Where is the Christian compassion for immigrant children?

"Fundie" "Teaper" "Teabagger" "Trailer trash" "White trash"

Let's not forget "Gook" and "Honkey."

Why not look at a few definitions of the word "****" so that we know precisely what we are talking about.

Also, spik, spick.
Origin: 1910–15; earlier also spig, short for spiggoty; claimed, perhaps correctly, to derive from an accented pronunciation of ( No ) speak the ( English )
**** , spick or spik (spɪk)slang ( US ) a person from a Spanish-speaking country in South or Central America or a Spanish-speaking community in the US. Perhaps alluding to a foreigner's mispronunciation of speak. Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2014.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Some in the United States believe that the word is a play on their pronunciation of the English "speak." The Oxford English Dictionary takes **** to be a contraction of the earlier form spiggoty. The oldest known use of "spiggoty" is in 1910 by Wilbur Lawton in Boy Aviators in Nicaragua, or, In League with the Insurgents. Stuart Berg Flexner in I hear America Talking (1976), favored the explanation that it derives from "no spik Ingles" (or "no spika de Ingles").These theories follow standard naming practices, which include attacking people according to the foods they eat (see Kraut and Frog) and for their failure to speak a language (see Barbarian and Gringo).

Definition of ****, Merriam Webster's Dictionary**** also spick Origin of ****

by shortening & alteration from spiggoty, of unknown origin
First Known Use: 1916

Yep, "****" is just another word Hispanics don't like. "Wetback," and "Beaner" are the same thing. Actually, the words a TRUE to their definition. Denotation, connotation, whatever. The Spics prefer calling illegal immigrants "Migrants," This is nothing but a way for these invaders to legitimize themselves, by revising the English language. Invading America with Illegal children, makes them an enemy. Demonizing enemies in a time of war is a natural human response. Let us not lose these well-defined words AGAIN to "political correctness."


Mr. & Mrs. Taxpayer, the guy with the sign says it better than I could.
Thanks to those who have protected our Second Amendment.
Sadly, it looks like we may be needing it soon.​

no one goes out with a sign like that. It was photo-shopped I'm sure. He's advertising he's going to kill the police? He should get a free house and free food? Give me a break.
I agree, and these are the sorts of things that distract from the real issues and then the real solutions needed for them. People who do these things with signs like that (photo-shop), do undermine their own positions, and they do make themselves out to be the true haters without a doubt. I don't blame people for wanting a better life or to get out of a situation that is so bad where they live, but we can't just allow overwhelming numbers to come into this nation, and then over run our system either. The solution is to go next door and find out what is the solution with the government that has caused this mess. Then we should give stern ultimatums to that government that it will get it's house in order fast or else. For us to just sit back and allow a possibly gone rogue government to operate in a manor that causes such things as this to happen upon our border in proof there of is just idiotic, and we are a much stronger nation and humanitarian nation than this. Peace and kindness through strength, not through weakness. We should be ashamed.
Let's not forget "Gook" and "Honkey."

Why not look at a few definitions of the word "****" so that we know precisely what we are talking about.

Also, spik, spick.
Origin: 1910–15; earlier also spig, short for spiggoty; claimed, perhaps correctly, to derive from an accented pronunciation of ( No ) speak the ( English )
**** , spick or spik (spɪk)slang ( US ) a person from a Spanish-speaking country in South or Central America or a Spanish-speaking community in the US. Perhaps alluding to a foreigner's mispronunciation of speak. Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2014.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Some in the United States believe that the word is a play on their pronunciation of the English "speak." The Oxford English Dictionary takes **** to be a contraction of the earlier form spiggoty. The oldest known use of "spiggoty" is in 1910 by Wilbur Lawton in Boy Aviators in Nicaragua, or, In League with the Insurgents. Stuart Berg Flexner in I hear America Talking (1976), favored the explanation that it derives from "no spik Ingles" (or "no spika de Ingles").These theories follow standard naming practices, which include attacking people according to the foods they eat (see Kraut and Frog) and for their failure to speak a language (see Barbarian and Gringo).

Definition of ****, Merriam Webster's Dictionary**** also spick Origin of ****

by shortening & alteration from spiggoty, of unknown origin
First Known Use: 1916

Yep, "****" is just another word Hispanics don't like. "Wetback," and "Beaner" are the same thing. Actually, the words a TRUE to their definition. Denotation, connotation, whatever. The Spics prefer calling illegal immigrants "Migrants," This is nothing but a way for these invaders to legitimize themselves, by revising the English language. Invading America with Illegal children, makes them an enemy. Demonizing enemies in a time of war is a natural human response. Let us not lose these well-defined words AGAIN to "political correctness."


Mr. & Mrs. Taxpayer, the guy with the sign says it better than I could.
Thanks to those who have protected our Second Amendment.
Sadly, it looks like we may be needing it soon.​

no one goes out with a sign like that. It was photo-shopped I'm sure. He's advertising he's going to kill the police? He should get a free house and free food? Give me a break.
I agree, and these are the sorts of things that distract from the real issues and then the real solutions needed for them. People who do these things with signs like that (photo-shop), do undermine their own positions, and they do make themselves out to be the true haters without a doubt. I don't blame people for wanting a better life or to get out of a situation that is so bad where they live, but we can't just allow overwhelming numbers to come into this nation, and then over run our system either. The solution is to go next door and find out what is the solution with the government that has caused this mess. Then we should give stern ultimatums to that government that it will get it's house in order fast or else. For us to just sit back and allow a possibly gone rogue government to operate in a manor that causes such things as this to happen upon our border in proof there of is just idiotic, and we are a much stronger nation and humanitarian nation than this. Peace and kindness through strength, not through weakness. We should be ashamed.
They simply replace the pc words they used with the real thought they would say if they were actually being honest about it.
In the religion called government, you two (you and Lakhota) would be loyal acolytes.

They are all impoverished, you can't get blood out of a turnip....but there are Christians throughout the westernized nations that could help....maybe they are already, taking up collections?

We are the turnip! That might be all well and good, but the only Christians being affected here are the ones in the United States. Most of us were taught to obey the law, not skirt it with our own children.

Oh, so we are not the richest nation in the World now, and everything sucks in America, and God never blessed us as Christian nation, and the poor in our country have it great compared to other countries etc etc etc anymore?

and we are the only Christians being affected? What about the refugees? Are they not Christians being affected by what we do?

I am certain there are other wealthy people throughout the world willing to contribute towards a charity for their well being...where's GHW Bush and Clinton when you need them? Or is this too politically hot for either of them to handle?

Where is our obedience of the law when we need it? Compassion is secondary when you endanger the health and safety of other Americans. How can you sit there and judge with utter impunity those who want what's best for America?

You do realize that the Levite and the Priest who passed by on the other side of the road, the beaten man that needed help, because they believed they were following the Law of the Sabbath, were wrong to follow the Law, and the Good Samaratan, who was considered a lowly tribe by the Levites, Priests, and Jews in general, was the person who followed God's will....

And what about when Jesus, who was called blasphemous among other things, by the Jewish Theocratic Rulers of their community because he healed the sick on the Sabbath and was breaking the "law" according to them? Was Jesus wrong or were the Law Enforcers wrong?

I believe in following the Law of the Land, and the Law of our Land, says we can't turn away these refugee children the minute they arrive here, we have to give them hearings, try to place them with family, and send the rest home, unless they are at risk of sex trafficking, or have no parent or safe place to be returned to....

What is so hard and disturbing to YOU about following the Law of the Land?

Yes, but we were also taught not to break the law, miss. For breaking man's law means breaking God's law. You have a lot to learn about Christians before you start judging them.

see ABOVE!

A man cannot go to heaven on works alone, good works without good faith is dead. If faith without works is dead, so is your work without faith. You misconstrue what it means to be a Christian, milady.

Boy you are really off the wall!
I have misunderstood NOTHING my dear one, you on the other hand, are being a weasel, and very Satan like with all of your twists and turns?

Did I mention a thing about only getting Salvation through good works? Nope, nada, not a word....silly, twisted one.

but Jesus did mention and talk about good works, when he Judged the Nations, are you now, as a Christian against what Christ taught on the subject?

Matthew 25:31-46New International Version (NIV)

The Sheep and the Goats

31“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

We have an obligation to take care of our families too.

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."

1 Timothy 5:8

Of course we do. Who said we didn't?

When people persecute you, as a Christian, were you not taught that you should rejoice in such persecution?

Who is persecuting whom? You should ask Lakhota that question.

Gosh, you are really really slow on all this templar, I was talking about Lakhota challenging Christians, and how we should see this as an opportunity to show our Christianity, to witness our Christianity, not act like a bunch of whining idiots crying about him saying bad stuff about Christians, but follow Christ's words on this...and this is very hard to do, I can understand that...

which is:

Love for Enemies

27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
32 “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. 35 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. 36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful

Or that when Satan tempts you or spills lies, that the way to combat him is with Scripture? And I don't mean with just spouting off any old passage in the Bible but by DOING what Christ taught on how to handle an adversary....(turn the cheek, walk the extra mile, love thy enemy) and (to visit the prisoner, feed the stranger, help the sick, the needy etc)this is one of the hardest things of all to do, I know!!!

So, Satan is telling us not to take care of these illegal children? Do you hear yourself? Stop preaching. Frankly I am offended at how you tried to twist Christianity in such a way, just so we could ignore the law and give amnesty to these children.

Gosh, you are batting a thousand on this post with your nonsensical, wrong, assumptions, it's laughable Templar!

I am offended by your intentional stupidity and ignorance...I expected more from you than this silly, incoherent, ignorant to the enth degree, response.
It's amazing how the left will call Christians morons and think Christianity should be removed from the country UNTIL they need Christianity to support some nonsensical position of their own.
Where is the federal government that should be guarding our borders?

I don't know, but what about those compassionate Christians? Where are they?

All over the world ... Including the countries where a lot of these children are coming from.

Compassionate Christians are more interested in helping people where they need the help ... And providing for God's mission where it is of the most benefit.
Churches and youth groups around here routinely take mission trips with money they have raised in our communities.

We build houses, establish schools, assist with infrastructure projects in the countries where our help and compassion is needed.
Mostly teens raise the money on their own with a plethora of fundraising projects supported by the church and its members.
Progressive Liberals and misguided political hacks pretend they make a difference by trusting politicians and the government in dispensing compassion.
Supporting illegal immigrations on a mass scale is not Compassionate ... Nor the duty of Christians.

Quit pretending that your political affiliations or stance on the matter excuses your obligation to actually do something worthwhile ... And don't mention Christians that have been doing more than you have for decades.

Where is the federal government that should be guarding our borders?

I don't know, but what about those compassionate Christians? Where are they?

All over the world ... Including the countries where a lot of these children are coming from.

Compassionate Christians are more interested in helping people where they need the help ... And providing for God's mission where it is of the most benefit.
Churches and youth groups around here routinely take mission trips with money they have raised in our communities.

We build houses, establish schools, assist with infrastructure projects in the countries where our help and compassion is needed.
Mostly teens raise the money on their own with a plethora of fundraising projects supported by the church and its members.
Progressive Liberals and misguided political hacks pretend they make a difference by trusting politicians and the government in dispensing compassion.
Supporting illegal immigrations on a mass scale is not Compassionate ... Nor the duty of Christians.

Quit pretending that your political affiliations or stance on the matter excuses your obligation to actually do something worthwhile ... And don't mention Christians that have been doing more than you have for decades.

When solutions depend on an out of touch secular acting Christian hating government like we have today, then everything becomes pure political theater. This is why only their backs are getting scratched, and photo ops become front and center in the attention getting arena, otherwise instead of solutions actually getting achieved.
I don't know, but what about those compassionate Christians? Where are they?

All over the world ... Including the countries where a lot of these children are coming from.

Compassionate Christians are more interested in helping people where they need the help ... And providing for God's mission where it is of the most benefit.
Churches and youth groups around here routinely take mission trips with money they have raised in our communities.

We build houses, establish schools, assist with infrastructure projects in the countries where our help and compassion is needed.
Mostly teens raise the money on their own with a plethora of fundraising projects supported by the church and its members.
Progressive Liberals and misguided political hacks pretend they make a difference by trusting politicians and the government in dispensing compassion.
Supporting illegal immigrations on a mass scale is not Compassionate ... Nor the duty of Christians.

Quit pretending that your political affiliations or stance on the matter excuses your obligation to actually do something worthwhile ... And don't mention Christians that have been doing more than you have for decades.

When solutions depend on an out of touch secular acting Christian hating government like we have today, then everything becomes pure political theater. This is why only their backs are getting scratched, and photo ops become front and center in the attention getting arena, otherwise instead of solutions actually getting achieved.
well, I am certain religious groups are helping people in the countries that the refugees come from, including my familiy's church, but it is OBVIOUSLY not enough....the churches can't handle it on their own...if they could, we wouldn't have had this refugee problem in the first place, no?
All over the world ... Including the countries where a lot of these children are coming from.

Compassionate Christians are more interested in helping people where they need the help ... And providing for God's mission where it is of the most benefit.
Churches and youth groups around here routinely take mission trips with money they have raised in our communities.

We build houses, establish schools, assist with infrastructure projects in the countries where our help and compassion is needed.
Mostly teens raise the money on their own with a plethora of fundraising projects supported by the church and its members.
Progressive Liberals and misguided political hacks pretend they make a difference by trusting politicians and the government in dispensing compassion.
Supporting illegal immigrations on a mass scale is not Compassionate ... Nor the duty of Christians.

Quit pretending that your political affiliations or stance on the matter excuses your obligation to actually do something worthwhile ... And don't mention Christians that have been doing more than you have for decades.

When solutions depend on an out of touch secular acting Christian hating government like we have today, then everything becomes pure political theater. This is why only their backs are getting scratched, and photo ops become front and center in the attention getting arena, otherwise instead of solutions actually getting achieved.
well, I am certain religious groups are helping people in the countries that the refugees come from, including my familiy's church, but it is OBVIOUSLY not enough....the churches can't handle it on their own...if they could, we wouldn't have had this refugee problem in the first place, no?
When the churches can't handle it, then it becomes a major crisis, otherwise it would be one in which involves possible government intervention yes, but the type of intervention may not be what people might think it should be, where as if the government has to get kind of nasty to another nation that might be causing a humanitarian crisis, then so be it. For the American government to sit back and watch it's borders be overrun, well that is an amazing thing to watch actually, and especially so if it has no answers when it comes to handling the crisis properly in regards to the offending country..
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9ixOsjut3E#t=51]Chicago Resident: Obama Will Go Down as Worst President Ever - YouTube[/ame]
Nothing new has happened in these countries to cause a crisis. The crisis is obama.
Yes it should be investigated as to what has changed in these countries over the last decade or more, and then it should be walked back up to the current events in order to see exactly why now ?

Why now do we see all of this attempt at flooding our border in the ways that they are doing it all of a sudden? It has to be all due to the policies or weakness that this President is showing when it comes to upholding the laws of this nation, and this is because of him placing his middle finger up at the laws we have in this nation. The illegals are not the only ones doing this, but many groups are on board the band wagon of breaking the laws while it last for them.
For Republicans America is a platform for individual fulfillment. But here's the catch: the Individual is defined in the narrowest possible terms. Any notion of the "The Public Good" is seen as "Socialism" (socialism being anything the government does for the non-wealthy). The Free Market will fix New Orleans levees. The Free Market will effectively control the amount of derivative based risk Wall Street will take. The Free Market will get us off imported oil(rather than spending decades making terrorists stronger). The Free Market will keep our rivers clean. The Free Market will make healthcare more efficient. The Free Market won't bribe Washington in order to increase it's profit margin. We don't need to worry about "The Public Good", individual selfishness driven by short term profit is a utopian reflex.

But the world doesn't work that way. Selfishness harms society....tears it apart....destroys the world economy....spills millions of barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico.....tears a hole in the ozone...creates a garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean twice the size of Texas...melts the North Polar ice cap.....creates massive deficits by giving huge tax breaks to the wealthy....

But the Republicans celebrate this selfishness. It is their core value. For them greed is good.
Nothing new has happened in these countries to cause a crisis. The crisis is obama.
Yes it should be investigated as to what has changed in these countries over the last decade or more, and then it should be walked back up to the current events in order to see exactly why now ?

Why now do we see all of this attempt at flooding our border in the ways that they are doing it all of a sudden? It has to be all due to the policies or weakness that this President is showing when it comes to upholding the laws of this nation, and this is because of him placing his middle finger up at the laws we have in this nation. The illegals are not the only ones doing this, but many groups are on board the band wagon of breaking the laws while it last for them.
I read somewhere yesterday, it might have been an OReily interview with some border guard, that they were being told it is 'now or never' by the Churches that were helping them....yes, the churches helping them....now I have not verified this yet....but if this is true, it could be for a number of reasons....they think immigration reform is coming and they misunderstand the Dream act, which clealy involves the children of illegal immigrants, that have lived in the USA, for 5 years, and had to have arrived before the age of 15....

so NONE of these refugee children will or would have met that criteria and these Churches, or whomever, was passing along BAD information.

The other possibility, is that they see immigration reform coming and it would involve much stronger boarder security and procedures, so this too could be an incentive for getting in to the USA pronto.
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Interesting, but I look at it this way.. What exactly are they wanting from Obama ? Obama is the President of all in this nation, and not just the president of specific groups along with their holding him to that type of chains and bondage in which they figure he should be in for them. Obama should work for the poor of course, but he should work for all the poor when he does so, and Obama should work for the middle class of course, but he should work for all of the middle class, and Obama should work with the rich, and again he should work for all of the rich in America. The problems that Chicago is having is not due to a President or his administration, but rather from the corrupt immoral politicians or liberal hippie flower power softies elected, who allow just about anything because they operate in fear of taking a moral stand against crime and corruption in their cities. Somehow get this straight, and change would begin ASAP.
Any notion of the "The Public Good" is seen as "Socialism" (socialism being anything the government does for the non-wealthy)

First, you are wrong about what the public good means. You think it means redistribution of wealth. Actually, it means it benefits everyone. Roads, police, defense, fire, civil and criminal courts, those things benefit everyone. Confiscating wealth from one person and giving it to another is not "the public good," it is plunder.

So you are wrong that non-liberals don't support the common good, we do. We don't support government using force to plunder it's citizens.
The Catholic Church's opposition to birth control has created massive poverty around the world.

This is the result.
Any notion of the "The Public Good" is seen as "Socialism" (socialism being anything the government does for the non-wealthy)

First, you are wrong about what the public good means. You think it means redistribution of wealth. Actually, it means it benefits everyone. Roads, police, defense, fire, civil and criminal courts, those things benefit everyone. Confiscating wealth from one person and giving it to another is not "the public good," it is plunder.

So you are wrong that non-liberals don't support the common good, we do. We don't support government using force to plunder it's citizens.

Thanks for proving my point.

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