Where is Trump during the the debate on the Speaker of the House

My cult narrative continues. But the cult and the cult leader are declining as I predicted.
But there are examples of many cult members on this site will not say one negative thing about Trump. If they were in congress they would do what Trump requested.
Your lame-assed cult narrative is being blown to bits by Trumpsters having their own minds and acting by their on conscience, rather than being bossed around by the edicts of one man.

But then again, craven, cowering, little beta candy asses like you enjoy being told by your betters what to do, don't you?
Don't you listen to any news source? Fox, Newsmax, anything. If so, you would know that Trump has come out in support of McCarthy.
It has been 100 years since a political party could not agree on a Speaker in the first vote when they have the house. That is a party without a leader.
Two hours ago:

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Because we all knowed { History hasn't figured out yet } how amazingly,
Presidents like Biden have contributed to such a smooth transition
of the White House and Government.
Any smoother and Heaven might feel obligated to send
down an angel and pin a medal on current Potus.
The Republicans found out they would have the majority of the House in 2023 in November 2022. They had almost 2 months to work out who should be their Speaker so they can get going when session starts.
A party needs leadership to bring the factions together.
Every time the Republicans have won the house, for 100 years, their leadership had a Speaker chosen on day one of the next session.
The party is in chaos. They have no consistent leadership that can bring the party together.
Trump former minions are not following his request to support McCarthy. That is not minion like.
But obviously new minions are popping up.Those in favor'
of McCarthy and those Not in favor.Plus new and old Trump
minions.So it's a Political jigsaw puzzle right now that got dumped
on the floor as if starting anew.
Such is the game of Politics.Of course Democrats play a different
version.Instead of Kowtowing they prefer to attack their opposition
and blame them. In short if the shoes were on the other foot and
this was Democrats failing to pass votes electing a new Speaker they
would spend time trying to Pin the Blame squarely on the Republicans.
Basically Republicans don't play that game.
Two hours ago:

That is a leader for you. Trump supported McCarthy because he felt there was no way he would lose. Now that he may, he is running away.
Trump's endorsement has been the kiss of death lately.
The Republicans found out they would have the majority of the House in 2023 in November 2022. They had almost 2 months to work out who should be their Speaker so they can get going when session starts.
A party needs leadership to bring the factions together.
Every time the Republicans have won the house, for 100 years, their leadership had a Speaker chosen on day one of the next session.
The party is in chaos. They have no consistent leadership that can bring the party together.
This is like what Happened when in 2010 John Boehner had trouble
making the Speakership and was fought by the Tea Party which was a
viable new force in Republicanism.
That is a leader for you. Trump supported McCarthy because he felt there was no way he would lose. Now that he may, he is running away.
Trump's endorsement has been the kiss of death lately.
Mere basing a serious dilemna as if cheap scuttlebutt.
Trump is prudent to stay out of this battle.Unless Trump
gets badgered and made out to be the bad guy no matter what he
But obviously new minions are popping up.Those in favor'
of McCarthy and those Not in favor.Plus new and old Trump
minions.So it's a Political jigsaw puzzle right now that got dumped
on the floor as if starting anew.
Such is the game of Politics.Of course Democrats play a different
version.Instead of Kowtowing they prefer to attack their opposition
and blame them. In short if the shoes were on the other foot and
this was Democrats failing to pass votes electing a new Speaker they
would spend time trying to Pin the Blame squarely on the Republicans.
Basically Republicans don't play that game.
I agree that unity around Trumpism in the Republican party is gone. I give thanks for that.

But the Republicans need to find a way to bring the factions together in some way to get an agenda through. I do not want lock step politicians. I agree with some and disagree with other from each party.

There needs to be a way within the parties and within the government that we can have differences but get things done.

Right now it is fighting within parties, between parties and nothing is getting done.
Oddball and the other Trump minions on this s0ite would be doing exactly what Trump tells them but there is a revolt in the cult.
What do you loyal Trump cult members think of these other cult members ignoring the cult leader.
As I predicted; Trump cult is blowing up the Republican party.
Provide an example of something Trump would tell us to do and all 80+ million of us would do it.
Mere basing a serious dilemna as if cheap scuttlebutt.
Trump is prudent to stay out of this battle.Unless Trump
gets badgered and made out to be the bad guy no matter what he
That is not the characteristic of strong leader. A strong leader would bring all factions together and work out a compromise. McCarthy is not that person nor is Trump. Republicans are in chaos.
Nancy Pelosi did that. She had moderates and the whacko far left. She found a way to bring them together.
Don't you listen to any news source? Fox, Newsmax, anything. If so, you would know that Trump has come out in support of McCarthy.
It has been 100 years since a political party could not agree on a Speaker in the first vote when they have the house. That is a party without a leader.
I do and there's barely a word on how Trump spent more than a moment endorsing McCarthy.
Go ahead and search for it and realize what an idiot you are.
Provide an example of something Trump would tell us to do and all 80+ million of us would do it.
There are not 80 million Trump cult members.
I would estimate Trump cult members as maybe 15 million and declining. I am talking Trump cult member, not people who vote for Trump.
Let me show you the difference.
Trump invites a know Hitler admirer and Nazi sympathizer to have dinner with him.
A Trump cult member says, there is nothing wrong with that. What about all the stuff Biden does. A Trump voter but not cult member says what a dumbass Trump is for doing that but based on other issues I may still vote for him. It depends on choices
There are not 80 million Trump cult members.
I would estimate Trump cult members as maybe 15 million and declining. I am talking Trump cult member, not people who vote for Trump.
Let me show you the difference.
Trump invites a know Hitler admirer and Nazi sympathizer to have dinner with him.
A Trump cult member says, there is nothing wrong with that. What about all the stuff Biden does. A Trump voter but not cult member says what a dumbass Trump is for doing that but based on other issues I may still vote for him. It depends on choices
I made a request and you posted an ad hominem...how expected from an old Liberal farter.

Thanks for admitting you're full of shit.
You also spend all your time here or on DailyKOK.com
If you're so sure Trump will lose, get "the loser" off your mind.
Where is Trump during the the debate on the Speaker of the House. He has not made any statement concerning the vote.
Trump has backed McCarthy for Speaker. He has lobbied for McCarthy.
The 20 Republicans not supporting McCarthy are MAGA Republicans. Amazingly they are not listening to Trump.
If McCarthy does not win the Speaker's race, it is another loss for Trump.

Too busy living rent free in vacuous Dimtard noggins like yours.
The Republicans found out they would have the majority of the House in 2023 in November 2022. They had almost 2 months to work out who should be their Speaker so they can get going when session starts.
A party needs leadership to bring the factions together.
Every time the Republicans have won the house, for 100 years, their leadership had a Speaker chosen on day one of the next session.
The party is in chaos. They have no consistent leadership that can bring the party together.
I waited a few decades to see Rs not goose-stepping in line like the mentally ill Democrats.
The Republicans found out they would have the majority of the House in 2023 in November 2022. They had almost 2 months to work out who should be their Speaker so they can get going when session starts.
A party needs leadership to bring the factions together.
Every time the Republicans have won the house, for 100 years, their leadership had a Speaker chosen on day one of the next session.
The party is in chaos. They have no consistent leadership that can bring the party together.
Lying shill.
That is not the characteristic of strong leader. A strong leader would bring all factions together and work out a compromise. McCarthy is not that person nor is Trump. Republicans are in chaos.
Nancy Pelosi did that. She had moderates and the whacko far left. She found a way to bring them together.
Are you seriously implying San Fran Nan Pelosi Never kowtowed
to the infamous Squad { Ocasio-Cortez,Omar,Pressley and Tlaib }.
Obvioulsy yer either not paying attention,never read the news
or are kidding yerself.Or all Three.

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