Where would we be now if we had continued to follow Bush's Republican Policies?

Bill Clinton was bombing a defenseless country in Europe while the 9-11 terrorists (some of whom were in the U.S. illegally) were attending flight school and his idiot A.G. was issuing an order that the CIA couldn't share information with the FBI. About 36% of democrats voted for boots on the ground in Iraq and then they played the treason card and undermined the mission. Democrats gained the majority in both houses of congress midterm in Bush's last term and the first thing on the agenda was ...steroid use in Baseball. The homosexual chairperson of the powerful House Banking Committee which had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae told Americans that Fannie was stable and solvent while it became unsolvent and unstable under his supervision. The Country was doing fine financially until Fannie Mae suddenly collapsed under the democrat party's supervision bringing the world's economy down. Meanwhile Cindy Sheehan's anti-war people were hanging president Bush in effigy and camping out on the Bush ranch. All of a sudden the anti-war people disappeared when Barry Hussein was elected even though the Military was still engaged in combat.

You are as fucking ignorant as Roo......it was the failure of Bear Stearns and Lehman which kicked off the Financial Crisis, though the Seeds of Mass Destruction had been sown in the years prior.....Fannie and Freddie did not hold the bulk of the bad mortgage paper......in fact, they were late to that party....

Shows the ineptness of NeedleDick!

I'm not the one who claimed the POTUS was in charge of QE, FOX Sucker....nor did I endorse Vagisil's idiotic Newsmax cite....

LMAO, dipshit.

The Treasury Dept is part of the Executive Branch, god what an imbecile you are.

Which has WHAT, exactly, to do with QE?

My apologies.

I thought you were more intelligent than that.

Who is in charge of the Executive Branch?

You've been dodging the question.....

What role does the Executive Branch, or Treasury, play in QE?

Feel free to huddle with Vagisil on this....

(smile) Kid is it your assertion that the Treasury Dept would issue all of those bonds without George's or Obambi's authorizations ?

I own you kid.


Treasury auctions treasury instruments to cover operations of the Federal Government......that has NOTHING to do with QE.....and with respect to primary markets, it doesn't have anything to do with the FED either.......

and it doesn't do so at the say so of the Executive Branch....

damn, are you people fucking stupid.....you cast two votes for Scrub, didn't you?
Ice I NEVER dodge a question, I pose them.


I haven't gone anywhere....

When do you stop dodging to answer them?

One more time.......explain what Treasury or the Executive branch has to do with QE......in a few discreet bullet points....

If you can't, you're just more roadkill......
LMAO, dipshit.

The Treasury Dept is part of the Executive Branch, god what an imbecile you are.

Which has WHAT, exactly, to do with QE?

My apologies.

I thought you were more intelligent than that.

Who is in charge of the Executive Branch?

You've been dodging the question.....

What role does the Executive Branch, or Treasury, play in QE?

Feel free to huddle with Vagisil on this....

(smile) Kid is it your assertion that the Treasury Dept would issue all of those bonds without George's or Obambi's authorizations ?

I own you kid.


Treasury auctions treasury instruments to cover operations of the Federal Government......that has NOTHING to do with QE.....and with respect to primary markets, it doesn't have anything to do with the FED either.......

and it doesn't do so at the say so of the Executive Branch....

damn, are you people fucking stupid.....you cast two votes for Scrub, didn't you?

Yes or no.

The Treasury Dept which is a part of the Executive Branch can issue Bonds WITHOUT the knowledge or the of the ok of said Branch?

Yes or no kid.
Bill Clinton was bombing a defenseless country in Europe while the 9-11 terrorists (some of whom were in the U.S. illegally) were attending flight school and his idiot A.G. was issuing an order that the CIA couldn't share information with the FBI. About 36% of democrats voted for boots on the ground in Iraq and then they played the treason card and undermined the mission. Democrats gained the majority in both houses of congress midterm in Bush's last term and the first thing on the agenda was ...steroid use in Baseball. The homosexual chairperson of the powerful House Banking Committee which had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae told Americans that Fannie was stable and solvent while it became unsolvent and unstable under his supervision. The Country was doing fine financially until Fannie Mae suddenly collapsed under the democrat party's supervision bringing the world's economy down. Meanwhile Cindy Sheehan's anti-war people were hanging president Bush in effigy and camping out on the Bush ranch. All of a sudden the anti-war people disappeared when Barry Hussein was elected even though the Military was still engaged in combat.

You are as fucking ignorant as Roo......it was the failure of Bear Stearns and Lehman which kicked off the Financial Crisis, though the Seeds of Mass Destruction had been sown in the years prior.....Fannie and Freddie did not hold the bulk of the bad mortgage paper......in fact, they were late to that party....

Shows the ineptness of NeedleDick!

Vagisil........you can cruise the innertubes all night in search of shit posted by people every bit as ignorant as you.......or you could read the report of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission......
This thread is in the Politics forum and Zone 2 rules apply

  • "Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum / Environment Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.
I feel sorry for anyone who thinks that any given Dept of any given Branch can act independently of it's head.
Which has WHAT, exactly, to do with QE?

My apologies.

I thought you were more intelligent than that.

Who is in charge of the Executive Branch?

You've been dodging the question.....

What role does the Executive Branch, or Treasury, play in QE?

Feel free to huddle with Vagisil on this....

(smile) Kid is it your assertion that the Treasury Dept would issue all of those bonds without George's or Obambi's authorizations ?

I own you kid.


Treasury auctions treasury instruments to cover operations of the Federal Government......that has NOTHING to do with QE.....and with respect to primary markets, it doesn't have anything to do with the FED either.......

and it doesn't do so at the say so of the Executive Branch....

damn, are you people fucking stupid.....you cast two votes for Scrub, didn't you?

Yes or no.

The Treasury Dept which is a part of the Executive Branch can issue Bonds WITHOUT the knowledge or the of the ok of said Branch?

Yes or no kid.

The Treasury issues bonds to meet the obligations consequent the Congressional appropriations process.....

Now why don't you desist in this amateurish bluffing and either answer the question, or get back to exchanging reacharounds with Vagisil....
These libs make like the haven't done the same shit. They piled on more debt that even Bush did. The only people who have done better since Bush are the wealthy. But keep Blaming Bush because for 7 years you've done the same shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That would be a neat trick given that Federal Spending has grown at its lowest rate in more than 50 years.....what you are queefing about is what adults call "structural deficit" - yet another legacy of the worst POTUS of the modern era....

Bush raised the debt 4.8 Trillion to 10.8 trillion and you libs bitched non-stop. Your guys spends another 8 trillion and tops our debt over 18 Trillion with a year left in his administration and you want to blame Bush. Your guy is the worst POTUS in history. There is nothing structured about the debt. You libs are going to get credit for your bad policies in the coming election.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You're a fucking simpleton....

Scrub was bequeathed a surplus along with cumulative projected surpluses exceeding 5 trillion over the coming decade....

In the wake of his disastrous reign, we had the largest deficit on record and the CBO was projecting a cumulative deficit to follow in excess of 5 trillion.....when the scale of the Great Recession became apparent, that rose to 8 trillion.....

in short, the worst POTUS of the modern era effected a newt swing approaching 18 trillion.......to the bad....

Talk to CBS. National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush

Even they know you are a liberal kool-aid sucking jerkoff. Do you want to go into what caused the Housing Bubble? You Dems and your shit policies are going out the door. You can take you opinion and your blame Bush bullshit with you on your way out the door. The man made one mistake in Iraq while you guy launched most of the Middle East into war. We will be fighting there again because of the jackass in the Oval Office and you douchebags still want to blame Bush. The last 7 years are on you shitheads.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What DOESN'T the headline say?

It doesn't say "Obama has added more debt", does it?

Do you have any idea what a "structural deficit" is?

You are the one who doesn't have a clue. Both the base( structural) and the cyclical deficit increased under Obama. While Bush expanded the cyclical budget with war expenditures, Obama has increased both. The budget deficit has increased under Obama because of two issues. The first is that we are spending more and the second is that we had less income to the government.

Finally, you don't seem to understand basic math. Please come back when you understand that 8 trillion is more than 4.9 trillion.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My apologies.

I thought you were more intelligent than that.

Who is in charge of the Executive Branch?

You've been dodging the question.....

What role does the Executive Branch, or Treasury, play in QE?

Feel free to huddle with Vagisil on this....

(smile) Kid is it your assertion that the Treasury Dept would issue all of those bonds without George's or Obambi's authorizations ?

I own you kid.


Treasury auctions treasury instruments to cover operations of the Federal Government......that has NOTHING to do with QE.....and with respect to primary markets, it doesn't have anything to do with the FED either.......

and it doesn't do so at the say so of the Executive Branch....

damn, are you people fucking stupid.....you cast two votes for Scrub, didn't you?

Yes or no.

The Treasury Dept which is a part of the Executive Branch can issue Bonds WITHOUT the knowledge or the of the ok of said Branch?

Yes or no kid.

The Treasury issues bonds to meet the obligations consequent the Congressional appropriations process.....

Now why don't you desist in this amateurish bluffing and either answer the question, or get back to exchanging reacharounds with Vagisil....

Good finally you admit the Executive Branche's duplicity in this.

Now , if the Executive Branch gave no authorizations of said Bonds.....why would the Fed buy such Bonds?

Where did the 85 Billion a month for 7 years go?
That would be a neat trick given that Federal Spending has grown at its lowest rate in more than 50 years.....what you are queefing about is what adults call "structural deficit" - yet another legacy of the worst POTUS of the modern era....

Bush raised the debt 4.8 Trillion to 10.8 trillion and you libs bitched non-stop. Your guys spends another 8 trillion and tops our debt over 18 Trillion with a year left in his administration and you want to blame Bush. Your guy is the worst POTUS in history. There is nothing structured about the debt. You libs are going to get credit for your bad policies in the coming election.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You're a fucking simpleton....

Scrub was bequeathed a surplus along with cumulative projected surpluses exceeding 5 trillion over the coming decade....

In the wake of his disastrous reign, we had the largest deficit on record and the CBO was projecting a cumulative deficit to follow in excess of 5 trillion.....when the scale of the Great Recession became apparent, that rose to 8 trillion.....

in short, the worst POTUS of the modern era effected a newt swing approaching 18 trillion.......to the bad....

Talk to CBS. National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush

Even they know you are a liberal kool-aid sucking jerkoff. Do you want to go into what caused the Housing Bubble? You Dems and your shit policies are going out the door. You can take you opinion and your blame Bush bullshit with you on your way out the door. The man made one mistake in Iraq while you guy launched most of the Middle East into war. We will be fighting there again because of the jackass in the Oval Office and you douchebags still want to blame Bush. The last 7 years are on you shitheads.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What DOESN'T the headline say?

It doesn't say "Obama has added more debt", does it?

Do you have any idea what a "structural deficit" is?

You are the one who doesn't have a clue. Both the base( structural) and the cyclical deficit increased under Obama. While Bush expanded the cyclical budget with war expenditures, Obama has increased both. The budget deficit has increased under Obama because of two issues. The first is that we are spending more and the second is that we had less income to the government.

Finally, you don't seem to understand basic math. Please come back when you understand that 8 trillion is more than 4.9 trillion.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You are ignorant....

Bush's policies were fine. Government statistics often point out to the lowest gas prices since the Bush years or the lowest unemployment since 2008. Fannie Mae collapsed and brought down the economy while democrats were in charge. Democrat Barney Frank told us that Fannie was solvent and doing fine while it was on the verge of collapse. Was Frank a fool or did he intend to let Fannie Mae go down as the biggest October surprise in history. Surprisingly nobody in the mainstream media ever asked him why he told Americans that Fannie was solvent an he sailed away in retirement with his new husband and was never heard from again.
You've been dodging the question.....

What role does the Executive Branch, or Treasury, play in QE?

Feel free to huddle with Vagisil on this....

(smile) Kid is it your assertion that the Treasury Dept would issue all of those bonds without George's or Obambi's authorizations ?

I own you kid.


Treasury auctions treasury instruments to cover operations of the Federal Government......that has NOTHING to do with QE.....and with respect to primary markets, it doesn't have anything to do with the FED either.......

and it doesn't do so at the say so of the Executive Branch....

damn, are you people fucking stupid.....you cast two votes for Scrub, didn't you?

Yes or no.

The Treasury Dept which is a part of the Executive Branch can issue Bonds WITHOUT the knowledge or the of the ok of said Branch?

Yes or no kid.

The Treasury issues bonds to meet the obligations consequent the Congressional appropriations process.....

Now why don't you desist in this amateurish bluffing and either answer the question, or get back to exchanging reacharounds with Vagisil....

Good finally you admit the Executive Branche's duplicity in this.

Now , if the Executive Branch gave no authorizations of said Bonds.....why would the Fed buy such Bonds?

Where did the 85 Billion a month for 7 years go?

once again.

The Treasury holds auctions for the purpose of funding government.....it does NOT do so at the discretion of POTUS....

The Federal Reserve operates INDEPENDENTLY of the Executive Branch, and has jurisdiction over monetary policy...

QE is a policy of the Federal Reserve.....

Read, learn, and sit on your hands...

FRB: Monetary Policy
Bush raised the debt 4.8 Trillion to 10.8 trillion and you libs bitched non-stop. Your guys spends another 8 trillion and tops our debt over 18 Trillion with a year left in his administration and you want to blame Bush. Your guy is the worst POTUS in history. There is nothing structured about the debt. You libs are going to get credit for your bad policies in the coming election.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You're a fucking simpleton....

Scrub was bequeathed a surplus along with cumulative projected surpluses exceeding 5 trillion over the coming decade....

In the wake of his disastrous reign, we had the largest deficit on record and the CBO was projecting a cumulative deficit to follow in excess of 5 trillion.....when the scale of the Great Recession became apparent, that rose to 8 trillion.....

in short, the worst POTUS of the modern era effected a newt swing approaching 18 trillion.......to the bad....

Talk to CBS. National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush

Even they know you are a liberal kool-aid sucking jerkoff. Do you want to go into what caused the Housing Bubble? You Dems and your shit policies are going out the door. You can take you opinion and your blame Bush bullshit with you on your way out the door. The man made one mistake in Iraq while you guy launched most of the Middle East into war. We will be fighting there again because of the jackass in the Oval Office and you douchebags still want to blame Bush. The last 7 years are on you shitheads.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What DOESN'T the headline say?

It doesn't say "Obama has added more debt", does it?

Do you have any idea what a "structural deficit" is?

You are the one who doesn't have a clue. Both the base( structural) and the cyclical deficit increased under Obama. While Bush expanded the cyclical budget with war expenditures, Obama has increased both. The budget deficit has increased under Obama because of two issues. The first is that we are spending more and the second is that we had less income to the government.

Finally, you don't seem to understand basic math. Please come back when you understand that 8 trillion is more than 4.9 trillion.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You are ignorant....


Your chart just shows you don't know what you are talking about. Obama has run higher deficits every year and it only shrinks once Republican start putting the brakes on his uncontrolled spending.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
(smile) Kid is it your assertion that the Treasury Dept would issue all of those bonds without George's or Obambi's authorizations ?

I own you kid.


Treasury auctions treasury instruments to cover operations of the Federal Government......that has NOTHING to do with QE.....and with respect to primary markets, it doesn't have anything to do with the FED either.......

and it doesn't do so at the say so of the Executive Branch....

damn, are you people fucking stupid.....you cast two votes for Scrub, didn't you?

Yes or no.

The Treasury Dept which is a part of the Executive Branch can issue Bonds WITHOUT the knowledge or the of the ok of said Branch?

Yes or no kid.

The Treasury issues bonds to meet the obligations consequent the Congressional appropriations process.....

Now why don't you desist in this amateurish bluffing and either answer the question, or get back to exchanging reacharounds with Vagisil....

Good finally you admit the Executive Branche's duplicity in this.

Now , if the Executive Branch gave no authorizations of said Bonds.....why would the Fed buy such Bonds?

Where did the 85 Billion a month for 7 years go?

once again.

The Treasury holds auctions for the purpose of funding government.....it does NOT do so at the discretion of POTUS....

The Federal Reserve operates INDEPENDENTLY of the Executive Branch, and has jurisdiction over monetary policy...

QE is a policy of the Federal Reserve.....

Read, learn, and sit on your hands...

FRB: Monetary Policy

Why run away kid?

DOES the Treasury operate INDEPNDENTLY of the Head of said Department?
Bush's policies were fine. Government statistics often point out to the lowest gas prices since the Bush years or the lowest unemployment since 2008. Fannie Mae collapsed and brought down the economy while democrats were in charge. Democrat Barney Frank told us that Fannie was solvent and doing fine while it was on the verge of collapse. Was Frank a fool or did he intend to let Fannie Mae go down as the biggest October surprise in history. Surprisingly nobody in the mainstream media ever asked him why he told Americans that Fannie was solvent an he sailed away in retirement with his new husband and was never heard from again.

You don't even know what the FCIC is, do you?

Scrub inherited U3 at 4.2 and left it at 8.3

U6 went from 7.4 to 15.1 under Scrub....

In fact, private sector payrolls SHRANK between Feb 1 2001 and Feb 1 2009 for what the WSJ would describe as "the worst jobs record on record"......

There is no redeeming element of his legacy......an unvarnished disaster across the board...

Treasury auctions treasury instruments to cover operations of the Federal Government......that has NOTHING to do with QE.....and with respect to primary markets, it doesn't have anything to do with the FED either.......

and it doesn't do so at the say so of the Executive Branch....

damn, are you people fucking stupid.....you cast two votes for Scrub, didn't you?

Yes or no.

The Treasury Dept which is a part of the Executive Branch can issue Bonds WITHOUT the knowledge or the of the ok of said Branch?

Yes or no kid.

The Treasury issues bonds to meet the obligations consequent the Congressional appropriations process.....

Now why don't you desist in this amateurish bluffing and either answer the question, or get back to exchanging reacharounds with Vagisil....

Good finally you admit the Executive Branche's duplicity in this.

Now , if the Executive Branch gave no authorizations of said Bonds.....why would the Fed buy such Bonds?

Where did the 85 Billion a month for 7 years go?

once again.

The Treasury holds auctions for the purpose of funding government.....it does NOT do so at the discretion of POTUS....

The Federal Reserve operates INDEPENDENTLY of the Executive Branch, and has jurisdiction over monetary policy...

QE is a policy of the Federal Reserve.....

Read, learn, and sit on your hands...

FRB: Monetary Policy

Why run away kid?

DOES the Treasury operate INDEPNDENTLY of the Head of said Department?

You've had your ignorance on this topic addressed....
it is now time for you to tell me what you think Treasury has to do with QE.....

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