subsidize.

It is all Obama's fault.
Yes, it would have been cheaper if we passed immigration and given amnesty as President Obama and President Bush had wanted.

It's bull that you are now changing the goal post to how many he hasn't deported.

building the fence, and/or border security, and penalizing the employers that hire illegals etc, was PART of the immigration reform proposals, Amnesty was the other half from both republican and democratic presidents....

saying this is all Obama's fault is simply deranged...imo.
I never changed the goal posts. My point of view was always about how many illegal aliens my family has to compete with for jobs In America. Not how many got deported, that was a Democrat created red herring.
Republicans buy votes of the very wealthy, with promises of giving them tax breaks, the wealthy then take their money and create pacs supporting the republicans that are going to give them tax breaks and make them richer....and get their republican followers to support the candidate of THEIR CHOOSING, through internet hype, advertising, and propaganda in general to whip up the masses in to a frenzie, supporting their position.

no difference what so ever.... Papa, imo.

You don't think the Democrats buy votes from the rich? GM, GE and on and on?

The tax breaks are given by both party's in Congress. The Unions also get money from the government and create PACS. These unions don't look out for the worker, they look out for the unions heads. The Democrats support Export Import Bank and it shifts the risk of loss from the corporations right on to the taxpayer, how the hell can anyone with a straight face think either party is not doing the same is a fool.

The poster I was responding to, Chris claims it is just the Republicans that are selfish and that is the lie he is trying to perpetrate.

So please, if you have an issues as to ignorance and being deceptive, it is with Chris. Again he is either dishonest or stupid, which is it?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Chris, is a diehard Democrat, surely you see many of those just like Chris, only from the right wing, who finds everything wrong with the "liburals, progressives, socialist, communists, scum of the Earth, Satan worshiper, Obamabots'?

if you don't then it was my mistake to see you as a rational paisono.

I can name at least 20-30 posting in in these forums that constantly take the same position as Chris, only from an opposite view....ALL things wrong with the whole world and Nation, comes from Obama or Democrats.

Yes, there are wealthy on both sides of the aisle.

It's not the wealthy, it is our representatives, if they did not accept bribes, if they didn't allow their opinions to sway because of lobbyist and if they served the people instead of looking out for their own best interests instead of holding to their oath, then we wouldn't have many of the issues.

That is why I hate government solutions, they target the middle class to pay for it and they use the poor and the rich to guilt us all in.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
It was Republicans that allowed a deregulated Wall Street to destroy the world economy in 2008.

Alot of different groups had a hand in the 2008 economic blowout....not just Republicans.

It was Republicans in Congress that voted against infrastructure spending that would have lowered unemployment.
Are you speaking of Obama's $800B "shovel ready projects" bill? The one that favored Union hacks and other Donor cronies more then it did American workers?
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

Mexico is a Christian nation and they show no compassion for the Honduran CHIIIIILLLLDRENNNNN!

So, one MIGHT conclude that it is not the religious composition of the people of the nations that is at issue.

And it isn't.

And we all know, of course, that Chief Shitting Bull is aware of this fact.

Accordingly, we see that Chief Shitting Bull posts based on deliberate misrepresentations. It's what liars like that scum bag do.
Last edited:
Yeah, we all know they use the law that was meant to protect children from one aspect in order to take advantage of this situation. Typical of liberals, and typical of a piece of shit like you. The 2008 law was about "sex trafficking" of children. That's not what is happening today. They are voluntarily coming today because Obama told them they could. The 2008 legislation has nothing to do with the flood coming across our border during this past year. The liberal press/media fails to mention this as they attempt to blame all this on George W. Bush. Sorry....but Obama's been in office for almost 6 years. This has all happened under his watch.

Obama deported 2 millions illegals in 6 years, more than any other president.

The number that matters isn't how many he deported but how many he allowed to stay undeported.

It happens that I support immigration reform. I support amnesty. I have since 2006. But only after we secure the border.

Which begins with completing the fencing along the Mexican frontier. Using 2009 Government Accountability Office estimates, that would have cost up to $6.6 billion. Obama will now spend more than half that sum to accommodate a mass migration that would have been prevented by just such a barrier.
The immigration no-brainer - The Washington Post

Building the fence, securing the border would have been cheaper than what Obama wants to do now, give all those illegals amnesty and government subsidize.

It is all Obama's fault.
No, it's not all Obama's fault. Our problems with illegal immigration dates back decades. Inadequate border security, little to no enforcement of expiring visas and temporary work permits, immigration quotas that encourage illegal immigration, employers that knowingly hired illegal immigrants, immigration laws that are fifty years out of date.

According to the ICE totals, Obama has been deporting illegal immigrants at a rate of over 32,000/mo during his presidency, more that any president in history. Also the number of illegals immigrants crossing the boarder have been decreasing over the last 2 years.

American has a big immigration problem and no one president is responsible. The major blame for illegal immigration has to lay with congress. The law actually forbids the deportation of children that enter the country illegal from anywhere but Mexico and Canada without their day in court, which can take years.
Seriously, where the hell is it? America is a nation of immigrants. America is also a Christian nation according to many rightwingers. So, where is that Christian compassion?

Mexico is a Christian nation and they show no compassion for the Honduran CHIIIIILLLLDRENNNNN!

So, one MIGHT conclude that it is not the religious composition of the people of the nations that is at issue.

And it isn't.

And we all know, of course, that Chief Shitting Bull is aware of this fact.

Accordingly, we see that Chief Shitting Bull posts based on deliberate misrepresentations. It's what liars like that scum bag do.

Okay, I see your point - Christians can't be trusted. I already know that fact.

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