Whether or not this is Obama's Fault...

U.S. schools in ?category 5? budget crisis - Education- msnbc.com

^He is going to start Feeling it from those Teachers who are going to be Jobless when his Party is up for Election this Fall...

And if it Continues into 2012, he is a One-Term President.

He can't Lose this Vote... If Loses the Teachers his Party may Suffer for Decades.



He will be a one term president no matter what happens.

I said the same thing about Bush.
They are not all as stupid as you.


Excellent Counter to Reality...

You tell those Teachers in KC where half the Schools are going to Close how Stupid they are when "Hope and Change" has them Collecting Unemployment.


U.S. schools in ?category 5? budget crisis - Education- msnbc.com

^He is going to start Feeling it from those Teachers who are going to be Jobless when his Party is up for Election this Fall...

And if it Continues into 2012, he is a One-Term President.

He can't Lose this Vote... If Loses the Teachers his Party may Suffer for Decades.



He will be a one term president no matter what happens.

I said the same thing about Bush.

Economy was what?... Growing at about 3%... Unemployment was what?... 5-6%?...

Why would he Lose his Job?

Iraq?... Nope... Cause it wasn't Nam... ALL Volunteer... Re-re-re-re-re-Uping to go back to Iraq.

No Matter how much the Left wanted to Vietnam Iraq, they Failed...

But now they take Credit for the Success of the Surge that they Opposed.



They are not all as stupid as you.


Excellent Counter to Reality...

You tell those Teachers in KC where half the Schools are going to Close how Stupid they are when "Hope and Change" has them Collecting Unemployment.



If you really think that is Obama's fault, well Truthmatters might be right. ;)

Obviously I don't... This Ship has been Crashing for Longer than 2008/2009...

But Perception is ALL that Matters in Politics, and the Guy in Power ALWAYS gets the Blame or Credit...

Mass Teacher Layoffs will Destroy his Party this Fall and his Presidency in 2012.


Doesn't Matter if it's his Fault... It's a Reality.


It is Obama's fault, 5 years in the most powerful positions and what has Obama done. 5 years of chance for change and Obama did what.

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