Where is the woke crowd?


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
And the good folks at Outback.com document why this isn’t an International story. [Media Ignores Two Black Teens Setting Mentally-Ill White Man on Fire, Killing Him, Outkick.com, March 17, 2021]:

A disturbing story emerged over the weekend. Two teens in Rochester, New York set a 53-year-old mentally-ill man on fire, ultimately killing him. Interestingly, unlike many past stories written in The New York Times and USA Today , the races of the involved parties were not mentioned. In 2021, that’s rare. It turns out, the two teens are black and the now-deceased mentally-ill man was white.

His Name Is Steven Amenhauser: 53-Year-Old White Male Dies After Being Set on Fire by Two Black Teens (Ages 16 and 14)

SMH- man- we are in deep shit.
Well, I hope they caught the right kids. Maybe it was on video or there were witnesses. Its true though as said in the article. If it was two white kids who set a mentally ill black man on fire, it would be 100 % racism.... and we need now to examine ourselves and UP the critical race theory training. A couple of black kids do the same thing, and they will be in trouble but there will also be a study as to why White society caused them to do this.. we all share the blame for this man's death. There is no racism here on their part. that is pretty much the double standard and the reason violence is destined to continue. No personal responsibility... only blame against one group or the other.
And the good folks at Outback.com document why this isn’t an International story. [Media Ignores Two Black Teens Setting Mentally-Ill White Man on Fire, Killing Him, Outkick.com, March 17, 2021]:

A disturbing story emerged over the weekend. Two teens in Rochester, New York set a 53-year-old mentally-ill man on fire, ultimately killing him. Interestingly, unlike many past stories written in The New York Times and USA Today , the races of the involved parties were not mentioned. In 2021, that’s rare. It turns out, the two teens are black and the now-deceased mentally-ill man was white.

His Name Is Steven Amenhauser: 53-Year-Old White Male Dies After Being Set on Fire by Two Black Teens (Ages 16 and 14)

SMH- man- we are in deep shit.

Leftists jack off to this kind of stuff.
Well, I hope they caught the right kids. Maybe it was on video or there were witnesses. Its true though as said in the article. If it was two white kids who set a mentally ill black man on fire, it would be 100 % racism.... and we need now to examine ourselves and UP the critical race theory training. A couple of black kids do the same thing, and they will be in trouble but there will also be a study as to why White society caused them to do this.. we all share the blame for this man's death. There is no racism here on their part. that is pretty much the double standard and the reason violence is destined to continue. No personal responsibility... only blame against one group or the other.
A couple of black kids do the same thing, and they will be in trouble but there will also be a study as to why White society caused them to do this.. we all share the blame for this man's death.
What a crock of shit. I didnt do anything to the mentally ill person, but those prog elites who allow mentally ill people to roam the streets instead of being put into an institution where he could be cared for. No, so now we see EVIL in its finest where black people can MURDER anyone they like, and cretins like you blame everyone, but the perps who did it. Want to stop this violence...Shoot on sight, no trial, no parole, no rap sheets a mile long, no repeat offenders...
I see the Trump cult got their two-minutes hate in for today. For the fifteenth time.

Trump cult, if you spend you days looking for reasons to hate, you'll find them. Especially since your masters keep feeding those reasons to you, because it keeps you hysterical and obedient. However, that's no way for a human to live.
Well, I hope they caught the right kids. Maybe it was on video or there were witnesses. Its true though as said in the article. If it was two white kids who set a mentally ill black man on fire, it would be 100 % racism.... and we need now to examine ourselves and UP the critical race theory training. A couple of black kids do the same thing, and they will be in trouble but there will also be a study as to why White society caused them to do this.. we all share the blame for this man's death. There is no racism here on their part. that is pretty much the double standard and the reason violence is destined to continue. No personal responsibility... only blame against one group or the other.
A couple of black kids do the same thing, and they will be in trouble but there will also be a study as to why White society caused them to do this.. we all share the blame for this man's death.
What a crock of shit. I didnt do anything to the mentally ill person, but those prog elites who allow mentally ill people to roam the streets instead of being put into an institution where he could be cared for. No, so now we see EVIL in its finest where black people can MURDER anyone they like, and cretins like you blame everyone, but the perps who did it. Want to stop this violence...Shoot on sight, no trial, no parole, no rap sheets a mile long, no repeat offenders...

I didnt mean that line litterally as my own opinion. Just as an example of the double standard.. its how you read the post, maybe I didnt do such a great job if it wasnt clear

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