Where was the armed security guard at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High?

Gun free zones are a target rich environment for a psychopath.

In that case, liberals, leftists, progressives, and Democrats are

They do after all, want a country full of people who are without the means to defend themselves.


I'm seriously starting to believe that they are and that they want us to be defenseless against criminals. They can't really believe that people who are willing to commit murder are going to follow gun control measures? Can they? No, they can't. They must be evil.
Says the woman who has never needed a gun for defense. Newsflash, you'd be just as safe without it. You haven't been attacked with it and wouldn't be without it.

Tell that to the THOUSANDS of women who are attacked and murdered every day, loser.
A New Study Debunks the NRA’s Claim That Guns Protect Women

Yeah guns are working out great for women.
The Violence Policy Center looked at FBI crime data from 2015, the most recent year available. It’s the first analysis of the 2015 data on female homicide victims. The study found there were 328 justifiable homicides committed by private citizens that year, and only 16 involved a woman killing a man with a gun. Conversely, there were 1,686 cases where a woman was murdered by a man with a gun.

Not enough women carrying guns! More women need to be more proactive when it comes to defending themselves. Get a gun and learn how to use it. Avoid being a statistic and be a survivor.
In that case, liberals, leftists, progressives, and Democrats are

They do after all, want a country full of people who are without the means to defend themselves.


I'm seriously starting to believe that they are and that they want us to be defenseless against criminals. They can't really believe that people who are willing to commit murder are going to follow gun control measures? Can they? No, they can't. They must be evil.
Says the woman who has never needed a gun for defense. Newsflash, you'd be just as safe without it. You haven't been attacked with it and wouldn't be without it.

Tell that to the THOUSANDS of women who are attacked and murdered every day, loser.
A New Study Debunks the NRA’s Claim That Guns Protect Women

Yeah guns are working out great for women.
The Violence Policy Center looked at FBI crime data from 2015, the most recent year available. It’s the first analysis of the 2015 data on female homicide victims. The study found there were 328 justifiable homicides committed by private citizens that year, and only 16 involved a woman killing a man with a gun. Conversely, there were 1,686 cases where a woman was murdered by a man with a gun.

Not enough women carrying guns! More women need to be more proactive when it comes to defending themselves. Get a gun and learn how to use it. Avoid being a statistic and be a survivor.
A New Study Debunks the NRA’s Claim That Guns Protect Women

Yeah guns are working out great for women.
The Violence Policy Center looked at FBI crime data from 2015, the most recent year available. It’s the first analysis of the 2015 data on female homicide victims. The study found there were 328 justifiable homicides committed by private citizens that year, and only 16 involved a woman killing a man with a gun. Conversely, there were 1,686 cases where a woman was murdered by a man with a gun.
More women should arm themselves and protect themselves!

An armed security guard never got the chance to stop the teen gunman who murdered 17 students and staffers at a Florida high school, authorities said Thursday.

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel confirmed that accused mass murderer Nikolas Cruz managed to shoot up the Parkland high school without ever encountering the school resource deputy.

“He was on campus and he was armed,” Israel said. “At this point, the only thing I can tell you definitively is he never encountered Cruz.”

Armed guard at Florida school never encountered rampaging gunman

Who was he? Where was he?
The other side of the school. Apparently it's a huge campus.

Are you joking? The sheriff said he was on video standing right outside the building.
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More women should arm themselves and protect themselves!

Domestic violence homicide rate drops with stricter gun law, study finds

Each year, the study authors point out, more than 1,800 people are killed by their intimate partners — current or former spouses or people they dated, for example. About half of those killings are carried out with a gun.

Roughly 85% of those victims are women. In fact, nearly half of the women killed in the U.S. each year are killed not by a stranger, but by an intimate partner.

Firearms play a significant role in these domestic violence homicides — a pattern that the law has tried to address for decades.
In order to be more safe, we should ban the Muslim religion. Just because MOST of them don't commit acts of terror, the violence the ideology seems to promote is MORE than enough justification. Think of the children! And it's only ONE religion. There are plenty of other religions they can practice that are LESS violent.
Women and schools need to be better armed. That would definitely help curb the violence against them. It's easy to pick on a soft target. Most cowards won't pick on someone who is well armed. FACT. :)
Gun free zones are a target rich environment for a psychopath.

In that case, liberals, leftists, progressives, and Democrats are

They do after all, want a country full of people who are without the means to defend themselves.


I'm seriously starting to believe that they are and that they want us to be defenseless against criminals. They can't really believe that people who are willing to commit murder are going to follow gun control measures? Can they? No, they can't. They must be evil.
Says the woman who has never needed a gun for defense. Newsflash, you'd be just as safe without it. You haven't been attacked with it and wouldn't be without it.

Tell that to the THOUSANDS of women who are attacked and murdered every day, loser.
A New Study Debunks the NRA’s Claim That Guns Protect Women

Yeah guns are working out great for women.
The Violence Policy Center looked at FBI crime data from 2015, the most recent year available. It’s the first analysis of the 2015 data on female homicide victims. The study found there were 328 justifiable homicides committed by private citizens that year, and only 16 involved a woman killing a man with a gun. Conversely, there were 1,686 cases where a woman was murdered by a man with a gun.

Just stop. The The Violence Policy Center is a radical left anti-gun group that Barack Obama repeatedly voted to fund while he was a director of the Joyce Foundation.How am I to believe that you're an "independent" when you keep posting leftist shit like this?

Josh Sugarmann who runs that propaganda mill is one of the most deceitful, lying anti-gun shitheads out there.
In most self defense cases using a gun, the perp runs away before a shot even has to be fired. It only takes the APPEARANCE of the gun to make him shit himself and run away, kind of like liberals. :D
In that case, liberals, leftists, progressives, and Democrats are

They do after all, want a country full of people who are without the means to defend themselves.


I'm seriously starting to believe that they are and that they want us to be defenseless against criminals. They can't really believe that people who are willing to commit murder are going to follow gun control measures? Can they? No, they can't. They must be evil.
Says the woman who has never needed a gun for defense. Newsflash, you'd be just as safe without it. You haven't been attacked with it and wouldn't be without it.

Tell that to the THOUSANDS of women who are attacked and murdered every day, loser.
A New Study Debunks the NRA’s Claim That Guns Protect Women

Yeah guns are working out great for women.
The Violence Policy Center looked at FBI crime data from 2015, the most recent year available. It’s the first analysis of the 2015 data on female homicide victims. The study found there were 328 justifiable homicides committed by private citizens that year, and only 16 involved a woman killing a man with a gun. Conversely, there were 1,686 cases where a woman was murdered by a man with a gun.

Just stop. The The Violence Policy Center is a radical left anti-gun group that Barack Obama repeatedly voted to fund while he was a director of the Joyce Foundation.How am I to believe that you're an "independent" when you keep posting leftist shit like this?

Josh Sugarmann who runs that propaganda mill is one of the most deceitful, lying anti-gun shitheads out there.

I think it's pretty obvious that these people are not "independent" thinkers in any way, shape or form. They are party agenda pushers and nothing more than that. ;)
And whose fault was it that he was out gunned?
Cops routinely carry AR's in the trunk.
So school guards should be armed with AR's then? How many do we need? You are aware countries with strong gun control have very few mass shootings right?

The Guard was a cop....do try and keep up.
And? He should have came in with his AR firing and not worried at all about hitting children? Oh wait that is an advantage the killer has. He just shoots everybody. Even a goup of police fall victim to these weapons of mass killing.
On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed and fired upon a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, killing five officers and injuring nine others.

You're a complete retard.
No..the cop should have gone in directed by the sound of the perps fire.
When he encountered the position the perp was firing from he then should have set himself up to return effective fire on the shooter from cover.
Barring that he should fire to keep the shooter from concentrating fire on the innocent to bide time for reinforcements.
And since the perp had a semi-auto rifle with high capacity magazines how many would already be dead by then?

I dont know.
How long did it take the one guard to reach the scene and how well trained is the guard?
Doesn't bode well for the idea of armed teachers when a trained cop doesn't even want to take that on alone.
I don't know about that. I believe teachers who voluntarily chose to be armed would be heroically motivated to defend their charges -- and themselves. Unlike some third-rate cop who is there for the paycheck and benefits.
Doesn't bode well for the idea of armed teachers when a trained cop doesn't even want to take that on alone.
I don't know about that. I believe teachers who voluntarily chose to be armed would be heroically motivated to defend their charges -- and themselves. Unlike some third-rate cop who is there for the paycheck and benefits.
And there would be kids running all over and a murderer with high capacity magazines who could just keep shooting and shooting. These guys were motivated too:
On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed and fired upon a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, killing five officers and injuring nine others.

Dudeski, you need to change your signature line if you're going to keep behaving like this.

"Independent. I think the far right and the far left are wacky."

The anti-gun kabuki theater you're putting on here is extremely far left.
Guns are hardly the only political topic. And any sane person should want to regulate weapons for mass killing.

How is that "sane"? My "weapons for mass killing" have never killed anyone. Considering everyone who owns them to be a "criminal" without due process is not only insane, it's unconstitutional.

You do like our constitution, don't you?

A few MORE gun control measures. That should stop them. :)
Sure works in the UK, France, Denmark, Japan, Italy, Sweden, Australia...

Ask US citizens how many fucks they give?

At this point, I'm guessing you're not one. Where you from, boy?
The Guard was a cop....do try and keep up.
And? He should have came in with his AR firing and not worried at all about hitting children? Oh wait that is an advantage the killer has. He just shoots everybody. Even a goup of police fall victim to these weapons of mass killing.
On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed and fired upon a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, killing five officers and injuring nine others.

You're a complete retard.
No..the cop should have gone in directed by the sound of the perps fire.
When he encountered the position the perp was firing from he then should have set himself up to return effective fire on the shooter from cover.
Barring that he should fire to keep the shooter from concentrating fire on the innocent to bide time for reinforcements.
And since the perp had a semi-auto rifle with high capacity magazines how many would already be dead by then?

Who knows?
Maybe you should concentrate on protecting the entrees of our schools.
And churches? And concerts? Night clubs? Or we could just do the right thing and regulate weapons for mass killing and have everywhere covered.

Than rely on the police to protect you.
It'll speed the extermination of leftist peons such as yourself.
What national embarrassment this is. We don't have enough money for books, computers, buses, etc...but we can open the wallets for armed guards. Damn, America, we are embarrassing ourselves.
Doesn't bode well for the idea of armed teachers when a trained cop doesn't even want to take that on alone.
I don't know about that. I believe teachers who voluntarily chose to be armed would be heroically motivated to defend their charges -- and themselves. Unlike some third-rate cop who is there for the paycheck and benefits.
I don't know about that. I believe teachers who voluntarily chose to be armed would be heroically motivated to defend their charges -- and themselves. Unlike some third-rate cop who is there for the paycheck and benefits.
And there would be kids running all over and a murderer with high capacity magazines who could just keep shooting and shooting. These guys were motivated too:
On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed and fired upon a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, killing five officers and injuring nine others.

Dudeski, you need to change your signature line if you're going to keep behaving like this.

"Independent. I think the far right and the far left are wacky."

The anti-gun kabuki theater you're putting on here is extremely far left.
Guns are hardly the only political topic. And any sane person should want to regulate weapons for mass killing.

How is that "sane"? My "weapons for mass killing" have never killed anyone. Considering everyone who owns them to be a "criminal" without due process is not only insane, it's unconstitutional.

You do like our constitution, don't you?

A few MORE gun control measures. That should stop them. :)
Sure works in the UK, France, Denmark, Japan, Italy, Sweden, Australia...

Ask US citizens how many fucks they give?

At this point, I'm guessing you're not one. Where you from, boy?

More women should arm themselves and protect themselves!

More women should arm themselves and protect themselves!

Domestic violence homicide rate drops with stricter gun law, study finds

Each year, the study authors point out, more than 1,800 people are killed by their intimate partners — current or former spouses or people they dated, for example. About half of those killings are carried out with a gun.

Roughly 85% of those victims are women. In fact, nearly half of the women killed in the U.S. each year are killed not by a stranger, but by an intimate partner.

Firearms play a significant role in these domestic violence homicides — a pattern that the law has tried to address for decades.

Don't you think it a little strange that the LA Times bases it entire article on a "paper, described in the Annals of Internal Medicine", yet they don't include a link the the paper?

Seriously, if you're going to consider yourself an "independent", you're going to need to try a little harder than you are trying.
I'm recalling the PBS Frontline documentary about the Columbine school shooting. One of the teachers who was interviewed stated in a very convincingly emotional but stable tone, "He was so close. If I only had a gun I could have got him. I could have got him!"

This is what I believe is the best approach to the school-shooting issue. The teacher I've mentioned above seemed a very capable, competent, level-headed young fellow. Not a hot-head and not at all sissified. A sensible young man and I'm sure there are many like him -- along with a few capable women who are teachers. If these teachers feel they could function capably, why not test them, train them, and allow them to pocket a .38 S&W LadySmith revolver -- if nothing more than for the remote hope that, like the teacher mentioned above, they could get close enough to the next crazy school-shooter to "get him?" Why not?

It is certainly better than nothing or desperately reaching for some radical, unconstitutional effort with as much hope for success as the infamously counterproductive drug war.
Doesn't bode well for the idea of armed teachers when a trained cop doesn't even want to take that on alone.
I don't know about that. I believe teachers who voluntarily chose to be armed would be heroically motivated to defend their charges -- and themselves. Unlike some third-rate cop who is there for the paycheck and benefits.
I don't know about that. I believe teachers who voluntarily chose to be armed would be heroically motivated to defend their charges -- and themselves. Unlike some third-rate cop who is there for the paycheck and benefits.
And there would be kids running all over and a murderer with high capacity magazines who could just keep shooting and shooting. These guys were motivated too:
On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed and fired upon a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, killing five officers and injuring nine others.

Dudeski, you need to change your signature line if you're going to keep behaving like this.

"Independent. I think the far right and the far left are wacky."

The anti-gun kabuki theater you're putting on here is extremely far left.
Guns are hardly the only political topic. And any sane person should want to regulate weapons for mass killing.

How is that "sane"? My "weapons for mass killing" have never killed anyone. Considering everyone who owns them to be a "criminal" without due process is not only insane, it's unconstitutional.

You do like our constitution, don't you?

A few MORE gun control measures. That should stop them. :)
Sure works in the UK, France, Denmark, Japan, Italy, Sweden, Australia...

Ask US citizens how many fucks they give?

At this point, I'm guessing you're not one. Where you from, boy?

I'll bet he's a Brit. :D America haters.
I don't know about that. I believe teachers who voluntarily chose to be armed would be heroically motivated to defend their charges -- and themselves. Unlike some third-rate cop who is there for the paycheck and benefits.
And there would be kids running all over and a murderer with high capacity magazines who could just keep shooting and shooting. These guys were motivated too:
On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed and fired upon a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, killing five officers and injuring nine others.

Dudeski, you need to change your signature line if you're going to keep behaving like this.

"Independent. I think the far right and the far left are wacky."

The anti-gun kabuki theater you're putting on here is extremely far left.
Guns are hardly the only political topic. And any sane person should want to regulate weapons for mass killing.

How is that "sane"? My "weapons for mass killing" have never killed anyone. Considering everyone who owns them to be a "criminal" without due process is not only insane, it's unconstitutional.

You do like our constitution, don't you?

A few MORE gun control measures. That should stop them. :)
Sure works in the UK, France, Denmark, Japan, Italy, Sweden, Australia...

Ask US citizens how many fucks they give?

At this point, I'm guessing you're not one. Where you from, boy?

I'll bet he's a Brit. :D America haters.

Meanwhile, Kebabs are owning their Island.

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