Where is the “October Surprise“ for Biden?


Lol leave it to you to cite a tabloid like NY Post. Why hasn’t any law enforcement body investing Hunter? Why hasn’t he been arrested?
The Senate Homeland Security IS NOW INVESTIGATING.

Oh gee republicans in their usual desperation. It’s interesting how democrats investigating Trump was all a witch hunt yet when the shoe is on the other foot you pretend the GOP has a shred of integrity and objectivity. It’s so obnoxious and childish.
There are more October surprises in store for Joe Biden.
The Ukraine issue is blowing up in his face, with documentation.
No, it's not. It's just made up crap.

According to whom? What sources say that this story is untrue? Links? Evidence?

They claim to have a laptop that they claim.belonged to him.

They've claimed a lotta shit, and none of it has turned out to be true.

Lol leave it to you to cite a tabloid like NY Post. Why hasn’t any law enforcement body investing Hunter? Why hasn’t he been arrested?

Oh, it's suddenly a tabloid when it nails your favorite guy to the wall, huh? How bemusing.
Always has been.
There are more October surprises in store for Joe Biden.
The Ukraine issue is blowing up in his face, with documentation.
No, it's not. It's just made up crap.

According to whom? What sources say that this story is untrue? Links? Evidence?

They claim to have a laptop that they claim.belonged to him.

They've claimed a lotta shit, and none of it has turned out to be true.

Oh, it's true alright.

And so what.

Trump does not need that to win.
Hell, you’d think it would have happened by now given Biden’s huge lead in the polls.

We already know what Trump’s is. It’s that moron getting COVID and spreading it to the rest of the WH. Hell, even Barron had it. How embarrassing. He brought that October Surprise squarely on himself.

Who else is looking forward to Billy's next melt-down?
There are more October surprises in store for Joe Biden.
The Ukraine issue is blowing up in his face, with documentation.
Lol no it really isn’t. Why hasn’t Hunter been arrested? Why isn’t any law enforcement body investigating him?

The AG just completed it. And came up with goose eggs. Another case of unwise but not illegal. And Rump is extremely butt hurt that his October Surprise blew up in his face. Look for Barr to be fired if the strange happens and Rump is relected.
Hell, you’d think it would have happened by now given Biden’s huge lead in the polls.

We already know what Trump’s is. It’s that moron getting COVID and spreading it to the rest of the WH. Hell, even Barron had it. How embarrassing. He brought that October Surprise squarely on himself.

Who else is looking forward to Billy's next melt-down?

He's continually drinking.

There is no other explanation that fits the bullshit he balthering about these days.
There are more October surprises in store for Joe Biden.
The Ukraine issue is blowing up in his face, with documentation.
Lol no it really isn’t. Why hasn’t Hunter been arrested? Why isn’t any law enforcement body investigating him?

The AG just completed it. And came up with goose eggs. Another case of unwise but not illegal. And Rump is extremely butt hurt that his October Surprise blew up in his face. Look for Barr to be fired if the strange happens and Rump is relected.

It was always gooseeggs.

There was never anything illegal.

Just bad judgement and self-serving.

You can always make money off of your VP dad/mom.
There are more October surprises in store for Joe Biden.
The Ukraine issue is blowing up in his face, with documentation.
Lol no it really isn’t. Why hasn’t Hunter been arrested? Why isn’t any law enforcement body investigating him?

The AG just completed it. And came up with goose eggs. Another case of unwise but not illegal. And Rump is extremely butt hurt that his October Surprise blew up in his face. Look for Barr to be fired if the strange happens and Rump is relected.

It was always gooseeggs.

There was never anything illegal.

Just bad judgement and self-serving.

You can always make money off of your VP dad/mom.

Famous people's kids always do.
There are more October surprises in store for Joe Biden.
The Ukraine issue is blowing up in his face, with documentation.
Lol no it really isn’t. Why hasn’t Hunter been arrested? Why isn’t any law enforcement body investigating him?

The AG just completed it. And came up with goose eggs. Another case of unwise but not illegal. And Rump is extremely butt hurt that his October Surprise blew up in his face. Look for Barr to be fired if the strange happens and Rump is relected.

It was always gooseeggs.

There was never anything illegal.

Just bad judgement and self-serving.

You can always make money off of your VP dad/mom.

Famous people's kids always do.

No, kids whose parents have connections do.

It's not illegal.

Questionable when it comes to ethics, but who gives a fuck about those these days.

Hunter also fucked his dead brothers wife while fucking the maid. The maid got pregnant and Hunter wasn't paying child support.

Nothing illegal......he just has morals that could fit in nanoglass.
Alternative media is reporting that damning evidence about the Benghazi affair, the death of Seal Team Six (that knew that they didn't kill Osama Bin Laden) was all a part of the 152 BILLION dollar pay off to Iran that was blackmailing the Barrypuppet admin.
According to these sources, they have telephone recordings and a paper trail for this....if true? Biden, The Hildebeast and the Barrypuppet best start lawyering up.....
The Ukraine issues is like any issues that the repubs bring up. A distraction from any Trump related issues. Barr investigated is like a bumbling idiot. He tries to find thinks that will help Trump but it hurts him instead.

the Flynn unmasking probe that he sought has now concluded with no resulting charges and no public report on the matter. The head of the investigation resign after he could not find a thing.

The voter fraud commission Trump started disbanded a while ago without finding anything.

The Durham probe into origins of the Russian probe failed to find anything that could help him. A failed investigation wasting taxpayer dollars which only purpose was to point the finger at biden and give Trump to argue about in the debates. Failed

obvious the Ukraine angle has not produced one solid piece of evidence. but we really already know that repubs do not need proof but only someone to spin a yarn

And everyone jumps on that bandwagon heading downhill

The Epstein investigation has failed to explain how he was able to commit suicide in a federal prison that was suppose to be watching him. Lead by Barr they don't know how it happen. Self serving with a fist full of butt scratching.

We definitely need Biden to win so that we can get to the bottom of this as it will be explosive.

Still how can anyone forget how the AG mischaracterized the Mueller report in order to make Trump look good. he has made the DOJ look really bad.

Barr is corrupt and inept but look who his boss is. Barney Fife could do a better investigation.

The Ukraine phone call made by Trump has fizzled dizzled. The DOJ refused to investigate.

Barr has tried to prosecute Comey but could not find anything to prosecute. Instead resorting to "Comey a bad man" yet no crime to prosecute
Oh, I think this was quite a surprise even Joe understood. His drug-addled son leaving a laptop with thousands of compromising emails at a commercial repair shop was bad enough, but then to forget it was there!

Yeah, that's a HUGE SURPRISE for the whole campaign!

Just think, only the surface has been scratched!

Lol leave it to you to cite a tabloid like NY Post. Why hasn’t any law enforcement body investing Hunter? Why hasn’t he been arrested?

I’m not informed too much on the specifics of this. Everything you said here sounds like republican talking points. Just bullshit you get from rightwing media. If law enforcement opens an investigation into him, then I’ll care. For now there is no reason to care. Of course, even then, it’s Hunter and not Joe. This all really just comes across as desperate.

Yes, ignorance is bliss, is it not?


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