Where Is This "Dirt" On Hillary The Russians Gave Trump

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Twice now we've been informed the Russians approached the Trump campaign and offered them "dirt" on Hillaryous.

So where the HELL is this dirt?

What dirt is it?

How much did Trump pay for this dirt?

When did Trump use this dirt?

Where was it used to influence the campaign?

Certainly a Snowflake Wizard can show me this dirt and how it influenced the campaign.
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I am still waiting for the far left to show all the votes that Russian changed!
Twice now we've been informed the Russians approached the Trump campaign and offered them "dirt" on Hillaryous.

So where the HELL is this dirt?

What dirt is it?

How much did Trump pay for this dirt?

When did Trump use this dirt?

Where was it used to influence the campaign?

Certainly a Snowflake Wizard can show me this dirt and how it influenced the campaign.
Comey listed a ton of dirt on Hillary concerning her emails......then he said aw shucks, just forget about it. No reasonable prosecutor would prosecute........Really!!!
The dirt's coming.

Mueller is ignoring the Clinton distraction by the far right, and he may prosecute some of it as criminal libel and obstruction of justice.
Where Is This "Dirt" On Hillary The Russians Gave Trump

Nata, zip, zero. Just a fart in the wind that will blow back in the accuser's face

Here it is ...

Twice now we've been informed the Russians approached the Trump campaign and offered them "dirt" on Hillaryous.

So where the HELL is this dirt?

What dirt is it?

How much did Trump pay for this dirt?

When did Trump use this dirt?

Where was it used to influence the campaign?

Certainly a Snowflake Wizard can show me this dirt and how it influenced the campaign.
WikiLeaks provided a lot of the dirt.
Asshole: I love WikiLeaks.
Mueller just confirmed the left has NOTHING on Trump with his 'Scooter Libby' indictment of Manafort for charges unrelated to Trump and his non-existent 'collusion'.

And now Congress is reportedly calling Mueller before them to explain his stacked Counsel and the evidence against him released last week.

Want to no who is responsible, never look at, try & cover up, make excuses for, what ever party you support. so while your pointing fingers at the other guy both party's are putting different pieces of shit in charge. remember that old adage clean your own house before complaining about mine.
The dirt's coming.

Mueller is ignoring the Clinton distraction by the far right, and he may prosecute some of it as criminal libel and obstruction of justice.

It's coming? What the fuck does that mean? The election is over.

Now where's this Russian dirt that caused America to take a shit on Hillaryous' head?

How can you obstruct justice when there's no justice to obstruct?

How much did Trump pay for this non-existent dirt?

How many votes did this non-existent dirt cost Hillaryous?

Hillaryous sycophants need to give it a rest. They're the one's with payments to foreign nationals on their hands.
Easy (no pun intended)....you're scaring the snowflakes with your common sense and unanswerable questions.... :p
Mueller just confirmed the left has NOTHING on Trump with his 'Scooter Libby' indictment of Manafort for charges unrelated to Trump and his non-existent 'collusion'.

And now Congress is reportedly calling Mueller before them to explain his stacked Counsel and the evidence against him released last week.


Congress needs to expose Mueller as the sycophant he has become. They're going to rip his ass over the dossier. Where there actually was money paid to a foreign national.
Oh, the whining of the far right about Mueller.

Congress will continue to applaud Mueller.

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