Where is Trump during the the debate on the Speaker of the House

He did:

View attachment 744629

Now you can have another meltdown.
That appears to be a very helpful statement to weigh in on the issue. But I am not sure who he is trying to help, the Republicans or the Democrats. Or maybe he is trying to help himself. The heck with the Republican party or the country. Very Trumpy.
In the end I feel that Trump will be the biggest loser but the Republicans, the Democrats and the country will all lose, also, in some ways, because of Trump.
That appears to be a very helpful statement to weigh in on the issue. But I am not sure who he is trying to help, the Republicans or the Democrats. Or maybe he is trying to help himself. The heck with the Republican party or the country. Very Trumpy.
In the end I feel that Trump will be the biggest loser but the Republicans, the Democrats and the country will all lose, also, in some ways, because of Trump.
You really are delusional. Everything with you idiots its “Trump Trump Trump”. Everything is Trump’s fault, even when he has been out of office for two years.

Has it occurred to you that Americans are sick of the Uniparty in Washington? Sick of the lies, sick of the wars, sick of the corruption?

President Trump gave us four years of a great economy, no new wars, and a secure border. But the swamp couldn’t handle it, so they unleashed COVID through China, stole an election, and installed the ultimate Washington Establishment idiot who would do anything they tell him to do. So now the economy and dollar are being destroyed, the border is wide open, and we have a new war for the war pimps to get rich on. And here you are complaining, just terrified at the very thought someone might stop the destruction of the country you hate so much. Now fuck off.
You really are delusional. Everything with you idiots its “Trump Trump Trump”. Everything is Trump’s fault, even when he has been out of office for two years.

Has it occurred to you that Americans are sick of the Uniparty in Washington? Sick of the lies, sick of the wars, sick of the corruption?

President Trump gave us four years of a great economy, no new wars, and a secure border. But the swamp couldn’t handle it, so they unleashed COVID through China, stole an election, and installed the ultimate Washington Establishment idiot who would do anything they tell him to do. So now the economy and dollar are being destroyed, the border is wide open, and we have a new war for the war pimps to get rich on. And here you are complaining, just terrified at the very thought someone might stop the destruction of the country you hate so much. Now fuck off.
Our country has many problems. There is blame to go around. The biggest blame goes to the extremists on the both sides. But the biggest blame goes to Trumpism. It survives on division and fear. I wish the democrats could have done better than Biden. But Trump is trying to bring everything down since he lost and is continually losing. He is making the Republicans look bad. He makes Biden look better.
The Republicans would have done much better in the mid-terms without Trump.
The Republican party and the country will be better without Trump and Trumpism. That is happening. I love it.
Our country has many problems. There is blame to go around. The biggest blame goes to the extremists on the both sides. But the biggest blame goes to Trumpism. It survives on division and fear. I wish the democrats could have done better than Biden. But Trump is trying to bring everything down since he lost and is continually losing. He is making the Republicans look bad. He makes Biden look better.
The Republicans would have done much better in the mid-terms without Trump.
The Republican party and the country will be better without Trump and Trumpism. That is happening. I love it.
More imagined crimes.

President Trump didn’t divide anyone. The media and Democrats did. BLM burned down countless cities across America, all based on the lies of the Democrats and their lapdog media about blacks being systematically killed by cops. Your Fake News narrative that “white supremacists” are everywhere was best exemplified by Jussie Smollett, it’s so non-existent that lefties have to make it up in order to push the narrative.

As for actual “Trumpism”, that is secure borders, bringing back manufacturing, strong economy, and no new stupid wars. Yet I never hear you lefties actually debating this policies.
Where is Trump during the the debate on the Speaker of the House. He has not made any statement concerning the vote.
Trump has backed McCarthy for Speaker. He has lobbied for McCarthy.
The 20 Republicans not supporting McCarthy are MAGA Republicans. Amazingly they are not listening to Trump.
If McCarthy does not win the Speaker's race, it is another loss for Trump.

So, you miss him?

The democratic process of trying to select the next Speaker of the House is now underway. It involves, at this point, members of Congress.

Trump lobbied, said his piece, and now has no part in the process.

Trump-haters would be attacking him for speaking up and trying to be involved right now, and we see they are attacking him for being absent from the process?!
same place he always is


between your ears
Red herring fallacy.

Trump’s running for president – topics about Trump are perfectly appropriate and warranted.

That you and others on the right are embarrassed by Trump doesn’t change that fact.
Our country has many problems. There is blame to go around. The biggest blame goes to the extremists on the both sides. But the biggest blame goes to Trumpism. It survives on division and fear. I wish the democrats could have done better than Biden. But Trump is trying to bring everything down since he lost and is continually losing. He is making the Republicans look bad. He makes Biden look better.
The Republicans would have done much better in the mid-terms without Trump.
The Republican party and the country will be better without Trump and Trumpism. That is happening. I love it.
It does not survive on division and fear. It was promoted that way from the elites, prog politicians and media/entertainment shills. All day, every day! Now we are on our way to the Chiquita banana Republic....
Trump-haters would be attacking him for speaking up and trying to be involved right now, and we see they are attacking him for being absent from the process?!


Trump is definitely fearful, now. He is a slimebucket but he is not stupid. His actions are catching up to him. And even worse he is continually LOSING. He cannot handle it.

If Trump is continually LOSING, why are you still so terrified of him?



You are still trembling with fear.

If he was actually dead, you'd still be shitting yourself in terror.

This, folks, is the definition of PATHOLOGY.

Gawd, I can't wait to open up all those old empty mental institutions and start the process of disconnecting all that Borg technology and reclaiming what might be left of your brains.

I would ask 'how so', but I don't care.

This is a loss for tbe GOP, who is showing the world how divided they are and how they don't have their House in order.

(Pun intended).
Can the opposing party vote for McCarthy? If so, it may be palatable for them over a conservative if there is one.

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