Where Is This "Dirt" On Hillary The Russians Gave Trump

Twice now we've been informed the Russians approached the Trump campaign and offered them "dirt" on Hillaryous.

So where the HELL is this dirt?

What dirt is it?

How much did Trump pay for this dirt?

When did Trump use this dirt?

Where was it used to influence the campaign?

Certainly a Snowflake Wizard can show me this dirt and how it influenced the campaign.
Unfortunately NO DIRT was ever received. Just offers were made, and many of them made by Fusion GPS and associates which smells like a fishy setup.

In the case of Papadoupalas, he was a volunteer, and received no compensation. He disclosed that he had a conversation with The Professor who claims he knew people that had dirt on Clinton. Fully disclosed.

Do you know what SS Stormtrooper Herr Mueller nailed him on? Not the meeting......NOPE...."totally legal" But Papadoupalas gave the FBI the wrong date for the meeting mistakenly, so Mueller charged him with "Lying to THE FBI"

When you are doing things like that, with an ALL STAR CAST of Democrat Clinton Donors and EX Clinton Attorneys, this is without a doubt a witch hunt!

Otherwise, Mueller would be looking at ACTUAL RUSSIAN COLLUSION and trying to prove that instead of justify his existence by charging a volunteer with a petty crime and trying to use him as an informant.

Obama and Clinton already created the Fake Russian Dossier to wiretap Trump 24-7 and got nothing....so this is just more of the same FISHING EXPEDITION.

In My Opinion this is a corrupt political activity that needs to be stopped. With all the unmasking and leaking of classified information which Comey and now Mueller refuse to investigate, REAL CRIMES we KNOW OCCURRED, with Clinton's Uranium One DEAL & Bribery Scandal, REAL CRIMES OCCURRED. Real Crimes occurred with her server. Why did Mueller, Comey, McCabe, and Rosenstein, all Clinton - Obama men let all of these crimes slide, and even work to cover them up? Same goes for Lynch and Rice.

When is REAL JUSTICE going to be dispensed?

When are The Clintons and The Obama Administration going to be held accountable for things WE KNOW THEY DID....
Why are we investigating unsubstantiated rumors based on a FAKE DOSSIER paid for by Clinton the DNC & Obama?

Are you paid by the Putin-Trump Complex are simply a volunteer?

My guess is you're an unpaid wannabe and hope when Democracy in America is eliminated, and the plutocratic oligarchy assume full control, you will get a job.

Don't bet on it, they see obsequious hacks as a liability.
You don't have any idea what a CRIME is. You are a dictatorial thug.
Calm down, BB - you are so triggered you might wet yourself...oh wait - too late. :p

A 'crime' is using an un-approved classified server.

A 'crime' is using a classified server that is not encrypted as required by the law.

A 'crime' is storing your classified server in an approved secure location, NOT in the BATHROOM of a small tech company that does not have the security requirements required by law to store and maintain that classified server.

A 'crime' is illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, withholding over 30,000 official, classified documents instead of turning them in accordance with those laws.

A 'crime' is allowing your MAID or technicians who do not have the proper security clearances to have access to your classified documents, to print them out for you....

A 'crime' is those thousands of classified documents on YOUR unapproved illegal server to be illegally sent to your AIDE'S UN-approved, un-encrypted, un0psecured personal laptop, the laptop that sat upon her husband's naked 'junk' as the pedophile sexted a 15yo girl.

A 'crime' is giving false statements, is illegal non-compliance with orders to turn in EVERYTHING, is illegally destroying devices / files / documents - also in a manner that is not specified in the laws covering legal destruction of classified, is taking out sim cards before turning in gadgets, and Bleach-Bitting your server before handing it over when you were ordered to, again, hand over EVERYTHING.

A 'crime' is having proven to have violated numerous laws and regulations...after having signed govt documents acknowledging having received training and refresher training on all of this and still violating these laws...intentionally.

These are just a few of the CRIMES I am aware of which Hillary Clinton violated during her server scandal. It is not I but the vast majority of the snowflakes on this board who do not know what a 'crime' is....or simply choose not to care when it comes to the criminal Clintons.
The fact that Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC paid a foreign agent through GPS Fusion for a false document containing Russian-generated propaganda and used that information in a US election is a CRIME!

The fact that you just posted a lie knowing it was a lie should be a crime. But alas; if that was a crime dumb trump would be in jail right now and we would not be having this discussion right now.

such is life :)-

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