Where Is Trump On The Constitution?


Sep 23, 2010

This is the sweetest music this side of heaven:

“My opponent in this race, Donald Trump–like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders–looks to government as the solution to every problem,” Cruz said. “Carly knows from decades in the business world … where jobs come from, and she respects the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.”​

Cruz Taps Fiorina as Running Mate, Cheers Her Respect For Constitution
BY: Morgan Chalfant
April 27, 2016 4:46 pm

Cruz Taps Fiorina as Running Mate, Cheers Her Respect For Constitution

Everybody who has not been vacationing in outer-space since the LBJ years knows that Democrats have been working tirelessly to abolish every individual Right in the Bill Of Rights. Big government authority is the only part of the U. S. Constitution Socialists support. Examples: The XVI and XVII Amendments are not individual Rights. Those two amendments did more than anything else to transform the Constitution into a Bill of Rights for government bureaucrats.

I have one question for Donald Trump before it is too late. What is your plan for making this country great without first making the Constitution great again?

Ted Cruz defended the Constitution against his own party. So I would like to know if President Donald Trump has enough knowledge to do the same.

To date, Trump talked about the country, while he never gave any indication that he understands how the Constitution made the American people great. If I am reading Trump correctly he thinks he can make the country great again without any help from the U.S. Constitution.

This is the sweetest music this side of heaven:

“My opponent in this race, Donald Trump–like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders–looks to government as the solution to every problem,” Cruz said. “Carly knows from decades in the business world … where jobs come from, and she respects the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.”​

Cruz Taps Fiorina as Running Mate, Cheers Her Respect For Constitution
BY: Morgan Chalfant
April 27, 2016 4:46 pm

Cruz Taps Fiorina as Running Mate, Cheers Her Respect For Constitution

Everybody who has not been vacationing in outer-space since the LBJ years knows that Democrats have been working tirelessly to abolish every individual Right in the Bill Of Rights. Big government authority is the only part of the U. S. Constitution Socialists support. Examples: The XVI and XVII Amendments are not individual Rights. Those two amendments did more than anything else to transform the Constitution into a Bill of Rights for government bureaucrats.

I have one question for Donald Trump before it is too late. What is your plan for making this country great without first making the Constitution great again?

I have never heard Trump ever mention the Constitution; or how he sees/reads it.
If he becomes president he will have to swear on a Bible to "protect and defend" it. But if he will do so is yet to be determined.

But what I have found confusing is ....

When did stop being great?

I hear lots of people saying so but never saying when or how we became less than great.

I must have been taking a nap when it happened.

Ted Cruz defended the Constitution against his own party. So I would like to know if President Donald Trump has enough knowledge to do the same.

To date, Trump talked about the country, while he never gave any indication that he understands how the Constitution made the American people great. If I am reading Trump correctly he thinks he can make the country great again without any help from the U.S. Constitution.

This is the sweetest music this side of heaven:

“My opponent in this race, Donald Trump–like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders–looks to government as the solution to every problem,” Cruz said. “Carly knows from decades in the business world … where jobs come from, and she respects the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.”​

Cruz Taps Fiorina as Running Mate, Cheers Her Respect For Constitution
BY: Morgan Chalfant
April 27, 2016 4:46 pm

Cruz Taps Fiorina as Running Mate, Cheers Her Respect For Constitution

Everybody who has not been vacationing in outer-space since the LBJ years knows that Democrats have been working tirelessly to abolish every individual Right in the Bill Of Rights. Big government authority is the only part of the U. S. Constitution Socialists support. Examples: The XVI and XVII Amendments are not individual Rights. Those two amendments did more than anything else to transform the Constitution into a Bill of Rights for government bureaucrats.

I have one question for Donald Trump before it is too late. What is your plan for making this country great without first making the Constitution great again?

Ted Cruz defended the Constitution against his own party. So I would like to know if President Donald Trump has enough knowledge to do the same.

To date, Trump talked about the country, while he never gave any indication that he understands how the Constitution made the American people great. If I am reading Trump correctly he thinks he can make the country great again without any help from the U.S. Constitution.

Cruz is an internationalist and a liar, just like Hillary.

You need to judge a man by his deeds, not his word.

You may have a point about Trump, but Cruz is on the pay roll of the globalists, he doesn't give a shit about the Constitution.
How Private Contractors Have Created a Shadow NSA
How Private Contractors Have Created a Shadow NSA
A new cybersecurity elite moves between government and private practice, taking state secrets with them.

"Some members of this unique class are household names. Most cable-news viewers, for example, are familiar with Michael Chertoff and Michael Hayden, two of the top national-security officials in the Bush administration. In 2009, they left their positions at the Justice Department and the NSA, respectively, and created the Chertoff Group, one of Washington’s largest consulting firms, with a major emphasis on security."


"So what does the existence of such a class mean? First off, it deepens inequality. We all know that corporations can buy access to lawmakers through hefty political donations. Now they have access to some of the state’s most closely held secrets. According to a declassified document obtained in April by The New York Times, Hayden and Alexander were “read into” Stellar Wind, the warrantless-surveillance program started after 9/11. They are bound by law not to divulge those secrets. But their knowledge based on those secrets is of unfathomable value to the corporations they advise on cybersecurity and acquisitions strategies. That knowledge isn’t shared with the public, but it is available to the companies that can afford it.

Second, it places participatory democracy at risk. The vast majority of Americans are excluded from the consequential discussions that take place at the cyber-intelligence elite’s secret meetings. While hashing over controversial programs such as domestic spying, offensive cyberintelligence operations, or FBI terrorist-entrapment programs, the state and corporate leaders at INSA—as well as other places where the new class meets—operate on a completely different plane from the rest of us. Meanwhile, the black hole of secrecy keeps the new hybrid class and its organizations immune from any meaningful oversight by either the executive branch or Congress."

Organization of Cruz for President--Staff, Advisors and Supporters
Chairman Chad Sweet

Co-founder of the Chertoff Group. Chief of staff (Nov. 2006-Jan. 2009), deputy chief of staff (June-Nov. 2006) and special assistant to the Secretary (March-June 2006) at the Department of Homeland Security. Vice president at Goldman Sachs, 1996-2006, including four years in Asia. Investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, 1994-96. Directorate of operations at the Central Intelligence Agency, 1991-93. B.A. in political science, international relations, East Asian Studies from Columbia University in the City of New York, 1991.

Clearly Cruz is toxic to American Democracy for anyone that knows what is going on.
If I am reading Trump correctly he thinks he can make the country great again without any help from the U.S. Constitution.
Listen closely to what Trump says whenever he dives into the deep end of the pool:

Trump: Screw The Constitution, I'll Allow Churches Into Politics And Let Them Stay Tax-Exempt​

Trump obviously believes that allowing priests into government as well as enriching them further is a winning strategy. He clearly thinks Christian clerics will make America great again. Whether or not he believes it, Trump advocates passing organized religion’s tax exemption onto the backs of everybody. Clearly, he lacks an understanding of the First-Amendment-cum-the-separation-of-church-and-state.

More importantly, does Trump really believe he can let churches keep their tax exempt status and stop coerced charity everywhere else? or is he simply laying down a smokescreen in order to leave such a flagrant violation of the First Amendment in place?

Charity is either voluntary or involuntary. Parasites believe in coerced charity. That exact belief system is the foundation for every organized religion. So if the First Amendment is enforced it follows that coerced charity is unconstitutional. It is as simple as that.


The SCOTUS should rule in such a way that says involuntary charity is unconstitutional, while voluntary is settled law. My point. If the First Amendment continues to protect freedom-loving Americans from the evils of theocracy, it must also protect them from coerced charity.

Unconnected To Common Decency

And if Trump is serious about defeating ISIS with Christmas decorations he needs a crash course in the average American’s revulsion for theocracy of every stripe.

Ever since 9-11-2001 I’ve been saying that Islam should be legally defined as a political movement which it is, while Socialism/Communism should be defined as a religion which it is. In that way both are denied First Amendment protection. In short: Socialists would lose access to the public purse because it is a religion, while the war against Islam could be fought as a political movement.

Tweaking Trump

Perhaps Trump is convinced he can talk Americans into fighting for Christianity because the Chicago sewer rat forced Americans NOT to fight their enemies. If Trump does believes that he better come up with a plan to defeat another religion that is infinitely more dangerous than Islam —— Socialism/Communism. He can start with this:

Frankly, the way things are stacking up it looks like worldwide Socialism is taking the best of it. Socialists cannot be unhappy about Christians and Muslims killing each other. Us poor schmucks in the middle who do not want to see any religion win, including Socialism/Communism, are getting all the worst of it.


p.s. As I’ve said many times, I have no objection to killing priesthoods who want to kill me, but it makes no sense for a free people to surrender their freedoms by replacing one religion with another, and that includes Socialism-cum-global-government.

Muslims Made Occupation Obsolete
Clearly Cruz is toxic to American Democracy for anyone that knows what is going on.
To Mister Beale: I certainly hope so.

See this thread:

Another Soldier For democracy Chimes In

If you don't understand the difference between direct Democracy, and representative Democracy, I can't help you.

My post was concerned with fascism and the Deep State. That is what Cruz is a part of. Apparently you are too partisan to educate yourself about these things.
If I am reading Trump correctly he thinks he can make the country great again without any help from the U.S. Constitution.
Listen closely to what Trump says whenever he dives into the deep end of the pool:

Trump: Screw The Constitution, I'll Allow Churches Into Politics And Let Them Stay Tax-Exempt​

Trump obviously believes that allowing priests into government as well as enriching them further is a winning strategy. He clearly thinks Christian clerics will make America great again. Whether or not he believes it, Trump advocates passing organized religion’s tax exemption onto the backs of everybody. Clearly, he lacks an understanding of the First-Amendment-cum-the-separation-of-church-and-state.

More importantly, does Trump really believe he can let churches keep their tax exempt status and stop coerced charity everywhere else? or is he simply laying down a smokescreen in order to leave such a flagrant violation of the First Amendment in place?

Charity is either voluntary or involuntary. Parasites believe in coerced charity. That exact belief system is the foundation for every organized religion. So if the First Amendment is enforced it follows that coerced charity is unconstitutional. It is as simple as that.


The SCOTUS should rule in such a way that says involuntary charity is unconstitutional, while voluntary is settled law. My point. If the First Amendment continues to protect freedom-loving Americans from the evils of theocracy, it must also protect them from coerced charity.

Unconnected To Common Decency

And if Trump is serious about defeating ISIS with Christmas decorations he needs a crash course in the average American’s revulsion for theocracy of every stripe.

Ever since 9-11-2001 I’ve been saying that Islam should be legally defined as a political movement which it is, while Socialism/Communism should be defined as a religion which it is. In that way both are denied First Amendment protection. In short: Socialists would lose access to the public purse because it is a religion, while the war against Islam could be fought as a political movement.

Tweaking Trump

Perhaps Trump is convinced he can talk Americans into fighting for Christianity because the Chicago sewer rat forced Americans NOT to fight their enemies. If Trump does believes that he better come up with a plan to defeat another religion that is infinitely more dangerous than Islam —— Socialism/Communism. He can start with this:

Frankly, the way things are stacking up it looks like worldwide Socialism is taking the best of it. Socialists cannot be unhappy about Christians and Muslims killing each other. Us poor schmucks in the middle who do not want to see any religion win, including Socialism/Communism, are getting all the worst of it.


p.s. As I’ve said many times, I have no objection to killing priesthoods who want to kill me, but it makes no sense for a free people to surrender their freedoms by replacing one religion with another, and that includes Socialism-cum-global-government.

Muslims Made Occupation Obsolete

Real Churches DO NOT seek 501c3 status.

Major denominations are in Caesar's Grip. The only way to be eligible for the first Amendment protections is to not incorporate. If that is the case, then yes, Churches can do anything they like. They can preach, run for office, do anything they like, and remain tax exempt.

I'm done with you. I have no idea where you get your idea. You are either a shill of the Deep State or you watch too much TV.

501c3 issues
Church and State - and the IRS
501c3 issues
And these are the facts, according to Barbara Ketay, as to what a 501c3 church corporation is by lawful state definition:

  • The creator of a corporation is the State.
  • The State is the sole authority and sovereign head over the corporation.
  • The corporation is subject to the laws of the State which limits its powers.
  • The corporation has no constitutionally protected rights.
  • The corporation is an artificial person.
  • The corporation submits to a State Charter declaring it is a creature of the State.
  • The corporation is created for the benefit of the public.
  • The corporation is a State franchise.
  • The corporation is a privilege granted by the State.
Just to make it clear Barbara Ketay, makes the issue disturbingly personal:

·The creator of your church is the State.

·The State is the sole authority and sovereign head over your church.

·Your church is subject to the laws of the State which limits its powers.

·Your church has no constitutionally protected rights.

·Your church is an artificial person.

·Your church submits to a State Charter declaring it is a creature of the State.

·Your church is created for the benefit of the public, not the membership.

·Your church is a State franchise (i.e. an agent of the state).

·Your church is a privilege granted by the State, (which privilege can be taken away by an act of the State, at any time).

501c3 Church Incorporate and Start a Church
BTW, you might be interested in this;

The Perestroika Deception
Articles: The Perestroika Deception

The bourgeoisie will have to be put to sleep. So we shall begin by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record...The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate in their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends.
- Dimitri Manuilski, Prof. at the Lenin School of Political Warfare in Moscow, 1930[1]

The second facet of the "perestroika deception" has been to engineer a "peaceful transition to socialism" in the US by way of a manufactured economic crisis. Soviet manuals from the seventies outline this dimension in some detail. In 1974, Alexander Sobolev of the Moscow Institute of Marxism-Leninism developed the means by which a "peaceful revolutionary process" could take place. To do this, Sobolev stressed the need for a "nationwide political crisis" to be followed by "effective measures to neutralize wavering social strata." It was Lenin himself that said, "A revolution is simply impossible without an overall national crisis."

The aim was to co-opt well-meaning Democrats in Congress into advancing a "peaceful transition to socialism" in the wake of US economic collapse. Why the Democrats?

Do not underestimate the knowledge of a political scientist good sir.


This is the sweetest music this side of heaven:

“My opponent in this race, Donald Trump–like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders–looks to government as the solution to every problem,” Cruz said. “Carly knows from decades in the business world … where jobs come from, and she respects the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.”​

Cruz Taps Fiorina as Running Mate, Cheers Her Respect For Constitution
BY: Morgan Chalfant
April 27, 2016 4:46 pm

Cruz Taps Fiorina as Running Mate, Cheers Her Respect For Constitution

Everybody who has not been vacationing in outer-space since the LBJ years knows that Democrats have been working tirelessly to abolish every individual Right in the Bill Of Rights. Big government authority is the only part of the U. S. Constitution Socialists support. Examples: The XVI and XVII Amendments are not individual Rights. Those two amendments did more than anything else to transform the Constitution into a Bill of Rights for government bureaucrats.

I have one question for Donald Trump before it is too late. What is your plan for making this country great without first making the Constitution great again?

Ted Cruz defended the Constitution against his own party. So I would like to know if President Donald Trump has enough knowledge to do the same.

To date, Trump talked about the country, while he never gave any indication that he understands how the Constitution made the American people great. If I am reading Trump correctly he thinks he can make the country great again without any help from the U.S. Constitution.

Cruz is an internationalist and a liar, just like Hillary.

You need to judge a man by his deeds, not his word.

You may have a point about Trump, but Cruz is on the pay roll of the globalists, he doesn't give a shit about the Constitution.

Gee wiz I never knew that..........Being so well informed about those details never mentioned in MSM can you direct me to some sites that provide the real scoop on things?

This is the sweetest music this side of heaven:

“My opponent in this race, Donald Trump–like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders–looks to government as the solution to every problem,” Cruz said. “Carly knows from decades in the business world … where jobs come from, and she respects the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.”​

Cruz Taps Fiorina as Running Mate, Cheers Her Respect For Constitution
BY: Morgan Chalfant
April 27, 2016 4:46 pm

Cruz Taps Fiorina as Running Mate, Cheers Her Respect For Constitution

Everybody who has not been vacationing in outer-space since the LBJ years knows that Democrats have been working tirelessly to abolish every individual Right in the Bill Of Rights. Big government authority is the only part of the U. S. Constitution Socialists support. Examples: The XVI and XVII Amendments are not individual Rights. Those two amendments did more than anything else to transform the Constitution into a Bill of Rights for government bureaucrats.

I have one question for Donald Trump before it is too late. What is your plan for making this country great without first making the Constitution great again?

Ted Cruz defended the Constitution against his own party. So I would like to know if President Donald Trump has enough knowledge to do the same.

To date, Trump talked about the country, while he never gave any indication that he understands how the Constitution made the American people great. If I am reading Trump correctly he thinks he can make the country great again without any help from the U.S. Constitution.

Cruz is an internationalist and a liar, just like Hillary.

You need to judge a man by his deeds, not his word.

You may have a point about Trump, but Cruz is on the pay roll of the globalists, he doesn't give a shit about the Constitution.

Gee wiz I never knew that..........Being so well informed about those details never mentioned in MSM can you direct me to some sites that provide the real scoop on things?



Cruz undoubtedly would agree with Kissinger on trade. He says in the below video that he is for "fast tracking" trade agreements and supports Obama doing same. Apparently Cruz cares little about American jobs, and even less about American sovereignty.


Everything you need to know is in the following article. Well, not everything. But enough to not vote for him.

It is also my belief, as I posted from post #5, Cruz is a member of the Deep State, just like Hillary Clinton is.
This can be discerned by his connections, i.e. Goldman Sachs, Chertoff Group, etc. This is mostly due to what his wife and friends are up to. You judge a man by the company he keeps. First it is about getting powerful, then it is about getting rich.

If you are not familiar with that term, or need more clarification, just ask.

Ted Cruz, Henry Kissinger & the Globalists

Ted Cruz, Henry Kissinger & the Globalists - Freedom Outpost

(Just an aside, now he says he is against the TPP, but not because it is against America's interests, he says he is against it for some other litigious reason. (The export/important bank. It's too complicated to get into here. But look into it if you are curious.) The point is, he is a disingenuous globalist.)
Could u please tell me w3hat this all has to do with the Constitution....
That I'll talk about....

But stuff above I have no interest in the subject you posted about... as in been there done that
Could u please tell me w3hat this all has to do with the Constitution....
That I'll talk about....

But stuff above I have no interest in the subject you posted about... as in been there done that
Basically, what it has to do with, is the subversion of national law to a supranational law.

If you ask any person living in the EU, how do you feel about laws in the EU being supreme to your national laws, other than the UK, (in the UK, British law is still supreme in most areas,) a lot of citizens are unhappy about EU economic laws being supreme.

Elites are trying to make a NAU here. In order to do this, they first need to weaken federalism here in the US. That would mean significantly weakening State law, making the Constitution subservient to a new international order.

The NAU.

Cruz is more than amiably to this. You know this, Flanders knows this, I know this. It means ditching the Constitution when it is in the interest of global and intentional corporate elites. Should the Congress and the Constitution be the last word on trade? Or should the NAU be the last word on trade?

How long to you think the dollar will be viable? When it collapses, which politicians will try to re-float it and fix the American economy, and which politicians will look for the destroyed system as an excuse to internationalize the monetary system? Actions speak louder than words.

Can You Handle the Truth? Ted & Heidi Cruz and the North American Union
Flanders knows this,
To MisterBeale: Flanders knows this:
Cruz Taps Fiorina as Running Mate, Cheers Her Respect For Constitution
Ted Cruz defended the Constitution against his own party.
I know this.
To MisterBeale: Talking points is the only thing you know.
The Constitution hasn't been in effect since September of 2001, THAT's what makes Cruz's rhetoric SO disingenuous.

COG was implemented days after September 11, 2001 and has not ended since.

It has been renewed every year hence, with the knowledge of the legislative branch, making the actions of congress, and the power of the Constitution, naught but window dressing.

Message -- Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks
If I am reading Trump correctly he thinks he can make the country great again without any help from the U.S. Constitution.
Listen closely to what Trump says whenever he dives into the deep end of the pool:

Trump: Screw The Constitution, I'll Allow Churches Into Politics And Let Them Stay Tax-Exempt​

Trump obviously believes that allowing priests into government as well as enriching them further is a winning strategy. He clearly thinks Christian clerics will make America great again. Whether or not he believes it, Trump advocates passing organized religion’s tax exemption onto the backs of everybody. Clearly, he lacks an understanding of the First-Amendment-cum-the-separation-of-church-and-state.

More importantly, does Trump really believe he can let churches keep their tax exempt status and stop coerced charity everywhere else? or is he simply laying down a smokescreen in order to leave such a flagrant violation of the First Amendment in place?

Charity is either voluntary or involuntary. Parasites believe in coerced charity. That exact belief system is the foundation for every organized religion. So if the First Amendment is enforced it follows that coerced charity is unconstitutional. It is as simple as that.


The SCOTUS should rule in such a way that says involuntary charity is unconstitutional, while voluntary is settled law. My point. If the First Amendment continues to protect freedom-loving Americans from the evils of theocracy, it must also protect them from coerced charity.

Unconnected To Common Decency

And if Trump is serious about defeating ISIS with Christmas decorations he needs a crash course in the average American’s revulsion for theocracy of every stripe.

Ever since 9-11-2001 I’ve been saying that Islam should be legally defined as a political movement which it is, while Socialism/Communism should be defined as a religion which it is. In that way both are denied First Amendment protection. In short: Socialists would lose access to the public purse because it is a religion, while the war against Islam could be fought as a political movement.

Tweaking Trump

Perhaps Trump is convinced he can talk Americans into fighting for Christianity because the Chicago sewer rat forced Americans NOT to fight their enemies. If Trump does believes that he better come up with a plan to defeat another religion that is infinitely more dangerous than Islam —— Socialism/Communism. He can start with this:

Frankly, the way things are stacking up it looks like worldwide Socialism is taking the best of it. Socialists cannot be unhappy about Christians and Muslims killing each other. Us poor schmucks in the middle who do not want to see any religion win, including Socialism/Communism, are getting all the worst of it.


p.s. As I’ve said many times, I have no objection to killing priesthoods who want to kill me, but it makes no sense for a free people to surrender their freedoms by replacing one religion with another, and that includes Socialism-cum-global-government.

Muslims Made Occupation Obsolete

Real Churches DO NOT seek 501c3 status.

Major denominations are in Caesar's Grip. The only way to be eligible for the first Amendment protections is to not incorporate. If that is the case, then yes, Churches can do anything they like. They can preach, run for office, do anything they like, and remain tax exempt.

I'm done with you. I have no idea where you get your idea. You are either a shill of the Deep State or you watch too much TV.

Religious organizations so not file for 501c3 because those as covered under a different section of the 501 statute; and religious communities are covered by a different section in IRS code

501c3 issues
Church and State - and the IRS
501c3 issues
And these are the facts, according to Barbara Ketay, as to what a 501c3 church corporation is by lawful state definition:

  • The creator of a corporation is the State.
  • The State is the sole authority and sovereign head over the corporation.
  • The corporation is subject to the laws of the State which limits its powers.
  • The corporation has no constitutionally protected rights.
  • The corporation is an artificial person.
  • The corporation submits to a State Charter declaring it is a creature of the State.
  • The corporation is created for the benefit of the public.
  • The corporation is a State franchise.
  • The corporation is a privilege granted by the State.
Just to make it clear Barbara Ketay, makes the issue disturbingly personal:

·The creator of your church is the State.

·The State is the sole authority and sovereign head over your church.

·Your church is subject to the laws of the State which limits its powers.

·Your church has no constitutionally protected rights.

·Your church is an artificial person.

·Your church submits to a State Charter declaring it is a creature of the State.

·Your church is created for the benefit of the public, not the membership.

·Your church is a State franchise (i.e. an agent of the state).

·Your church is a privilege granted by the State, (which privilege can be taken away by an act of the State, at any time).

501c3 Church Incorporate and Start a Church
I understand Trump is busy at this time writing the new Constitution. He has complained it takes a long time with his little delicate hands.

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