Where was the "incitement of insurrection" Threat in Trump's 1/6/21 speech?

U.S. House introduces article of impeachment, charging Trump with ā€˜incitement of insurrectionā€™

Here is the actual transcript of the speech Pelosi claims "incitement of insurrection".
The actual last 10 minutes. WHERE is the INCITEMENT of INSURRECTION?
Do you people understand how duped you have been by the MSM? Remember the MSM gave 96% to Hillary and pissed it was wasted so they're making their 90% to Biden isn't wasted! Folks you have been DUPED!!! AND TO great harm!
PLEASE read the whole speech and tell me what was "INCITING"???

Donald Trump: (01:12:43)
So weā€™re going to, weā€™re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue,
I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and weā€™re going to the Capitol and weā€™re going to try and giveā€¦
The Democrats are hopeless.
Theyā€™re never voting for anything, not even one vote.
But weā€™re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones,
because the strong ones donā€™t need any of our help, weā€™re going to try and give them
the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.
Donald Trump: (01:13:19)
So letā€™s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all.
God bless you and God bless America. Thank you all for being here, this is incredible.
Thank you very much. Thank you.
you left out the part where Trump said "you have to fight, you have to fight or your country will be taken away from you" (paraphrased).

he chose his words carefully enough not to *literally* be inciting insurrection, but you gotta realize he *knew* he was *also* talking to the less-than-averagely-smart.
and to *those* people, "march down Pennsylvania avenue", combined with "you have to fight", means : bring weapons, bring zip tie restraints, and break down the doors of the Capitol.


Trump is *guilty* of inciting insurrection, even though he didn't *literally* use those exact words.
The effect is what counts.
So saying ā€œfightā€ in a speech is inciting violence?

You sure you want to stick to that story?
yes, i do.
U.S. House introduces article of impeachment, charging Trump with ā€˜incitement of insurrectionā€™

Here is the actual transcript of the speech Pelosi claims "incitement of insurrection".
The actual last 10 minutes. WHERE is the INCITEMENT of INSURRECTION?
Do you people understand how duped you have been by the MSM? Remember the MSM gave 96% to Hillary and pissed it was wasted so they're making their 90% to Biden isn't wasted! Folks you have been DUPED!!! AND TO great harm!
PLEASE read the whole speech and tell me what was "INCITING"???

Donald Trump: (01:12:43)
So weā€™re going to, weā€™re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue,
I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and weā€™re going to the Capitol and weā€™re going to try and giveā€¦
The Democrats are hopeless.
Theyā€™re never voting for anything, not even one vote.
But weā€™re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones,
because the strong ones donā€™t need any of our help, weā€™re going to try and give them
the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.
Donald Trump: (01:13:19)
So letā€™s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all.
God bless you and God bless America. Thank you all for being here, this is incredible.
Thank you very much. Thank you.
It is all through his incendiary speech, and you are too stupid to see it. Like Ron White said "You can't fix stupid." Bigly!!!

I guess that the people who "don't understand" what is incendiary about telling people they are going to be invaded and looted don't understand Americans very well..I mean, it is dripping red meat being thrown to hungry dogs

"But now the caravans, they think Bidenā€™s getting in, the caravans are forming again. They want to come in again and rip off our country. Canā€™t let it happen. As this enormous crowd shows, we have truth and justice on our side.ā€ -- 1/6 riot speech

I know my people. And that is incitement
THIS IS A LIE.."I know my people."
I went through the speech several times and while there were 40 times the word "KNOW" used by Trump NEVER in the phrase..
"I know my people"! NEVER again.. you and the MSM paraphrasing putting words and phrases! LIES!
U.S. House introduces article of impeachment, charging Trump with ā€˜incitement of insurrectionā€™

Here is the actual transcript of the speech Pelosi claims "incitement of insurrection".
The actual last 10 minutes. WHERE is the INCITEMENT of INSURRECTION?
Do you people understand how duped you have been by the MSM? Remember the MSM gave 96% to Hillary and pissed it was wasted so they're making their 90% to Biden isn't wasted! Folks you have been DUPED!!! AND TO great harm!
PLEASE read the whole speech and tell me what was "INCITING"???

Donald Trump: (01:12:43)
So weā€™re going to, weā€™re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue,
I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and weā€™re going to the Capitol and weā€™re going to try and giveā€¦
The Democrats are hopeless.
Theyā€™re never voting for anything, not even one vote.
But weā€™re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones,
because the strong ones donā€™t need any of our help, weā€™re going to try and give them
the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.
Donald Trump: (01:13:19)
So letā€™s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all.
God bless you and God bless America. Thank you all for being here, this is incredible.
Thank you very much. Thank you.
you left out the part where Trump said "you have to fight, you have to fight or your country will be taken away from you" (paraphrased).

he chose his words carefully enough not to *literally* be inciting insurrection, but you gotta realize he *knew* he was *also* talking to the less-than-averagely-smart.
and to *those* people, "march down Pennsylvania avenue", combined with "you have to fight", means : bring weapons, bring zip tie restraints, and break down the doors of the Capitol.


Trump is *guilty* of inciting insurrection, even though he didn't *literally* use those exact words.
The effect is what counts.
So saying ā€œfightā€ in a speech is inciting violence?

You sure you want to stick to that story?
yes, i do.
33 times the word "fight" was used by Trump. BUT never to incite the crowd to violence! Never! Proof it!
I went through the speech...33 times and where was the word used?
FACTS: the word "fight"
But it used to be that theyā€™d argue with me, Iā€™d fight. So Iā€™d fight, theyā€™d fight. Iā€™d fight, theyā€™d fight. Boop-boop
You donā€™t fight with them anymore,... But our fight against the big donor...And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you donā€™t fight like Hell, youā€™re not going to have a country anymore....Heā€™s got guts, he fights. He fights... Theyā€™re out there fighting the House. Guys are fighting, but itā€™s incredible...people to fight. If they donā€™t fight, we have to primary the hell out of the ones that donā€™t fight...

So again... where are your FACTS???
33 times the word "fight" was used by Trump. BUT never to incite the crowd to violence! Never! Proof it!
I went through the speech...33 times and where was the word used?
FACTS: the word "fight"
But it used to be that theyā€™d argue with me, Iā€™d fight. So Iā€™d fight, theyā€™d fight. Iā€™d fight, theyā€™d fight. Boop-boop
You donā€™t fight with them anymore,... But our fight against the big donor...And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you donā€™t fight like Hell, youā€™re not going to have a country anymore....Heā€™s got guts, he fights. He fights... Theyā€™re out there fighting the House. Guys are fighting, but itā€™s incredible...people to fight. If they donā€™t fight, we have to primary the hell out of the ones that donā€™t fight...

So again... where are your FACTS???

the facts were all over TV dear..

doors were violently broken down.
5 people got KILLED. God knows how many more injured.
others got COVID because *republicans* refused to accept masks that were offered to them during the siege.

and you fall for Trump's choice of words.
in essence, that makes you as guilty as Trump himself : totally guilty of permitting such violence, even defending it.

and of course, another aspect of this is that 'to fight' can mean a fight of words, a fight at the ballot box, an idealogical fight,
OR : a physical fight.

and once again, Trump knew *darn well* that he was *also* talking to groups like the Proud Boys, people who take the word 'to fight' as reason, motivation and *permission* to engage in physical fights!

right now, the FBI is, according to CNN, preparing for the fight to include hostile snipers and other heavy guns/means, for Christ's sake!
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33 times the word "fight" was used by Trump. BUT never to incite the crowd to violence! Never! Proof it!
I went through the speech...33 times and where was the word used?
FACTS: the word "fight"
But it used to be that theyā€™d argue with me, Iā€™d fight. So Iā€™d fight, theyā€™d fight. Iā€™d fight, theyā€™d fight. Boop-boop
You donā€™t fight with them anymore,... But our fight against the big donor...And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you donā€™t fight like Hell, youā€™re not going to have a country anymore....Heā€™s got guts, he fights. He fights... Theyā€™re out there fighting the House. Guys are fighting, but itā€™s incredible...people to fight. If they donā€™t fight, we have to primary the hell out of the ones that donā€™t fight...

So again... where are your FACTS???

the facts were all over TV dear..

doors were violently broken down.
5 people got KILLED. God knows how many more injured.
others got COVID because *republicans* refused to accept masks that were offered to them during the siege.

and you fall for Trump's choice of words.
in essence, that makes you as guilty as Trump himself : totally guilty of permitting such violence, even defending it.

and of course, another aspect of this is that 'to fight' can mean a fight of words, a fight at the ballot box, an idealogical fight,
OR : a physical fight.

and once again, Trump knew *darn well* that he was *also* talking to groups like the Proud Boys, people who take the word 'to fight' as reason, motivation and *permission* to engage in physical fights!

right now, the FBI is, according to CNN, preparing for the fight to include hostile snipers and other heavy guns/means, for Christ's sake!
So, you have no quote.
U.S. House introduces article of impeachment, charging Trump with ā€˜incitement of insurrectionā€™

Here is the actual transcript of the speech Pelosi claims "incitement of insurrection".
The actual last 10 minutes. WHERE is the INCITEMENT of INSURRECTION?
Do you people understand how duped you have been by the MSM? Remember the MSM gave 96% to Hillary and pissed it was wasted so they're making their 90% to Biden isn't wasted! Folks you have been DUPED!!! AND TO great harm!
PLEASE read the whole speech and tell me what was "INCITING"???

Donald Trump: (01:12:43)
So weā€™re going to, weā€™re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue,
I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and weā€™re going to the Capitol and weā€™re going to try and giveā€¦
The Democrats are hopeless.
Theyā€™re never voting for anything, not even one vote.
But weā€™re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones,
because the strong ones donā€™t need any of our help, weā€™re going to try and give them
the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.
Donald Trump: (01:13:19)
So letā€™s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all.
God bless you and God bless America. Thank you all for being here, this is incredible.
Thank you very much. Thank you.

Is this a satire thread - or are you really serious?
NO these are the actual words of trump that idiots like Pelosi, et.al. (including you dummy) are calling INCITING????
WHAT words are "INCITING"??? How stupid must people like you be?
These are the same types of people that blamed Sarah Palin for Gifford's shooting because she had a target symbol on her web page. The fact that the shooter never saw her page was irrelevant to the narrative.
I don't recall Palin giving a rousing speech to a crowd, extorting them to stop the steal, march on the capital, don't be weak....

Do you?
Sarah Palin. The John the Baptist of Trumpian stupidity.
So saying ā€œfightā€ in a speech is inciting violence?

You sure you want to stick to that story?

Trump was still speaking when the organized group began breaking into the Capitol. And both the Senate and House Sargeant At Arms, as well as the Chief of the Capitol Police, have since resigned.

President Trump incited nothing.
U.S. House introduces article of impeachment, charging Trump with ā€˜incitement of insurrectionā€™

Here is the actual transcript of the speech Pelosi claims "incitement of insurrection".
The actual last 10 minutes. WHERE is the INCITEMENT of INSURRECTION?
Do you people understand how duped you have been by the MSM? Remember the MSM gave 96% to Hillary and pissed it was wasted so they're making their 90% to Biden isn't wasted! Folks you have been DUPED!!! AND TO great harm!
PLEASE read the whole speech and tell me what was "INCITING"???

Donald Trump: (01:12:43)
So weā€™re going to, weā€™re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue,
I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and weā€™re going to the Capitol and weā€™re going to try and giveā€¦
The Democrats are hopeless.
Theyā€™re never voting for anything, not even one vote.
But weā€™re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones,
because the strong ones donā€™t need any of our help, weā€™re going to try and give them
the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.
Donald Trump: (01:13:19)
So letā€™s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all.
God bless you and God bless America. Thank you all for being here, this is incredible.
Thank you very much. Thank you.
It is all through his incendiary speech, and you are too stupid to see it. Like Ron White said "You can't fix stupid." Bigly!!!

I guess that the people who "don't understand" what is incendiary about telling people they are going to be invaded and looted don't understand Americans very well..I mean, it is dripping red meat being thrown to hungry dogs

"But now the caravans, they think Bidenā€™s getting in, the caravans are forming again. They want to come in again and rip off our country. Canā€™t let it happen. As this enormous crowd shows, we have truth and justice on our side.ā€ -- 1/6 riot speech

I know my people. And that is incitement
THIS IS A LIE.."I know my people."
I went through the speech several times and while there were 40 times the word "KNOW" used by Trump NEVER in the phrase..
"I know my people"! NEVER again.. you and the MSM paraphrasing putting words and phrases! LIES!

That wasn't in quotes. That was my commentary.
I'm still trying to see what words were "inciting insurrection"?
WHERE are the words????
What about these words folks... aren't they inciting insurrection?
Quotes by 4 Democrats twisted to make it look like they endorsed riots
So please go to politifact and see WHY Politifact supposedly said mostly false?
Right Waters says..."If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them theyā€™re not welcome anymore, anywhere," she added.
So where what they said was FALSE????
Again the BIASED MSM is truly showing!

View attachment 441939
So the only way you will hold Trump to any accountability for this is if he prefaced his tweets with the disclaimer "I am inciting an insurrection"?
What words were "INCITING INSURRECTION? Because that's what idiots like you are supposedly trying for impeachment?
"The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat."

Of course there was none. I watched the rally on You Tube and it was the usual happy family waving flags. There were no painted faces, no horns, and not one person dressed in black garb and hoodies.

Not once did I ever think: Uh Oh! What is Trump saying?! Is he unglued?! Is he trying to start a riot? It might have been one of his best speeches ever! He spent like a half hour just going down the long list of the many most egregious election irregularities.

The whole thing was a SET UP by the Democrats, Nancy was thinking three moves ahead of Trump and used it to justify another hair-thin, specious impeachment in order to use that to try to block Trump from running in 2024.

America is getting played one more time by the democrats, they've stolen a presidency, and much of the country is too stupid to see it.
U.S. House introduces article of impeachment, charging Trump with ā€˜incitement of insurrectionā€™

Here is the actual transcript of the speech Pelosi claims "incitement of insurrection".
The actual last 10 minutes. WHERE is the INCITEMENT of INSURRECTION?
Do you people understand how duped you have been by the MSM? Remember the MSM gave 96% to Hillary and pissed it was wasted so they're making their 90% to Biden isn't wasted! Folks you have been DUPED!!! AND TO great harm!
PLEASE read the whole speech and tell me what was "INCITING"???

Donald Trump: (01:12:43)
So weā€™re going to, weā€™re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue,
I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and weā€™re going to the Capitol and weā€™re going to try and giveā€¦
The Democrats are hopeless.
Theyā€™re never voting for anything, not even one vote.
But weā€™re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones,
because the strong ones donā€™t need any of our help, weā€™re going to try and give them
the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.
Donald Trump: (01:13:19)
So letā€™s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all.
God bless you and God bless America. Thank you all for being here, this is incredible.
Thank you very much. Thank you.
you left out the part where Trump said "you have to fight, you have to fight or your country will be taken away from you" (paraphrased).

he chose his words carefully enough not to *literally* be inciting insurrection, but you gotta realize he *knew* he was *also* talking to the less-than-averagely-smart.
and to *those* people, "march down Pennsylvania avenue", combined with "you have to fight", means : bring weapons, bring zip tie restraints, and break down the doors of the Capitol.


Trump is *guilty* of inciting insurrection, even though he didn't *literally* use those exact words.
The effect is what counts.
So saying ā€œfightā€ in a speech is inciting violence?

You sure you want to stick to that story?
yes, i do.
33 times the word "fight" was used by Trump. BUT never to incite the crowd to violence! Never! Proof it!
I went through the speech...33 times and where was the word used?
FACTS: the word "fight"
But it used to be that theyā€™d argue with me, Iā€™d fight. So Iā€™d fight, theyā€™d fight. Iā€™d fight, theyā€™d fight. Boop-boop
You donā€™t fight with them anymore,... But our fight against the big donor...And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you donā€™t fight like Hell, youā€™re not going to have a country anymore....Heā€™s got guts, he fights. He fights... Theyā€™re out there fighting the House. Guys are fighting, but itā€™s incredible...people to fight. If they donā€™t fight, we have to primary the hell out of the ones that donā€™t fight...

So again... where are your FACTS???
How else were they supposed to fight to salvage Trump's shot at a second term? Congress was about to certify Biden as the next president.
U.S. House introduces article of impeachment, charging Trump with ā€˜incitement of insurrectionā€™

Here is the actual transcript of the speech Pelosi claims "incitement of insurrection".
The actual last 10 minutes. WHERE is the INCITEMENT of INSURRECTION?
Do you people understand how duped you have been by the MSM? Remember the MSM gave 96% to Hillary and pissed it was wasted so they're making their 90% to Biden isn't wasted! Folks you have been DUPED!!! AND TO great harm!
PLEASE read the whole speech and tell me what was "INCITING"???

Donald Trump: (01:12:43)
So weā€™re going to, weā€™re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue,
I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and weā€™re going to the Capitol and weā€™re going to try and giveā€¦
The Democrats are hopeless.
Theyā€™re never voting for anything, not even one vote.
But weā€™re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones,
because the strong ones donā€™t need any of our help, weā€™re going to try and give them
the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.
Donald Trump: (01:13:19)
So letā€™s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all.
God bless you and God bless America. Thank you all for being here, this is incredible.
Thank you very much. Thank you.

Is this a satire thread - or are you really serious?
NO these are the actual words of trump that idiots like Pelosi, et.al. (including you dummy) are calling INCITING????
WHAT words are "INCITING"??? How stupid must people like you be?
These are the same types of people that blamed Sarah Palin for Gifford's shooting because she had a target symbol on her web page. The fact that the shooter never saw her page was irrelevant to the narrative.
I don't recall Palin giving a rousing speech to a crowd, extorting them to stop the steal, march on the capital, don't be weak....

Do you?
I also don't recall TRUMP! telling anyone to smash windows, beat up cops and try to overthrow the government. I know you don't either. Facts don't stop a good emotional rant, and there's a lot of that going on right now.
You mean Trump wasn't literal enough when he fired up his crowd, didn't say a peep as they attacked the capital, assaulted and killed police, ransacked it, and attempted to capture Pence, Pelosi and other members of Congress?

Actually....he was pretty busy at the time calling congress critters to try and pressure them to change their votes to intervene with his mob.

Didn't say a peep? That is at least the second outright, unequivocal lie you've posted in this thread. In fact, far too many of the recent posts in the Politics forum by mods such as yourself consist of false, inflammatory content or antagonistic dialogue towards other posters. There should be posting standards for moderators on this site, such as maintaining some semblance of veracity and professionalism at a minimum, if the site rules are going to be such that the ignore function is not available for content-based posts by mods. I understand that mods are required to post certain messages about forum rules that fall outside the scope and putpose of the ignore function, but when mods are making content-based posts in threads they're moderating, the immunity from the ignore function creates a responsibility as representatives of the website.

Some people actually come to this forum to get updated political news and engage in civilized discussion about political issues, not to read acrimonious partisan banter that is divorced from the objective facts, especially by the people designated by the site admin to be moderators. The purpose of the ignore function is to allow forum participants to opt-out of having to read and engage with those who have a habit of furnishing such content. That was always the case when I was a mod on ESPN and other highly trafficked, ad-sponsored or user-funded forums. There has been a noticeable deterioration in the quality of the dialogue on this forum in the past couple of months, despite the so-called "fresh start" initiative, and certain moderators have disappointingly been among the most freqient provocateurs.
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How else were they supposed to fight to salvage Trump's shot at a second term? Congress was about to certify Biden as the next president.

Simple. Peaceful (but perhaps loud) demonstrations outside the Capitol. This is the essence of democracy.
When added to the frenzy that he and his many proxies have created and fed over the last four years, absolutely.

Anyone who claims that Trump didn't know and understand the context is an abject fucking liar. He knew it and he ran with it.


And not only that, his family was partying in the big tent while the crowed massed, and he was busy calling senators trying to pressure them into changing their votes WHILE the capital was overrun and his brownshirts ransacking it looking for Pence and Pelosi and any Congress critter they could get with handcuffs and weapons.
NOT ONE attempt to check on his VP.
The thread is about his speech, Stupid

You still have nothing, Troll.

Did you say something hack? The bathroom is down the hall. You can't miss it, there's a sign.

In the meantime, this is all related to his speech. Kind of hard to miss.

View attachment 441962
He and they don't understand the significance of "context".

It's a notion that requires thinking more than half an inch deep.
Follow the swaying crystal

Left, right, left, right, left right, back, forth, back, forth

There is nothing to see here

My Jan 6th speech was perfect...

Left, right, left, right

Witch hunt!

Left, right, left, right,


Left right, left, right

Follow the Crystal

Left right, left right

It was a perfect speech

Left right, left right, left right.

The election was stolen,

Left right, left right, left right.

Democrats! Witch hunt!

Left right, left right, left right

My speech was Perfect!

Left, right, left right, left right
When Geraldo turns on Trump itā€™ll be over... oops.


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