Where is the President?

What do you want him to do?
He could get on TV and give a speech.

I can't believe I had to say that.

Holy crap.

He gives rambling speeches all the time to his base. Don't know what good another one will do.
The problem is that any public statement he makes that would demonstrate empathy with the lives of Black Americans would piss off his base. That's the bottom line here. So he just tosses out some empty platitudes and stands there with an upside down Bible he's never read.

Hell with it.

No, the problem is that any public statement he makes is going to be torn to shreds by unhinged partisans like you, so why bother? That's the bottom line here. You just proved it by dismissing the statement he DID make as "empty platitudes" and yet another fake defense of Christianity from the "depradations" of people daring to acknowledge it without getting Pope Mac's okay.

And Cult45 dismisses statements from sources they consider partisan all day, everyday. Unless both parties are in competition for 'world's biggest hypocrites', then you're just spinning wheels.
The problem is that any public statement he makes that would demonstrate empathy with the lives of Black Americans would piss off his base
Thats a lie

trump supporters are tired of being accused of racism

its as simple as that

stop lying about us and them we can discuss the black condition

Stop acting like fucking racists, then.
What are we doing that's racist?

Not agreeing with Mac's preferred empty virtue signaling, one assumes.

If you don't want to be shamed for being a racist asshole, maybe stop acting like racist assholes. Seems quite simple to me.
What do you want him to do?
He could get on TV and give a speech.

I can't believe I had to say that.

Holy crap.
He did. Unless you failed to note it...

And is he done? Is that it?

So wait. You've been moaning and crying about how AWFUL it is that Trump doesn't "make a speech" - completely non-specific, just a speech, OMG a speech would be LEADERSHIP! - for pages now, and when it's pointed out to you that he DID make one, that you actually GOT what you were languishing over, you go straight to, "Is that it?"

Way to prove my point. You don't want "leadership"; you want to pussyache about wanting leadership.
Actual leadership is effective....
Thanks for admitting that Andrew Cuomo and DeNauseo are not actual leaders.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

You haven't a clue. That Bible belonged to the President's mother. Idiot.

Prove it. Just do some research I did and it doesn't.

I just did some research and discovered that I don't give a shit.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

You haven't a clue. That Bible belonged to the President's mother. Idiot.

Prove it. Just do some research I did and it doesn't.
He was using a bible as a prop, insulting religion.
Who owns that bible is irrelevant.

Where was I when you were elected spokesman for Christianity? Because I don't recall being given a ballot, and I certainly wouldn't vote for you and your anti-Christian standpoint.
What does OP need POTUS to say to him?

Lay out specifically what you want him to say.
How about a message of unity that we can all agree with?

More than one, maybe.

You know, like normal leaders do.

How about you be specific, like you were asked?

You know, like normal humans do.

What message of unity would you EVER agree with, coming from Trump?
What do you want him to do?
He could get on TV and give a speech.

I can't believe I had to say that.

Holy crap.
He did. Unless you failed to note it...

And is he done? Is that it?

So wait. You've been moaning and crying about how AWFUL it is that Trump doesn't "make a speech" - completely non-specific, just a speech, OMG a speech would be LEADERSHIP! - for pages now, and when it's pointed out to you that he DID make one, that you actually GOT what you were languishing over, you go straight to, "Is that it?"

Way to prove my point. You don't want "leadership"; you want to pussyache about wanting leadership.
Actual leadership is effective....
Thanks for admitting that Andrew Cuomo and DeNauseo are not actual leaders.
What does OP need POTUS to say to him?

Lay out specifically what you want him to say.
How about a message of unity that we can all agree with?

More than one, maybe.

You know, like normal leaders do.

How about you be specific, like you were asked?

You know, like normal humans do.

What message of unity would you EVER agree with, coming from Trump?
I changed my mind. I want him to do nothing. Just like you.

See? You were able to change my mind. Good for you.
What does OP need POTUS to say to him?

Lay out specifically what you want him to say.

Let's start with 'I resign', and go from there.
These folks are so helpless that they're asking guys on the internet what Trump should say.

They can't think of anything on their own. Nothing. Zip. Nothing constructive pops to mind.

Obviously talk radio hasn't covered this.
What does OP need POTUS to say to him?

Lay out specifically what you want him to say.
How about a message of unity that we can all agree with?

More than one, maybe.

You know, like normal leaders do.

How about you be specific, like you were asked?

You know, like normal humans do.

What message of unity would you EVER agree with, coming from Trump?
I changed my mind. I want him to do nothing. Just like you.

See? You were able to change my mind. Good for you.
Probably more effective than when he tries to do something...
What does OP need POTUS to say to him?

Lay out specifically what you want him to say.
How about a message of unity that we can all agree with?

More than one, maybe.

You know, like normal leaders do.

How about you be specific, like you were asked?

You know, like normal humans do.

What message of unity would you EVER agree with, coming from Trump?
I changed my mind. I want him to do nothing. Just like you.

See? You were able to change my mind. Good for you.
Probably more effective than when he tries to do something...
Yep. It would be phony and insulting anyway.
What do you want him to do?
He could get on TV and give a speech.

I can't believe I had to say that.

Holy crap.
He did. Unless you failed to note it...

And is he done? Is that it?
Where is your link to your claim. Oh, and I’ll be glad to post his speech for ya, if you want. Oh, and by the way, I’m sure much to your chagrine, he set up a commission late Jan for finding ways law enforcement can regain the trust of the citizens. Bet ya didn’t know it, cause the lame msm probably didn’t mention it.
A snippet-
Therefore, we are establishing this Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement to study crime—how we can reduce it and how we can restore the public confidence in law enforcement to its rightful place. The Commission will examine the following:

How do certain social ills such as mental illness, substance abuse, and homelessness affect the ability of law enforcement to police?
How can we improve officer recruitment, training, and retention?
What are the major issues confronting rural and tribal law enforcement?
What are the major issues affecting the physical safety and mental health of police officers?
How can federal grant programs aide state, local, and tribal law enforcement?
What novel issues and criminal threats have arisen from new technologies?
What is the cause of diminished respect for law enforcement and the laws they enforce, and how does it affect both police and public safety?
What role can commercial business and community development organizations play in cultivating safe communities?
What methodologies, techniques, and targeted deterrence can be employed to reduce crime?
How can we integrate education, employment, social services, and public health services to reduce crime and ease the burden on law enforcement?
Thanks for the bullet points. So it's all about law enforcement and programs and technology and not about the racism that still exists in America.

Could you point out where he discussed how black people feel about their daily lives, why they might be frustrated beyond white people's understanding, or what it's like being pulled over SEVERAL times for no good reason -- as Republican Senator Tim Scott has described?

You couldn't have provided a better example. You folks are just not paying attention. Thank you.

What racism, exactly?

Since when is the President the nation's psychotherapist? When did his job become worrying about and fixing people's feelings? And do you really think discussing anecdotes about traffic stops is the best use of his time? For that matter, are you really presenting yourself as a champion against "black oppression and racism" when the only thing you can come up with is "being pulled over"?

You couldn't have provided a better example of why leftists should never be listened to as though they're real people with real thoughts. You folks are just not faking it convincingly. Thank you.
What do you want him to do?
He could get on TV and give a speech.

I can't believe I had to say that.

Holy crap.
He did. Unless you failed to note it...

And is he done? Is that it?

So wait. You've been moaning and crying about how AWFUL it is that Trump doesn't "make a speech" - completely non-specific, just a speech, OMG a speech would be LEADERSHIP! - for pages now, and when it's pointed out to you that he DID make one, that you actually GOT what you were languishing over, you go straight to, "Is that it?"

Way to prove my point. You don't want "leadership"; you want to pussyache about wanting leadership.
Actual leadership is effective....
Thanks for admitting that Andrew Cuomo and DeNauseo are not actual leaders.
2 useless pieces of shit...
NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo
NYC Mayor DeBlasio.

I hope Congress denies sending NYC money to repair the damage caused by the rioting savages.
The problem is that any public statement he makes that would demonstrate empathy with the lives of Black Americans would piss off his base
Thats a lie

trump supporters are tired of being accused of racism

its as simple as that

stop lying about us and them we can discuss the black condition

Stop acting like fucking racists, then.
What are we doing that's racist?

Not agreeing with Mac's preferred empty virtue signaling, one assumes.

If you don't want to be shamed for being a racist asshole, maybe stop acting like racist assholes. Seems quite simple to me.
What actions are you referring to?
What do you want him to do?
He could get on TV and give a speech.

I can't believe I had to say that.

Holy crap.
He did. Unless you failed to note it...

And is he done? Is that it?
Where is your link to your claim. Oh, and I’ll be glad to post his speech for ya, if you want. Oh, and by the way, I’m sure much to your chagrine, he set up a commission late Jan for finding ways law enforcement can regain the trust of the citizens. Bet ya didn’t know it, cause the lame msm probably didn’t mention it.
A snippet-
Therefore, we are establishing this Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement to study crime—how we can reduce it and how we can restore the public confidence in law enforcement to its rightful place. The Commission will examine the following:

How do certain social ills such as mental illness, substance abuse, and homelessness affect the ability of law enforcement to police?
How can we improve officer recruitment, training, and retention?
What are the major issues confronting rural and tribal law enforcement?
What are the major issues affecting the physical safety and mental health of police officers?
How can federal grant programs aide state, local, and tribal law enforcement?
What novel issues and criminal threats have arisen from new technologies?
What is the cause of diminished respect for law enforcement and the laws they enforce, and how does it affect both police and public safety?
What role can commercial business and community development organizations play in cultivating safe communities?
What methodologies, techniques, and targeted deterrence can be employed to reduce crime?
How can we integrate education, employment, social services, and public health services to reduce crime and ease the burden on law enforcement?
Thanks for the bullet points. So it's all about law enforcement and programs and technology and not about the racism that still exists in America.

Could you point out where he discussed how black people feel about their daily lives, why they might be frustrated beyond white people's understanding, or what it's like being pulled over SEVERAL times for no good reason -- as Republican Senator Tim Scott has described?

You couldn't have provided a better example. You folks are just not paying attention. Thank you.

What racism, exactly?

Since when is the President the nation's psychotherapist? When did his job become worrying about and fixing people's feelings? And do you really think discussing anecdotes about traffic stops is the best use of his time? For that matter, are you really presenting yourself as a champion against "black oppression and racism" when the only thing you can come up with is "being pulled over"?

You couldn't have provided a better example of why leftists should never be listened to as though they're real people with real thoughts. You folks are just not faking it convincingly. Thank you.
Yer welcome!

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