Where would you cut federal spending?

If consumers take responsibility for themselves, work, provide, earn... they can still drive consumer spending... consumer spending is not directly tied to taxing the rich and handing out to others... consumer spending is not tied directly to government entitlement handouts...

Take the entitlement checks for what they were/are... a ploy. a tickler... a teaser... and yes, while they extra spending does boost (if it is spent), it is not the only way a boost can happen

You want wealth redistribution... go live in Sherwood Forrest

That's not true. Progressive taxation has been in place for decades and has redistriubted wealth to the middle class through pork spending, military spending, health care spending etc.

Cut all those things, let the rich keep their money and fire all the workers and you would see the American middle class shirk drastically. And since American consumer spending drives the world economy also, the global economy would go into the shitter.

But hey! Oil prices would fall due to low demand!
However, if the government is giving it to the consumers to spend it in the first place, it is hardly a sound economic model for prosperity.

The stimulus checks are, I hope, temporary, but jobs created by federal spending are a keystone to the economy
The stimulus checks are, I hope, temporary, but jobs created by federal spending are a keystone to the economy

Ahh... but entitlement payments to the lazy are not like spending on goods, contracts to build equipment, etc.... but nice try
That's not true. Progressive taxation has been in place for decades and has redistriubted wealth to the middle class through pork spending, military spending, health care spending etc.

Cut all those things, let the rich keep their money and fire all the workers and you would see the American middle class shirk drastically. And since American consumer spending drives the world economy also, the global economy would go into the shitter.

But hey! Oil prices would fall due to low demand!

Ahhh... the typical class warfare rhetoric of an uber-lefty

Acting like if we don't hand out a pittance thru government to buy votes for a certain political party, that everything will collapse like a deck of cards

absolute and complete fear mongering hogwash
That's not true. Progressive taxation has been in place for decades and has redistriubted wealth to the middle class through pork spending, military spending, health care spending etc.

Cut all those things, let the rich keep their money and fire all the workers and you would see the American middle class shirk drastically. And since American consumer spending drives the world economy also, the global economy would go into the shitter.

But hey! Oil prices would fall due to low demand!

I find it frightening that people want to dismantle our military.

I'd cut education.

Well that would provide many foot soldiers for your military... but.. you'd then have to provide healthcare and retirement benefits for these people.. would be more cost effective just to educate these guys..

Without education I'd hazzard a guess that many of these cats would find their way into the prison system.. that would be extremely costly.. but.. the feds could dump them off on the states to pay for... problem solved...
it blows my mind that people would want to cut education in favor more military spending.

what on earth do you think people's purpose on this planet is?

to learn and appreciate or to fight?

good grief.
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Ahhh... the typical class warfare rhetoric of an uber-lefty

Acting like if we don't hand out a pittance thru government to buy votes for a certain political party, that everything will collapse like a deck of cards

absolute and complete fear mongering hogwash

Actually, this is a reality based comment. You interpreting it as "class based," "lefty," or whatever only shows your ignorance of how the system works.
it blows my mind that people would want to cut education in favor more military spending.

what on earth do you think people's purpose on this planet is?

to learn and appreciate or to fight?

good grief.

Hmmm.. Strong Military + Stupid Populace = ?
Actually, this is a reality based comment. You interpreting it as "class based," "lefty," or whatever only shows your ignorance of how the system works.

No... it is a myth based comment, not dealing with reality at all.. typical for extremists from the left
Allie.. I'm a conservative and I cannot agree with cutting education for minors.... too many other wasteful things to cut... many, many more entitlements to take out like stinky garbage
But I don't know the numbers. I'm going to assume that on a national level, we waste more money on the education system.
I think our education system is the most wasteful program we have going.
Really.. at least moms would return to the home where they belong since childcare would be to expensive... but then household incomes will drop as well as there consumer purchasing power.
I think I might start by looking with a critical eye at the over 600,000 vehicles that the various departments in the civilian Federal government currently own.

I supect that might be just a tad wasteful.

And that does not include the 24/364 chauffer staffs the highest ranking officials often have assigned to them, either.
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You know, I think moms already are returning home because child care is so expensive. I see more blue-collar moms in the home today than we saw 20 years ago, in families where prior to the birth of the kids both parents worked. Someone who works 40 hours a week at $7.95, and who has to pay $3/hour for child care for 2 kids, plus gas, plus the time to and from the sitter when she isn't working, plus that lunch hour she isn't working....well, I can tell you right now it doesn't make economic sense.

When I was working for the paper I made $11/hour. I worked 40+ hours a week. My childcare topped out at $1100 one month, and was never below $600. It was insane, and I wouldn't have made it economically if family hadn't flipping SUBSIDIZED me for working. In order for me to work, we had to actually dish out more dough...otherwise, I didn't have enough.

My daughter in law has found the same thing. She intended to go back to work (she was a dept. man. in WalMart) after the birth of the baby...but when the baby was born, they figured it just wasn't worth it. The benefits of her staying home with the baby far outweigh the benefit of making something like $20/day working (net).

Times they are a changing.
You know, I think moms already are returning home because child care is so expensive. I see more blue-collar moms in the home today than we saw 20 years ago, in families where prior to the birth of the kids both parents worked. Someone who works 40 hours a week at $7.95, and who has to pay $3/hour for child care for 2 kids, plus gas, plus the time to and from the sitter when she isn't working, plus that lunch hour she isn't working....well, I can tell you right now it doesn't make economic sense.

When I was working for the paper I made $11/hour. I worked 40+ hours a week. My childcare topped out at $1100 one month, and was never below $600. It was insane, and I wouldn't have made it economically if family hadn't flipping SUBSIDIZED me for working. In order for me to work, we had to actually dish out more dough...otherwise, I didn't have enough.

My daughter in law has found the same thing. She intended to go back to work (she was a dept. man. in WalMart) after the birth of the baby...but when the baby was born, they figured it just wasn't worth it. The benefits of her staying home with the baby far outweigh the benefit of making something like $20/day working (net).

Times they are a changing.

My wife ended up doing the same thing. She was a manager at Goldman Sachs, but ended up quitting that job to stay home. It hurt like hell the first year or two, but gradually my job covered the difference. We were netting like $10-$15k was all, out of $50k + after all the expenses were added up. That was 9 years ago and it was a good choice.

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