Where is this mountain of evidence for evolution?

I could say the same thing about you. I have proven that at least a few of the pieces of evidence you presented have been proven to be false. The embryonic gills and the tails. there is no truth to these assertions, as per medical science, yet you cling to them.
You have proven nothing, you have made assertions, you have cited no sources, you have dribbled batshit craziness about 'medical science' while denying other science.
Here's your proof, spanky.
Human embryos never have any gills or any tails - English pravda.ru

You use the most famous lying machine the world has ever seen, "Pravda", as your source.

WOW! Just WOW! Thank you for providing a good reason never to believe anything you ever have to post in the future!
I haven't seen it. What I mean by evidence is factual Information that supports the theory. I've never seen any. So. Here is a definition of a fact.


: something that truly exists or happens : something that has actual existence

: a true piece of information

Full Definition
:a thing done: as

a obsolete :feat

b :crime <accessory after the fact>

c archaic :action
archaic :performance, doing
:the quality of being actual :actuality <a question of fact hinges on evidence>
a :something that has actual existence <space exploration is now a fact>

b :an actual occurrence <prove the fact of damage>
:a piece of information presented as having objective reality
in fact

Now. Can someone show me one piece of factual evidence? Just one will do.
What would you call the millions of fossils around the world found by the scientific community ?
To me that is enough evidence that evolution and extinction has occured for millions of years.
The fact they claim to understand an infinite universe ..just some joe with a Phd and they think they understand the nature and creation of the universe enough to claim that life and all of creation was accidental and there is no Intelligence or purpose to it
No scientist claims to understand an infinite universe. I see where you got the strawman idea from.
Thats not true just listen to this atheist prophet and his disciples

Atheists don't have "prophets". You lose. Nor are we anyone's disciples. You lose again.

well I would disagree but if you prefer leading spokesperson for organized atheism and his students then fine regardless they claimed exactly what I said claim..so I win
I haven't seen it. What I mean by evidence is factual Information that supports the theory. I've never seen any. So. Here is a definition of a fact.


: something that truly exists or happens : something that has actual existence

: a true piece of information

Full Definition
:a thing done: as

a obsolete :feat

b :crime <accessory after the fact>

c archaic :action
archaic :performance, doing
:the quality of being actual :actuality <a question of fact hinges on evidence>
a :something that has actual existence <space exploration is now a fact>

b :an actual occurrence <prove the fact of damage>
:a piece of information presented as having objective reality
in fact

Now. Can someone show me one piece of factual evidence? Just one will do.
What would you call the millions of fossils around the world found by the scientific community ?
To me that is enough evidence that evolution and extinction has occured for millions of years.
It is enough evidence to prove extinction and adaptation within species..certainly not enough to prove the whole big bang primordial soup theory..
The fact they claim to understand an infinite universe ..just some joe with a Phd and they think they understand the nature and creation of the universe enough to claim that life and all of creation was accidental and there is no Intelligence or purpose to it
No scientist claims to understand an infinite universe. I see where you got the strawman idea from.
Thats not true just listen to this atheist prophet and his disciples

Atheists don't have "prophets". You lose. Nor are we anyone's disciples. You lose again.

well I would disagree but if you prefer leading spokesperson for organized atheism and his students then fine regardless they claimed exactly what I said claim..so I win

I am one of the most vocal atheists on USMB and I have never heard of the guy in the video. I'm not even sure what you mean by "organized atheism"? There may be a handful of people that like to hear others re-enforce their anti-god viewpoints but seriously, the main point in being an atheist is that we are not in need of satisfying some kind of a "daddy complex". AKA god and religion. Me? I've never so much as visited a website having to do with atheism. It would be a waste of time...like religion.
The fact they claim to understand an infinite universe ..just some joe with a Phd and they think they understand the nature and creation of the universe enough to claim that life and all of creation was accidental and there is no Intelligence or purpose to it
No scientist claims to understand an infinite universe. I see where you got the strawman idea from.
Thats not true just listen to this atheist prophet and his disciples

Atheists don't have "prophets". You lose. Nor are we anyone's disciples. You lose again.

well I would disagree but if you prefer leading spokesperson for organized atheism and his students then fine regardless they claimed exactly what I said claim..so I win

I am one of the most vocal atheists on USMB and I have never heard of the guy in the video. I'm not even sure what you mean by "organized atheism"? There may be a handful of people that like to hear others re-enforce their anti-god viewpoints but seriously, the main point in being an atheist is that we are not in need of satisfying some kind of a "daddy complex". AKA god and religion. Me? I've never so much as visited a website having to do with atheism. It would be a waste of time...like religion.

You have never heard of Richard Hawkins ? just go to youtube and type atheist vs....and you will soon see he is in fact an atheist Icon
atheist vs - YouTube
No scientist claims to understand an infinite universe. I see where you got the strawman idea from.
Thats not true just listen to this atheist prophet and his disciples

Atheists don't have "prophets". You lose. Nor are we anyone's disciples. You lose again.

well I would disagree but if you prefer leading spokesperson for organized atheism and his students then fine regardless they claimed exactly what I said claim..so I win

I am one of the most vocal atheists on USMB and I have never heard of the guy in the video. I'm not even sure what you mean by "organized atheism"? There may be a handful of people that like to hear others re-enforce their anti-god viewpoints but seriously, the main point in being an atheist is that we are not in need of satisfying some kind of a "daddy complex". AKA god and religion. Me? I've never so much as visited a website having to do with atheism. It would be a waste of time...like religion.

You have never heard of Richard Hawkins ? just go to youtube and type atheist vs....and you will soon see he is in fact an atheist Icon
atheist vs - YouTube

Erm, that's Dawkins, not Hawkins.
Thats not true just listen to this atheist prophet and his disciples

Atheists don't have "prophets". You lose. Nor are we anyone's disciples. You lose again.

well I would disagree but if you prefer leading spokesperson for organized atheism and his students then fine regardless they claimed exactly what I said claim..so I win

I am one of the most vocal atheists on USMB and I have never heard of the guy in the video. I'm not even sure what you mean by "organized atheism"? There may be a handful of people that like to hear others re-enforce their anti-god viewpoints but seriously, the main point in being an atheist is that we are not in need of satisfying some kind of a "daddy complex". AKA god and religion. Me? I've never so much as visited a website having to do with atheism. It would be a waste of time...like religion.

You have never heard of Richard Hawkins ? just go to youtube and type atheist vs....and you will soon see he is in fact an atheist Icon
atheist vs - YouTube

Erm, that's Dawkins, not Hawkins.

lol...I know, no Idea why I typed Hawkins didn't even notice
No scientist claims to understand an infinite universe. I see where you got the strawman idea from.
Thats not true just listen to this atheist prophet and his disciples

Atheists don't have "prophets". You lose. Nor are we anyone's disciples. You lose again.

well I would disagree but if you prefer leading spokesperson for organized atheism and his students then fine regardless they claimed exactly what I said claim..so I win

I am one of the most vocal atheists on USMB and I have never heard of the guy in the video. I'm not even sure what you mean by "organized atheism"? There may be a handful of people that like to hear others re-enforce their anti-god viewpoints but seriously, the main point in being an atheist is that we are not in need of satisfying some kind of a "daddy complex". AKA god and religion. Me? I've never so much as visited a website having to do with atheism. It would be a waste of time...like religion.

You have never heard of Richard Hawkins ? just go to youtube and type atheist vs....and you will soon see he is in fact an atheist Icon
atheist vs - YouTube

I'm sorry. I thought I made it clear I am not in search of what someone else thinks about the non-existance of a god/gods. I prefer to think without influence on that subject. I actually take pride in having come to my own conclusions in that area. I have NO interest or need to have my private thoughts about some issues contaminated by people who's main interest is self glorification.
For those who still doubt, here is a scientific explanation why it is impossible for life to evolve on its own. It's an excerpt from the book "Evolution impossible" it gives 12 reasons why evolution is impossible, and backs it up with science. It's only eight pages long, so even the ones with ADD can get through it
Evolution Impossible 12 Reasons Why Evolution Cannot Explain the Origin of ... - John Ashton - Google Books

My experience with Australian scientists is that they are either brilliant, or totally off their rocker. John Ashton fits the latter category.
For those who still doubt, here is a scientific explanation why it is impossible for life to evolve on its own. It's an excerpt from the book "Evolution impossible" it gives 12 reasons why evolution is impossible, and backs it up with science. It's only eight pages long, so even the ones with ADD can get through it
Evolution Impossible 12 Reasons Why Evolution Cannot Explain the Origin of ... - John Ashton - Google Books

My experience with Australian scientists is that they are either brilliant, or totally off their rocker. John Ashton fits the latter category.
You didn't read it, did you? Typical.
For those who still doubt, here is a scientific explanation why it is impossible for life to evolve on its own. It's an excerpt from the book "Evolution impossible" it gives 12 reasons why evolution is impossible, and backs it up with science. It's only eight pages long, so even the ones with ADD can get through it
Evolution Impossible 12 Reasons Why Evolution Cannot Explain the Origin of ... - John Ashton - Google Books

My experience with Australian scientists is that they are either brilliant, or totally off their rocker. John Ashton fits the latter category.
You didn't read it, did you? Typical.

Yes I have read it. Ashton, like so many so-called Creationist scholars, are experts at self-deception. Ashton once declared that even if he could prove to himself that evolution was real, he would have to deny it because of his faith in the scriptures. And that, sir, just takes my breath away.
For those who still doubt, here is a scientific explanation why it is impossible for life to evolve on its own. It's an excerpt from the book "Evolution impossible" it gives 12 reasons why evolution is impossible, and backs it up with science. It's only eight pages long, so even the ones with ADD can get through it
Evolution Impossible 12 Reasons Why Evolution Cannot Explain the Origin of ... - John Ashton - Google Books

My experience with Australian scientists is that they are either brilliant, or totally off their rocker. John Ashton fits the latter category.
You didn't read it, did you? Typical.

Yes I have read it. Ashton, like so many so-called Creationist scholars, are experts at self-deception. Ashton once declared that even if he could prove to himself that evolution was real, he would have to deny it because of his faith in the scriptures. And that, sir, just takes my breath away.
Thats not true just listen to this atheist prophet and his disciples

You're even crazier than Mr.Right if you think I'm going to watch a 2hr video to make your argument for you. At what point in the vid is the claim to understand an infinite universe made?
For those who still doubt, here is a scientific explanation why it is impossible for life to evolve on its own. It's an excerpt from the book "Evolution impossible" it gives 12 reasons why evolution is impossible, and backs it up with science. It's only eight pages long, so even the ones with ADD can get through it
Evolution Impossible 12 Reasons Why Evolution Cannot Explain the Origin of ... - John Ashton - Google Books

My experience with Australian scientists is that they are either brilliant, or totally off their rocker. John Ashton fits the latter category.
You didn't read it, did you? Typical.

Yes I have read it. Ashton, like so many so-called Creationist scholars, are experts at self-deception. Ashton once declared that even if he could prove to himself that evolution was real, he would have to deny it because of his faith in the scriptures. And that, sir, just takes my breath away.

I have a better idea. Write him a letter asking him why he has never published a single peer-reviewed work that included these so-called 12 reasons why evolution is impossible. You realize, of course, that he is not an evolutionary scientist, and has no field training, and very little academic experience in evolutionary biology. He is a nutritionist.
For those who still doubt, here is a scientific explanation why it is impossible for life to evolve on its own. It's an excerpt from the book "Evolution impossible" it gives 12 reasons why evolution is impossible, and backs it up with science. It's only eight pages long, so even the ones with ADD can get through it
Evolution Impossible 12 Reasons Why Evolution Cannot Explain the Origin of ... - John Ashton - Google Books

My experience with Australian scientists is that they are either brilliant, or totally off their rocker. John Ashton fits the latter category.
You didn't read it, did you? Typical.

Yes I have read it. Ashton, like so many so-called Creationist scholars, are experts at self-deception. Ashton once declared that even if he could prove to himself that evolution was real, he would have to deny it because of his faith in the scriptures. And that, sir, just takes my breath away.

I have a better idea. Write him a letter asking him why he has never published a single peer-reviewed work that included these so-called 12 reasons why evolution is impossible. You realize, of course, that he is not an evolutionary scientist, and has no field training, and very little academic experience in evolutionary biology. He is a nutritionist.
Here's an even better idea. Can you refute anything he said? Didnt think so.
I could say the same thing about you. I have proven that at least a few of the pieces of evidence you presented have been proven to be false. The embryonic gills and the tails. there is no truth to these assertions, as per medical science, yet you cling to them.
You have proven nothing, you have made assertions, you have cited no sources, you have dribbled batshit craziness about 'medical science' while denying other science.
Here's your proof, spanky.
Human embryos never have any gills or any tails - English pravda.ru
Fair enough, I'm quite happy to remove that piece of so called evidence from the list, even though the author of the piece is not given. Still, you asked for one piece of evolutionary evidence and I have given you four, none of which you've accepted.
It is enough evidence to prove extinction and adaptation within species..certainly not enough to prove the whole big bang primordial soup theory..
You're the first to mention the big bang. It is irrelevant to evolution.

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