where was the panic during the swine flu outbreak ?

Obama let over 80,000 people die from swine flu because he wouldn't ask Congress for oinkment.
Obama asked Congress for "oinkment" BEFORE anyone died!!!!
Don't you worthless lying scum POS ever get tired of lying?????

The H1N1 influenza virus was discovered in the United States in the spring of 2009 and spread around the world.
It was originally referred to as "swine flu" because many genes in the virus were similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs in North America.

The Obama administration declared H1N1 a public health emergency on April 26, 2009.
That was when only 20 cases of H1N1 — and no deaths — around the country had been confirmed.

Two days later, the administration made an initial funding request for H1N1 to Congress. Eventually $7.65 billion was allocated for a vaccine and other measures.

What was "eventually"?
June 22, 2009 the bill passed the Senate, it passed the House 2 days earlier. Again long before the Right's October lie.

While a technicality, NOT a lie....From "medpage.com at the time...

"WASHINGTON -- President Obama has upped the ante in the battle to control the H1N1 flu by declaring it a national emergency, the second such declaration since the flu first emerged last spring.

The White House said the proclamation, which was signed late Friday, will allow public health agencies as well as doctors and hospitals to bypass certain requirements, but details about how that will transfer into clinical practice are not clear.

The proclamation notes that the declaration is a precautionary measure, "given that the rapid increase in illness across the Nation may overburden healthcare resources and that the temporary waiver of certain standard Federal requirements may be warranted in order to enable U.S. healthcare facilities to implement emergency operations plans."

At least one extraordinary step -- FDA permission to use the investigational antiviral peramivir to treat patients who are critically ill with H1N1 -- was also announced yesterday.

Last April, in the early days of the H1N1 outbreak, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, speaking for the administration, declared a public health emergency. That declaration freed up supplies of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) from the national stockpile.

At a press briefing yesterday, CDC director Thomas Frieden, MD, said that H1N1 has thus far claimed more than 1,000 American lives, a death toll that includes about 100 children. Moreover, 46 states are reporting widespead flu activity.


So, this report was from October 2009. Note that Obama himself didn't declare a health emergency, and by that time as the article points out, over 1000 had died, including 100 children....

Now, not a word at the time from liberals about how the Obama administration was failing at being prepared for the H1N1 virus, but we are ALL to forget that, because as long as we can lie, blow out of proportion, and smear Trump with this, the better...

It's dishonest. Period.
the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?
There was no panic because the media didn't panic them.
the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?
We had a trusted, reliable, leader who took the disease seriously from the start.

That's the difference.

And I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you and other delusional BO bozos.
the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?
We had a trusted, reliable, leader who took the disease seriously from the start.

That's the difference.

And I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you and other delusional BO bozos.
As has already been discussed, president Obama was widely trusted by most except the faux noise brainwash victims.
the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?
We had a trusted, reliable, leader who took the disease seriously from the start.

That's the difference.

And I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you and other delusional BO bozos.
As has already been discussed, president Obama was widely trusted by most except the faux noise brainwash victims.

To the looney left maybe.
the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?
We had a trusted, reliable, leader who took the disease seriously from the start.

That's the difference.

And I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you and other delusional BO bozos.
As has already been discussed, president Obama was widely trusted by most except the faux noise brainwash victims.

To the looney left maybe.
Your brainwashing is showing.
Last April, in the early days of the H1N1 outbreak, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, speaking for the administration, declared a public health emergency. That declaration freed up supplies of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) from the national stockpile.
So, this report was from October 2009. Note that Obama himself didn't declare a health emergency, and by that time as the article points out, over 1000 had died, including 100 children....

Now, not a word at the time from liberals about how the Obama administration was failing at being prepared for the H1N1 virus, but we are ALL to forget that, because as long as we can lie, blow out of proportion, and smear Trump with this, the better...

It's dishonest. Period.
You are dishonest! PERIOD!
You claim the Obama administration failed because Obama himself didn't declare a health emergency while at the same time admitting that the Obama administration actually did take steps to not only prepare but also treat the virus in April!!!
the swine flu h1n1 infected millions in the US and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized and thousands died ! where was the panic ? and where was the criticism of the Obama administrations poor performance in containing it ? i hate to politicize the covid 19 outbreak but that ship has already sailed thanks to the left ! but hopefully we will not loose nearly as many Americans to covid 19 as we did to swine flu h1n1 ...and if we dont what will the left have to say about the Trump administrations response compared to Obamas response to swine flu h1n1 a less lethal virus that killed thousands and hospitalized hundreds of thousands ?
Where the panic level for a disease with a fraction of the transmission ability of COVID-19 belongs. But then again, conservatives absolutely shit mountains into their pants over Ebola despite it having zero chance of spreading in the U.S. That must be why you're asking this question.
Obama did all he could to help Ebola find a suitable American host
Last April, in the early days of the H1N1 outbreak, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, speaking for the administration, declared a public health emergency. That declaration freed up supplies of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) from the national stockpile.
So, this report was from October 2009. Note that Obama himself didn't declare a health emergency, and by that time as the article points out, over 1000 had died, including 100 children....

Now, not a word at the time from liberals about how the Obama administration was failing at being prepared for the H1N1 virus, but we are ALL to forget that, because as long as we can lie, blow out of proportion, and smear Trump with this, the better...

It's dishonest. Period.
You are dishonest! PERIOD!
You claim the Obama administration failed because Obama himself didn't declare a health emergency while at the same time admitting that the Obama administration actually did take steps to not only prepare but also treat the virus in April!!!

Well, that's right...Good for the goose and all...Look, post after post in here, thread after thread, all have one thing in common, they are collections of Trump hatred from liberals, progressives, and never Trumpers.

All that is being promoted from these groups is Trump blame. Hell, I'm surprised that I haven't read a post saying that Trump flew to China secretly and planted the virus himself in the middle of the night....It's ridiculous.
Obama let over 80,000 people die from swine flu because he wouldn't ask Congress for oinkment.
Obama asked Congress for "oinkment" BEFORE anyone died!!!!
Don't you worthless lying scum POS ever get tired of lying?????

The H1N1 influenza virus was discovered in the United States in the spring of 2009 and spread around the world.
It was originally referred to as "swine flu" because many genes in the virus were similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs in North America.

The Obama administration declared H1N1 a public health emergency on April 26, 2009.
That was when only 20 cases of H1N1 — and no deaths — around the country had been confirmed.

Two days later, the administration made an initial funding request for H1N1 to Congress. Eventually $7.65 billion was allocated for a vaccine and other measures.

What was "eventually"?
June 22, 2009 the bill passed the Senate, it passed the House 2 days earlier. Again long before the Right's October lie.
Obungo was playing golf while 1800 children were dying from H1N1.
Lock him up.
I s
Obama did nothing while 136 children died from H1N1. Nice job.

This is really pissing me off. You guys just aren't trying anymore. How placid can you get. In the good old days of fine Fauxrage, ya'll would come up with something like "Obama played golf X number of times while hundreds of babies perish from N1H1 super virus! Yet, his government does nothing!"

They hear one thing on FOX and they run with it I sure wish they'd take Nunes advice and start hanging out in bars and restaurants and if they're in Ohio or Illinois go to a state that is still open. They are closing all restaurants and bars tonight I believe indefintely except for take out if it's available.
Cooler heads prevailed?

FOXNews.com - World gov'ts race to contain swine flu outbreak - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News

WASHINGTON — Governments are racing to find and contain pockets of swine flu around the globe, seeking to stem both the threat of a pandemic and public panic.

"We're preparing in an environment where we really don't know ultimately what the size or seriousness of this outbreak is going to be," U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Sunday.

In Mexico, the outbreak's epicenter, soldiers handed out 6 million face masks to help stop the spread of the novel virus that is suspected in up to 103 deaths. Most other countries are reporting only mild cases so far, with most of the sick already recovering. Cases have been confirmed in Canada _ six _ and the U.S. _ 20 _ and other countries from Spain to New Zealand were investigating whether other people with flulike symptoms really have this new swine flu or something else.

There is not a global pandemic yet, but waiting until scientists know if the new virus is going to spread rapidly and easily would be too late.

The U.S. declared the health emergency amid confusion about whether new numbers really mean ongoing infections _ or just that health officials had missed something simmering for weeks or months. But the move allows the government to ship roughly 12 million doses of flu-fighting medications from a federal stockpile to states in case they eventually need them.

A spokesman for the World Health Organization, Peter Cordingley, said the virus was spreading quickly in Mexico and the southern U.S. and has the potential to become a pandemic and a global threat.

President Barack Obama is set to address the health crisis Monday in remarks to a meeting of the nation's top scientists. His administration sought on Sunday to strike a balance, informing Americans without panicking them.
and millions of Americans were infected and thousands died and hundreds of thousands were hospitalized because of swine flu a less fatal and less infectious disease than covid 19 ! thanks to Trump we haven't seen those numbers and we wont ! Trump is a much much better leader !

We won't if everything is shut completely down for a month.
Libs hate it that we rub their noses in the rotted festering stench of the liberal double standard, Obama vs Trump. Deal with it snowflakes.
and the irony is they started it ! once again they politicized something that should not be politicized and now its going to bite them in the ass again ! especially when compared to bidens and obamas handling of the swine flu a less lethal and less contagious disease that infected millions and killed thousands in the US !

You are one dumb fuck the right started politicizing from the beginning.
The difference is that we had a president who knew what he was doing, inspired confidence, and did spread misinformation or tweet inanities.
Don really wasn't beaten enough as a child.
On the other hand, you were dropped on your head multiple times.
Don's been publicly observed for decades, the entire world bore witness. You on the other hand have to invent what you poutily schpew.
I have to invent what?

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