Where Is This "Dirt" On Hillary The Russians Gave Trump

Twice now we've been informed the Russians approached the Trump campaign and offered them "dirt" on Hillaryous.

So where the HELL is this dirt?

What dirt is it?

How much did Trump pay for this dirt?

When did Trump use this dirt?

Where was it used to influence the campaign?

Certainly a Snowflake Wizard can show me this dirt and how it influenced the campaign.
Unfortunately NO DIRT was ever received. Just offers were made, and many of them made by Fusion GPS and associates which smells like a fishy setup.

In the case of Papadoupalas, he was a volunteer, and received no compensation. He disclosed that he had a conversation with The Professor who claims he knew people that had dirt on Clinton. Fully disclosed.

Do you know what SS Stormtrooper Herr Mueller nailed him on? Not the meeting......NOPE...."totally legal" But Papadoupalas gave the FBI the wrong date for the meeting mistakenly, so Mueller charged him with "Lying to THE FBI"

When you are doing things like that, with an ALL STAR CAST of Democrat Clinton Donors and EX Clinton Attorneys, this is without a doubt a witch hunt!

Otherwise, Mueller would be looking at ACTUAL RUSSIAN COLLUSION and trying to prove that instead of justify his existence by charging a volunteer with a petty crime and trying to use him as an informant.

Obama and Clinton already created the Fake Russian Dossier to wiretap Trump 24-7 and got nothing....so this is just more of the same FISHING EXPEDITION.

In My Opinion this is a corrupt political activity that needs to be stopped. With all the unmasking and leaking of classified information which Comey and now Mueller refuse to investigate, REAL CRIMES we KNOW OCCURRED, with Clinton's Uranium One DEAL & Bribery Scandal, REAL CRIMES OCCURRED. Real Crimes occurred with her server. Why did Mueller, Comey, McCabe, and Rosenstein, all Clinton - Obama men let all of these crimes slide, and even work to cover them up? Same goes for Lynch and Rice.

When is REAL JUSTICE going to be dispensed?

When are The Clintons and The Obama Administration going to be held accountable for things WE KNOW THEY DID....
Why are we investigating unsubstantiated rumors based on a FAKE DOSSIER paid for by Clinton the DNC & Obama?
We all know the Trumpers are in the hands of Mueller, and they are running for their safe spaces. There are none.

One of the tip offs to the fear oozing from the Alt Right are their increasing Nazi references.
Where's the proof?

Sorry. All eyes are on Trump and his team.

Mueller gives not a fig for the Far Right. He will hammer them when he is ready in his own good time.
Where's the proof?

Sorry. All eyes are on Trump and his team.

Mueller gives not a fig for the Far Right. He will hammer them when he is ready in his own good time.
Nothing personal Flakey, but when was the last time you were right about anything?
Where's the proof?

Sorry. All eyes are on Trump and his team.

Mueller gives not a fig for the Far Right. He will hammer them when he is ready in his own good time.
Nothing personal Flakey, but when was the last time you were right about anything?
That you are a homer partisan that has no clue. You really believe that the Mexicans are going to pay for the wall.
Twice now we've been informed the Russians approached the Trump campaign and offered them "dirt" on Hillaryous.

So where the HELL is this dirt?

What dirt is it?

How much did Trump pay for this dirt?

When did Trump use this dirt?

Where was it used to influence the campaign?

Certainly a Snowflake Wizard can show me this dirt and how it influenced the campaign.

You're kinda dumb, as in very dumb and likely unable to be educated. So I won't waste too many key strokes.

It seems Russian's tossed out bait and landed some prey. Their bait may have been a lure, not food as expected and desired by the prey. There maybe no dirt, but it seems there is plenty of denial and efforts to obstruct justice.

Remember, in past cases it's not the act (in this case meeting with a foreign power) but the lying which caused the downfall of the powerful elite.
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Remember, in past cases it's not the act (in this case meeting with a foreign power) but the lying which caused the downfall of the powerful elite.

What amazes me the most is the history of trump. He has declared bankruptcy five (5) times leaving his creditors holding empty bags. And my guess he will declare bankruptcy once again before the end of the year.

Remember, in past cases it's not the act (in this case meeting with a foreign power) but the lying which caused the downfall of the powerful elite.

What amazes me the most is the history of trump. He has declared bankruptcy five (5) times leaving his creditors holding empty bags. And my guess he will declare bankruptcy once again before the end of the year.

Time to add another troll to my IGNORE list. Keep making those accounts troll, and we'll keep exposing you and putting you on IGNORE.
Twice now we've been informed the Russians approached the Trump campaign and offered them "dirt" on Hillaryous.

So where the HELL is this dirt?

What dirt is it?

How much did Trump pay for this dirt?

When did Trump use this dirt?

Where was it used to influence the campaign?

Certainly a Snowflake Wizard can show me this dirt and how it influenced the campaign.

Donald Trump Jr and Paul Manafort went to a meeting where they expected to get dirt on Clinton. Their intent was clear and if any crime was committed, they are culpable whether they actually got it or not. Then we had the Russian hack of the DNC servers and the release of fake information mixed in with legitimate information.
Mueller just confirmed the left has NOTHING on Trump with his 'Scooter Libby' indictment of Manafort for charges unrelated to Trump and his non-existent 'collusion'.

And now Congress is reportedly calling Mueller before them to explain his stacked Counsel and the evidence against him released last week.


Congress needs to expose Mueller as the sycophant he has become. They're going to rip his ass over the dossier. Where there actually was money paid to a foreign national.

Fusion GPS is not a foreign national. Christopher Steele has worked with the FBI in the past. He has Russian sources from his days with MI6.
Mueller just confirmed the left has NOTHING on Trump with his 'Scooter Libby' indictment of Manafort for charges unrelated to Trump and his non-existent 'collusion'.

And now Congress is reportedly calling Mueller before them to explain his stacked Counsel and the evidence against him released last week.


Congress needs to expose Mueller as the sycophant he has become. They're going to rip his ass over the dossier. Where there actually was money paid to a foreign national.

Fusion GPS is not a foreign national. Christopher Steele has worked with the FBI in the past. He has Russian sources from his days with MI6.
Fusion GPS is a firm linked to the Russians, much like how 'Fat Tony' is linked to the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy Agency.

The fact that Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC paid a foreign agent through GPS Fusion for a false document containing Russian-generated propaganda and used that information in a US election is a CRIME!
Twice now we've been informed the Russians approached the Trump campaign and offered them "dirt" on Hillaryous.

So where the HELL is this dirt?

What dirt is it?

How much did Trump pay for this dirt?

When did Trump use this dirt?

Where was it used to influence the campaign?

Certainly a Snowflake Wizard can show me this dirt and how it influenced the campaign.
Unfortunately NO DIRT was ever received. Just offers were made, and many of them made by Fusion GPS and associates which smells like a fishy setup.

In the case of Papadoupalas, he was a volunteer, and received no compensation. He disclosed that he had a conversation with The Professor who claims he knew people that had dirt on Clinton. Fully disclosed.

Do you know what SS Stormtrooper Herr Mueller nailed him on? Not the meeting......NOPE...."totally legal" But Papadoupalas gave the FBI the wrong date for the meeting mistakenly, so Mueller charged him with "Lying to THE FBI"

When you are doing things like that, with an ALL STAR CAST of Democrat Clinton Donors and EX Clinton Attorneys, this is without a doubt a witch hunt!

Otherwise, Mueller would be looking at ACTUAL RUSSIAN COLLUSION and trying to prove that instead of justify his existence by charging a volunteer with a petty crime and trying to use him as an informant.

Obama and Clinton already created the Fake Russian Dossier to wiretap Trump 24-7 and got nothing....so this is just more of the same FISHING EXPEDITION.

In My Opinion this is a corrupt political activity that needs to be stopped. With all the unmasking and leaking of classified information which Comey and now Mueller refuse to investigate, REAL CRIMES we KNOW OCCURRED, with Clinton's Uranium One DEAL & Bribery Scandal, REAL CRIMES OCCURRED. Real Crimes occurred with her server. Why did Mueller, Comey, McCabe, and Rosenstein, all Clinton - Obama men let all of these crimes slide, and even work to cover them up? Same goes for Lynch and Rice.

When is REAL JUSTICE going to be dispensed?

When are The Clintons and The Obama Administration going to be held accountable for things WE KNOW THEY DID....
Why are we investigating unsubstantiated rumors based on a FAKE DOSSIER paid for by Clinton the DNC & Obama?

Whether this dossier is true or not is unknown. Some elements of it are clearly true. Donald Trump Jr's e-mail ties him to a effort to get dirt on Clinton. Then we have the hacking of the DNC servers by Russia.

In the case of Papadoupalas we don't know what was said. Did he plead guilty to a lesser charge in return for information? If anyone is acting like a stormtrooper it is Trump and his stooge Bannon.

This is not a all-star cast of Clinton donors. Some of them gave money to Clinton but they did not break any Justice Department guidelines which allows justice Department employees the right to donate to political campaigns.

You would have had to bribe the heads of 9 different agencies to get the Uranium One deal through. There is no evidence that she did anything extraordinary to help the deal through. The participants at the meeting said she was not even there when it happened. There is no evidence that she committed any crime with her server. She certainly was sloppy with classified material but that should not be criminal.

Real justice to you is turning this into a banana Republic. One where you jail your political enemies because you want to.
Mueller just confirmed the left has NOTHING on Trump with his 'Scooter Libby' indictment of Manafort for charges unrelated to Trump and his non-existent 'collusion'.

And now Congress is reportedly calling Mueller before them to explain his stacked Counsel and the evidence against him released last week.


Congress needs to expose Mueller as the sycophant he has become. They're going to rip his ass over the dossier. Where there actually was money paid to a foreign national.

Fusion GPS is not a foreign national. Christopher Steele has worked with the FBI in the past. He has Russian sources from his days with MI6.
Fusion GPS is a firm linked to the Russians, much like how 'Fat Tony' is linked to the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy Agency.

The fact that Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC paid a foreign agent through GPS Fusion for a false document containing Russian-generated propaganda and used that information in a US election is a CRIME!

You don't have any idea what a CRIME is. You are a dictatorial thug.

Fusion GPS has not been linked with the Russians. If there is someone who is a criminal it is you. You slander individuals to fulfill your hatred of Hillary Clinton. I did not vote for her however I am not obsessed with her. You use Captain America for your avatar when you are acting like Captain In-America.
The "dirt" (remember they were lies) on Hillary was mainly done by the Russians themselves via hacking, bots & fake news.

The collusion was not doing dirt on trump with the threat of blackmail. The Russians also kept the trump campaign advised on what they were about to do next so they could coordinate. Remember the trump leak that Podesta would be next in the news just before his emailed were hacked?

This is how trump became Putin's bitch.

And yes, Putin still has the dirt on trump. That is why trump has not imposed the sanctions required by Congressional law.
Twice now we've been informed the Russians approached the Trump campaign and offered them "dirt" on Hillaryous.

So where the HELL is this dirt?

What dirt is it?

How much did Trump pay for this dirt?

When did Trump use this dirt?

Where was it used to influence the campaign?

Certainly a Snowflake Wizard can show me this dirt and how it influenced the campaign.

who told you that? The news? Dont worry about it fan boy, its fake. Go sit down somewhere
Mueller just confirmed the left has NOTHING on Trump with his 'Scooter Libby' indictment of Manafort for charges unrelated to Trump and his non-existent 'collusion'.

And now Congress is reportedly calling Mueller before them to explain his stacked Counsel and the evidence against him released last week.


Congress needs to expose Mueller as the sycophant he has become. They're going to rip his ass over the dossier. Where there actually was money paid to a foreign national.

Fusion GPS is not a foreign national. Christopher Steele has worked with the FBI in the past. He has Russian sources from his days with MI6.
Fusion GPS is a firm linked to the Russians, much like how 'Fat Tony' is linked to the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy Agency.

The fact that Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC paid a foreign agent through GPS Fusion for a false document containing Russian-generated propaganda and used that information in a US election is a CRIME!
Fusion GPS is a firm linked to the Russians


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