Where is the President?

Vote for whatever radical running as Bidens replacement you wish, but if Trump isn't reelected in November we are going to annihilate the democratic party and all of its adherents via actual war! No democratic administration can ever be legitimate again, one way or the other they will either be subjugated or eliminated!
^Triggered trumptard acts up. probably tired of all the winning
You'd like to think that no doubt, its a fact you fascists think you are winning, but you aren't, you are just revealing yourselves to Americans, most of whom want you dead! :fu:
Trump is sitting back just like the rest of his loyal followers,me included,we are laughing our ass of at these ignorant negroes and white wanna be's .Us white conservatives will prosper.No question there.
What do you want him to do?
He could get on TV and give a speech.

I can't believe I had to say that.

Holy crap.
He did. Unless you failed to note it...

And is he done? Is that it?
Where is your link to your claim. Oh, and I’ll be glad to post his speech for ya, if you want. Oh, and by the way, I’m sure much to your chagrine, he set up a commission late Jan for finding ways law enforcement can regain the trust of the citizens. Bet ya didn’t know it, cause the lame msm probably didn’t mention it.
A snippet-
Therefore, we are establishing this Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement to study crime—how we can reduce it and how we can restore the public confidence in law enforcement to its rightful place. The Commission will examine the following:

How do certain social ills such as mental illness, substance abuse, and homelessness affect the ability of law enforcement to police?
How can we improve officer recruitment, training, and retention?
What are the major issues confronting rural and tribal law enforcement?
What are the major issues affecting the physical safety and mental health of police officers?
How can federal grant programs aide state, local, and tribal law enforcement?
What novel issues and criminal threats have arisen from new technologies?
What is the cause of diminished respect for law enforcement and the laws they enforce, and how does it affect both police and public safety?
What role can commercial business and community development organizations play in cultivating safe communities?
What methodologies, techniques, and targeted deterrence can be employed to reduce crime?
How can we integrate education, employment, social services, and public health services to reduce crime and ease the burden on law enforcement?
Thanks for the bullet points. So it's all about law enforcement and programs and technology and not about the racism that still exists in America.

Could you point out where he discussed how black people feel about their daily lives, why they might be frustrated beyond white people's understanding, or what it's like being pulled over SEVERAL times for no good reason -- as Republican Senator Tim Scott has described?

You couldn't have provided a better example. You folks are just not paying attention. Thank you.
Let’s see where they see things out of control

Any questions?
Had a big meeting today with law enforcement folks from around the country.

You really should get info from someone other than that Madcow dude.
Why is he afraid to speak to the American people?

Well, probably because whenever he sits down in that chair to read off his teleprompter and speak, it doesn't go so well. He's no good with prepared remarks, or speaking with empathy, or speaking in coherent sentences. That's why he likes his pep rallies. They are off the cuff. He can riff and do his thing to gin up his base. But give him a speech where he isn't riffing, and he's a statue..worse, he screws up and ends up coming across as the callous and robotic. I can think of no better case than the night of March 11th when he made what will most likely be remembered as the worst Oval Office address given by a President in our lifetime. He'd finished two months of inaction, deflecting, denial, and screaming hoax about the virus, and that night, the chickens were literally on his doorstep. And he had no idea what to do or say. Two days later, the adults had to step in. Right now, he's staying out of the spotlight. Because anything he says or does right now is wrong. Is that fair? Well, after what we've had to sit through for the last 3+ years...yes, it is. So I don't mind he's missing in action.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

mac were have you been?......we havent had a leader in this country so far in this century....and there is none on the horizon.....

Hard to argue that, but you might even have to go all the way back to Ike to look for real leadership.
Had a big meeting today with law enforcement folks from around the country.

You really should get info from someone other than that Madcow dude.
Why is he afraid to speak to the American people?

Well, probably because whenever he sits down in that chair to read off his teleprompter and speak, it doesn't go so well. He's no good with prepared remarks, or speaking with empathy, or speaking in coherent sentences. That's why he likes his pep rallies. They are off the cuff. He can riff and do his thing to gin up his base. But give him a speech where he isn't riffing, and he's a statue..worse, he screws up and ends up coming across as the callous and robotic. I can think of no better case than the night of March 11th when he made what will most likely be remembered as the worst Oval Office address given by a President in our lifetime. He'd finished two months of inaction, deflecting, denial, and screaming hoax about the virus, and that night, the chickens were literally on his doorstep. And he had no idea what to do or say. Two days later, the adults had to step in. Right now, he's staying out of the spotlight. Because anything he says or does right now is wrong. Is that fair? Well, after what we've had to sit through for the last 3+ years...yes, it is. So I don't mind he's missing in action.
I think that's essentially it. Since he's not capable of speaking from the heart, a canned presentation would make it worse. Plus, he and his people know that he can't put any blame on his base.

So he's boxed in. Trumpism's true colors have been exposed.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?


Hey, Stormy, don't worry, the Stock Market has largely recovered, that's the important thing.
So it's all about law enforcement and programs and technology and not about the racism that still exists in America.
How do we remove the racism that you refer to?

Pretend that the 5 young black guys in succession leaving your store with a $500 electronic device arent really black?

And therefor when #6 walks in fitting the same description dont pay him any special attention?

racial profiling is not the same as racism
How do we remove the racism that you refer to?
Both ends of the issue start honestly holding their own side accountable.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
And its you the conductor standing at the podium who will make sure that the string section keeps time with the brass section And everyone meets in the middle?

I dont think so

Because all your comment did was avoid the issue I raised
He is busy prepping for one of the most trying times in his presidency...he is busy thinking of a new campign slogan,,shhh, don't disturb him.. Trump takes zero responsibility for what happens in the USA...

That's not true. He took credit for Friday's Jobs Report. Trump is responsible for everything GOOD that happens in America. Everything that's BAD that happens in America is someone else's fault - ususally the Democrats. Or minorities.
"everything good that happens in America"?
OK you asshole! NOW give us examples of what "great" things Trump has done.
You won't b/c that would destroy your narrative of Trump hate.
Let’s see where they see things out of control
View attachment 347890

Any questions?
Why did you cherry-pick 20 cities with D mayors out of the 100 cities that had riots???

How many police & tickets issued per-capita in these D cities???

How can you idiots claim Democrats want lawless cities when the reality is they are over policed & excessively punished???
Had a big meeting today with law enforcement folks from around the country.

You really should get info from someone other than that Madcow dude.
Why is he afraid to speak to the American people?
If he did speak to America, you would cry about it.
Mac likes to bitch about trump and when Trump speaks to the American people Mac claims Trump is just giving a campaign speech.
How do we remove the racism that you refer to?
Both ends of the issue start honestly holding their own side accountable.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
And its you the conductor standing at the podium who will make sure that the string section keeps time with the brass section And everyone meets in the middle?

I dont think so

Because all your comment did was avoid the issue I raised
I gave you a clear and specific answer, and your response was not surprising.

We all have a lot of work to do. If you want to avoid that, fine, we'll just have to work around you.

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