Where was the armed security guard at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High?

So they didn't mention any restrictions
Correct, professor! And that is exactly what allowed the SCOTUS to deem it perfectly constitutional to, for instance, ban fully automatic weapons.

Did you time travel here from the year 1820, or something? You seem to have a lot of catching up to do...
More rounds are never a bad idea.
You carry as many as is feasible.
Sure helps those mass killers eh?

Anyone who carried for self defense knows that you're more vulnerable when you have to reload. Hence the reason for 15 round, 20 round 30 round, 40 round or even 100 round drum magazines.
Hence why we need a high capacity magazine ban. When was the last time you fired 15 in defense btw?

Sometimes that happens.

My ..cousin fired 18 (same gun I have) into an armed home invader. One who was a cop-killer. He died. The End,
That's interesting. There must be a news story to verify that. Please share a link.

Reported for trying to dox.
I didn't think you did. Snowflake.

You referring to a man as a snowflake is pretty funny, I have to say. :D
You failed to answer my questions. How many have they had since? That was years ago. How many did they have before that? We have them regularly. And it doesn't take a group of international terrorists, just an angry kid.

Actually, mass shootings are less than 0.1% of all types of homicide. :) Quite rare, relatively speaking. Many more people die in terrorist attacks every year.
A ham handed rationale. Or are you saying the corpses of school children, church congregants and concert goers is just the cost of doing business?

Many more people die at the hands of MUSLIM terrorists every year. Do you want to ban that ideology? Statistically speaking, it is MUCH more dangerous than a lone wolf shooter.
How many in the US this year? This is 17 children by just one shooter with a mass killing gun.

Do only US children matter? The fact of the matter is that Muslim ideological terrorism kills tens of thousands of people every year.
The threat of the Muslim is not a bright shiny thing you can jingle in our faces to distract us from the fact of American gun violence.
So they didn't mention any restrictions
Correct, professor! And that is exactly what allowed the SCOTUS to deem it perfectly constitutional to, for instance, ban fully automatic weapons.

Did you time travel here from the year 1820, or something? You seem to have a lot of catching up to do...

So then banning just ONE religion wouldn't be a violation of anyone's right! Good to know! Thanks again! :)
More rounds are never a bad idea.
You carry as many as is feasible.
Sure helps those mass killers eh?

Anyone who carried for self defense knows that you're more vulnerable when you have to reload. Hence the reason for 15 round, 20 round 30 round, 40 round or even 100 round drum magazines.
Hence why we need a high capacity magazine ban. When was the last time you fired 15 in defense btw?

Sometimes that happens.

My ..cousin fired 18 (same gun I have) into an armed home invader. One who was a cop-killer. He died. The End,
That's interesting. There must be a news story to verify that. Please share a link.

Reported for trying to dox.
I didn't think you did. Snowflake.

I never have faggot, I heard about it on the phone. Why you trying to dox?

2 things to not do on USMB: dox and insult family.
Sure helps those mass killers eh?

Hence why we need a high capacity magazine ban. When was the last time you fired 15 in defense btw?

Sometimes that happens.

My ..cousin fired 18 (same gun I have) into an armed home invader. One who was a cop-killer. He died. The End,
That's interesting. There must be a news story to verify that. Please share a link.

Reported for trying to dox.
I didn't think you did. Snowflake.

You referring to a man as a snowflake is pretty funny, I have to say. :D
You sure it's a man? Hiding behind his 18 rounds and reporting people. Pathetic snowflake.
Sounds like you have been scared a long time.

I haven't been scared, and have owned guns since longer than you've been alive probably.
But you'd be too scared to not have 18 rounds right?

Anyone who carried for self defense knows that you're more vulnerable when you have to reload. Hence the reason for 15 round, 20 round 30 round, 40 round or even 100 round drum magazines.
Hence why we need a high capacity magazine ban. When was the last time you fired 15 in defense btw?

I haven't had to, by the grace of God. But by the grace of God and our founding fathers, I'm able to if need be.

And neither you nor the screaming crowd of great unwashed will deprive me of that right. So bugger off already.

They are like annoying old nosy haggy neighbors. :D
Sure helps those mass killers eh?

Hence why we need a high capacity magazine ban. When was the last time you fired 15 in defense btw?

Sometimes that happens.

My ..cousin fired 18 (same gun I have) into an armed home invader. One who was a cop-killer. He died. The End,
That's interesting. There must be a news story to verify that. Please share a link.

Reported for trying to dox.
I didn't think you did. Snowflake.

I never have faggot, I heard about it on the phone.

Yea cause something like that wouldn't make the news all over. Take your lies somewhere else snowflake.
So then banning just ONE religion wouldn't be a violation of anyone's right!
wrong, the Constitution is very clear about making laws respecting religion. Which, again, is why the SCOTUS has had to step in to say that is unconstitutional. Sorry, the two themes are not analogous. You've spent waaay too much time reading wingnut memes, you've lost touch with reality.
Sometimes that happens.

My ..cousin fired 18 (same gun I have) into an armed home invader. One who was a cop-killer. He died. The End,
That's interesting. There must be a news story to verify that. Please share a link.

Reported for trying to dox.
I didn't think you did. Snowflake.

You referring to a man as a snowflake is pretty funny, I have to say. :D
You sure it's a man? Hiding behind his 18 rounds and reporting people. Pathetic snowflake.

Yes and more so than you, that is for sure. :D If I was to pick someone to rely on to protect me, I would choose him over you any day. You would probably run away and tell me to use my karate. Lol!
More rounds are never a bad idea.
You carry as many as is feasible.
When the goal is to kill as many as possible. Yes, thank you Captain Obvious. ;)

Well, terrorism isn't a right, so that would only make sense. Lol.
Owning any and all weapons is not a right, either. "lol", says facts and the law.

Did the founders mention any restrictions on weaponry? Hmm. I don't recall ever hearing that before. Something you are imagining perhaps? :D

The only weapons they had at the time of the writing of the constitution, were single-shot muskets, pistols, and cannon. To believe that any other weapons are ineligible under the Second Amendment, is as stupid as believing that only hand-operated printing presses are protected by the First Amendment.

I suggest that the liberals throw away their radios, televisions, and computers because they didn't exist at the time the First Amendment was written.
So then banning just ONE religion wouldn't be a violation of anyone's right!
wrong, the Constitution is very clear about making laws respecting religion. Which, again, is why the SCOTUS has had to step in to say that is unconstitutional. Sorry, the two themes are not analogous. You've spent waaay too much time reading wingnut memes, you've lost touch with reality.

As they are about our 2nd amendment right not being infringed upon. So, if we only remove ONE religion, we aren't really taking away any rights. :D
It's ironic that the radical left that usually falls all over itself to criticize the actions of local Police, is relatively quiet in cases of mass shootings. As I recall the local Police at Columbine failed to enter the building even when the Columbine shooters were active but there was no indepth study of the tragedy. Military Police were unarmed at Ft. Hood and had to call 9-11 to take the jihad Major down. Strangely enough the female local Police Officer who finally took Hasan Nadal down should have been a national hero but the mainstream media didn't want to talk about it. The local Blacksburg Va. Officers were apparently calmly interviewing witnesses to the Va. Tech murder spree while he was still killing people on campus. Capital Police did the best job of taking down the republican baseball shooter James Hodgkinson last spring but the MSM didn't want to talk about that either. Everything was wrong about Stephen Paddock including the fact that Vegas Swat allegedly couldn't be located so the door was apparently breached by K-9 officers. After a CBS executive posted a tweet that she had no sympathy for the 51 victims who were "just yokel Trump supporters" neither did the MSM and the entire case was strangely forgotten.
Well said and informative.

The police conduct during the Columbine massacre was particularly disgusting. They looked like the the Marx Brothers in one video clip.
That's interesting. There must be a news story to verify that. Please share a link.

Reported for trying to dox.
I didn't think you did. Snowflake.

You referring to a man as a snowflake is pretty funny, I have to say. :D
You sure it's a man? Hiding behind his 18 rounds and reporting people. Pathetic snowflake.

Yes and more so than you, that is for sure. :D If I was to pick someone to rely on to protect me, I would choose him over you any day. You would probably run away and tell me to use my karate. Lol!
Clearly you like girly men.
PS: My 18-round gun is a Marlin Model 60 with a tubular magazine. ;)

And a squirrel on the handle. Eesh byootiful! :thanks:
The goal of having so many rounds is not "kill as many as possible".
Of course it is, what a bizarre thing to say. You've twisted yourself into such a pasty white little pretzel that you don't know if you are coming or going.
The founders never wanted government to outgun it's citizens. They didn't trust government and with good reason. Everyone who has read the federalist papers should know this and the thoughts of the founders on the 2nd amendment and why it is one of our MOST important and cherished rights of all.

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