Where's the 1.5 Trillion Biden got for Covid?

847 million covid tests administered at no cost to the consumers.

63,851,000 American treated for covid at no costs to consumers

865,000 deaths, 365,000 of which happened in 2022. Deaths are approximately 10% of hospitalizations, which indicates that more than 3.5 million Americans have been hospitalized for covid, at taxpayers expense.

All American schools reopened this fall in the USA with schools being provided with funds to upgrade testing, ventillation systems, social distancing, and other upgrades to keep children and staff safe.

Covid Relief funds to American families: Child Tax Benefits, Restaurant Rescue Plan.

And that's just off the top of my head. It's all posted on the White House webpage.

All American schools reopened this fall in the USA

You are once again a lying sack of KKKanadian dogshit. I really feel like at this point I need to apologize to dogshit.


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