Where was the outrage when

Obama told Dmitri Medvedev that he would have more flexibility after the election and a year after that we sold them 20% of our uranium? Not to mention Hillary getting a HUGE donation right after?
Where was the outrage when Lynch had a PRIVATE meeting with bill as she was investigating his wife who was running for President?
What about when Obama was mocking Romney for saying Russia was such a threat? You lap dogs ate that shit up.
You people are fucking JOKES. Disingenuous hacks is ALL you are
Admit it, you don't really give a fuck about the actions. You just give a fuck about a letter.

You were outraged by all of that weren't you?
Youre grounded for being so stupid.
youre a boy. im a man. and ur mad
That's debatable. You are the only "man" I know that takes selfies in front of the mirror. We call them gays or chicks around here.
Internet tough guy Ring the Alarm
That's the new standard you want to set? Slinging shit to each other is now acting like a tough guy? Really? You must be getting desperate..
Well Sally when all your post are about your supposed manhood I mean what are you trying to let people know besides you're an internet tough guy all up in his feels like what
Lol ok
Obama told Dmitri Medvedev that he would have more flexibility after the election and a year after that we sold them 20% of our uranium? Not to mention Hillary getting a HUGE donation right after?
Where was the outrage when Lynch had a PRIVATE meeting with bill as she was investigating his wife who was running for President?
What about when Obama was mocking Romney for saying Russia was such a threat? You lap dogs ate that shit up.
You people are fucking JOKES. Disingenuous hacks is ALL you are
Admit it, you don't really give a fuck about the actions. You just give a fuck about a letter.
TRY FACTCHECKING before you post!

the clinton foundation charity received donations from a man who had uranium connections 5 years BEFORE the deal was made, when she was a Senator.

this donor, sold off the Uranium company he was affiliated with a few years before that company with new owners offered to buy the usa uranium company

NONE of this USA Uranium EVER LEAVES the USA....it never gets in the hands of the Russians
Obama told Dmitri Medvedev that he would have more flexibility after the election and a year after that we sold them 20% of our uranium? Not to mention Hillary getting a HUGE donation right after?
Where was the outrage when Lynch had a PRIVATE meeting with bill as she was investigating his wife who was running for President?
What about when Obama was mocking Romney for saying Russia was such a threat? You lap dogs ate that shit up.
You people are fucking JOKES. Disingenuous hacks is ALL you are
Admit it, you don't really give a fuck about the actions. You just give a fuck about a letter.
TRY FACTCHECKING before you post!

the clinton foundation charity received donations from a man who had uranium connections 5 years BEFORE the deal was made, when she was a Senator.

this donor, sold off the Uranium company he was affiliated with a few years before that company with new owners offered to buy the usa uranium company

NONE of this USA Uranium EVER LEAVES the USA....it never gets in the hands of the Russians

Im talking about Ian Tefler
The Russians still control 20% of our uranium production. There is no way around it.
Podesta even lobbied for uranium one :eusa_shhh:
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Obama told Dmitri Medvedev that he would have more flexibility after the election and a year after that we sold them 20% of our uranium? Not to mention Hillary getting a HUGE donation right after?
Where was the outrage when Lynch had a PRIVATE meeting with bill as she was investigating his wife who was running for President?
What about when Obama was mocking Romney for saying Russia was such a threat? You lap dogs ate that shit up.
You people are fucking JOKES. Disingenuous hacks is ALL you are
Admit it, you don't really give a fuck about the actions. You just give a fuck about a letter.
Well, we didn't sell them 20% of "our" uranium, and no one suspected Obama of oweing his finacncial well being to Putin.
Clinton got half a million dollars from Moscow for giving one speech.
Try again.
What the fuck does that have to do with Putins' possible owning the Potus?

Nothing. Because there is no reason to give that theory any credit
Riiiiiiight. I see nuzzzing. LOL
Obama told Dmitri Medvedev that he would have more flexibility after the election and a year after that we sold them 20% of our uranium? Not to mention Hillary getting a HUGE donation right after?
Where was the outrage when Lynch had a PRIVATE meeting with bill as she was investigating his wife who was running for President?
What about when Obama was mocking Romney for saying Russia was such a threat? You lap dogs ate that shit up.
You people are fucking JOKES. Disingenuous hacks is ALL you are
Admit it, you don't really give a fuck about the actions. You just give a fuck about a letter.
Well, we didn't sell them 20% of "our" uranium, and no one suspected Obama of oweing his finacncial well being to Putin.
Clinton got half a million dollars from Moscow for giving one speech.
Try again.
What the fuck does that have to do with Putins' possible owning the Potus?
You wanted Hillary to be President knowing she was accepting bribes from the Kremlin and you have the audacity to ask that question?

Your faux outrage is noted.
Let Vladimir know I will be more flexible after the election.
Obama told Dmitri Medvedev that he would have more flexibility after the election and a year after that we sold them 20% of our uranium? Not to mention Hillary getting a HUGE donation right after?
Where was the outrage when Lynch had a PRIVATE meeting with bill as she was investigating his wife who was running for President?
What about when Obama was mocking Romney for saying Russia was such a threat? You lap dogs ate that shit up.
You people are fucking JOKES. Disingenuous hacks is ALL you are
Admit it, you don't really give a fuck about the actions. You just give a fuck about a letter.
Well, we didn't sell them 20% of "our" uranium, and no one suspected Obama of oweing his finacncial well being to Putin.
Clinton got half a million dollars from Moscow for giving one speech.
Try again.

Swing and a miss. Show where 20% of our uranium was exported to Russia.
What does that have to do with Clinton accepting a bribe from the Kremlin?
Talk to the NY Times, even they smell the rot.
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

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