Where is the President?

How do we remove the racism that you refer to?
Both ends of the issue start honestly holding their own side accountable.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
And its you the conductor standing at the podium who will make sure that the string section keeps time with the brass section And everyone meets in the middle?

I dont think so

Because all your comment did was avoid the issue I raised
I gave you a clear and specific answer, and your response was not surprising.

We all have a lot of work to do. If you want to avoid that, fine, we'll just have to work around you.
You gave us empty talk

should the store owner allow black guy #6 to take another item out of his store?
No. And you're still missing the point by a few thousand miles.

Gosh. What a shock.

Could have something to do with the fact that you have yet to make a fucking point.

Gosh. What a shock.
How do we remove the racism that you refer to?
Both ends of the issue start honestly holding their own side accountable.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
And its you the conductor standing at the podium who will make sure that the string section keeps time with the brass section And everyone meets in the middle?

I dont think so

Because all your comment did was avoid the issue I raised
I gave you a clear and specific answer, and your response was not surprising.

We all have a lot of work to do. If you want to avoid that, fine, we'll just have to work around you.
''OK lets get specific. What actions will satisfy the BLM rioters and cause them to stop looting and burning. Give us a detailed list of actions that will do that.

Is it:

reparation payments
more free stuff
bigger welfare checks

what would end this crap. Tell us.
I wonder how many times I have to say this.

We don't fix the larger or individual racial problems we face unless and until both ends of the issue honestly hold their own side accountable.

I cannot make that more clear. If it is still too complicated for you, there is nothing I can do.

If you have to ask what your end should do, then you are going out of your way to remain willfully ignorant. You don't really care about improving anything.

We don't fix any problems if all we can get out of you is "We have big problems! We have to fix them! How DARE you ask me what they are?! You should JUST KNOW!!!"

You don't really care about improving anything. You just care about making yourself feel superior somehow.
If you don't see that racism still exists in this country, you're just enabling more of it.

In other words, you're a good Trumpster.
The problem is that any public statement he makes that would demonstrate empathy with the lives of Black Americans would piss off his base
Thats a lie

trump supporters are tired of being accused of racism

its as simple as that

stop lying about us and them we can discuss the black condition

Stop acting like fucking racists, then.
What are we doing that's racist?

Not agreeing with Mac's preferred empty virtue signaling, one assumes.

If you don't want to be shamed for being a racist asshole, maybe stop acting like racist assholes. Seems quite simple to me.
What actions are you referring to?

Disparaging minorities on a daily basis is the first thing to come to mind.
Example please.

See post #334.
What's racist about that post?
How do we remove the racism that you refer to?
Both ends of the issue start honestly holding their own side accountable.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
And its you the conductor standing at the podium who will make sure that the string section keeps time with the brass section And everyone meets in the middle?

I dont think so

Because all your comment did was avoid the issue I raised
I gave you a clear and specific answer, and your response was not surprising.

We all have a lot of work to do. If you want to avoid that, fine, we'll just have to work around you.
You gave us empty talk

should the store owner allow black guy #6 to take another item out of his store?
No. And you're still missing the point by a few thousand miles.

Gosh. What a shock.

Could have something to do with the fact that you have yet to make a fucking point.

Gosh. What a shock.
I've made plenty of points.

You're just so busy bitching and moaning that they're getting past you.

Can you get all this out in one big, long post? This is beyond boring.
What do you want him to do?
He could get on TV and give a speech.

I can't believe I had to say that.

Holy crap.
He did. Unless you failed to note it...

And is he done? Is that it?

So wait. You've been moaning and crying about how AWFUL it is that Trump doesn't "make a speech" - completely non-specific, just a speech, OMG a speech would be LEADERSHIP! - for pages now, and when it's pointed out to you that he DID make one, that you actually GOT what you were languishing over, you go straight to, "Is that it?"

Way to prove my point. You don't want "leadership"; you want to pussyache about wanting leadership.
Actual leadership is effective....
Thanks for admitting that Andrew Cuomo and DeNauseo are not actual leaders.
2 useless pieces of shit...
NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo
NYC Mayor DeBlasio.

I hope Congress denies sending NYC money to repair the damage caused by the rioting savages.
Did they have to hide in their bunkers?
They hid in their offices backed up by police.
Do you think for a second they have no security guards?
I’m just asking if the people have been so angry with them. I don’t follow NY.
Those people whose property and businesses have been destroyed by their inaction are infuriated with them.
Of course, the media spent as little time as possible covering those people expressing themselves.
Prudential Insurance has announced they will no longer provide new Insurance Policies in NYS.
Well done, BLM!
Seems like a national problem.
A Blue City problem.
The Protests in Nassau County have been peaceful because the Democratic County Executive was told by the Nassau County Police Commissioner to keep out of their business.
No jury in NC would convict a Police Officer for quelling a riot.
Blue city? Aren’t all big cities blue? It’s a national problem.
You're going to tell me there are going to be riots in Texas?
I don't think so.
Show me one Red Town or city where's there been a riot?
NC is purple and no one wants to mess with the Police.
Show me large red cities. Do they exist? What really is the difference between red and blue at a city level?

Since you're the Brain, you tell me.
No city run by a Bleeding Heart Liberal will tear gas these rioting scumbags because the politicians need their votes.
Try this shit in Dallas and see what happens.
How do we remove the racism that you refer to?
Both ends of the issue start honestly holding their own side accountable.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
And its you the conductor standing at the podium who will make sure that the string section keeps time with the brass section And everyone meets in the middle?

I dont think so

Because all your comment did was avoid the issue I raised
I gave you a clear and specific answer, and your response was not surprising.

We all have a lot of work to do. If you want to avoid that, fine, we'll just have to work around you.
''OK lets get specific. What actions will satisfy the BLM rioters and cause them to stop looting and burning. Give us a detailed list of actions that will do that.

Is it:

reparation payments
more free stuff
bigger welfare checks

what would end this crap. Tell us.
I wonder how many times I have to say this.

We don't fix the larger or individual racial problems we face unless and until both ends of the issue honestly hold their own side accountable.

I cannot make that more clear. If it is still too complicated for you, there is nothing I can do.

If you have to ask what your end should do, then you are going out of your way to remain willfully ignorant. You don't really care about improving anything.

We don't fix any problems if all we can get out of you is "We have big problems! We have to fix them! How DARE you ask me what they are?! You should JUST KNOW!!!"

You don't really care about improving anything. You just care about making yourself feel superior somehow.
If you don't see that racism still exists in this country, you're just enabling more of it.

In other words, you're a good Trumpster.
A Globalist like yourself who lives on cheap slave labor isn't a racist?!
You're such an idiot!
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?


Still "inspecting" his bunker? :D

The problem is that any public statement he makes that would demonstrate empathy with the lives of Black Americans would piss off his base
Thats a lie

trump supporters are tired of being accused of racism

its as simple as that

stop lying about us and them we can discuss the black condition

Stop acting like fucking racists, then.
What are we doing that's racist?

Not agreeing with Mac's preferred empty virtue signaling, one assumes.

If you don't want to be shamed for being a racist asshole, maybe stop acting like racist assholes. Seems quite simple to me.
What actions are you referring to?

Disparaging minorities on a daily basis is the first thing to come to mind.
Example please.

See post #334.
What's racist about that post?

You disparaged a minority. Do you need a further sign?
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?


Still "inspecting" his bunker? :D



What do you want him to do?
He could get on TV and give a speech.

I can't believe I had to say that.

Holy crap.
He did. Unless you failed to note it...

And is he done? Is that it?

So wait. You've been moaning and crying about how AWFUL it is that Trump doesn't "make a speech" - completely non-specific, just a speech, OMG a speech would be LEADERSHIP! - for pages now, and when it's pointed out to you that he DID make one, that you actually GOT what you were languishing over, you go straight to, "Is that it?"

Way to prove my point. You don't want "leadership"; you want to pussyache about wanting leadership.
Actual leadership is effective....
Thanks for admitting that Andrew Cuomo and DeNauseo are not actual leaders.
2 useless pieces of shit...
NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo
NYC Mayor DeBlasio.

I hope Congress denies sending NYC money to repair the damage caused by the rioting savages.
Did they have to hide in their bunkers?
They hid in their offices backed up by police.
Do you think for a second they have no security guards?
I’m just asking if the people have been so angry with them. I don’t follow NY.
Those people whose property and businesses have been destroyed by their inaction are infuriated with them.
Of course, the media spent as little time as possible covering those people expressing themselves.
Prudential Insurance has announced they will no longer provide new Insurance Policies in NYS.
Well done, BLM!
Seems like a national problem.
A Blue City problem.
The Protests in Nassau County have been peaceful because the Democratic County Executive was told by the Nassau County Police Commissioner to keep out of their business.
No jury in NC would convict a Police Officer for quelling a riot.
Blue city? Aren’t all big cities blue? It’s a national problem.
You're going to tell me there are going to be riots in Texas?
I don't think so.
Show me one Red Town or city where's there been a riot?
NC is purple and no one wants to mess with the Police.
Show me large red cities. Do they exist? What really is the difference between red and blue at a city level?

Since you're the Brain, you tell me.
No city run by a Bleeding Heart Liberal will tear gas these rioting scumbags because the politicians need their votes.
Try this shit in Dallas and see what happens.
I wonder why there's no details of how the Dallas Police Officers actually responded and if they were fired or suspended for doing so.
I bet they weren't threatened by their mayor for doing their job.
This is what it looks like when a large swath of people restrict their informational intake to a small universe.

They don't even know what to do, because they no real idea of what other people's lives are actually like.

This is what it looks like when a jackhole wants to feel "woke" and superior, but doesn't want to have to do any thinking or say anything real that can be brought up later.

He doesn't even know what to do, because he has no real idea what thinking is actually like.

Oh, hey, tell us again how YOU know all about the problems of racism, which consist of getting pulled over a lot. That's a real kneeslapper, there, Malcolm X.
What do you want him to do?
He could get on TV and give a speech.

I can't believe I had to say that.

Holy crap.
He did. Unless you failed to note it...

And is he done? Is that it?

So wait. You've been moaning and crying about how AWFUL it is that Trump doesn't "make a speech" - completely non-specific, just a speech, OMG a speech would be LEADERSHIP! - for pages now, and when it's pointed out to you that he DID make one, that you actually GOT what you were languishing over, you go straight to, "Is that it?"

Way to prove my point. You don't want "leadership"; you want to pussyache about wanting leadership.
Actual leadership is effective....
Thanks for admitting that Andrew Cuomo and DeNauseo are not actual leaders.
2 useless pieces of shit...
NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo
NYC Mayor DeBlasio.

I hope Congress denies sending NYC money to repair the damage caused by the rioting savages.
Did they have to hide in their bunkers?
They hid in their offices backed up by police.
Do you think for a second they have no security guards?
I’m just asking if the people have been so angry with them. I don’t follow NY.
Those people whose property and businesses have been destroyed by their inaction are infuriated with them.
Of course, the media spent as little time as possible covering those people expressing themselves.
Prudential Insurance has announced they will no longer provide new Insurance Policies in NYS.
Well done, BLM!
Seems like a national problem.
A Blue City problem.
The Protests in Nassau County have been peaceful because the Democratic County Executive was told by the Nassau County Police Commissioner to keep out of their business.
No jury in NC would convict a Police Officer for quelling a riot.
Blue city? Aren’t all big cities blue? It’s a national problem.
You're going to tell me there are going to be riots in Texas?
I don't think so.
Show me one Red Town or city where's there been a riot?
NC is purple and no one wants to mess with the Police.
Show me large red cities. Do they exist? What really is the difference between red and blue at a city level?

Since you're the Brain, you tell me.
No city run by a Bleeding Heart Liberal will tear gas these rioting scumbags because the politicians need their votes.
Try this shit in Dallas and see what happens.
I wonder why there's no details of how the Dallas Police Officers actually responded and if they were fired or suspended for doing so.
I bet they weren't threatened by their mayor for doing their job.
Moving the posts? You said rioting didn’t happen. It’s a national problem.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?


Still "inspecting" his bunker? :D




But Fat Billy Barf contradicted him. Sad :cool-45:
Oh, hey, tell us again how YOU know all about the problems of racism, which consist of getting pulled over a lot. That's a real kneeslapper, there, Malcolm X.
Well, I'm of mixed race, married into another mixed race family. Our Christmastime family photos look like a freakin' "Celebrate Diversity" poster. Hispanic/Latino to Japanese to Nigerian. Not a full-blooded whitey amongst us.

Thanks for asking.

Meanwhile, you're just another ignorant, arrogant, bigoted Trumpster.

Last edited:
What do you want him to do?
He could get on TV and give a speech.

I can't believe I had to say that.

Holy crap.
He did. Unless you failed to note it...

And is he done? Is that it?

So wait. You've been moaning and crying about how AWFUL it is that Trump doesn't "make a speech" - completely non-specific, just a speech, OMG a speech would be LEADERSHIP! - for pages now, and when it's pointed out to you that he DID make one, that you actually GOT what you were languishing over, you go straight to, "Is that it?"

Way to prove my point. You don't want "leadership"; you want to pussyache about wanting leadership.
Actual leadership is effective....
Thanks for admitting that Andrew Cuomo and DeNauseo are not actual leaders.
2 useless pieces of shit...
NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo
NYC Mayor DeBlasio.

I hope Congress denies sending NYC money to repair the damage caused by the rioting savages.
Did they have to hide in their bunkers?
They hid in their offices backed up by police.
Do you think for a second they have no security guards?
I’m just asking if the people have been so angry with them. I don’t follow NY.
Those people whose property and businesses have been destroyed by their inaction are infuriated with them.
Of course, the media spent as little time as possible covering those people expressing themselves.
Prudential Insurance has announced they will no longer provide new Insurance Policies in NYS.
Well done, BLM!
Seems like a national problem.
A Blue City problem.
The Protests in Nassau County have been peaceful because the Democratic County Executive was told by the Nassau County Police Commissioner to keep out of their business.
No jury in NC would convict a Police Officer for quelling a riot.
Blue city? Aren’t all big cities blue? It’s a national problem.
You're going to tell me there are going to be riots in Texas?
I don't think so.
Show me one Red Town or city where's there been a riot?
NC is purple and no one wants to mess with the Police.
Show me large red cities. Do they exist? What really is the difference between red and blue at a city level?

Since you're the Brain, you tell me.
No city run by a Bleeding Heart Liberal will tear gas these rioting scumbags because the politicians need their votes.
Try this shit in Dallas and see what happens.
I wonder why there's no details of how the Dallas Police Officers actually responded and if they were fired or suspended for doing so.
I bet they weren't threatened by their mayor for doing their job.
Moving the posts? You said rioting didn’t happen. It’s a national problem.
I stand corrected but I don't think there will be a repeat if the mayor allows a response.
The saddest part is that people are willing to be so destructive in the first place.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

Why should he do anything? 80% think the country is out of control that means they will vote "law and order Trump" over "pro-crime Democrats." Might be busy dealing with China, Russia, or global terrorism.
Oh, hey, tell us again how YOU know all about the problems of racism, which consist of getting pulled over a lot. That's a real kneeslapper, there, Malcolm X.
Well, I'm of mixed race, married into another mixed race family. Our Christmastime family photos look like a freakin' "Celebrate Diversity" poster. Hispanic/Latino to Japanese to Nigerian. Not a full-blooded whitey amongst us.

Thanks for asking.

Meanwhile, you're just another ignorant, bigoted Trumpster.

Big, fucking deal, I work with Blacks who hate Blacks.
A Globalist like yourself who lives on cheap slave labor isn't a racist?! You're such an idiot!

Good Trumpsters just make shit up as they go.
So tell us which Democrat related issues you disagree and we'll see if your response matches your posting pattern.
Wow, this constant interest in my political views is flattering.

Line 2 of my sig, linked to a thread in which I (a) list my specific views on the issues, and (b) disembowel a Regressive Lefty: https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/come-on-jake-man-up-just-this-once.590002/

You're welcome.

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