Where's my America?

I'm quite aware of the history of my country... the good, the bad and the ugly.
I know I didn't express myself well in my post but it doesn't seem, on a brief re-read that I had asked anyone for a bash America post.
I just heard a tidbit on this mornings news about 'empathy tents' being set up at Berkeley. They're set up in times of trouble or expected strife and woes. These tents are there for the folks full of angst, nervous twitters, depression or just upset a lil bit. You can get a soothing shoulder massage and a bag of goodies with a real sweet note inside.

Are you fucking kidding me?

These aren't first aid tents at an event or on a schoolyard playground, these are for supposedly grown ass people to come get a widdle hug when the world is getting you down. Like your shoelaces just aren't quite the right color.

This really dismays me... among other maniacal and devious crap going on, it sends a terrible message to the younger generation. The people that offer safety pins on their clothing to signal they're a 'safe' person to speak with is they think just like you and won't distress you with 'hate speech' that boils down to anything they don't want to talk about or questions about why they belief what they belief. It infuriates them when they can't come up with answers to simple questions.

No more do you hear the phrases 'get over it' or buck the fuck up' No, now we have huge blocks of people believing they have the only right to free speech. The rest of us get free speech when it matches theirs. This has been true for awhile but it's never been this bad, this blatant and in your face as now. Now we have people starting fires, breaking windows, assaulting people that dare have different ideas as them.

My mom was a democrat, my dad a republican. I loved when some of their friends would be visiting and they'd sometimes get into a wonderful political debate.

That's what it was. Discussion about what was going on in a peaceful but sometimes firey talk. Discussion with people with opposing viewpoints. Can you imagine?

The lunatic left is destroying my country with their vile, disgusting and immature behavior and I despise them for it.

You can't discuss anything or resolve any problems with them so they can all go pound sand as far as I'm concerned
The millennial chilluns is takin' over everywhere. And they want lots of free stuff including college from Bernie.
I just heard a tidbit on this mornings news about 'empathy tents' being set up at Berkeley. They're set up in times of trouble or expected strife and woes. These tents are there for the folks full of angst, nervous twitters, depression or just upset a lil bit. You can get a soothing shoulder massage and a bag of goodies with a real sweet note inside.

Are you fucking kidding me?

These aren't first aid tents at an event or on a schoolyard playground, these are for supposedly grown ass people to come get a widdle hug when the world is getting you down. Like your shoelaces just aren't quite the right color.

This really dismays me... among other maniacal and devious crap going on, it sends a terrible message to the younger generation. The people that offer safety pins on their clothing to signal they're a 'safe' person to speak with is they think just like you and won't distress you with 'hate speech' that boils down to anything they don't want to talk about or questions about why they belief what they belief. It infuriates them when they can't come up with answers to simple questions.

No more do you hear the phrases 'get over it' or buck the fuck up' No, now we have huge blocks of people believing they have the only right to free speech. The rest of us get free speech when it matches theirs. This has been true for awhile but it's never been this bad, this blatant and in your face as now. Now we have people starting fires, breaking windows, assaulting people that dare have different ideas as them.

My mom was a democrat, my dad a republican. I loved when some of their friends would be visiting and they'd sometimes get into a wonderful political debate.

That's what it was. Discussion about what was going on in a peaceful but sometimes firey talk. Discussion with people with opposing viewpoints. Can you imagine?

The lunatic left is destroying my country with their vile, disgusting and immature behavior and I despise them for it.

You can't discuss anything or resolve any problems with them so they can all go pound sand as far as I'm concerned
Intellectual Pedophiles Mind-Raping Willing Student Boytoys

This chaos derives from institutions both "sides" are brainwashed to support. Despite the propaganda about it being a Golden Opportunity, college means nothing more than work without pay. In college, you live like a child and you wind up with the mind of a child.
I just heard a tidbit on this mornings news about 'empathy tents' being set up at Berkeley. They're set up in times of trouble or expected strife and woes. These tents are there for the folks full of angst, nervous twitters, depression or just upset a lil bit. You can get a soothing shoulder massage and a bag of goodies with a real sweet note inside.

Are you fucking kidding me?

These aren't first aid tents at an event or on a schoolyard playground, these are for supposedly grown ass people to come get a widdle hug when the world is getting you down. Like your shoelaces just aren't quite the right color.

This really dismays me... among other maniacal and devious crap going on, it sends a terrible message to the younger generation. The people that offer safety pins on their clothing to signal they're a 'safe' person to speak with is they think just like you and won't distress you with 'hate speech' that boils down to anything they don't want to talk about or questions about why they belief what they belief. It infuriates them when they can't come up with answers to simple questions.

No more do you hear the phrases 'get over it' or buck the fuck up' No, now we have huge blocks of people believing they have the only right to free speech. The rest of us get free speech when it matches theirs. This has been true for awhile but it's never been this bad, this blatant and in your face as now. Now we have people starting fires, breaking windows, assaulting people that dare have different ideas as them.

My mom was a democrat, my dad a republican. I loved when some of their friends would be visiting and they'd sometimes get into a wonderful political debate.

That's what it was. Discussion about what was going on in a peaceful but sometimes firey talk. Discussion with people with opposing viewpoints. Can you imagine?

The lunatic left is destroying my country with their vile, disgusting and immature behavior and I despise them for it.

You can't discuss anything or resolve any problems with them so they can all go pound sand as far as I'm concerned
The millennial chilluns is takin' over everywhere. And they want lots of free stuff including college from Bernie.
That's funny, all my millennial kids have jobs and support themselves..
This local counsel place(the court uses them for drug and alcohol counseling) has started to do a free "adult transition" class. For people ages 16-25 to transition to adulthood because they know how hard it is.
I don't understand it, really. Transitioning wasn't hard for me. I just got my own toilet paper and wiped my own ass.
My local tax dollars are supporting classes for people to learn how to wake up on time and pay their bills on the right day.
Ridiculous. This generation is a bunch of dumb, entitled pussies.

Somebody's got to do it. :dunno:

I say it's better than nothing at all.
This local counsel place(the court uses them for drug and alcohol counseling) has started to do a free "adult transition" class. For people ages 16-25 to transition to adulthood because they know how hard it is.
I don't understand it, really. Transitioning wasn't hard for me. I just got my own toilet paper and wiped my own ass.
My local tax dollars are supporting classes for people to learn how to wake up on time and pay their bills on the right day.
Ridiculous. This generation is a bunch of dumb, entitled pussies.

Somebody's got to do it. :dunno:

I say it's better than nothing at all.
My point is that someone actually needs it
This local counsel place(the court uses them for drug and alcohol counseling) has started to do a free "adult transition" class. For people ages 16-25 to transition to adulthood because they know how hard it is.
I don't understand it, really. Transitioning wasn't hard for me. I just got my own toilet paper and wiped my own ass.
My local tax dollars are supporting classes for people to learn how to wake up on time and pay their bills on the right day.
Ridiculous. This generation is a bunch of dumb, entitled pussies.

Somebody's got to do it. :dunno:

I say it's better than nothing at all.
My point is that someone actually needs it

At least something's getting done about it.

That's what parents are for, though.
This local counsel place(the court uses them for drug and alcohol counseling) has started to do a free "adult transition" class. For people ages 16-25 to transition to adulthood because they know how hard it is.
I don't understand it, really. Transitioning wasn't hard for me. I just got my own toilet paper and wiped my own ass.
My local tax dollars are supporting classes for people to learn how to wake up on time and pay their bills on the right day.
Ridiculous. This generation is a bunch of dumb, entitled pussies.

Somebody's got to do it. :dunno:

I say it's better than nothing at all.
My point is that someone actually needs it

At least something's getting done about it.

That's what parents are for, though.
My thoughts as well
I just heard a tidbit on this mornings news about 'empathy tents' being set up at Berkeley. They're set up in times of trouble or expected strife and woes. These tents are there for the folks full of angst, nervous twitters, depression or just upset a lil bit. You can get a soothing shoulder massage and a bag of goodies with a real sweet note inside.

Are you fucking kidding me?

These aren't first aid tents at an event or on a schoolyard playground, these are for supposedly grown ass people to come get a widdle hug when the world is getting you down. Like your shoelaces just aren't quite the right color.

This really dismays me... among other maniacal and devious crap going on, it sends a terrible message to the younger generation. The people that offer safety pins on their clothing to signal they're a 'safe' person to speak with is they think just like you and won't distress you with 'hate speech' that boils down to anything they don't want to talk about or questions about why they belief what they belief. It infuriates them when they can't come up with answers to simple questions.

No more do you hear the phrases 'get over it' or buck the fuck up' No, now we have huge blocks of people believing they have the only right to free speech. The rest of us get free speech when it matches theirs. This has been true for awhile but it's never been this bad, this blatant and in your face as now. Now we have people starting fires, breaking windows, assaulting people that dare have different ideas as them.

My mom was a democrat, my dad a republican. I loved when some of their friends would be visiting and they'd sometimes get into a wonderful political debate.

That's what it was. Discussion about what was going on in a peaceful but sometimes firey talk. Discussion with people with opposing viewpoints. Can you imagine?

The lunatic left is destroying my country with their vile, disgusting and immature behavior and I despise them for it.

You can't discuss anything or resolve any problems with them so they can all go pound sand as far as I'm concerned
The millennial chilluns is takin' over everywhere. And they want lots of free stuff including college from Bernie.
That's funny, all my millennial kids have jobs and support themselves..
Mine does too, but he became a Marine first, and no one had a safety pin on their uniform.
I just heard a tidbit on this mornings news about 'empathy tents' being set up at Berkeley. They're set up in times of trouble or expected strife and woes. These tents are there for the folks full of angst, nervous twitters, depression or just upset a lil bit. You can get a soothing shoulder massage and a bag of goodies with a real sweet note inside.

Are you fucking kidding me?

These aren't first aid tents at an event or on a schoolyard playground, these are for supposedly grown ass people to come get a widdle hug when the world is getting you down. Like your shoelaces just aren't quite the right color.

This really dismays me... among other maniacal and devious crap going on, it sends a terrible message to the younger generation. The people that offer safety pins on their clothing to signal they're a 'safe' person to speak with is they think just like you and won't distress you with 'hate speech' that boils down to anything they don't want to talk about or questions about why they belief what they belief. It infuriates them when they can't come up with answers to simple questions.

No more do you hear the phrases 'get over it' or buck the fuck up' No, now we have huge blocks of people believing they have the only right to free speech. The rest of us get free speech when it matches theirs. This has been true for awhile but it's never been this bad, this blatant and in your face as now. Now we have people starting fires, breaking windows, assaulting people that dare have different ideas as them.

My mom was a democrat, my dad a republican. I loved when some of their friends would be visiting and they'd sometimes get into a wonderful political debate.

That's what it was. Discussion about what was going on in a peaceful but sometimes firey talk. Discussion with people with opposing viewpoints. Can you imagine?

The lunatic left is destroying my country with their vile, disgusting and immature behavior and I despise them for it.

You can't discuss anything or resolve any problems with them so they can all go pound sand as far as I'm concerned
Needing a hug isn't the end of the Free World as we know it, Deanna.

I never said a hug was, oldlady. I'm all for hugs in the correct time and place. I wrote this early this morn before coffee and ain't terribly impressed with my writing or getting my feeling across, but I still think it's clear I don't believe the actual hug to be a problem in America. It's the bombardment of the idea that you must be safe from any and all disappointments, disagreements or strife of any sort in life. Whoever said life ain't fair and that life can be a bitch were correct and one shouldn't be sheltered like a hothouse rose and given to believe they will never experience a life with no negatives. A healthy dose of reality is a good thing
I can personalize this a bit since I was having quite a morning yesterday and ended up with way too much adrenaline coursing through the old veins. Was ready to pop and certainly could have if one more person had.....
Well, that's neither here nor there, but if a place to decompress prevents some of the screeching and hollering and nose punching that's been going on at Berkeley, it might not be the worst idea. Young people at college age are ALWAYS idealistic ALWAYS have been and ALWAYS will be. Life eventually erodes that, and I do hear the point that perhaps we are encouraging that idealism too much, but expecting them to have the mature outlook of a 40 year old and thinking you can achieve that by "toughening them up" is equally silly. Leave them be, as my old auntie always said.
I just heard a tidbit on this mornings news about 'empathy tents' being set up at Berkeley. They're set up in times of trouble or expected strife and woes. These tents are there for the folks full of angst, nervous twitters, depression or just upset a lil bit. You can get a soothing shoulder massage and a bag of goodies with a real sweet note inside.

Are you fucking kidding me?

These aren't first aid tents at an event or on a schoolyard playground, these are for supposedly grown ass people to come get a widdle hug when the world is getting you down. Like your shoelaces just aren't quite the right color.

This really dismays me... among other maniacal and devious crap going on, it sends a terrible message to the younger generation. The people that offer safety pins on their clothing to signal they're a 'safe' person to speak with is they think just like you and won't distress you with 'hate speech' that boils down to anything they don't want to talk about or questions about why they belief what they belief. It infuriates them when they can't come up with answers to simple questions.

No more do you hear the phrases 'get over it' or buck the fuck up' No, now we have huge blocks of people believing they have the only right to free speech. The rest of us get free speech when it matches theirs. This has been true for awhile but it's never been this bad, this blatant and in your face as now. Now we have people starting fires, breaking windows, assaulting people that dare have different ideas as them.

My mom was a democrat, my dad a republican. I loved when some of their friends would be visiting and they'd sometimes get into a wonderful political debate.

That's what it was. Discussion about what was going on in a peaceful but sometimes firey talk. Discussion with people with opposing viewpoints. Can you imagine?

The lunatic left is destroying my country with their vile, disgusting and immature behavior and I despise them for it.

You can't discuss anything or resolve any problems with them so they can all go pound sand as far as I'm concerned
The millennial chilluns is takin' over everywhere. And they want lots of free stuff including college from Bernie.
That's funny, all my millennial kids have jobs and support themselves..
Mine does too, but he became a Marine first, and no one had a safety pin on their uniform.
My eldest went in the Air force, broke a tradition of Army service back to the Civil War in our family..
I just heard a tidbit on this mornings news about 'empathy tents' being set up at Berkeley. They're set up in times of trouble or expected strife and woes. These tents are there for the folks full of angst, nervous twitters, depression or just upset a lil bit. You can get a soothing shoulder massage and a bag of goodies with a real sweet note inside.

Are you fucking kidding me?

These aren't first aid tents at an event or on a schoolyard playground, these are for supposedly grown ass people to come get a widdle hug when the world is getting you down. Like your shoelaces just aren't quite the right color.

This really dismays me... among other maniacal and devious crap going on, it sends a terrible message to the younger generation. The people that offer safety pins on their clothing to signal they're a 'safe' person to speak with is they think just like you and won't distress you with 'hate speech' that boils down to anything they don't want to talk about or questions about why they belief what they belief. It infuriates them when they can't come up with answers to simple questions.

No more do you hear the phrases 'get over it' or buck the fuck up' No, now we have huge blocks of people believing they have the only right to free speech. The rest of us get free speech when it matches theirs. This has been true for awhile but it's never been this bad, this blatant and in your face as now. Now we have people starting fires, breaking windows, assaulting people that dare have different ideas as them.

My mom was a democrat, my dad a republican. I loved when some of their friends would be visiting and they'd sometimes get into a wonderful political debate.

That's what it was. Discussion about what was going on in a peaceful but sometimes firey talk. Discussion with people with opposing viewpoints. Can you imagine?

The lunatic left is destroying my country with their vile, disgusting and immature behavior and I despise them for it.

You can't discuss anything or resolve any problems with them so they can all go pound sand as far as I'm concerned
Needing a hug isn't the end of the Free World as we know it, Deanna.

I never said a hug was, oldlady. I'm all for hugs in the correct time and place. I wrote this early this morn before coffee and ain't terribly impressed with my writing or getting my feeling across, but I still think it's clear I don't believe the actual hug to be a problem in America. It's the bombardment of the idea that you must be safe from any and all disappointments, disagreements or strife of any sort in life. Whoever said life ain't fair and that life can be a bitch were correct and one shouldn't be sheltered like a hothouse rose and given to believe they will never experience a life with no negatives. A healthy dose of reality is a good thing
I can personalize this a bit since I was having quite a morning yesterday and ended up with way too much adrenaline coursing through the old veins. Was ready to pop and certainly could have if one more person had.....
Well, that's neither here nor there, but if a place to decompress prevents some of the screeching and hollering and nose punching that's been going on at Berkeley, it might not be the worst idea. Young people at college age are ALWAYS idealistic ALWAYS have been and ALWAYS will be. Life eventually erodes that, and I do hear the point that perhaps we are encouraging that idealism too much, but expecting them to have the mature outlook of a 40 year old and thinking you can achieve that by "toughening them up" is equally silly. Leave them be, as my old auntie always said.
My 15 year old is going through the stage of wanting to save the world, just like I did...
I just heard a tidbit on this mornings news about 'empathy tents' being set up at Berkeley. They're set up in times of trouble or expected strife and woes. These tents are there for the folks full of angst, nervous twitters, depression or just upset a lil bit. You can get a soothing shoulder massage and a bag of goodies with a real sweet note inside.

Are you fucking kidding me?

These aren't first aid tents at an event or on a schoolyard playground, these are for supposedly grown ass people to come get a widdle hug when the world is getting you down. Like your shoelaces just aren't quite the right color.

This really dismays me... among other maniacal and devious crap going on, it sends a terrible message to the younger generation. The people that offer safety pins on their clothing to signal they're a 'safe' person to speak with is they think just like you and won't distress you with 'hate speech' that boils down to anything they don't want to talk about or questions about why they belief what they belief. It infuriates them when they can't come up with answers to simple questions.

No more do you hear the phrases 'get over it' or buck the fuck up' No, now we have huge blocks of people believing they have the only right to free speech. The rest of us get free speech when it matches theirs. This has been true for awhile but it's never been this bad, this blatant and in your face as now. Now we have people starting fires, breaking windows, assaulting people that dare have different ideas as them.

My mom was a democrat, my dad a republican. I loved when some of their friends would be visiting and they'd sometimes get into a wonderful political debate.

That's what it was. Discussion about what was going on in a peaceful but sometimes firey talk. Discussion with people with opposing viewpoints. Can you imagine?

The lunatic left is destroying my country with their vile, disgusting and immature behavior and I despise them for it.

You can't discuss anything or resolve any problems with them so they can all go pound sand as far as I'm concerned
Needing a hug isn't the end of the Free World as we know it, Deanna.

I never said a hug was, oldlady. I'm all for hugs in the correct time and place. I wrote this early this morn before coffee and ain't terribly impressed with my writing or getting my feeling across, but I still think it's clear I don't believe the actual hug to be a problem in America. It's the bombardment of the idea that you must be safe from any and all disappointments, disagreements or strife of any sort in life. Whoever said life ain't fair and that life can be a bitch were correct and one shouldn't be sheltered like a hothouse rose and given to believe they will never experience a life with no negatives. A healthy dose of reality is a good thing
I can personalize this a bit since I was having quite a morning yesterday and ended up with way too much adrenaline coursing through the old veins. Was ready to pop and certainly could have if one more person had.....
Well, that's neither here nor there, but if a place to decompress prevents some of the screeching and hollering and nose punching that's been going on at Berkeley, it might not be the worst idea. Young people at college age are ALWAYS idealistic ALWAYS have been and ALWAYS will be. Life eventually erodes that, and I do hear the point that perhaps we are encouraging that idealism too much, but expecting them to have the mature outlook of a 40 year old and thinking you can achieve that by "toughening them up" is equally silly. Leave them be, as my old auntie always said.
My 15 year old is going through the stage of wanting to save the world, just like I did...
You should be proud that the right things "rubbed off." Mine did the same, and went in the service for that reason and then became a firefighter and then a corrections officer at a super max. That and the fact he's an adrenaline junky.
I just heard a tidbit on this mornings news about 'empathy tents' being set up at Berkeley. They're set up in times of trouble or expected strife and woes. These tents are there for the folks full of angst, nervous twitters, depression or just upset a lil bit. You can get a soothing shoulder massage and a bag of goodies with a real sweet note inside.

Are you fucking kidding me?

These aren't first aid tents at an event or on a schoolyard playground, these are for supposedly grown ass people to come get a widdle hug when the world is getting you down. Like your shoelaces just aren't quite the right color.

This really dismays me... among other maniacal and devious crap going on, it sends a terrible message to the younger generation. The people that offer safety pins on their clothing to signal they're a 'safe' person to speak with is they think just like you and won't distress you with 'hate speech' that boils down to anything they don't want to talk about or questions about why they belief what they belief. It infuriates them when they can't come up with answers to simple questions.

No more do you hear the phrases 'get over it' or buck the fuck up' No, now we have huge blocks of people believing they have the only right to free speech. The rest of us get free speech when it matches theirs. This has been true for awhile but it's never been this bad, this blatant and in your face as now. Now we have people starting fires, breaking windows, assaulting people that dare have different ideas as them.

My mom was a democrat, my dad a republican. I loved when some of their friends would be visiting and they'd sometimes get into a wonderful political debate.

That's what it was. Discussion about what was going on in a peaceful but sometimes firey talk. Discussion with people with opposing viewpoints. Can you imagine?

The lunatic left is destroying my country with their vile, disgusting and immature behavior and I despise them for it.

You can't discuss anything or resolve any problems with them so they can all go pound sand as far as I'm concerned

You see a very tiny group of people doing something and equate it to the apocalypse. Hyperbole.

Count up all the people using your 'tents of terror' or whatever it is you want to call them and compare that number to 320 million. You'll see the worms are eating into your brain for no reason.

You are losing your shit because some people like to hug. Does that seem rational to you?
I just heard a tidbit on this mornings news about 'empathy tents' being set up at Berkeley. They're set up in times of trouble or expected strife and woes. These tents are there for the folks full of angst, nervous twitters, depression or just upset a lil bit. You can get a soothing shoulder massage and a bag of goodies with a real sweet note inside.

Are you fucking kidding me?

These aren't first aid tents at an event or on a schoolyard playground, these are for supposedly grown ass people to come get a widdle hug when the world is getting you down. Like your shoelaces just aren't quite the right color.

This really dismays me... among other maniacal and devious crap going on, it sends a terrible message to the younger generation. The people that offer safety pins on their clothing to signal they're a 'safe' person to speak with is they think just like you and won't distress you with 'hate speech' that boils down to anything they don't want to talk about or questions about why they belief what they belief. It infuriates them when they can't come up with answers to simple questions.

No more do you hear the phrases 'get over it' or buck the fuck up' No, now we have huge blocks of people believing they have the only right to free speech. The rest of us get free speech when it matches theirs. This has been true for awhile but it's never been this bad, this blatant and in your face as now. Now we have people starting fires, breaking windows, assaulting people that dare have different ideas as them.

My mom was a democrat, my dad a republican. I loved when some of their friends would be visiting and they'd sometimes get into a wonderful political debate.

That's what it was. Discussion about what was going on in a peaceful but sometimes firey talk. Discussion with people with opposing viewpoints. Can you imagine?

The lunatic left is destroying my country with their vile, disgusting and immature behavior and I despise them for it.

You can't discuss anything or resolve any problems with them so they can all go pound sand as far as I'm concerned

You see a very tiny group of people doing something and equate it to the apocalypse. Hyperbole.

Count up all the people using your 'tents of terror' or whatever it is you want to call them and compare that number to 320 million. You'll see the worms are eating into your brain for no reason.

You are losing your shit because some people like to hug. Does that seem rational to you?

I seldom lose my shit and damn sure ain't going to over some hugs. Hug a rabid badger for all I give a fuck.

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