Where is Trump during the the debate on the Speaker of the House

Your lame-assed cult narrative is being blown to bits by Trumpsters having their own minds and acting by their on conscience, rather than being bossed around by the edicts of one man.

But then again, craven, cowering, little beta candy asses like you enjoy being told by your betters what to do, don't you?
I will agree that the Trump cult is losing members like crazy. There are former cult members that are breaking away from Trump. They are going in different directions
But the cult is still there. People who will stand up for anything he does.
I am very happy to see the cult lose power.
The test if you have broken from the cult if you can criticize Trump. You can actually say I feel that is wrong. I disagree with that.
Are you seriously implying San Fran Nan Pelosi Never kowtowed
to the infamous Squad { Ocasio-Cortez,Omar,Pressley and Tlaib }.
Obvioulsy yer either not paying attention,never read the news
or are kidding yerself.Or all Three.
She definitely did. But no more than McCarthy did with the MAGA group and he was not successful.

I feel the extremists on both sides have way too much power. Something has to be done. The far right is going farther than the far left was willing to go to get there way.
She definitely did. But no more than McCarthy did with the MAGA group and he was not successful.

I feel the extremists on both sides have way too much power. Something has to be done. The far right is going farther than the far left was willing to go to get there way.
All the Left wanted to do was pilfer money and raise taxes; what's new about that?
Trumpsters have their own minds,

I do and there's barely a word on how Trump spent more than a moment endorsing McCarthy.
Go ahead and search for it and realize what an idiot you are.

Donald Trump wants his Freedom Caucus allies to put their pitchforks down and support Kevin McCarthy’s bid for House Majority Speaker: “I like him.”

The former president tossed in his support for McCarthy, who will need almost all Republicans to vote for him to secure the role.
Be specific what is fake news. Is it not true that the first time in 100 years that a party could not pick a speaker on the first vote? They had 2 months to work out the details, internally.
Lol, total bullshit.

Donald Trump wants his Freedom Caucus allies to put their pitchforks down and support Kevin McCarthy’s bid for House Majority Speaker: “I like him.”

The former president tossed in his support for McCarthy, who will need almost all Republicans to vote for him to secure the role.
Only two of your links are Trump endorsing him for Speaker, and they are dated one day apart referencing the same comments by Trump, Simp.
orange trump 2.jpg


Donald Trump wants his Freedom Caucus allies to put their pitchforks down and support Kevin McCarthy’s bid for House Majority Speaker: “I like him.”

The former president tossed in his support for McCarthy, who will need almost all Republicans to vote for him to secure the role.
That's what I found also.
Trump didn't spend months supporting McCarthy, he spent a week or two.
I made a request and you posted an ad hominem...how expected from an old Liberal farter.

Thanks for admitting you're full of shit.
You also spend all your time here or on DailyKOK.com
If you're so sure Trump will lose, get "the loser" off your mind.
I think you understood what I SAID. You are a cultist.

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