Where was the outrage when

Okay. Philosophical question: If we take a pass on criticizing what we feel is wrong based on the fact that in the past someone "on our side" may have also done something wrong...doesn't that pretty much preclude anyone from criticizing anything ever?
Was that too complicated a sentence? Fuzzy brain syndrome today.
Fair question. However, I think you give the hacks too much credit. Lol..
Also, my point was that they don't act like they care until the other side does it. Selective outrage, if you will.
I'm doing some eyerolling at the outrage from the left. Some of it I get; a lot of it I don't. But your "point" leads to what I postulated. So you're just saying Dems are hypocrites, right? The light dawns on Old Lady Land.
wtf is the purpose of pointing these things out for one "side," its so geeky
you coulda said oh the right are hypocrites they cared about russia and now its all cool
aka ya coulda said nothing whatsoever, serves no purpose to make anyone seem worse than anyone is hacksville
LMAO I honestly tried to understand that post..
i tried to understand the purpose of whining about hypocrisy when, in this particular scenario, it exists on both sides equally obviously, snowflake.
Yeah, my argument loses merit because I was being specific. :rofl: Give me a break
your argument loses merit because you cherry picked 1/2 of the hypocrisy circle in order to whine about it on a messageboard....

no "where is the rights outrage about russia NOW," thread tho.

cuz like you have merit and stuff, cornball
Lol, you are a fucking idiot.
wtf is the purpose of pointing these things out for one "side," its so geeky
you coulda said oh the right are hypocrites they cared about russia and now its all cool
aka ya coulda said nothing whatsoever, serves no purpose to make anyone seem worse than anyone is hacksville
LMAO I honestly tried to understand that post..
i tried to understand the purpose of whining about hypocrisy when, in this particular scenario, it exists on both sides equally obviously, snowflake.
Yeah, my argument loses merit because I was being specific. :rofl: Give me a break
your argument loses merit because you cherry picked 1/2 of the hypocrisy circle in order to whine about it on a messageboard....

no "where is the rights outrage about russia NOW," thread tho.

cuz like you have merit and stuff, cornball
Lol, you are a fucking idiot.
that leaves you as what, a single celled organism?
Okay. Philosophical question: If we take a pass on criticizing what we feel is wrong based on the fact that in the past someone "on our side" may have also done something wrong...doesn't that pretty much preclude anyone from criticizing anything ever?
Was that too complicated a sentence? Fuzzy brain syndrome today.
Fair question. However, I think you give the hacks too much credit. Lol..
Also, my point was that they don't act like they care until the other side does it. Selective outrage, if you will.
I'm doing some eyerolling at the outrage from the left. Some of it I get; a lot of it I don't. But your "point" leads to what I postulated. So you're just saying Dems are hypocrites, right? The light dawns on Old Lady Land.
Yes. Most partisans are, but this particular situation just seemed important. Like the severity of the things they claim, then to ignore things just as important, if not more.. IDK, you get what I am saying?
LMAO I honestly tried to understand that post..
i tried to understand the purpose of whining about hypocrisy when, in this particular scenario, it exists on both sides equally obviously, snowflake.
Yeah, my argument loses merit because I was being specific. :rofl: Give me a break
your argument loses merit because you cherry picked 1/2 of the hypocrisy circle in order to whine about it on a messageboard....

no "where is the rights outrage about russia NOW," thread tho.

cuz like you have merit and stuff, cornball
Lol, you are a fucking idiot.
that leaves you as what, a single celled organism?
Your daddy
i tried to understand the purpose of whining about hypocrisy when, in this particular scenario, it exists on both sides equally obviously, snowflake.
Yeah, my argument loses merit because I was being specific. :rofl: Give me a break
your argument loses merit because you cherry picked 1/2 of the hypocrisy circle in order to whine about it on a messageboard....

no "where is the rights outrage about russia NOW," thread tho.

cuz like you have merit and stuff, cornball
Lol, you are a fucking idiot.
that leaves you as what, a single celled organism?
Your daddy
oh here we go with the sudden onset internet tough guy routine because your thread is retarded and youre mad
Yeah, my argument loses merit because I was being specific. :rofl: Give me a break
your argument loses merit because you cherry picked 1/2 of the hypocrisy circle in order to whine about it on a messageboard....

no "where is the rights outrage about russia NOW," thread tho.

cuz like you have merit and stuff, cornball
Lol, you are a fucking idiot.
that leaves you as what, a single celled organism?
Your daddy
oh here we go with the sudden onset internet tough guy routine because your thread is retarded and youre mad
tough guy? WTF are you talking about?
You need to go back to the basement and talk about podcasts and dick taste, bro.
Obama told Dmitri Medvedev that he would have more flexibility after the election and a year after that we sold them 20% of our uranium? Not to mention Hillary getting a HUGE donation right after?
Where was the outrage when Lynch had a PRIVATE meeting with bill as she was investigating his wife who was running for President?
What about when Obama was mocking Romney for saying Russia was such a threat? You lap dogs ate that shit up.
You people are fucking JOKES. Disingenuous hacks is ALL you are
Admit it, you don't really give a fuck about the actions. You just give a fuck about a letter.
Well, we didn't sell them 20% of "our" uranium, and no one suspected Obama of oweing his finacncial well being to Putin.
Clinton got half a million dollars from Moscow for giving one speech.
Try again.

Swing and a miss. Show where 20% of our uranium was exported to Russia.
Obama told Dmitri Medvedev that he would have more flexibility after the election and a year after that we sold them 20% of our uranium? Not to mention Hillary getting a HUGE donation right after?
Where was the outrage when Lynch had a PRIVATE meeting with bill as she was investigating his wife who was running for President?
What about when Obama was mocking Romney for saying Russia was such a threat? You lap dogs ate that shit up.
You people are fucking JOKES. Disingenuous hacks is ALL you are
Admit it, you don't really give a fuck about the actions. You just give a fuck about a letter.

Why are you obsessed about what posters think? Stick to the issues.
lol kay daddy
That's my little girl! ;)
back to your wah wah thread that passes for intellectual conversation in your mind I'll stick with dick jokes thanks
Hypocrisy and dishonesty isn't intellectual. Do you really think I expected one of the leftist hacks to say something smart? Are you fucking retarded?
^ there it is, the debunking of your own mythical creature of a thread - in one post.

you wont get that though, fella
lol kay daddy
That's my little girl! ;)
back to your wah wah thread that passes for intellectual conversation in your mind I'll stick with dick jokes thanks
Hypocrisy and dishonesty isn't intellectual. Do you really think I expected one of the leftist hacks to say something smart? Are you fucking retarded?
^ there it is, the debunking of your own mythical creature of a thread - in one post.

you wont get that though, fella
Mythical? Oh, im sorry, snowflake. Is what I said wrong?
lol kay daddy
That's my little girl! ;)
back to your wah wah thread that passes for intellectual conversation in your mind I'll stick with dick jokes thanks
Hypocrisy and dishonesty isn't intellectual. Do you really think I expected one of the leftist hacks to say something smart? Are you fucking retarded?
^ there it is, the debunking of your own mythical creature of a thread - in one post.

you wont get that though, fella
Mythical? Oh, im sorry, snowflake. Is what I said wrong?
Your thread is hypocritical by the same nature as which it complains.

If you werent such a knowitall with a side dish of ego, you'da maybe made 4 of those 2+2s.
That's my little girl! ;)
back to your wah wah thread that passes for intellectual conversation in your mind I'll stick with dick jokes thanks
Hypocrisy and dishonesty isn't intellectual. Do you really think I expected one of the leftist hacks to say something smart? Are you fucking retarded?
^ there it is, the debunking of your own mythical creature of a thread - in one post.

you wont get that though, fella
Mythical? Oh, im sorry, snowflake. Is what I said wrong?
Your thread is hypocritical by the same nature as which it complains.

If you werent such a knowitall with a side dish of ego, you'da maybe made 4 of those 2+2s.
Just because I get specific, doesn't mean its hypocritical you fucking moron. I speak out against both sides all the time. You know that.
And what you just said doesn't equate to your terminology of "mythical." Do you understand what "mythical" means?
I think the only time GT opens his mouth is to change feet....

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back to your wah wah thread that passes for intellectual conversation in your mind I'll stick with dick jokes thanks
Hypocrisy and dishonesty isn't intellectual. Do you really think I expected one of the leftist hacks to say something smart? Are you fucking retarded?
^ there it is, the debunking of your own mythical creature of a thread - in one post.

you wont get that though, fella
Mythical? Oh, im sorry, snowflake. Is what I said wrong?
Your thread is hypocritical by the same nature as which it complains.

If you werent such a knowitall with a side dish of ego, you'da maybe made 4 of those 2+2s.
Just because I get specific, doesn't mean its hypocritical you fucking moron. I speak out against both sides all the time. You know that.
And what you just said doesn't equate to your terminology of "mythical." Do you understand what "mythical" means?
What you don't understand is that you're in a thread complaining about one side's hypocrisy over Russia while both sides were hypocritical over Russia and you're only saying something for one side which is the same exact thing they're doing.......


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