Where's My Pizza?

Originally posted by Big D

I wish I had your innocence, living in Iowa where it is 97% white.

If you were to tell me how to grow corn, I would listen because you come from a area that has lots of corn.

In Iowa the black population is 1%,
but the black prison population in 24%.


Moving to Minnesota is a great idea, Minnesota's white population is 95%.

Minnesota's black population is 2%
but it's black prison population is 37%.

Now I used to work in areas of Los Angeles where the black population was over 70%, trust me corn did'nt grow there.
you say used to live....so what the problem..... I said mid-west was the area I was headed back too not any peticular state..as you should know by now your stats mean diddly to me...also I have lived all over this nation and most of the problem that I have seen were caused by oppression..either perseived or factial...by caucasins...you make me ill...
Originally posted by jon_forward
good thoughts WW and Johnney... I was born and raised in the bay area, spent some time in Texas between the age of 7 and 14. from there to Iowa..home of the HAWKEYES!!! after getting married moved to fla for 4 years or so and than moved back to the midwest.. when faced with a situation I didnt like I moved the family..lock,stock and barrel....lived in Iowa and Minn the last 20 plus years...so I have been there done that... from ghetto to the south...city and farm... you are missing out on having a life...hide behind your fears and phobias.. I have seen riots...North beach in san fran...UCal at berkley... I walked the streets of haight ashberry, chinatown, japantown...the red lite district..oakland fremont, san jose.. I have nothing to fear...I have walked through more than most every see...if you choose to be in LA..that my friend is your choice...but if living there is making you so bitter on living life maybe you should think about relocating to where trees grow, folks know you by your first name and deer are in your yard almost everyday....yes..you are missing out on lots

Here are your own words and these are the places you have been.
Do you think that gives you ANY knowlege in the subject of race?
Injoy the fact that you are nieve about this subject.
Originally posted by Big D
Here are your own words and these are the places you have been.
Do you think that gives you ANY knowlege in the subject of race?
Injoy the fact that you are nieve about this subject.
and you think you ahve knowledge about it? what makes you the subject matter expert? becasue you know the crime stats? big deal
and that thread shows what? you wanted a better life four your family and took the chance? well good for you. alot of people wouldnt be so bold as to take the first step. and in this case, you fixed your situation. im sure everyone wants the same thing.

still the crap you and a few others through around in here is jsut that. every race has criminal, no one can doubt that. who did we blame it on while we had slaves? or before slaves?
by doing this it jsut shows that all you want/ can do is point fingers and assign blame
Originally posted by Johnney
and that thread shows what? you wanted a better life four your family and took the chance? well good for you. alot of people wouldnt be so bold as to take the first step. and in this case, you fixed your situation. im sure everyone wants the same thing.

still the crap you and a few others through around in here is jsut that. every race has criminal, no one can doubt that. who did we blame it on while we had slaves? or before slaves?
by doing this it jsut shows that all you want/ can do is point fingers and assign blame

Crime is blamed on who ever is commiting it.
Sure every group has there criminal element, but with black that element is extreamly higher.

My point is,
In your state of Iowa you only have 1% of a black population, blacks are 27% of your prison population.
27% is just the amount of blacks who have been caught and convicted, I would estimate that the 1% of blacks you have in Iowa commit almost half of all the crime in your state.
How do you think the area you live in would change if it became 30 or 40% black?
why dont you just worry about your backyard and we will worry about ours. as for your continueing stats and numbers you claim support your views I say BULLSHIT to your numbers..I have not lived a sheltered life away from all that ails this country. I have found that when I respect folks they show it back....having lived all over creation does give one a better insight to what goes on...I have no problem with folks of any country living here[legally] that IS the AMERICAN way like it or lump it...if you want to change this country soo badly start your own somewhere ...if the local native population will except a person DIFFERENT then themselves.
Originally posted by jon_forward
why dont you just worry about your backyard and we will worry about ours. as for your continueing stats and numbers you claim support your views I say BULLSHIT to your numbers..I have not lived a sheltered life away from all that ails this country. I have found that when I respect folks they show it back....having lived all over creation does give one a better insight to what goes on...I have no problem with folks of any country living here[legally] that IS the AMERICAN way like it or lump it...if you want to change this country soo badly start your own somewhere ...if the local native population will except a person DIFFERENT then themselves.

You are a joke,
You write how you are from the getto, give me a break, what getto. The getto you lived in San Franciso when you were seven?

I know your type very well, you would be the first to run.
who ran?? you moved to the state that shares your warped views of the world. where did I say I lived in a ghetto? you are good at inserting words I never spoke. I have no reason to run, I have no reason to fear...a stanger to me is only a friend I have not met...fear controls you and your life...
Originally posted by jon_forward
good thoughts WW and Johnney... I was born and raised in the bay area, spent some time in Texas between the age of 7 and 14. from there to Iowa..home of the HAWKEYES!!! after getting married moved to fla for 4 years or so and than moved back to the midwest.. when faced with a situation I didnt like I moved the family..lock,stock and barrel....lived in Iowa and Minn the last 20 plus years...so I have been there done that... from ghetto to the south...city and farm... you are missing out on having a life...hide behind your fears and phobias.. I have seen riots...North beach in san fran...UCal at berkley... I walked the streets of haight ashberry, chinatown, japantown...the red lite district..oakland fremont, san jose.. I have nothing to fear...I have walked through more than most every see...if you choose to be in LA..that my friend is your choice...but if living there is making you so bitter on living life maybe you should think about relocating to where trees grow, folks know you by your first name and deer are in your yard almost everyday....yes..you are missing out on lots

If you are going to lie again, at least remember your lie.
If you are going to accuse someone of lying, you'd better be able to prove it.

You haven't. But then again, we all know your capacity for factual understanding is rather distorted.
I dont consider walking through a ghetto as living there...as I have told you before ONE MORE TIME I do not lie.....have no reason to. If you cant do any better then this you need to find something else to waste your time on... your view is flawed and biased...admit it and get some help with it... my guess is your family would like you better if you did...
Originally posted by jon_forward
the last 20 plus years...so I have been there done that... from ghetto to the south...city and farm... you are missing out on having a life...

Am I reading this wrong, Is Jon not saying he is from the Getto?
He said been there done that.

Not lived in.

Seems to me you could characterize your own experiences "in the Ghetto" as been there done that.

You are really grasping if your only way to refute jon is to call him a liar based on that quote.
Originally posted by jon_forward
I dont consider walking through a ghetto as living there...

WOW, Jon you walked through a ghetto, you must tell us all about it.

Where was this ghetto?
Did you talk to any people in the ghetto?
Did you take pictures?
I am really glad Big D got himself into a little family compound in Idaho so he is unable to poison a larger community with his hatred.

As much as you and I disagree, you got to admit Jon saying he once walked through a ghetto is pretty funny.
Originally posted by wonderwench
I am really glad Big D got himself into a little family compound in Idaho so he is unable to poison a larger community with his hatred.

You want to see some compounds go to Los Angeles, there the whites have private gated community's with there own security guards.
Originally posted by Big D

As much as you and I disagree, you got to admit Jon saying he once walked through a ghetto is pretty funny.

That is not what he said - he said that walking through a ghetto is not the same as living in one. You have no idea how many times or in what context he has "walked through" a ghetto.

You jumped to the conclusion that it was once. That's your problem. Not his.
Originally posted by wonderwench
That is not what he said - he said that walking through a ghetto is not the same as living in one. You have no idea how many times or in what context he has "walked through" a ghetto.

You jumped to the conclusion that it was once. That's your problem. Not his.

Fair enough,

We will wait for Jon to tell us about his ghetto experience

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