Where was the "incitement of insurrection" Threat in Trump's 1/6/21 speech?

Like I said, and have said before, things democrats do often turn around and bite them. If they successfully pull off this hate and punish TRUMP! over political differences, the same thing will happen to future democrat presidents, and there are a lot of politicians that have spewed a lot of hateful rhetoric that are going to have to watch over their shoulders. Biden especially has to be careful about going after TRUMP! after he leaves office, or he might face the same thing after he leaves.
This isn't over political differences. It has gone well beyond that now.
When added to the frenzy that he and his many proxies have created and fed over the last four years, absolutely.

Anyone who claims that Trump didn't know and understand the context is an abject fucking liar. He knew it and he ran with it.


And not only that, his family was partying in the big tent while the crowed massed, and he was busy calling senators trying to pressure them into changing their votes WHILE the capital was overrun and his brownshirts ransacking it looking for Pence and Pelosi and any Congress critter they could get with handcuffs and weapons.
NOT ONE attempt to check on his VP.
The thread is about his speech, Stupid

You still have nothing, Troll.

Did you say something hack? The bathroom is down the hall. You can't miss it, there's a sign.

In the meantime, this is all related to his speech. Kind of hard to miss.

View attachment 441962
He and they don't understand the significance of "context".

It's a notion that requires thinking more than half an inch deep.
Put this into context and make it an incitement to violence Mac1958

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."-President Donald Trump
One sentence.

You're choosing to ignore four years of his words, you're choosing to ignore what his proxies have been saying for years, you're choosing to ignore what was said by others at that rally, you're choosing to ignore other things he said at that rally.

You clearly lack the capacity to understand the concept and value of "context". I can't help you.

Charles Manson didn't stab anyone. He just placed the idea in the minds of weak people.
So, you can't put it into context and you want to run around with the goal posts and whine about what he has been saying for years.

You lose.
When added to the frenzy that he and his many proxies have created and fed over the last four years, absolutely.

Anyone who claims that Trump didn't know and understand the context is an abject fucking liar. He knew it and he ran with it.


And not only that, his family was partying in the big tent while the crowed massed, and he was busy calling senators trying to pressure them into changing their votes WHILE the capital was overrun and his brownshirts ransacking it looking for Pence and Pelosi and any Congress critter they could get with handcuffs and weapons.
NOT ONE attempt to check on his VP.
The thread is about his speech, Stupid

You still have nothing, Troll.

Did you say something hack? The bathroom is down the hall. You can't miss it, there's a sign.

In the meantime, this is all related to his speech. Kind of hard to miss.

View attachment 441962
He and they don't understand the significance of "context".

It's a notion that requires thinking more than half an inch deep.
Put this into context and make it an incitement to violence Mac1958

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."-President Donald Trump
One sentence.

You're choosing to ignore four years of his words, you're choosing to ignore what his proxies have been saying for years, you're choosing to ignore what was said by others at that rally, you're choosing to ignore other things he said at that rally.

You clearly lack the capacity to understand the concept and value of "context". I can't help you.

Charles Manson didn't stab anyone. He just placed the idea in the minds of weak people.
OH I totally understand "CONTEXT"! That's how come you have your biased information, i.e. the BIASED MSM that donated 96% to Hillary and 90% to Biden USE "context" to manipulate YOU! Why are people like you so childish, i.e. hate Trump because he is not politically correct? Hate Trump because he donated his 4 year salary? Hate Trump because he puts Americans/America/Families/Law enforcement/military first and you favor communist leaning Democrats?
It is so obvious that YOU are not sophisticated enough to comprehend Trump's NOT a politician and we didn't elect one!
We elected someone who wants the USA to be better than it was.
If you are an honest person, a informed person, then you'd been as Trump was totally against these statements and policies that Biden will attempt to push through. BE honest...tell me there is anything positive about the attached.
You are in favor of higher gas prices, higher utilities, 1,400 companies going out of business, 450,000 layoffs, $100 billion in Federal/state/local/property taxes gone? You in favor of destroying 1,000s of miles of open ocean? You are in favor of all the below...welcome to China!
Holy shit...

When you read the time line of events, what Trump as doing as it was all unfolding (and even his family couldn't get him to stop it until hours later)....how they were dancing and celebrating the fomentation of an angry violent mob...it's damning. Simply damning.

HEY Dummy!! You obviously don't know who OWNS Wapo! And again part of that "context" issue!!!!
The advent of the internet expanded the Post's national and international reach. In October 2013, the Graham family sold the newspaper to Nash Holdings, a holding company established by Jeff Bezos, for $250 million.
READ what the staff of WAPO wrote in 2016!
Woodward: Washington Post Assigns 20 Reporters to Dig Into Trump's Past
"There's a lot we don't know," Woodward told the National Association of Realtors convention, according to The Washington Examiner. "We have 20 people working on Trump, we're going to do a book, we're doing articles about every phase of his life."
Like I said, and have said before, things democrats do often turn around and bite them. If they successfully pull off this hate and punish TRUMP! over political differences, the same thing will happen to future democrat presidents, and there are a lot of politicians that have spewed a lot of hateful rhetoric that are going to have to watch over their shoulders. Biden especially has to be careful about going after TRUMP! after he leaves office, or he might face the same thing after he leaves.
This isn't over political differences. It has gone well beyond that now.
I agree with you! This is no longer political.
When people are being banned from airlines, Airline Union Calls for Rioters Who Participated in Capitol Unrest Be Banned From Flying
Insurance coverages dropped because of ...Curt Schilling: AIG Cancelled Our Insurance Due To My 'Social Media Profile'
this is going beyond politics.
Holy shit...

When you read the time line of events, what Trump as doing as it was all unfolding (and even his family couldn't get him to stop it until hours later)....how they were dancing and celebrating the fomentation of an angry violent mob...it's damning. Simply damning.

HEY Dummy!! You obviously don't know who OWNS Wapo! And again part of that "context" issue!!!!
The advent of the internet expanded the Post's national and international reach. In October 2013, the Graham family sold the newspaper to Nash Holdings, a holding company established by Jeff Bezos, for $250 million.
READ what the staff of WAPO wrote in 2016!
Woodward: Washington Post Assigns 20 Reporters to Dig Into Trump's Past
"There's a lot we don't know," Woodward told the National Association of Realtors convention, according to The Washington Examiner. "We have 20 people working on Trump, we're going to do a book, we're doing articles about every phase of his life."

Ok...for someone to criticize WaPo, and then turn to Newsmax and Washington Examiner...well, that's pretty funny!

Now, how does any of that relate to the timeline? Are you disputing any of it?
Like I said, and have said before, things democrats do often turn around and bite them. If they successfully pull off this hate and punish TRUMP! over political differences, the same thing will happen to future democrat presidents, and there are a lot of politicians that have spewed a lot of hateful rhetoric that are going to have to watch over their shoulders. Biden especially has to be careful about going after TRUMP! after he leaves office, or he might face the same thing after he leaves.
This isn't over political differences. It has gone well beyond that now.
It's been about political differences for years. Pelosi and crew have acted like children when it comes to TRUMP!, so when they hype up yet another issue, even when there might be something there, it is very difficult to take them seriously. And, like I said, if they succeed in this, it will only come back to bite them when a democrat president faces a hostile Congress.
U.S. House introduces article of impeachment, charging Trump with ‘incitement of insurrection’

Here is the actual transcript of the speech Pelosi claims "incitement of insurrection".
The actual last 10 minutes. WHERE is the INCITEMENT of INSURRECTION?
Do you people understand how duped you have been by the MSM? Remember the MSM gave 96% to Hillary and pissed it was wasted so they're making their 90% to Biden isn't wasted! Folks you have been DUPED!!! AND TO great harm!
PLEASE read the whole speech and tell me what was "INCITING"???

Donald Trump: (01:12:43)
So we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue,
I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we’re going to the Capitol and we’re going to try and give…
The Democrats are hopeless.
They’re never voting for anything, not even one vote.
But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones,
because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them
the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.
Donald Trump: (01:13:19)
So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all.
God bless you and God bless America. Thank you all for being here, this is incredible.
Thank you very much. Thank you.

We no longer live in a world of useful information via "news" and politics. Either this was the plan all along or PROGS simply got the gist of the internet. Regardless this was predicted by among other things Orwell's 1984.

But the information they do provide does provide some guidance. If PROGS say it what it means is:

Confession and/or
An internal document issued by an FBI office in Virginia the day before the insurrection warned that rioters in Washington D.C. were prepared to commit violent acts on the day Congress certified President-elect Joe Biden's victory.

One such call, posted on social media and shared in the FBI report, told Trump-supporters, "Be ready to fight. Congress needs to hear glass breaking, doors being kicked in, and blood from their BLM and Pantifa slave soldiers being spilled. Get violent. Stop calling this a march, or rally, or a protest. Go there ready for war. We get our President or we die. NOTHING else will achieve this goal

Sorry, the OP was about President Trump
Trump lives on he internet, he knows what's going on with his followers.
Like I said many times before..

If trumpers couldn't gaslight, they would have no light at all
you should get another saying---I read and wonder if you know what gaslight is.
Both sides are guilty.
Only one "side" is guilty for what happened at the Capital. Enough with the false "both sides" crapolla on this one.
Yes and that one side is the SWAMP mostly lib side-----------our corrupt pols need to march upon.
Like I said, and have said before, things democrats do often turn around and bite them. If they successfully pull off this hate and punish TRUMP! over political differences, the same thing will happen to future democrat presidents, and there are a lot of politicians that have spewed a lot of hateful rhetoric that are going to have to watch over their shoulders. Biden especially has to be careful about going after TRUMP! after he leaves office, or he might face the same thing after he leaves.
This isn't over political differences. It has gone well beyond that now.
Where have you been it has been about political corruption and political destruction of the country for a long long time.
An internal document issued by an FBI office in Virginia the day before the insurrection warned that rioters in Washington D.C. were prepared to commit violent acts on the day Congress certified President-elect Joe Biden's victory.

One such call, posted on social media and shared in the FBI report, told Trump-supporters, "Be ready to fight. Congress needs to hear glass breaking, doors being kicked in, and blood from their BLM and Pantifa slave soldiers being spilled. Get violent. Stop calling this a march, or rally, or a protest. Go there ready for war. We get our President or we die. NOTHING else will achieve this goal

Sorry, the OP was about President Trump
Trump lives on he internet, he knows what's going on with his followers.
Don't we all live on the internet-------Trumps supporters aren't the problem --Corrupt pols and their corrupt puppet masters including soros and china ---and their brown shirts attacking the US are.
Like I said, and have said before, things democrats do often turn around and bite them. If they successfully pull off this hate and punish TRUMP! over political differences, the same thing will happen to future democrat presidents, and there are a lot of politicians that have spewed a lot of hateful rhetoric that are going to have to watch over their shoulders. Biden especially has to be careful about going after TRUMP! after he leaves office, or he might face the same thing after he leaves.
This isn't over political differences. It has gone well beyond that now.
It's been about political differences for years. Pelosi and crew have acted like children when it comes to TRUMP!, so when they hype up yet another issue, even when there might be something there, it is very difficult to take them seriously. And, like I said, if they succeed in this, it will only come back to bite them when a democrat president faces a hostile Congress.
Assuming voter fraud is the same as was this year, a "hostile Congress" won't happen ever again.
With the biased MSM continuing to present 90+% negative stories about Trump, Trump supporters, and some conservative GOPs, the RINOs, Democrats, communists will prevail. It truly is a lost cause and I'm glad I'm 78 and not going to be around long enough to see the total demise of the USA as I've known it!
Adults 65 and older account for 16% of the US population but 80% of COVID-19 deaths in the US, somewhat higher than their share of deaths from all causes (75%) over the same period.

So with the political attitude sliding into communism, anarchy and basically a lack of civilized behavior especially from Democrats like the below AND couple with the above, I truly am saddened for my granddaughter's future.
COVID, impeachment, impoundment, "WOKENESS", Banning, all elements of a bracelet society! (Bracelet describing how
continual tying down people's lives to a government standard.)
So saying “fight” in a speech is inciting violence?

You sure you want to stick to that story?

Trump was still speaking when the organized group began breaking into the Capitol. And both the Senate and House Sargeant At Arms, as well as the Chief of the Capitol Police, have since resigned.

President Trump incited nothing.

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