Where is the President?

How do we remove the racism that you refer to?
Both ends of the issue start honestly holding their own side accountable.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
And its you the conductor standing at the podium who will make sure that the string section keeps time with the brass section And everyone meets in the middle?

I dont think so

Because all your comment did was avoid the issue I raised
I gave you a clear and specific answer, and your response was not surprising.

We all have a lot of work to do. If you want to avoid that, fine, we'll just have to work around you.
You gave us empty talk

should the store owner allow black guy #6 to take another item out of his store?
No. And you're still missing the point by a few thousand miles.

Gosh. What a shock.
And you are still totally ignoring my end of the argument

do I have to take a knee to make you happy?
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

Hiding in the bunker
you care to refute anything i said above or are you just another 24x7 bitchfest terminally angry?

don't bother.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

He's living in your head - rent free.
like i said - i spent a lot of time putting together the post i made to counter you with facts. you didn't bother to read it you just came back flippant as usual.
I have the same problem with him

he just prattles kumbaya bs without any conclusion

its very frustrating
How do we remove the racism that you refer to?
Both ends of the issue start honestly holding their own side accountable.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
And its you the conductor standing at the podium who will make sure that the string section keeps time with the brass section And everyone meets in the middle?

I dont think so

Because all your comment did was avoid the issue I raised
I gave you a clear and specific answer, and your response was not surprising.

We all have a lot of work to do. If you want to avoid that, fine, we'll just have to work around you.
You gave us empty talk

should the store owner allow black guy #6 to take another item out of his store?
No. And you're still missing the point by a few thousand miles.

Gosh. What a shock.
And you are still totally ignoring my end of the argument

do I have to take a knee to make you happy?
when he's not even going to read replies to his inane whining, it becomes pointless to listen to his whining cause that's all it is.

like so much of the extreme left.
How do we remove the racism that you refer to?
Both ends of the issue start honestly holding their own side accountable.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
And its you the conductor standing at the podium who will make sure that the string section keeps time with the brass section And everyone meets in the middle?

I dont think so

Because all your comment did was avoid the issue I raised
I gave you a clear and specific answer, and your response was not surprising.

We all have a lot of work to do. If you want to avoid that, fine, we'll just have to work around you.
You gave us empty talk

should the store owner allow black guy #6 to take another item out of his store?
No. And you're still missing the point by a few thousand miles.

Gosh. What a shock.
And you are still totally ignoring my end of the argument

do I have to take a knee to make you happy?
when he's not even going to read replies to his inane whining, it becomes pointless to listen to his whining cause that's all it is.

like so much of the extreme left.
He’s a fencesitter
like i said - i spent a lot of time putting together the post i made to counter you with facts. you didn't bother to read it you just came back flippant as usual.
I have the same problem with him

he just prattles kumbaya bs without any conclusion

its very frustrating
when he replies in 3 minutes to what i posted, he didn't read nor care. he's just here to be TRUMP SUCKS and will have no part of his or the lefts own accountability into what is going on.

so fucking annoying but i think most people are onto the game and reached the "Fuck off" point now and they can just get mad and stomp feet like the petulant children they are.
How do we remove the racism that you refer to?
Both ends of the issue start honestly holding their own side accountable.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
And its you the conductor standing at the podium who will make sure that the string section keeps time with the brass section And everyone meets in the middle?

I dont think so

Because all your comment did was avoid the issue I raised
I gave you a clear and specific answer, and your response was not surprising.

We all have a lot of work to do. If you want to avoid that, fine, we'll just have to work around you.
You gave us empty talk

should the store owner allow black guy #6 to take another item out of his store?
No. And you're still missing the point by a few thousand miles.

Gosh. What a shock.
And you are still totally ignoring my end of the argument

do I have to take a knee to make you happy?
when he's not even going to read replies to his inane whining, it becomes pointless to listen to his whining cause that's all it is.

like so much of the extreme left.
He’s a fencesitter
oh hell - i sit in the middle a lot. i want to compromise and take the best from both sides cause both sides do have a lot to offer. it's the extreme dickshits that refuse anything but 100% THEIR way that have jacked things all up. i try to hear both sides and draw my own conclusions but it does seem most, and most of the left, will only hear what they want and anything else is branded a lie.

very weak mindset.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

Hiding in the bunker

You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

Hiding in the bunker

see - you have not debated several people who came in here to discuss the facts. you just sit and spin on your emotional toys angry at all you simply cannot understand.

have a day.
like i said - i spent a lot of time putting together the post i made to counter you with facts. you didn't bother to read it you just came back flippant as usual.
I have the same problem with him

he just prattles kumbaya bs without any conclusion

its very frustrating
when he replies in 3 minutes to what i posted, he didn't read nor care. he's just here to be TRUMP SUCKS and will have no part of his or the lefts own accountability into what is going on.

so fucking annoying but i think most people are onto the game and reached the "Fuck off" point now and they can just get mad and stomp feet like the petulant children they are.
Just for the hell of it -- I'll use this post later in this thread as you guys keep bitching at me -- here is what you are STILL somehow not getting, or CHOOSING not to get:

I fully understand your position, and agree with much of it. I'm terribly frustrated that the American Left has spent the last couple of generations lowering standards for minorities and as a result enabling their worst behaviors and slowing down their growth. They have weaponized Political Correctness and Identity Politics for their own advantage, and the country has suffered as a result. It continues to this moment.

See? I can make your argument every bit as effectively as you can. And I've only made this argument a few thousand times or so, as I squabbled with the Regressive Lefties here.

But unlike you, I also accurately understand the other side of the issue: Old fashioned, mouth breathing, ignorant, paranoid racism still exists in this country, and to more than a small degree. And people on the Right, people like you, only exacerbate it and enable it by refusing to hold your side accountable. It also continues to this moment.

So you see, I can see and understand both ends of this. You CHOOSE NOT to. I don't know if you lack the capacity to understand both sides, or if you are nothing more than another enabler of racism.

There you go. Now you can't distort my opinions or ignore what I'm saying.

You're part of the problem. If you don't like that opinion, too bad.
Last edited:
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

mac were have you been?......we havent had a leader in this country so far in this century....and there is none on the horizon.....
I bet a PayPal dollar ol mac ignored this post.
Because its against his bias.
Just like he always does.
Shoulda seen him the other day. Apparently riots, class division and racism has only been around for 3.5 years. No joke...
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

mac were have you been?......we havent had a leader in this country so far in this century....and there is none on the horizon.....
I bet a PayPal dollar OL mac ignored this post.
Because against his bias.
Just like he always does.
Shoulda seen him the other day. Apparently riots, class division and racism has only been around for 3.5 years. No joke...
Please see the post before yours.

Not that it would matter to someone like you.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

mac were have you been?......we havent had a leader in this country so far in this century....and there is none on the horizon.....
I bet a PayPal dollar OL mac ignored this post.
Because against his bias.
Just like he always does.
Shoulda seen him the other day. Apparently riots, class division and racism has only been around for 3.5 years. No joke...
Please see the post before yours.

Not that it would matter to someone like you.
Aaaand you miss the point entirely.
Or your ego took hold and just fucking ignored it.
You are just as bad as Trump. I might start calling you that. Trump Jr.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

mac were have you been?......we havent had a leader in this country so far in this century....and there is none on the horizon.....
I bet a PayPal dollar OL mac ignored this post.
Because against his bias.
Just like he always does.
Shoulda seen him the other day. Apparently riots, class division and racism has only been around for 3.5 years. No joke...
Please see the post before yours.

Not that it would matter to someone like you.
Aaaand you miss the point entirely.
Or your ego took hold and just fucking ignored it.
You are just as bad as Trump. I might start calling you that. Trump Jr.
Too bad.
He is busy prepping for one of the most trying times in his presidency...he is busy thinking of a new campign slogan,,shhh, don't disturb him.. Trump takes zero responsibility for what happens in the USA...

That's not true. He took credit for Friday's Jobs Report. Trump is responsible for everything GOOD that happens in America. Everything that's BAD that happens in America is someone else's fault - ususally the Democrats. Or minorities.
Totally agree.
Old fashioned, mouth breathing, ignorant, paranoid racism still exists in this country, and to more than a small degree.
No, only to a very tiny degree

you are quick to label conservatives in the most vile terms while only respectfully disagreeing with libs

you are not down the middle

just a lib pretending to be non psrtisan
Old fashioned, mouth breathing, ignorant, paranoid racism still exists in this country, and to more than a small degree.
No, only to a very tiny degree

you are quick to label conservatives in the most vile terms while only respectfully disagreeing with libs

you are not down the middle

just a lib pretending to be non psrtisan
All you see is that which challenges you personally.

And I've never claimed to be down the middle -- line 2 of my sig, for liars like you, a link to a thread in which I disembowel a Regressive Lefty: For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/middle of the road/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/come-on-jake-man-up-just-this-once.590002/

Anything else, Einstein?
And I've never claimed to be down the middle -- line 2 of my sig, for liars like you, a link to a thread in which I disembowel a Regressive Lefty
I think you often forget your own sig line

conservatives just react to the way you come off to them

like the man said, if we could only see ourselves as others see us
And I've never claimed to be down the middle -- line 2 of my sig, for liars like you, a link to a thread in which I disembowel a Regressive Lefty
I think you often forget your own sig line

conservatives just react to the way you come off to them

like the man said, if we could only see ourselves as others see us
And when Obama was in office, the Regressive Lefties were acting with me just like you guys are now.

That's because I'm commenting on WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW.

You guys just don't see that. On either end, of course.

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