Where was the armed security guard at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High?

Doesn't bode well for the idea of armed teachers when a trained cop doesn't even want to take that on alone.
I don't know about that. I believe teachers who voluntarily chose to be armed would be heroically motivated to defend their charges -- and themselves. Unlike some third-rate cop who is there for the paycheck and benefits.
Doesn't bode well for the idea of armed teachers when a trained cop doesn't even want to take that on alone.
I don't know about that. I believe teachers who voluntarily chose to be armed would be heroically motivated to defend their charges -- and themselves. Unlike some third-rate cop who is there for the paycheck and benefits.
And there would be kids running all over and a murderer with high capacity magazines who could just keep shooting and shooting. These guys were motivated too:
On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed and fired upon a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, killing five officers and injuring nine others.

Dudeski, you need to change your signature line if you're going to keep behaving like this.

"Independent. I think the far right and the far left are wacky."

The anti-gun kabuki theater you're putting on here is extremely far left.
Guns are hardly the only political topic. And any sane person should want to regulate weapons for mass killing.
You referring to a man as a snowflake is pretty funny, I have to say. :D
You sure it's a man? Hiding behind his 18 rounds and reporting people. Pathetic snowflake.

Yes and more so than you, that is for sure. :D If I was to pick someone to rely on to protect me, I would choose him over you any day. You would probably run away and tell me to use my karate. Lol!
Clearly you like girly men.

Girly men are afraid of guns and spend most of their day posting anti-gun drivel on internet discussion boards.
I'm not too scared to go out without a gun. I leave the fear for your girly men.

You probably should be scared. Unless you have a valid concealed carry permit, you would most likely be arrested.
You sure it's a man? Hiding behind his 18 rounds and reporting people. Pathetic snowflake.

Yes and more so than you, that is for sure. :D If I was to pick someone to rely on to protect me, I would choose him over you any day. You would probably run away and tell me to use my karate. Lol!
Clearly you like girly men.

Girly men are afraid of guns and spend most of their day posting anti-gun drivel on internet discussion boards.
I'm not too scared to go out without a gun. I leave the fear for your girly men.

You probably should be scared. Unless you have a valid concealed carry permit, you would most likely be arrested.
Not scared at all. And strangely I have never been attacked by gangs of thugs. You guys have such imaginations.
The point of the matter is that any new laws you make are only going to be a burden on the law abiding. Murderers don't care about laws. That's why they ignore laws against murder, they ignore your "gun free zone" signs, and they target your children. Because they know you are afraid and willing to lay down your arms and allow your children to be defenseless and slaughtered easily with no fighting back. Even the suicidal ones who would storm a school even if there were guns present on the premises, they could be pretty easily stopped at some point. Instead of being allowed to indiscriminately slaughter our children or our "sitting ducks."
I find it telling that the only reason you can think of to carry more ammo is to kill innocents....freudian?

Mass killers sure carry a lot of ammo.

As should security in our public schools.
Yeah lets of officers there to protect them. Oh wait this school did have an officer. He was so outgunned he stayed outside. And what about our churches? Night clubs? Concerts? We could save lives everywhere with some gun control.

And whose fault was it that he was out gunned?
Cops routinely carry AR's in the trunk.
So school guards should be armed with AR's then? How many do we need? You are aware countries with strong gun control have very few mass shootings right?

The Guard was a cop....do try and keep up.
Doesn't bode well for the idea of armed teachers when a trained cop doesn't even want to take that on alone.
I don't know about that. I believe teachers who voluntarily chose to be armed would be heroically motivated to defend their charges -- and themselves. Unlike some third-rate cop who is there for the paycheck and benefits.
Doesn't bode well for the idea of armed teachers when a trained cop doesn't even want to take that on alone.
I don't know about that. I believe teachers who voluntarily chose to be armed would be heroically motivated to defend their charges -- and themselves. Unlike some third-rate cop who is there for the paycheck and benefits.
And there would be kids running all over and a murderer with high capacity magazines who could just keep shooting and shooting. These guys were motivated too:
On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed and fired upon a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, killing five officers and injuring nine others.

Dudeski, you need to change your signature line if you're going to keep behaving like this.

"Independent. I think the far right and the far left are wacky."

The anti-gun kabuki theater you're putting on here is extremely far left.
Guns are hardly the only political topic. And any sane person should want to regulate weapons for mass killing.

How is that "sane"? My "weapons for mass killing" have never killed anyone. Considering everyone who owns them to be a "criminal" without due process is not only insane, it's unconstitutional.

You do like our constitution, don't you?
Mass killers sure carry a lot of ammo.

As should security in our public schools.
Yeah lets of officers there to protect them. Oh wait this school did have an officer. He was so outgunned he stayed outside. And what about our churches? Night clubs? Concerts? We could save lives everywhere with some gun control.

And whose fault was it that he was out gunned?
Cops routinely carry AR's in the trunk.
So school guards should be armed with AR's then? How many do we need? You are aware countries with strong gun control have very few mass shootings right?

The Guard was a cop....do try and keep up.
And? He should have came in with his AR firing and not worried at all about hitting children? Oh wait that is an advantage the killer has. He just shoots everybody. Even a group of police fall victim to these weapons of mass killing.
On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed and fired upon a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, killing five officers and injuring nine others.
Doesn't bode well for the idea of armed teachers when a trained cop doesn't even want to take that on alone.
I don't know about that. I believe teachers who voluntarily chose to be armed would be heroically motivated to defend their charges -- and themselves. Unlike some third-rate cop who is there for the paycheck and benefits.
Doesn't bode well for the idea of armed teachers when a trained cop doesn't even want to take that on alone.
I don't know about that. I believe teachers who voluntarily chose to be armed would be heroically motivated to defend their charges -- and themselves. Unlike some third-rate cop who is there for the paycheck and benefits.
And there would be kids running all over and a murderer with high capacity magazines who could just keep shooting and shooting. These guys were motivated too:
On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed and fired upon a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, killing five officers and injuring nine others.

Dudeski, you need to change your signature line if you're going to keep behaving like this.

"Independent. I think the far right and the far left are wacky."

The anti-gun kabuki theater you're putting on here is extremely far left.
Guns are hardly the only political topic. And any sane person should want to regulate weapons for mass killing.

How is that "sane"? My "weapons for mass killing" have never killed anyone. Considering everyone who owns them to be a "criminal" without due process is not only insane, it's unconstitutional.

You do like our constitution, don't you?
Because any sane person wouldn't want them being used and children and other innocent people regularly.

Yes and it is clear the 2nd is limited, the Supreme court agrees.
Supreme Court Won't Hear Challenge To California's Gun Laws
The point of the matter is that any new laws you make are only going to be a burden on the law abiding.
We don't give a shit. They will just have to change magazines more often and register weapons sales and pass background checks.


Rational Humans of America.
Gun free zones are a target rich environment for a psychopath.

In that case, liberals, leftists, progressives, and Democrats are

They do after all, want a country full of people who are without the means to defend themselves.

Seriously, either really stupid or evil. Which one is it? :D Telling bad guys to lay down their arms doesn't work, wacko. Lol.

Sure it only works in the UK and Germany and Japan and Denmark and France... None of these countries have a mass shooting problem, they are very rare there. Only here do we well arm mass shooters legally.
Gun free zones are a target rich environment for a psychopath.

In that case, liberals, leftists, progressives, and Democrats are

They do after all, want a country full of people who are without the means to defend themselves.

Funny how so many countries with much lower gun ownership rates have much lower homicide rates.
Seriously, either really stupid or evil. Which one is it? :D Telling bad guys to lay down their arms doesn't work, wacko. Lol.

Sure it only works in the UK and Germany and Japan and Denmark and France... None of these countries have a mass shooting problem, they are very rare there. Only here do we well arm mass shooters legally.

But they HAVE had terror attacks!
Oh, we are going to enact gun control measures against psychopaths who commit murders. :D That is so ridiculous it is funny.
We regulated machine guns. When was the last time one was used in a mass killing? Seems to work.

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